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THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL. THURSDAY MORNING. APRIL 29, 19.20 FIVE People and Events Phone 38 between 10 a. m. and 6 p. m. - a s 1 CALENDAR OF J I FUTURE EVENTS I b ; a THURSDAY Cotton shower, honorees Mr. and Mrs. Mason Gray, hostess. Miss C. E. Sutherland. FRIDAY Shower, Ladies' Missionary Society, First Methodist church, at hoihe Mrs. Felo McAllister, 607 N. Spring sL, 4 p.m. Primary teachers association, Eliza Jane Wilson School, 1 p. m. SATURDAY Afternoon tea. Country Club Golf House, 4 to 6 p. m. . THURSDAY NIGHT SCRIPT DANCE AT SAN CARLOS. Society is anticipating with much pleasure the usual Thursday night script dance to be held In the San Car los auditorium this evening-. Since the' departure of the jazz orchestra the Cloverleaf orchestra has been engaged to furnish music and splendid pro grams have been given. These script danc.'s, popular through the season have become even more so since the iiscoitinuance of the Wednesday and Saturday night dinner dances. Fur nishing a delightful means of infor mally entertaining one's friends or for impromptu parties .they are always largely attended. They furnish a de lightful social diversion for the week and dance enthusiasts are delighted to know that they will be continued through the present season. X- BROWNING-SHAKESPEARE CLUB PICNIC TODAY. Members of Browning-Shakespeare Club will enjoy their annual picnic and outing today. These affairs have always been delightul but according to plans made, the one this year promises to excel any of the previous ones. PENSACOLA WINTER CLUB. The Pensacola Winter Club meets this afternoon at 2 o'clock with Mrs. C. C. Hadley at her home, 220 N. Pala-fox-tt. All members are requested to be present. BRENT-BURK ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. From the Sun and New York Herald, April 25: Mr. Arthur Edmond Burke of 120 E. Kighty-slxth-st., announced yesterday the engagement of his sister, Miss Florence Waller Burke, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Burke, to Mr. Robert J. Brent of this city, 4on of the late Mr. and Mrs. Fran cis C Brent Brent of Pensacola, Fla. Thi above Is of much cordial Inter est in Pensacola as Mf. Brent is a memoer of ore or the city's oldest and most prominent families. The wedding will take place sometime in Septem ber. Mr. Burke is at present visiting in the city, a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brent. . Pride in Your Gift to the Bride. Though neither the bride nor the groom bo an inti mate friend, you desire your gift to be one that is pleasing to them and rep resentative of your good taste and appreciation of quality. So you naturally come to Elebush's. knowing the name Klebash stands for distinction tn "beauty and worthy character that safeguard your judgment', and that, from the jrreat variety of exquisite gift things, appropriate selec tion can be made at any desired price. Elebash Jewelry Company 2 Mifi-rs and Silversmiths Me rib Retail Merchants' Association DELICATESSEN SPECIALS Chicken Salad Potato Salad Roast Pork Roast Beef Baked Ham mi 7! Menher Retail Merchants Assn. W - .J INLET BEACH THE PLACE FOR SUMMER OUTINGS. DeFuniak. April 28. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. L. McCaskill were host and hostess to a house party giventhe last of the week at Inlet Beach, in honor of the Misses Carter and Cunningham of Val paraiso, house guests of Mrs. McCas kill. Quite a large party. left early Thurs day morning in cars for Freeport, where they took a boat, crossing Choc tawhatchee bay to Pt. Washington, which was one of the most delightful features of the trip. The party then had a lovely luncheon at the Greyton Beach Club House before continuing their' Journey to Inlet Beach which was made in cars and trucks. Arriving there in the parly afternoon in time for a dip in the surf before having their first fish dinner. Inlet Beach hotel is located on a high bluff overlooking Lake Edna and across Santa Rosa is land over the blue waters of the guir of Mexico. It connects a charming scene, also the facilities here for surf bathing, fishing and other outdoor sports are the best in the country. Dancing, bathing and kodaking with other amusements created by the young people themselves whiled the hours away much too quickly. All ex pressed a desire to stay a longer time. Those atending