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THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL. THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 22, 1920 THREE i HITHER NURSE GIVES STROM TO HIE IIT RITS OF TADUG "After Taking It With Such Wonderful Re sults I Cannot But Recommend It" Says Mrs. Land. WAS TOLD NOTHING COULD BENEFIT. HER Became So Weak She Could Hardly Walk Up Stairs Feels Splendid and Eats Anything Nov. One of the strongest evidences of the superior merits of Tanlac la the very larg-a number of practical nurses' who have told In no uncertain terms of the benefits they have derived from its use One of the latest to testify Is Mrs. Fannie Land. 211 East Russell street, Columbus, Ohio. Mrs. Land has re sided in Columbus for thirty years, has followed nursing here tor a number of years, and her statement, coming as it does, from one of such wide experi ence in relieving suffering, will be of interest to all who are seeking relief. Following is her statement: "After using Tanlac with such won derful results myself I could not do otherwise than recommend it. I have a nind to say I believe It will help anyone, especially those suffering from indigestion and the many distressing feelings resulting from it. if they will only give it a fair trial. "One thing t do know is that Tan lac has relieved me of a case of Indit gestion that had gotten me to where I was hardly able to go. I was told that I would have to give up nursing, but I am more able to work now than I hive been in years. "At the time I began taking Tanlac I had not been able to eat hardly any thing In three or four years without having trouble with gas forming on my stomach. There was such a pres sure on my heart at times that I could scarcely breathe. I couldn't walk up stairs without stopping two. or three times to get my breath. Many, a night I was so suffocated that I couldn't sleep et all and would toss and roll until I was completely exhausted. I always felt as tired in the mornings as on retiring at night, if not more so My appetite was entirely gone and everything disagreed with me so I actually dreaded to eat anything. Sev eral times, while in the picture show, I have been so overcome with the gas on my stomach that I simply dropped rigfht over and had to be carried home. I was so weakened I couldn't even use a broom or do any of my house clean ing. "It may seem strange that in my pro fession I could find no relief, but all my efforts failed , and my suffering be came so great that I felt like I could not stand It any longer. One day I read a testimonial for Tanlac that de scribed my case so well that It seemed almost like me and right then I made up- my mind to try Tanlac. I had been told that nothing more, could be done for me and was left under the hor rifying impression that I must con tinue to suffer. But Tanlac helped me right from the etart and has proved to be just what I needed. I am Just about through with my third bottle now and have had only one slight at tack of indigestionsince I began tak ing it and that was before I had even finished half . the - first bottle. I am now eating just anything I want at any time, sleep like a child every night, and an looking and feeling better than I have since my trouble started. I had lost seven or eight pounds in weight and while I have not weighed I can tell from the way my clothes fit that I have gained all that Back and several pounds besides. All the thanks, praise and gratitude for my wonderful im provements belong to Tanlac and I wish to recommend it in the highest terms. "Tanlac Is sold In Pensacola by the Crystal Pharmacy. Adv. Miss Bertha Lichten, girls work director, C. S. for the many successful and "en joyable social affairs given. BIT2ER-BORRAS. The marriage of Miss Geraldine Tor othea Borras, youngest daughter of Mrs. J. L. Borras, to Charles G. Bitzer of Mobile, was celebrated at the Lutheran church last evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. J. V. V. Bernhardt performing the im pressive double ring ceremony. The wedding music was played by Mrs. FIinn, organist, and John Lang, violinist. Preceding the ceremony Miss Margaret Wilhemii sang 'O, Promise Me" and Michael DeLustro. "Still Was the Night." Members of the bridal party were: Mrs. Rita Vam, matron-of-honor; Miss Ethel Bitzer of Mobile, and Miss Stella. Rein hardt, bridesmaids. Fred Bitzer of Mo