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TWO THE PENS ACOLA JOURNAL, SATURDTY MORNING. AFRIL 17, 1920 PALESTINE TO EfiPROVE LANDS RECLAMATION PLANS ARE OUT LINED TO ZIONIST ORGANIZA TION BY FORESTRY EXPERTS. New York, April 16. Palestine's population capacity could easily be greatly increased by improving the lnads now unsuitable for colonization, accorlins to Prof. E. Kern, noted Russian forestry, expert, in a state ment prepared in Petrograd and issued by the Zionist Organization of Amer ica tcday. Prcf. Kern points out that if Pales tine's population of 600,000 were doubled, the present density of pop illation of 13 per square kilometre would then only equal that of Euro pean Russian and would be almost 10 times less than the density of popuia tion of Belgium. "By checking the sandy, hills on the coast, draining the swamps, fixing the shifting ravines, regulating the moun tain streams, re-establishing the de stroyed terraces and building up new ones, the present untenable lands may be transformed into very valuable estates," he declared. "The carrying out cf the above works will both Im prove, hygienic conditions and help to restore a regular water supply, in aa dition to increasing vastly the pop ulatlfn capacity of the country." Prcf. Kern, who achieved an inter- natioaal reputation by his sylvi-cul tural work for the old Russian gov- ernment by whom he was frequently sent to other countries, advocates a complete afforestration program for Palestine, not only to improve the land, "but to establish the basket making and paper industries, both of which he claims have great possibili ties in the Holy Land. "Nurseries of willows suitable for baskc t-making, should be laid out and planted at once," Prof. Kern said. "Basket-making will prove to be a profitable home industry, as willow baskets are better than anything else to ship fruit in and Palestine will have a large fruit industry. It is very es eential therefore that a school of basket-making be started at once." He also urges the cultivation of -the Algerian "Alfa" grass for the fixation of the drafting sand3 and also as a raw material for the paper-making Industry. Prcf. Kern expects the afforestation program to be put into effect in a tshort while through the $10,000,000 Palestine Restoration Fund, which the Zionist Organization of America is raising in non-sectarian campaigns throughout the United States. Because of the urgency of the work of pre paring Palestine as soon as possible to absorb the vast mass-migration which wilL come to it as soon aa th British mandate is established, he advised the immediate establishment of a School of Forestry, with a one year'n course, to prepare expert for esters, to aid in carrying out the pro posed work. "Tl 9- edar trees which still stand on the slopes of Lebanon must be pre serve! as a natural treasure," he con eluded, "for in all the reconstruction wor kplanned in the Holy Land, the spots made sacred by their historical and religious connection, will be touched." MRS. R. A. IIYER'S TEA R0O5I and DELICATESSEN Home Cooking 211 V. Cervantes St. Phone 64 for Reservations. No. 1 Continued From Page One. ship building companies have made free use of the navy's facilities for im proving the shapes and lines of their vessels, and some merftion of the Naval Experimental and Research Laboratory at Annapolis, which al though primarily for naval use, has given to the country much valuable infornation on engineering subjects generally. No more valuable studies of scien tific problems have ever been made in this country under government aus pices than those made prior to and during the war by the Naval Consult ing Board, of which Thomas A. Edi son was the chairman. This board still is in existence and may be called Into the service of the government at any time there arises a difficult prob lem in either the peace work or the war activities of the navy. With the return of stable conditions throughout the world we shall be ready to take up again and upon a larger scale the works of exploration and discovery which in the past have been so large a part of the American navy's daily task. In the days to come Amerr lean vessels will sail every sea, chart every river and the