were: Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Richardson, Hal Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hackett, Mr. and Mi T. Hope Cawthon, the Misses Carter. Cunningham, Kutering, Laura Mc Guire, Sue D.f Pearl, Ruby and Elsie McConnell, Mrs. S. G. McConnell, Misses Parrish and Bebely, Mr. Calen der and the -host and hostess. All voted Inlet Beach the ideal spot on the Gulf coast for house parties, fish ing parties or any kind of a party and Mr. and rMs. McCaskill, the most ex cellent entertainers. "SKETCHERS" PEW8AC0LA ART CLUB TO MEET. The "Sketchers" of the Pensacola Art Club will meet at the studio of the Pensacola art school, , corner Palafox and Intendencia-sts. on Friday after noon from 3 to 6 o'clock. NEW CITY THIMBLE CLUB MEETS TODAY. The New City Thimble Club meets this afternoon at 3 o'clock with Mrs. R. P. Stubbins at her home, corner Tenth-ave. and Lloyd-st. It is re quested that all members be present. TUESDAY BRIDGE CLUB. Mrs. A. T: Barkdull was hostess at a delightful and congenial meeting of the Tuesday Bridge Club. Three ta bles were in play, top score being made by Mrs. Harding Burke. Mrs. Burke will be hostess to the club at its next meeting. TUESDAY CARD CLUB. Mrs. Arthur Butt was hostess at an enjoyable meeting of the Tuesday Card Club, when high score was made by Mrs. B. S. Hancock. Members of the club enjoying the afternoon included Mesdames Paul P. Stewart, O. J. Sem mes, F. W. Marsh. T. L. Gant, Henry Hyer, Benjamin Hancock, W. J. Forbes, H. G. DeSilva Anderson Leonard and her mother, Mrs. Henrich Gahn, of Wilmington. X. C, E. F. Bruce and the hostess. BEAUTY IS UP TO YOU. Some things such as regular features are beyond your control, but women's greatest charm, a good complexion is mostly within her own grasp. . For instance TETTERINE will remove blotches, liver spots, scaly patches, and all annoying skin erup tions that mar a woman's beauty. It's also the one real remedy for eczema a remedy that has conquered seem ingly hopeless cases of 20 years' stand ing. It's magic on ringworm, tetter, itch and such troublesome ailments. Price 60c. Get Tetterine at drug stores SHUPTRIXE CO., SAVANNAH, GA. SUMMER PIANO CLASS. Gilfillan Scott is arrang ing dates for morning only (afternoons . are filled) . Weekly lesson at pupil's residence. One Dollar. Mail address or call The Clutter Music House. Phone 15. French Pastries vMade daily by our French' Baker. Served in the Main Cafe at 20c; In the Grill at 15c. We have the boxes for you to take them home. Compartment Plate Luncheon Served daily in the Main Cafe, 75c. San Carlos, Hotel GRACEFUL VOILE FROCK HAS NEW HAREM SKIRT rats By CORA MOORE New York's Fashion Authority. New York One of the newest things about prevailing fashions is that so many of the most attractive models can be copied by the clever home dress maker. For instance, this frock that Alice Brady wears. its material is indestructible voile, a soft tan with brown (dyed) lace banding, nine Inches wide; The skirt is a harem and these harem skirts are very modest and comfortable with the rubber tape in the hem to permit freedom in walking. The bodice is a kimono affair with the banding inset as a panel. The girdle is of the voile. JAPANESE WEDDING AT ELIZA JANE WILSON SCHOOL THIS AFTERNOON. A Japanese wedding will be cele brated at the Eliza Jane Wilson school this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Chrys anthemums, fans and other decora tions in all the riot of colors sugges tive of the Orient will form a back ground for the elaborate ceremony. The picturesque and . beautiful Japanese wedding costumes will be worn. Preceding the ceremony the- follow ing program will be given. Vocal solo, by Martina Faggoni. Reading, by Amy Doris Van Pelt. Vocal number, by Mary Lawrence and chorus. Reading. Winifred McLellan. Reading, Aline Hicks. Then will be staged the Japanese wedding. Members of the bridal party will be Ella Mae Atwell, bride: Otis At well, groom; go-between. Forest Kimmons; parents of the bride, Har riett Mcintosh, Barrington Voris; parents of the groom, Gladys Padgett, Oliver. Tait; bridesmaids, Ethel Lee, Mary Lawrence. Gladys Tucker, Kath leen Simmons, Shirley Davenport, Fan nie Klatzo. The wedding music and all accompaniments will be played by Miss Margaret Anderson. Following the wedding will be a pa triotic tableaux. Columbia will be rep resented by Hazel Holmes, America by Violet Holmes, and United States sailors will be A. G. Simmons and George Mullins. This delightful entertainment is be ing given by grade three, section A, Miss Janet McLellan, teacher, and all friends and patrons are cordially in vited to attend. I ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF A DAUGHTER. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. de la Rua, 1314 East Cervantes street, are receiving congratulations on the birth or a lit tle daughter, Wednesday, April 28. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR "C SUPPER TONIGHT. The "C" supper being given by the (Christian Endeavor Society of the Knox Presbyterian church, corner 13th ave. and Blount-sU this evening at 6:30 o'clock, is being anticipated with much pleasure by those expecting to attend. A musical program will be given during the entire . evening. A delicious menu has been prepared. Among the waitresses will be: Misses Katie Crook, Margaret Purdy, Belle White, Nellie Mae Mudge and Virginia Green. A cordial invitation is ex tended everyone to attend. KNOX AID SOCIETY TO GIVE CHILDREN'S MAY PARTY. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Knox Presbyterian church will give a chil dren's May party at Mallory Square, Saturday. May 1, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Games, a grab bag, fish pond and other attractions are planned, besides the serving of ice cream cones. The affair is being given for the bene fit of Knox church. A cordial invi tation is extended everyone to attend. -RETURNS HOME AFTER PLEASANT VISIT. Miss Catherine Braun of Mobile, has returned home after visiting Miss Ernestine Pfeiffer uf this city. I "S3 BERTONIERE-REILLY, BEAUTIFUL NUPTIAL ! EVENT The marriage, of Miss Lillian Reilly. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .Chris M. Reilly to Lieutenant George U. Berto niere. IT. S. N .of New Orleans, was solemnized at St. Michael's church last J evening at 6 o'clock in the presence of a large assemblage of relatives and friends, Rev. Father Cullen officiating. The ceremony was characterized by all the beautiful impressiveness of the marriage service of the Roman Cath olic faith and the Rainbow wedding color tones made it charmingly sug gestive cf all the beauty and joyous ness of springtime. Members of. the wedding party were: As the three .ma trons-of -honor, Mrs. A. B. Yniestra, sister of the bride, Mrs. Malcolm Yonge, cousin of the bride and Mrs. Bert Carlson of New Orleans, sister of the groom. The rib bon bearers were, little Lucy and Irene Reilly. nieces of the bride and another little niece, Margaret Yniestra was flower-girl. Lieutenant Bertoniere had as his best-man .Lieutenant Strader, U. S. N. The groomsmen were, Lieutenant Paul. U. S. -J. and Lieutenant Worth -Ington, U. S. N. Ushers were Arthur B. Yniestra. and B. J. Reilly. Master John Carlson, nephew of the groom, served as ring-bearer. The church had been transformed into a lovely scene for the wedding with qualities of white carnations against banks . of palms and ferns. Burning tapers cast a soft light over the bridal party. A' lovely feature of the ceremony was the musical program given with Pro fessor A. C. Reilly, organist and O'Brien Motta, violinist. The pro gram began at 5:30 o'clock, opening with "Love's Bower" '(Marat) "Among the Roses" (Lake); "Even' Song" (Levitski). Lohengrin's wed ding march heralded the entrance of briday party and during the ceremony, Schubert's Serenade was softly played, the party leaving the church to the strains of Mendelsohn's wedding march. As the first strains of the wedding march sounded the little ribbon-bearers entered forming an aisle for the bridal party with wide white satin streamers. They wore delicate pink georgette frocks, accordion pleated and large pink butterfly hair bows. The little flower-girl wore a dainty frock of pale yellow georgette, ac cordion pleated with a wreath of yel low roses over her curls. She carried a white empire basket filled with vari ous colored sweet peas, strewing them "SKETCHERS" TO HAVE EXHIBIT IN JUNE. . The "Sketchers" of the Pensacola Art Club are anticipating with much enthusiasm the exhibit they are plan ning to have sometime in June in the studio of M. G. Runyan's Art School. The work to be exhibited will be done by the "Sketchers" from life models, principally. It is hoped thta additional members will also come in with their work as most of the necessary ma terials have been received. The line of work may be done in any medium or size suited to the individual sketcher. The "Sketchers" will also work inde