bile, best man; George Bitzer of MobUe, and E. A. Borras, groomsmen, and L. L. Borras and I. Borras. ushers. The little flower girls were: Eunice Kramer and Louise Schettler of Mobile. The bride was given In marriage by her brother, Quintin Borras. Southern Smilax used in profusion with Tink roses converted the church into a lovely seen, suggestive of Springtime, for the eeremony. Directly over the al tar where the nuptial, vows were taken. was suspended a larcre "u formed BAD COUGH; NIGHT SWEATS; LOST WEIGHT Mr. Coleman Come. Thought His Time But --He's Well Now. Had T was taken with a dry. bard cough about 6 months ago. Finally I got so sore across the chest I could hardly breathe: had night sweats so bad everything would be wringing wet, and coughed contin ually until I thought it would kill me. Had no appetite, spent over 1100 on doc tors and medicines, and was worse off than when I started. The first bottle of Milks Emulsion did me more good than all the $100 spent for other treatment. It soon gave me a good appetite, my cough left me, and I have regained the flesh and strength 1 had before I was sick." Arthur Cole man, Box 391, Helena, Ark. Tou need an appetite, a good stom ach, and some real strength if you want to fight off disease. Give Milks Emul sion a trial at Its maker's risk. ifilkd Emulsion is a pleasant, nutri tive food and a corrective medicine. It of restores healthy, natural bowel action, do 4 wtu suspended a large i iormea tu rci.uin .wjj, uuiu wwci bchou, uu lelectric lights in the wedding color tones . ing away with all need of pills and of lavender and pink, with intertwin- pnysics. it promotes appetite and quick lngs of pink roses. .1 ly puts the digestive organs in shape to As the first strains ef the wedding assimilate food. As a builder of flesh march sounded, the two little flower girls and strength. Milks Emulsion is strong entered, wearing dainty ruffled frocks ly recommended to those whom sickness of fine white organdy, their curls held, has weakened, and is a powerful aid in In place with chaplets of lillies-of-the- j resisting and repairing the effects of Valley. They carried Empire baskets , wasting diseases. . Chronic stomach trou- tied with butterfly bows of pink tulle i ble and constipation are promptly le- lieved usually in one day. m Appear At Your Best Instantly If you receive" a sudden caller or an unexpected in vitation you can feci con fident of always appearing at your best In but a few moment it tenders to roar skin a wonderfully pore, oft complexion that is beyond comparison. lT;t!l. MUD Protection When Buying Diamonds It Is essential that you know your jeweler when buying a diamond. Tou are then as sured that you will receive - sincere, trustworthy help in making your selection. Tou have learned that Ele bash's is the shop of quality. Your confidence lias been ' gained through consistent, fine-principled service. Here you choose your dia mond from a very fine stock of mounted and unset stonea You receive the interested attention of diamond ex perts. And your diamond fully represents the amount invested. New Style Cluster Rings $75 to $300. Elebash Jewelry Company Jewelers and Silversmiths ' 112 S. P ALA FOX ST. Member Retail Merchants Association SOCIETY TENNIS CLUB TO MEET THIS EVENING. The Tennis Club meets ai mo wjm- tnunitv Servloe CHib (Array-aavy ims evening at 7:30 o'clock. Members are re quested to be present ana any oinera in terested in the srame. VP ? v? PENSACOLA WINTER CLUB. The Pensacola "Winter Club meets this afternoon at 2 o'clock with Mrs. H. W. Rner hostess at her home, 27 E. Wright it. .... MEETING FORTY-TWO CLUB POSTPONED. ' On account of the illness of the hos tess the regular meeting of the Forty Two Club for Friday, April 23, has been postponed to Friday, April SO. k WOODMEN CIRCLE DANCE. The Woodmen Circle is entertaining with a Benefit dance at the Keyser audi torium this evening at S o'clock. Ladies holding Community Service and K. of C. invitation are cordially invited. McDONALD-STUART." Mrs. Louise Annette Stuart and Cap tain Owen McDonald, both of Brooklyn. N. Y., were quietly united In marriage yesterday morning by Judge Henry P. Bellinger, in the presence of a few in timate friends. Captain and Mrs. Mc Donald are at present stopping at the San Carlos. Captain McDonald expecting to later leave for San Domingo to Join his ship and Mrs. MsDonald to New York where