STATE *ttsu iflTien^l By Howard Fast HOLD onto your seat, because this one comes hard. Willie Hearst and I have made our peace. Pals brothers comrades in arms; side by side, I and the old monster of San Simeon face the world. We fight for the same n cause; we ad vance intrepid ly against the same evil. w” Perhaps to - y -/ morrow, I will i,n s>,i Mi , mam I - |lllp|| fir .v ,;■ s V f. ■ //».••/ «/>/* /• '/<••'<<• - •/. > '.f.: • . }j Sq, / 1> •:*<■ s/iitr the ijrrnti r no- l ~ -- jjSßHMre*'' ’ a£'. NU c>]>ii\‘ih ■/ **■l W U ‘ t W^ Z . 1 Vtunitirs. ■ I Hb~ Unless you live on the Gold Coast, your kids are get r Mkr. This is the conclusion the Chicago Star drew from its exclusive survey of the city's recreational facilities. Playgrounds, parks, swimming pools are plentiful in TltßmmSm high- ren * sections of Chicago. But if you live in the densely-populated districts of the South Side or in the SEE PAGE 10 Chicago, September 7, 1946 Rep. Sabath writes on big trust lobbies see page 9 5c