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THE 'PENSACOLA JOURNAL. SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 25, 1920 THREE ) 3 t ( VOTER-JMOCiTS J. N. Hutchins Is a Candidate For Legislature. Group 2. i STAND BY THE. MAN WHO STANDS BY YOU He Favors Giving Old Soldiers Who Fought in the Confed erate Army and Their Widows $30 Per Month. X Pi! .: 7 He favors paying school teachers not less than $100.00 per month, and that they be paid twice a month. He favors capital and labor and be lieves that each should organize' to preserve' its rights in lawful assem blies and for lawful purposes only. He believes that our exemption laws should be amended. ' He believes in improving all public highways in the State of Florida. He believes that the cattle dipping law Is a burden upon the people of Escam bia County and should be appealed or amended. He is a lawyer and has followed his profession for more than 25 years. He is also a member of the Kentucky bar nd practiced law in Ohio, III., and New York; he married in Clermont County, Ohio, to Miss Cudie J. Steven son, who died in Pensacola,-Florida, November S, 1913. He has three chil dren, Victor Hutchins, who is a con ductor on Andalusia, Florida and Gulf R. R. Co., Victor will be 20 years old on the 11th of September, 1920; he en tered the army at 17 and was assigned to Co. B 52nd Infantry and within less than a month sailed to France, served in France and was at the front when the armistice was signed and served in Germany and was honorably discharged on June 19, 1919 at Camp Gordon, Gi. and with excellent char acter, Hon. C. M. Jones of tho Court of Record of this County removed his minority so he could hold his present position on his return from France. Miss Mildred Huthcins, is with Dr. ingram learning the optician busi ness. Miss Edith is a student in Pen sacola Hifih School.. Hutchins is a widower 57 years of age. He desires to be nominated and serve his county for its best interest. ,He believes in the United States at tending to its own affairs and let for eign alliances alone. His office is 701 American National Bank Building and every voter should vote for the man that is best fitted to represent Escambia County. J. N. HUTCHINS. (Paid Advertisement.) KIRON TEMPLE PLANS BUSY REGULAR SESSION Kiron Temple, No. ,223. Dramatic Order Kniphta of Khorassan, will hold their regul ir monthly meeting, Monday night at 7:30 o'clock at Castle Hall on East Intendencia-st. Royal Vizier C G. Hall expects to have an overflowing attendance at this session as some stir ring events are anticipated, and the necessary arrangements will be com peted for the approaching ceremonial. All local ana visiting votaries are rra ternally invited. Hat Plenty Reduce Weight If yea sits ts reduce sttadlly, yet est (candy. Ice cream, and many other things, set a box it eil ef kortia at the druggists. Follow the directions. No self starring ; you secern sltndar gracefully, t1 vaetous, mentally and physically alert glad you're alive I Reduction fuarantacd lft to 60 pounds. Brochure mailed fre by KOREIN CX. Statios F. Mew York. N. Y Tired Out? Do you know that languidness, that 'awful tired feeling," heaviness, lame or weak back, sore muscles, stiff oi swollen joints, rheumatic pains, lum bago, ia the great majority oi cases, indicate kidney trouble? IMeyjgawpflls act promptly and effectively to restore weak, overworked or diseased kidneys end bladder to a healthy condition. ' Mrs. Robert Blair. 