her husband will later join her. & BROWNING-SHAKESPEARE " " . CLUB. '. " The BrownIng-Shaksjeare Club meets this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock with Mrs. J. E. Taylor, hostess 'at her home, 700 N. Alcaniz-st. Mrs. Frank 1). Tracy will be leader for the afternoon. . MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER FOR APRIL BRIDE. ELECT. Mrs. F. E. Commyns and Mrs. Albert Harvey LeDew will be Joint hostesses, entertaining this evening with a miscel laneous shower in honor of Miss Lillian Reily, one of April's sweet bride-elects. it "it- $t GIRLS' COMMUNITY SERVICE DANCE. The dance given by the hostess and other irirl groups of the Community Ser vice Club at the Keyser auditorium on Tuesday evening proved a thoroughly en joyable one, quite a good sum being re alised for the enlarging of athletic ac tivities for girls by the "Community Ser vice Club. Musio was furnished by the Clover Leaf orchestra. The girl groups J of the Community Service have had much 10 ao wiin nits iienuju cvuiiruvuve wurs done by that organization and much credit is due the hostess group especially and ;CJ Artichokes In Cans 40c - Member Retail Merchants Assn. WELCOME Florida Bankers and their Guests Pensacola's Hotel and Pensacolians are at your 3 1. service. ,n San Carlos Hotel Co. Chas B. Hervey President and General Manager. which bridal and filled with pink rose petals they strew in the path of the party. The costumes of the brlday party further reflected the lavender and pink color 'tones of the wedding. .Mrs. vara This is the only solid emulsion made. and so palatable that it is eaten with a spoon like ice cream. No matter how severe your case, you are urged to try Milks Emulsion under matron-of-honor. wore a lovely rown of this guarantee Take six bottles home orchid georgette crepe with crystal trim- I with you, use it according to directions mings and the bridesmaids. Misses Rein-j a if not satisfied with the' results, your hardt and Bitter, wore exquisite Spring money be promptly refunded. Price frocks of pink organdy. Miss Reinhardt s 60c nd Jt 2o per bottle. The Milks ?s lI7mm.ed with, r raffUngs and Kraulsion Co., Terre Haute. Ind. Sold by Miss Bitzer's was designed with a white drugglata everywhere. Adv. rj-kllrfl Art. nmhsn Mava nvsinrACa Tha I 0 a " -vr na w 111 11 a 74 V w us v arm bouquets were pink roses tied with lven hv the 5unger pupns of ?,.k-!2ne--.Th. mf.nw0f ar.t.L.W,r Miss Charliebelle Laney's music class at : " Jr. vT4 j , J ner home on W. Cervantes-st.. this arter- Parents of the pupils are cordially Invited of pink roses. The bridal gown was a ' " " t 4 o'clock , , ii uv, 1 noon at o ckrk handsome model of white georgette with 1 n 111 1 11. Vlll U UUiiiiUbo, - . mi oat and the bridal veil was of embroidered tulle, becomingly arranged in Coronet effect and fastened with graceful sprays completed with a large arm bouquet of ! orchids showered with Lillies-of-the-Val-ley. Following the ceremony at the church an informal reception .was held at .the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. J." L. Borras. The lower apartments were opened ensuite for the occasion. Smilax. wisteria and pink roses effectively used with palms and ferns made them an attractive scene for the evening's mar riage festivities. Mrs. Borras, gowned in black crepe meteor was assisted in -receiving her guests by Mrs. F. A. Bitzer of Mobile, mother of the groom, who wore a hand some dress of black Pussywillow taffeta, Mrs. L. Schettler of Mobile, Mrs. H. Hen nig of Mobile. Mrs. J. M. Jenkins of Montgomery, Mrs. J. F. W. Reinhardt, Mrs. J. E. Kramer and Mrs. L. L. Bor ras. A dainty Ice course in lavender and pink was served by Misses Wallece Vam, Susie Bergin, Lena Bitzer, Clara Rein hardt, Augusta Wilhelmi. Katie Hart man. Clotiide DeLustro. Helen Cusachs, Ruth Blumer, Marguerite and Marian Anderson, Ernestine Pfeiffer. Kathleen Braun, KHzabeth Lind, Louise Graham. Alba Wllklns, Mrs. J. Alcorn. Mrs. EiV nest Richardson and Mrs. B. McClain. The bride's table, lovely In its appoint ments was centered with the bride's cake. a huge white one. and on its top groom standing and their friends Duet. A Ha.ppy Occasion (Sartorio) by Ann Bullock and Gretchen Hutchinson. Curious Story (Heller) by Virginia Polketta in F (Russ) by Florence Col lins. Duet (Lambert) by Ida Berman and Miss Laney. Air in G (Mozart) by Prilla Rice. Dance