pendently and without a teacher and will. not be formed in class as the work is merely for practice. The "Sketchers" meet for practice work, in the studio of the Pensacola Art School, S. W. corner Palafox and Intendencia-sts., every Friday after noon from 3 to 5 o'clock. . CALLED MEETING CHILDREN OF CONFEDERACY CHAPTER. A meeting of the Children of the Confederacy chapter has been called by the director, Miss Daisye Hyer, for Saturday morning at 11 o'clock at the 'Bivouac (Thiesen building). All mem- ! bers are expected to be present. i g a I I ABOUT PEOPLE WE KNOW M ; I Charles Fefcro has severed his con 1 nection with the L. & N. and has gone ito Andalusia for a short stay before 'going to Macon, whore it is expected he jwill engage in business. Mr. Febro ihas resided in Pensacola for some time and his departure will be learned of with sincere regret by a large circle of friends. Announcement of hfs en gagement to an 'attractive society girl of Andalusia is soon to be made. Miss Hilda Bear is home after a delightful' visit in New York city and in Philadelphia, where she was the guest of her brother, Lewis Bear, a student at the University of Pennsyl vania. Lieutenant and Mrs. George R. Henderson (Harriett Carbine), who have had apartments at the H. G. De Silva home, move the last of the week to FisherviUe. where they have taken a bungalow for the summer months. Mrs. Fred Jones, George W. Howe, Miss Beatrice Howe, Master Westoby Howe and Lieutenant Commander Wil liam Masek formed a congenial motor ing party spending the day at Florida town yesterday. Miss Ora Viking and little brother Donald left Tuesday for their home in Hattlesburg, Stopping en route to visit with and frienda in Ocean City, Biloxi and Gulfport. Mr. and Mrs. C E. Taylor of When I grow up nn going to sell Because 111 be looking fbran easy job. TOASTIES AT ST. MICHAEL'S CHURCH in the pth of the bride and groom. Mrs. Yniestra wore a gown of deli cate blue georgette, beaded in pearls with delicate blue georgette picture hat. Mrs. Tonge's gown was of pale pink georgette beaded in pearls and she wore a pink georgette picture hat. Mrs. Carlson was In lavender georgette beaded in pearls with lavender pic ture hat. All carried large arm bou- j quets of shaded sweet peas tied with rainbow colored tulle. The little ring-bearer wore a regu lation white sailor suit and carried the ring in the heart of a large white j satin rose. The bride who is of that charming type of beauty of dark hair with deep blue eyes was lovely hi her wedding gown of white georgette, embroidered in silver and beaded in pearls. A court train of heavy white satin fell from her shoulders beingheld in place with handsome pearl ornaments. Her youthful figure was enveloped in the folds of a tulle veil arranged cor,onet effect and held with a chapiet of or ange blossoms. She carried a large arm bouquet of white carnations show ered with sweet peas. After the nuptial vows were taken the party immediately went to the hom,e of the bride where she changed her wedding ' gown for a handsoma traveling suit of navy blue tricotine -with hat. boots and gloves to match, her costume being completed wih a corsage of pink carnations. Tht bride and groom left amid showers of rice and good wishes for Jacksonville and other points in south Florida for a short honeymoon and on their return will go to housekeeping in an apart ment on the Bayshore, which will be brightened with many handsome wed ding gifts received. Among the out-of-town guests pres ent were: Mr. and Mrs. Chris Reilly and family of Andalusia, Mrs. Aline Anson of Greenville, Alabama, Mrs. H. B. Hatton of Birmingham, Mrs. Berto niere of New Orleans, mother of the groom, and Mrs. Bert Carlson of New Orleans, sister of the groom. Mrs. Bertoniere is quite gifted, so cially and has a personality of unusual sweetness and charm. Her approach ing marriage was the inspiration cf many lovely pre-nuptial courtesies given during the past few weeks. Lieutenant Bertoniere, in the aviation service, has been stationed at the Pen sacola navy yard for some time and during his stay in the city his sterling qualities have won him many friends In the girlhood home of his bride. Hon. Fred W. Marsh is spending several days in Tallahassee on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Reilly, Jr., little daughter Lillian, and Master Perry Richardson of Andalusia arrived to attend the Bertoniere-Reilly wed ding yesterday and to visit with rela