461 S. 20th Street. Terr Hante. led, write.: "I Buffered two yeara with kidney and bladder trouble frequently get. in backache. Moininga I wrauld aria feeling wery tired and bavins headaches, and see float ing specks before my eyes. -1 aaw Foley Kid ney Pills a Ivertiaed and made v any mind t try them. Aftertakingtbem a tew weeka I found any trouble dispelled. The backache .topped and asv kidney were restored to bealthy. normal etctlOO . f a eia srvw b taow v". oa ' My recovery i entirely due to roiey aauoey fiUs. which I gladly recojuiaceU,' fills.1 Great ;Savings - for Monday only Hosiery Ladies Holeproof Hose of pure silk in black only ; , highly mercerized silk lisle garte rtops; high spliced double heels and toes. Sizes 8i to 10. Reg. 3.75 Pr. $2.95 Ladies' Buster Brown Hose of silk mercerized lisle in white and black; sizes 8V2 to 10. Reg. 75c pr. 59c Ladies' Gordon Hose of a high mercerized lisle in. medium grey ; 4 thread heels and toes; sizes 8 to 10. Wonderful at 75c pr. 1 59c Boys' and Girls' Buster Brown Hose, fine guage r lisle; medium' weight; white an dblack; sizes 6 to Reg. 45c pr.- " 35c 3 for $1.00 Handkerchiefs 'Linen today is much scarce rand higher than it ever was since the war. But it makes little difference to us for we still have stocks of old purchases and f can therefore offer values that are way below today's replacement. Pure linen 'kerchiefs with plain hem stitched borders were reg. 35c 25c , White Goods Transparent Organdy, a fine sheer, crisp fabric; 36 inches wide. Reg. 50c yd. 41c White Lawn in 2 weights ; fine for nurses costumes, white dresses, waists, etc. 40 inches wide. Reg. 35c yd. - 25c Pa jama Checks f ine h&avy weight, 36 in. wide. Reg. 35c 25c Black Hawk Hope Domestic Reg. 45c 35c Wash FaHrics Romper and K iddie Kloth in stripe and solid effects. Reg. 50c 39c Galatea fast colors, stan dard grades; Nero and Samson brands. Reg. 50c. - 39c Voiles in floral, dotted, plaid, check and stripe ef fects, 40 inches wide, Reg. 65c 45c Satinette A fine summer wash fabric of highly mer cerized yarns; flesh, pink and white ; 36 in. wide. Reg. $1.25 95c . . Toilet Goods Mary Garden Talcum, reg. 35c Dioxogcn, reg. 25c Liquid Kolynos. reg. Toe Squibb's Unscented Talcum reg. 25o Squibb's Carnation Talcum, reg. 25c Sic 13c 59c '13c 13c Mavis Face Powder, reg. 50c, 43c Lifebuoy Soap, reg. 10c 9c Djer Kiss Rouge, reg. 60c 43c Cuticura Soap, reg. 25c 21c Mary Garden Vanishing Cratm, reg. 50c 43o 471 1 Depilatory, reg. 75b 63c Watson, Co. )IEMBERS-C,HAMBEB OF COMMERCE-RETAIL- MERCHANT'S DIVISION P E N S A COLA ' S GREATEST STORE An Important Sale of IRTINGI r Tub Silks Habutais Crepe de Chines This as indeed a timely sale, for, men are getting their Summer Shirts made up. And then, too, these fabrics are wonderful for waists and children's dresses. There "are a great many pretty stripe effects and the colors and combi- nations are so varied. - They are 33-36 inches wide and are regularly $3.25, $3.50, $4.00, . $4.50, $5.00 At $2.17; 2,44, $2.67, $3.00, $3.33. Women's Handsome A Specially Arranged Group At Half Price Tricolette Georgette Satin Voile Just think of it! Almost the beginning of the season and this unusual sale. It would not surprise 'us to see the entire rack empty before noon to : morrow, for the values are marvelous. To begin with, there is navy4 black, white, grey, brown and among the voiles, the fancy colors and figures. Some of the georgettes are beaded while some of the tricolette are self embroidered. As a matte rof fact, the group, embraces only the newest and while there are only one or two of a kind, there is a good representation of sizes. A Women's Suit Event Offering Apparel of the Finest Quality Radically Reduced to v Half Price ,.' Stunning tailleurs, fashioned, by the foremost artists in th ecountry -the -tailoring is perfect the materials and trimmings are of he finest the models in great, variety, are delightwully new. These are all suits of highest stan dard and have been very high in price. However, they have served their purpose in our Ready-to-Wear section, and now in their smartness and freshness we offer them to you at half of their original prices. The generous savings