of the Bears (Behr) by Mary Virginia Malone. Folk Song (Lambert) Long. Long Ago by Martha Bene Pace. Butterfly (Cochran) by Nina Runyan. March of th Clowns (Lemont) by Gretchen Hutchinson. The Spinning Wheel (Dutton) by Frances Cohen. Duet, Serenade In A (Pierne) by Vir ginia Majette and Virginia Pace. A June Day (Russ) by Ann Bullock. Valse Mlgnone (Harthan) by Marjorle Murdock. , The Pixie's Goodnight Song (Brown) bv Adine Zelius. "Melody Waltz (Orth) by Margaret Cstrter. To A Violet (Behr) by Virginia Majette. ABOUT PEOPLE WE KNOW Sister M. Basil is being cordially wel comed by her many Pensacola friends on her first visit to her girlhood home beautifully embossed after an eleven-years absence in Denver, a miniature bride and , Colo., at the Mercy Hospital. She Is the before a. nuptial altar , truest - of her two sisters, Mrs. George placed under a larsre white weddia bell. Maher and Miss Kllie Baker and the Sis The mints were In pink and lavender and . ters of Mercy. Sister Basil will remain pink and lavender shaded candles softly south until the latter cart of May before lighted the table. I returning to Denver to resume her duties. Mr. and Mrs. Bitter left last night fori Her friends are vry much pleased to New Orleans and other southern cities . note that her health is greatly improved. on a short honeymoon, Mrs. Bitzer travel- I Captain A. A. Calhoun enroute from ing in a chtc suit of navy blue tricotine his old home in Jacksonville to St. An with hat. boots and gloves of reindeer, 1 drews where he will reside in the future, her costume completed with a corsage spent several days in Pensacola as the of pink and lavender sweet peas. euest of his son, Edward B. Calhoun and Vi ..rill . hAmA 2 -. 141 A 1VT 1 T . V. On their return to iriends at the home of the groom s parents In Mobile for a short time be fore going Into their own home. , Mr. and Mrs. Bitzer both have hosts of friends in Pensacola, Mobile and else where whose best wishes they have for a long and happy married life. Among the many handsome gifts received was a beautifully engraved chest of silver from Mr. Bitzer's associates in the First National Bank of Mobile. Among the out-of-town guests were: i Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bitter, parents of the groom. Mrs. H. Hennig, Mr. and Mrs. , Louis Schettler and three children. Mis- ' ses Lena and Ethel Bitter, George and Fred Bitzer, Misses Kathleen Braun, Su sie Bergin, and Mrs. R. -Koty, all of Mo bile. Mrs. J. M. Jenkins of Montgomery. : CHILDREN OF CONFEDERACY TO 1 MEET AT FIRST BAPTIST 4 CHURCH MONDAY. Miss Daisys Hyer, director of the Chil dren of the Confederacy chapter, re quests that all members of the chapter meet at the First Baptist church on Mon day, April 26, Memorial Day, at 3:30 o'clock in the afternoon and that each child bring as manyi flowers as possible yt j t RECITAL BY YOUNGER PUPILS ! OF MISS LANEY'S MUSIC CLASS-; j The following well-arranged program Captain Calhoun Is making the trip by motor, leaving yesterday morning for St. Andrews. During his stay in the city he enjoyed renewing many old friendships, having at one time made his home in Pensacola. Among guests at the San Carlos are: Haynes McFadden, Atlanta: Paul W. A. E. L.AM0NT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Efficient Service. Moderate Terms Phone 1199 415 NORTH PALAFOX ST. Bunbarger, Cincinnati: Mrs. E. P. Dun can. Miami; Mrs. E. Vicknair, New Or leans; Mr. and Mrs. E. Fl Bailey. Des Moines; A- F. Winfleld, Andalusia; Charles V. Pollock. Philadelphia: n K. Arnold, Chicago; Linton E. Allen., New York: George JK.Esies, st, Augustine. -Friends of Mrs. J. E. Fuller of Mil ton, who has been quite ill at the Pen sacola hospital will be gratified to know that s!e is rapidly improving and now able to receive visitors. Mrs. M. B. Morey leaves this morn ing for Milton and Bagdad where she goes to attend the funeral services of Miss Emma Miller whose death early Tues day morning came as a great shock to many friends throughout the country. The many Pensacola friends of Seorge H. Hervey, brother of Charles B. Hervey. who formerly made his home In this city but is now residing in Phil adelphia, will be interested to know that he was recently elected as a member of the governing board and made chairman of the house committee of the Torres dale Country Club in the suburbs of Philadelphia. Mr. Hervey is quite a