nation will see its flag floating above commerce laden ships in every harbor. The DODulation of the Azores is about 245,000, the number of its in habitants having changed but little in the last century, and, if anything, hav ing diminished. A. E. Rice Piano Polisher 1021 9th Ave. Phone 558 L. E. NOBLES & CO. Agenu Hart Schaffner & Marx and Kirschbaum Suits LOANS OX HOMES Also Liberty Bonds, State, County and City Bonds. Pensacola Home & Savings Association 10 Palafox St. Phone 292 EVERLASTING FABRICS CO. Pensacola's Representative Store We Recommend ROYAL TRIBUTES and LaRAMA CIGARS Mild Havana Blend The Heinberg Company Distributors Take - Dyspepsia Tablet Before and A r h-?3 Each Meal. J 25e BOX THE CRYSTAL PHARMACY NORTHUP & WOOD FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Ambulance Service Day or Night Phones 59, 55 or 56 Offiee 12 end 14 W. Intendeeeta St. SPORTS COAT IN TWO PARTS IS PARIS FAVORITE BY CORA MOORE, New York. Separate coats are unusually interesting this year, combining as they do a very cer tain chic with a distinctly prac tical appeal. The new sport coats claim most interest. Hera is a model adapted from a Bernard (Paris) importa tion of rust-color tricotine with tan and rust-checked broadcloth used in the roll-back cuffs, in the .belt and tabs and in edging in the collar. The coat is in two parts, the top part being plain, fasten ing blindly up the center front. The skirt portion is moderately full and gathered all around, then it is attached to the top portion with a little less fullness across the front than at the sides and back. The hat is a little turban shape of rust-colored taffeta with black wings arranged to form a peaked crown, the accenting note to the costume. ROBERTS TELLS ABOUT DIPPING INSISTS PRACTICE HAS PROVED VALUE OF DIPPING BECAUSE OF DISAPPEARANCE OF FEVER. Edward Roberts), who lives on Route 2, believes the agitation against the com pulsory dipping law is ill-timed and bad business. Dipping, he says, has proved to be beneficial because cattle fever has practically disappeared, the cattle are in better condition, etc. The following . let ter from Mr. Roberts is interesting:: Kditor Pensacola Journal, Dear Sir: I would like ta state my views on cattle dipping. I have just read a very amusing article on this subject in to day's Journal by Mr. C. C. Keyser. He is evidently as well posted on dipping cattle as a certain candidate who de clares he found acid in the dipping so lution but failed to ten us what kind of acid and to what extent or how deadly. He probably thought his acid declaration would suffice, especially when made to us "rubes and hill billies." Mr. Keyser says he believes the law was fostered by tHe packing house in terests and that a candidate favoring it would fail to get a vote among cattle owners except those of the hirelings of the bunch who passed it. He hereby arraignes the majority of the voters who voted on the tick eradication election in this county, as hirelings of the beef trust, as it was by this means we ob tained the law. Mr. Keyser is also opposed to univer sal dipping. Says the fluid often kills cattle and that wild animals raise ticks. Universal dipping necessary, due to the roving nature of cattle and to the numberless excuses it eliminates. I live In the country and am next door neighbor to a dipping vat. And would like to state right here that I am one of the "hirelings' who helped to make the law possfble. The fluid in our vat is carefully tested for consistency each dipping day before a cow is permitted to enter it. I have seen hundreds of cattle dipped and never saw a fatality trace able to an unbalanced fluid. But peo ple who do not see these things are apt to be misled by such statements as Mr. Keyser' s. The cattle on our ranges are in better condition now than ever before at this time of year as a result of one years' dipping. And as to wild animals and ticks, I only have this to say, the au thorities, both federal and state, are fiehtintr what is specifically termed cat tle ticks. Those on coons, skunks and goats seem to differ slightly from cattle ticks. Would you try to disprove tre yellow fever theory by saying that all mosquitoes are aime: xne reraemoer that consistency, thou