STATE *ttsu
HOLD onto your seat, because
this one comes hard. Willie
Hearst and I have made our
Pals brothers comrades
in arms; side by side, I and the
old monster of San Simeon face
the world. We fight for the same
n cause; we ad
vance intrepid
ly against the
same evil.
w” Perhaps to -
y -/ morrow, I will
i<A. Aj : ' go lay a wrea th
I \V / on the grave of
' Arthur Bri s -
\ bane, and who
\r knows but that
J , Pegler himself
fast will take time
off from the delightful thought
of an atom bomb dropping on
Belgrade or Moscow and write
the same sort of nice things
about me that he does about Ryan
of the longshoremen and the fine
old A.merican practice of lynch
* # *
IF I sound reasonably incoher
ent, you must remember that
this sort of thing doesn’t happen
every day. Here I was believing,
from everything I ever read or
heard, that Willie Hearst was
just an old monster, an American
prototype of A. Hitler or B. Mus
solini, the sort of person against
whom even Bertie McCormick
would seem like a cultured gen
tleman; and then, lo and behold,
I find myself allied with this
same Willie Hearst in a great
crusade. That sort of thing can
shake you.
Willie Hearst, you know, is a
great one for crusades. The
Hearst newspapers are always
crusading for some fine Ameri
can ideal. You may remember
that back just before the turn of
the century, this same Willie
Hearst sent an artist to Cuba to
cover the war with Spain. The
artist, after arriving there, wired
to Willie:
“No war!”
To which Willie answered:
“You provide the pictures.
I’ll provide the war.”
# * *
WILLIE was always such a
card! You just have to look at
him with open eyes and get all
that nasty hate out of your heart
to see what a card Willie was
and still is. He loves to make
wars crusades for them; none
of your stupid anti-fascist wars,
of course, but good, honest wars
against those monster nations
who seek world domination, like
Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia.
And Willie crusades for other
things too, like the open shop
and the anti-vivisection law.
After all, what a happy world
this would be if there were no.
doctors and medicine and hospi
tals, and maybe if you really
stopped vivisection and made it
possible for all children- to get
infantile paralysis, we wouldn’t
have wars because the popula
tion would decrease naturally.
* # *
BUT what I started out to dis
cuss is the matter of Willie and)
I becoming comrades in arms.|
1. No. 10
Star expose
cracks jim crow
at Coyne school
. * . ...
Ipp* 7 WV v " 1 This irrrh- tin STM,' he, ,s
ir - Just ‘I Is H .the first of an ri’-hisin x- -
JSffi; 1 | 7 " H ('h" t"r ’ * st<
mm Jrn I ’ nni/hborhooils.
JK ; aaßgfc Wniint >,n s>,i Mi ,
mam I - |lllp|| fir .v ,;■ s
V f. ■ //».••/ «/>/* /• '/<••'<<• - •/. >
'.f.: •
. }j Sq, / 1> •:*<■
s/iitr the ijrrnti r no- l ~
-- jjSßHMre*'' ’ a£'. NU <h,\schi-l>c>]>ii\‘ih ■/
**■l W U ‘ t W^ Z . 1 Vtunitirs.
■ I Hb~
Unless you live on the Gold Coast, your kids are get
r Mkr. This is the conclusion the Chicago Star drew from
its exclusive survey of the city's recreational facilities.
Playgrounds, parks, swimming pools are plentiful in
TltßmmSm high- ren * sections of Chicago. But if you live in the
densely-populated districts of the South Side or in the
Chicago, September 7, 1946
Rep. Sabath
writes on big
trust lobbies
see page 9