golf enthusiast, lovers of the game in Pen sacola will recall and during his residence here was a well, known figure on the Country Club golf links. Mrs. Terrell Covington and children of Greenville, S. C, have returned to Pensacola to make their home and for the present are with Mrs. Covington's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Green ex pecting to later move into the Bass home. Mrs. Covington's little son.' John, has been quite ill but is somewhat better friends will be glad to know. x Charles B. Hervey has returned to the city after visiting in Houston. Gal veston. . San Antonio and other cities in the west. Mr. Hervey attended the Na tional Hotel Association at San Antonio on the 12-13 inst., and was honored with the reelection as sta.te president of the association. Mrs. Alfred Forrest of Santa Rosa, returned home Tuesday morning after a week's visit in the city as the guest of Cuticur a Ointment Best For Rough Red Hands Nothing more effective in soothing and healing chapped, cracked, itching or bleed ing hands. Bathe thetn each night in a strong hot lather of Cnricura Soap. Dry and rub in Coticura Ointment, and wear old gloves during the night. Result: soft, white hands. iHmblMirmbfllin. JtnwMlm IbmH.Kp Sr.Mtldaa, Mm." Sold vpttt km.8otSc. Ointamt and tee. TatewS&c Soap ahTM without mas. Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Mcllwain. Captain and Mrs. George Forrest also spent a short time in Pensacola on their return to the east, after spending the season at their winter home at Santa Rosa. Cap tain Forrest to the Great Lakes tor the tourist season and Mrs. Forrest to Wash ington where she holds a responsible ex ecutive fosition in the government de partment. The hospitably, famed Forrest home has been a charming rendevous the past season where men and women of note from all parts of the country' have enjoyed gathering, drawn by the per sonal magnetism of t'Jr host and hos tess ana by tne eongenuu atmosphere and Pleasures of hunting, fishing and otheH out-uoor attractions iouna at nanta itesa. Mrs. Charles Thompson (Susie Stearns) has returned to her home in New Orleans after a delightful visit in the city with her sister. Miss Lottie Steams. 10 N. Springs C j Claudo D. Kessroey, electrical n-4 gineer. senior grade with the L. N. isi at present on an inspection tour of aU vision. A She Wont mind making this -cake a You men who have a weakness for gpod cake take home a package of BakArCake to the wife. Chances are you'll get the mostxlclldotii-cake you ever tasted, several times a week. Shtrwon't mind making it. Takes only a few rninutesand ( you'll never have to eat sad cake again. No need to use cos dy butter and eggs fcr cake such times as these, nor even znxuc nor sugar. Everything needed for- the-jasascdcli-cious cake including bakmg;TxwdetysaIt and flavoring, is ready mixetLin .BafcA Cake just add water, beat up a stiff batter, andi?ake. ESxr Manufacturing CoMraasr' 1 Macon, Ga. ' TEA CAKES GUA3.A21X&E taed, if you are twcKiia plety satisfied witbBak A Cake your grocer will refund your money io mke th bmt Ma tnkmm crisp and ligbt nk A Caka, mis battar stiff enough ta roll, cnt sad baas in quick oven. "ADD WATER TO BJUC A .CAKE. THAT'S AUtm Tour froear kaa Ba A Cmim 'I We Recommend ROYAL TRIBUTES and LaRAMA CIGARS Mild Havana Blend The Ilelnberff Company Distributors I I HPHE ideal of quality embodied in IRi I llj JL this flour makes it pre-eminently ?V2 s Slll ill I I llll choice of Southern house- "C 11 TSfel lllfl I III , wives who prefer the best. 'jYj (11 I j jj II lawrenceonrf Rallcr Mais Ce., Lawreacebsrf, Inc&aaa fetjjj f ' I j 1 LEWIS BEAR CO., Inc. I J Wholesale Distributors ' il: 'firmf Sold in. njlfe I il self-rising flour as Ml I m&z? Xfe 1 I a II II Hi IIIII i:i.-.-: . - I II SKYLARK - 181 I i III 1 f i r " n i'o i i , i i'i ' i i -i n t ,th i n rr i i r. " J Si jll!''HllH!!nllliHUUn?tHlit!ii;itlt!iM!l!ti 1m, Villi WE A T ISA FAIR PRICE? We believe we have arrived at a Fair Price, but we desire the opinion of the people of West Florida. What Do You Consider A Fair Price? - Join the merry throng Thursday, Friday and Saturday and place YOUR Fair Price on mer chandise displayed for that purpose in our aisles and windows. FOR THREE DAYS BEGINNING MONDAY We Will Sell At E v arfastimi Fab OTC T. L. GANT & CO. Member Retail MerchantsAssociation Division Chamber of Commerce Comroauav