make this sale unsurpassed in quality and value. Ruffle FloMsiciog Radically Reduced Net sand sheer, crisp organdies are the fabrics that have been so mas terfully used for these ruffle flouncings. They are 45 inches wide and besides white, there is pink, rose, sky, maize, blue and sea green col ors that are as refreshing as can be and this sea son's most popular ones. They have been selling regularly for $2.50 to $5.00 yd. but their new prices tomorrow will be $1.25 to $2.50 A Remarkable Exposition FOULARD; Greatly Reduced Foulards should be playing important roles in milady's dress at this season of the year. Especially when they are being priced so low. Patterns are really tempting, shades that are almost without an end and so exclusive, too. They are. 36 to 40 inches in wdth and the regular prices Jhave been $4.50 to :1 $7.50 yard. Beginning tomorrow, howeverfi they will be $3.00 to $5.00 Yd. wxvst- wrwv wwv wws In the W., P. & R. Store pi m 1 1 '''. to"' P Pi m for Mem m ?.4 is 'yZ", pi l I N i '4 Straw Hats Aplenty Have You Yours? If not, you will naturally want to choose from an assortment that is wide and varied and that fea tures only the later and better models. At $3.50 These are fine clip straws and white Toyos. ! At $4.00 Leghorns. At $5.00 Bangkoks, leghorns, light weight straws, Sennit braids in ecru and white, splits and pineapple straws. At $6.00 Plain splits, fine woven Sennits, bangkoks and Sennit splits. $7.00 to $10.00 Include better grade straws, Balakuks and genuine South Amer ican Panamas. Have You Changed to Summer Underwear . Here are a few helpful sussestions: Tophus Underwear 90c Garment $1.75 Suit Egyptian Balbriggan with long or short sleeves in white or grey $1.00 Garment $2.00 Suit Swissrib and flat woven undershirts 60c, 75c and $1.00 Spring Time Is Style Time Here When a man selects clothes here he turns in the direction of good taste. Artfully designed Spring Suits that are put together by skilled men what could be mqre convincing of quality? The Camp Model A young man's conservative 3-piece suit; two button single breasted; soft roll lapel; deep hook vent ; in blue and green flannels and brown iridescents. $50.00. a The Master Model . A double-breasted two and three button belted model in irides cents, greys, " blues and greens. $35.00 to $50.00 It's About Time For Bathing Suits And here they are. All sorts of stripe effects in clever color combinations. So varied are they that one can almost say that no color has been forgotten. Wool Suits $6.00 to $10.00 Cottons and Mixtures $1.50 to $5.00 pf I! m f A m m &4 '4 m Georgette Blouses In A Sale At $5.95 arid $7-95 Our second floor Annex ought to be a popular place tomorrow for these sheer Georgette Blouses will be offered there. . . v Whites and flesh colors. are to be found mostly but the trimmings and finishing touches' are so different. The size range is quite complete. These identical waists have been selling at $8.00 to $12.50. 2ND FLOOR ANNEX (BRENT BLDG.) Elevator entrance thru Brent or Blount Buildings or our Ready-to-Wear Section. are being fertured m Brown Receptio nat Mallory Court last Wednesday! all What a host of children and mothers attended the Buster Tige in their free entertainment. But that wasn't all. They were told about the good qualities of the nationally known Buster Brown footwear. We are therefore bearing hi mout and feature this week V 1?'4 gj i..i Children's Buster Brown Ox fords with Goodrich welt soles in brown calf, black gun metal and white reinskin. Sizes to II $5.00 to $6.00 Pr. Sizes 11 to 2 $5.50 to $7.00 Pr. For Growing Girls, medium heels and English toes. Sizes IVt to 7 $6.50 to $10.00 Pr. Black' . patent leather Pumps -with low heels and Goodrich welt, '$9.00 Pr. Boys Buster Brown Shoes of brown calf with Neolin soles $7.00 Pr. Sold Everywhere. iaafcet.Hk I.