tives. Mr. and Mrs! Elwood McLaughlin and children have returned to the city, after visiting with relatives, Mr. Mc Laughlin with his parents in Maryland Pale Children Made over to your liking, with rosy cheeks, hearty ap petites, vigorous digestion and ro bust health. Give them a glass of this delicious digestant with meals. Shivar Ale PURE DIGESTIVE AR0MATICS WITH SHIVAR MINERAL WATER AND GINGER Nothing like it for building rich blood and solid flesh. At all gro cers and druggists satisfaction or your money back on first dozen. - Sbivar Ale retails at 15c per bot tle, or $1.75 per dozen. If your reg ular dealer cannot supply you, tele phone WEST FLORIDA GROCERY CO. fjoobsujj joj sjojnqjj( Call for IflBG111 Wine If NON-INTOXICATING 'THE glorious, golden, matured wine with the alcohol taken out. Good, cither straight or mixed. SM Ewrymhm If" r tit ft m fr n?T f "Tim Art mf MtifttsJUy" GARRETT CO.. lae. Bub Terminal 8!dg., Brooklf ,!.T. and Mrs. McLaughlin and children with relatives in Montgomery, where Mr. McLaughlin joined them en route home. Friends of Mrs. Joy C. Green are glad to know that she Is able to be home again, after having undergone a recent operation at the Pensacola hos pital and is continuing to rapidly im prove. . Mrs. Fred Eastwood and two chil dren and Miss Myldred Booth have gone to the west on an extended visit. Miss Booth to return home after a month's stay visiting en route with relatives and friends In Springfield, Mo., Memphis and other points. Miss Arline Keogh of New York city arrives today to be a guest at th home of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. McMillan, 3,002 N. Baylen-st., and to attend the Sanders-McMillan wedding. bs pticud CP Youn hair Hare Ions, etrctctt soft bair tha caa i-cari!y drosaed. Get ri4 f tha daadmif.f e?dtas ervin hair roota and Btoplalllrthiir 'with 1 EXELENTO QUININE POMADE thm real fcalr crower. Send 25 for cither Exclento Quinin Pomada or Exelento bkia Ecautifier. Areata wan ted to r II Exelotito Products in all carta of tha country CX3XNTO MCSiCINE COkiPAKY Atlanta. oorM EVAPORATED Rich, delicious, selected cream, prepared by a wonderful new process, one-third richer tnan ordinary dairy cream, put up in cans ready for instant use for every table and cooking need. 24 Butterfat. Pure Cream in Cans for Every Table and Cooking UseAlways Handy Use it with fruit, cereals, beverages and for delicious salad dressings, ice cream and desserts. It Whips when A S JWEET, -delicious biscuits are as sured by usingSkylark Flour. 1 aolfew Ht Co. Lewis Bear Co., Inc. Wholesale Distributors Sold in riAln. flour as" Xomifmi MM In this day o conservation, men and -women of mental and Trff nhvsiral strprurth. wear classes --rlC'r " 'W. r"j o - ' c3 as much for preservation of tality as for the betterment vision. j Correctly fitted glasses con serve nerve energy. See our Optometrist WISLL C. IBDFlrENlI JEWELER AND OPTICIAN The House of Reliable Goods. 14 South Palafox Street. WALL PAPER FOR YOUR HOME E. DLOOGETT WELLG G GONO, Inc. Phone 778 j - 12 East Government 'St. (MUMS? Cur! hair can b mad toft aadglocsy by using ' NeJsonV Hair Dressing ThetV nothing to equal Nelson's for making stubborn, curly hai soft and casv to manaee. It's fin far tha scalp and hair roots. All good drug stores in U. S. keep Ndum's. Ba sura to get gen uine Nelson's. Nelson Mfg. Co. Kelson's ttMSlSTUBiaMKMH Richmond, Va. Grow Your Hair FREE RECIPE After being almost totally bald a KeW York business nan grew hair and now as a prolific growth at ace I 66 for which rre will (end the fennine recipe free on request to any man or woman who wishes to overcome dandruff or (rain new hair growth, or testing box of the prep aration, Kotatko, will be mailed with, recipe if you send 10 cts., stamps or silver. His address Is John 11. Bnttaia, BT-301. Station V. New York. N. T. EVERLASTING FABRICS CO. PensacoIas Representative Store nswn FOR TABLE USE cold. Two sizes, 74 and 15 ounce cans, SOc and 50c. You will like it. Every good grocer keeps it. Rico Milk Projects Co., Inc. Cxeewtfem OTiiees Bash Terminal BaDdinc. No. 10. Brooklyn, N. Y. I I nVSf-ajail' ' ' I ': -' I!!":::--:' -Vyyrrt. vi - of IpP LOOKING OVER OUR NEW WALL PAPERS is a lesson in modern wall and ceiKng decorative art. They give an added tone of comfort and luxury to room or hall. They appeal to the eye and taste alike. Yet they cost no more than common papers Ydu'll be sorry if you re-paper be fore seeing them. AC, . r