art, indeed, a HOME PRODUCTS STILL TAKEN BY OFFICERS Capturing two shinny factories and destroying over 200 gallons of beer and taking a small quantity of the fin ished product was the result of efforts of Deputies Black and Baylls, of the sheriffs office yesterday. The still was found in "West Pensacola in the home of John Patton, a negro living alone who la about 65 years of age. The stills were indoor affairs, both of them being worked from a large fireplace and each of them holding be tween 15 and 20 gallons. The negro was taken to the county Jail and charged with having and making rum. Children Who Are Pale and Weak Need a good Quinine and Iron Tonic GROVE'S TASTEL.F.SS chill TONIG purifies and enriches the blood and builds up the whale system. A Gener al Strengthening Tonic for Adults and Children. 60c. Adv. jewel. I have seen cattle die of fever. literally covered with ticks. I have seen our ranges dotted with the carcasses of such cattle but this Spring I have looked in vain iqt sucn results. I have asea my neighbors who are all cattle owners where I might find such a carcass and have received nothing but a negative reply. The question then would naturally arise in the reader's mind, whv are the cattle owners opposed to it? The cattle o-iers who are opposed to the diooing law are comparatively few and for various reasons, skepticism being the greatest stumbling block. Just as some people refuse to accept the hook worm theory and others refuse to admit that the world is round, so, also, some prefer ticks to cattle. Tours respectfully, EDWARD ROBERTS. Stomach ills permanently disappear after drinking 1&4 celebrated Sairar Mineral Water. Positively guaranteed by money-back offer. Tastes 5r.e; costs a trifle. Delivered anywhere by me Persacola Agents, West florid Gvf Mr Co, 1'houa thaw Spring Garden Market 200 West Garden St. WESTERN MEATS and GROCERIES MIKE DROSSOS, Proprietor Phone 234 Phone 234 Glasses should keep pace with the changes in your eyes. When fatigue, nervousness and head ache trouble you, it is well to consider their most probable source eye strain. A thorough examination would surely be worth the time it takes, if for nothing more than to set your mind at ease. Consult our Optometrist. WILL C. PIFFENKFEK JEWELER AND OPTICIAN The House of Reliable Goods. 14 South Palafox Street. Snare SATURDAY AND MONDAY SPECIALS n Apples, per doz 50c Lemons, per doz 30c Brookf ield Butter, lb 73c Cheese, lb 30c Nut-Ola, lb 37c Bacon, lb 40c Picnic Hams, lb 25c Maxwell House Coffee, pul verized 3 lb can . ...$1J55 Blue Label Coffee, 3U lb can $1.35 Garden Special Coffee, lb 40c Golden Rio Coffee, lb ...30c Libby's Condensed Milk, large can 22c Tomatoes, No. 1, 3 for . . .25c Tomatoes, No. l1 10c Clipper Peas, No. 1, 2 cans for 25c Corn, No. 2 can 15c Peas, No. 2 can 15c Heinz Peanut Butter, large jar .45c Heinz Relish, large jar ..40c Red Kidney Beans, No. 2 can 20c Hawaiian Pineapple, can .18e Prunes, lb 25c Raisins, per pkg. 20c Dried Apples, pkg 15c Mince Meat, 2 pkgs 25c Uneeda Biscuit, 2 pkgs. . . 15c Octagon Soap, dozen 90c GARDEN CASH GROCERY Garden and Devillier Streets. We Deliver to AH Parts of the City Renet ISlE Bellans Hot wafer. Sure Relief FOR INOIOCSTION, LOCAL NOTICE TO MARINERS. Alabama Mobile Bay Entrance Mobile bar gas buoys Xos. 1, 2, 3. 4. and West Bank g-as buoy gr. reported extinguished April 10, -will be re lighted as soon as practicable. C. & G. S- Charts, Nor. 188, 189, 1115. Light List, Atlantic Coast, 1920, pp. 340. 342, Xos. 1962. 1963. 1964, 1965, 1968. Buoy List, 8th District, 1918, pp. 20, 21. Coast Pilot, Section E, 1918, p. 83. CsJEURALGIA jl i or Headache i V rub the forehead ' and temples with' viens VAR0R1 -YOUR BODYGUARD- - 30t.$Qr.Jk 20 Cuticura Complexions Are Satisfactory You may rely en the Cuticura Trio to care for your complexion. The Soap to cleanse, purify and beautify; the Ointment to soften, soothe and heal redness., rough ness, pimples or other eruptions ; the Tal cum to powder and perfume. They are ideal preparations for all toilet uses. tmmpU Sac Trtm Yr UmSI. AMrm: "OvMmrm wberf . 8oa. 0)lMiiit HOc TaleanSe. .aticrur Soap utm wiuront mi. Ceitral Saraitaury 'l ' Mcafess arket ai FOR TODAY OUR SPECIAL WESTERN BEEF Get another $1.00 Chuck or Rolled , Roast. Ours are the best quality. Our Veal, Pork, Lamb, Fish, etc., are fresh and the jbest to be had. SPECIALS ON SALADS Fruit, Vegetable, Chicken and Potato Salad, Special for Saturday. Freshly Cooked Roast Beef, Ham, Pork, etc. Salami and Kosher Goods always on hand. Central Sanitary Mark! 15 EAST GARDEN ST. Phone 1344 dwards & Petersen S. E. Cor. Davis and DeSoto Sts. Phone 1038 FREE DELIVERY High Grade Goods and 16 Ounces to the Pound. Some of our Every-day Prices Not Only Saturdays and Mondays Oceola Peaches 50c Oversea Baby Peas, 2 for 55c Oversea Spinach, 2 for . .45c Oversea Beets . . . 20c and 25c Oversea Lye Hominy 20c Smilax Corn 15c Surf Rider Pineapple ...20c Pat-a-Cake Flour 30c Potted Ham 5c Wan-E-Ta Cocoa .......10c Quaker Oats, 2 for 25c Package Grits, 2 for 25c Golden Rio Coffee 30c Dime Brand Milk, 2 for . .35c Gonzalez Meal, lb 6c Loose Grits, lb 7c Lard (Compound) 2 lbs. .55c Butter, lb 75c Octagon Soap, 3 for 25c Nabob Catcup 12c Uneeda Biscuit, 3 for. 25c Post Toasties, 2 for 25c Kellogg Corn Flakes 2 for 25c Cream, large 15c small, 2 for 15c Rub-No-More Powder, 6 for 25c Best grade head rice, lb 17 Vc Black Eye Peas, lb 10c Tomatoes, No. 1 cans, 3 for . 25c Lenox Soap 5c Clean-Easy Soap, 2 for ..15c Crystal White, 2 for 15c Lava Soap 7c Fresh Yard Eggs, doz ...50c dwarfs & Petersen We Also Keep Fresh Vegetables and Fruit HP HE steady leader in sales at these X and many other prominent places f is not an expensive, straight Tuxk- ..L. .... .H. hnt lh "mitTIAlltth. 1911 CULOIUC ASIA J fc-., tlVf 14 Turkish" blend, Fatima- s.,. Atlantic Off y Mariboromh-BIenheinl. Hotel Traymoro Mass, otel Toorainot La Sail IhsProof lad. Springs Hptel TT,A. Frmchlide. cA Lick Springs Hptel iriXs Hotel. V mi Hotel Vanderbilt Fren ISewYerk Hotel Aator BUtmors Delmonieo's HiDDodroma McAfoin Hotel Hotel Vanderbilt Palm Bh, K The Breakers. JkOaJelpkia, Pa. Rite-Carlton Hotel BeUevueStratford L St. Louis, Ma. UoUiX y Hotel JefFersoav Washington, D. Ci Capitol Buildinc The Shoreham Tho New. Wiilanfc FATIMA A Sensible Cigarette f SAYEMOMY REMICWS Price, Quality and Quantity Fresh Yard Eggs, guaranteed, Ifls dozen Jvfi National Biscuit Co. package Cakes and "1 crackers, 2 for XtJ O Large Packages j15C Irish Potatoes, 15 lb. O r peck tPXotl Porto Rico Sweet Potatoes, bu. $1.75; Kf peck OxJly Pie Peaches, No. 2 cans 15t Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple No. 2 cans 66c Hawaiian Broken Slices Pineapple, No. 2 cans 2 for 55c Pure Ribbon Cane Syrup, gal, 75c; gal $1.50 Pure Hog Lard, lb 27Vsc California Lima Beans, lb j. 15c Michigan Hand Picked Navy Beans, lb, 11c 9V lbs $1.00 California Black Eye Peas, lb .10c Sandwichola High Class Sandwich Filler, glass . . 15c Chile Con Carne, 4 oz 10c Clipper Tomatoes, No. 1 can, 3 for 25c Sugar Loaf, Extra Pure Peas, No. 1 can, 2 for . 35c Smilax Sugar Corn, No. 1 can .15c Tuna Fish, assorted meat, 7 oz. can 10c Tuna Fish, all white meat, "f oz. can 25c Sardines in Pure Olive Oil, 18c; 2 for 35c Herring, 8 lb net, per kit ...$1.35 Tomatoes, No. 2 cans, 3 cans, 40c; doz $L55 Premier Salad Dressing, 2 for J75c Magnolia Milk, can w.20c Pet Evap. Milk, small can, 4 for .25c Pet Evap. Milk; tall can, 15c; doz ,.$1.65 Clipper Early June Peas, No. 1 can, 3 for . .n . ,25c Bak-a-Cake Prepared Cake Flour, pkg to . .25c Pat-a-Cake Prepared Cake Flour, pkg .30c Ballard's Pancake and Buckwheat, pkg 15c Pkg. Grits, 2 for 25c National Oatmeal, 2 for 25c; doz $1.40 French Market Coffee, 3 lbs. net $1.10 Octagon or Fels Naptha Soap, 3 for 25c; doz. . ,95c Borax Washing Powder, 7 pkgs 25c Palm Olive Soap, 10c; doz. $1.10 Don't forget that we sell Overseas, Libby's, Pre mier, Heinz, Beechnut and Welch's Quality Products. Pratt's Poultry and Stock Remedies always on hand. Just received a car load of Swift's high grade Fertilizer. Real China White Cups and Saucers, each 25c Set of six $1.45 White Cups and Saucers, each 20c; set of 6 . .$1.15 Glass Tumblers, 9 oz., 5c; dozen 45c Large gal. Crystal Glass Pitchers, each 60c Brooms 50c to $1.25 J. P. Remidi & Son "The Store That Satisfies" 2016 West Jictson Street Phone 722 We Deliver All Orders Amounting to $3.00 or More in the City. J V (j K