OCR Interpretation

Sword and shield. (Clinton, Miss.) 1885-1888, December 12, 1885, Image 4

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

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'lue Wiiul in« of the Skein.
1 held the skein for her one night,
\\ lien the shadowy glint of the flre-light
Danced fitfully on the opposite wall.
Polly and 1, and that was all,
Weré there to see the ghostly ball; •
Ti ngs nnd scuttle, hearth-dogs and cat,
Vi nus de Milo and mandarin fut,
•J'abie and lamp, ami chairs where we sat.
In rhythmic measure went r und and round.
In rhythmic measure with never a sound.
While Polly's arms as she wound und wound,
Iiooked like a fiddler drawing Ills bow
Air ss his fiddle t'- and fro;
'* he strings were those of the skein, you know
1 held the skein.
1 he'.d the skein. I'd known her long,
Ami my heart I ad lonrned the same old song
'jbut hearts have snug since hearts wire
iniule, , , ,
Trilled iu the sunlight or sobbed in the sin d •.
lint my !l|ts were mute, for I w as afraid
'Jo speak my tuoughm. Sol hold my peace
/nd borrowed In pe, and took new lease
.and jet dreaded might
Ol a 1 riet d hip 1
For pu.iy »us oddish nnd queer in her ways,
lier jeas were nay* and her nays were yeas,
/ n I It olten took me d iys and days
'J o find out II she was v< sod or pleased,
Or If I d bo- n wound d or only tensed;
Lut her a d ship was inis night appeased;
j lic.d tue skein.
J held the skein the last few si ran Is;
Anil us they escap'd, my oiiisireicned hands
V ere stretched out Immer and iurther still
(You seethe yarn might have dropped) until
S »inohow—we.I, Puliv wasn't ill,
tuny a little bit tired, sue said,
An.', perhaps, a suspicoa of ncho in the
1 hat ncsticd close under a board that was
But is auburn now. And she calls me Ned,
And says It was ready very il.-brid
'Jo kiss In r and boid Her waist instead
Oi the ski in, ai d sue'il never irust mo again,
But she ha.-, lor j ears have Uown since then.
J lie d the ski in.
—Oak and Week.
Frau Bucher c.imbed tho last step of
the attic-stairs, aud found iier young
lodger still sowing by tho light of a
fi eblo lamp.
"Thekla child," she cried, "ain't
vou ready yet a while?" "Come in
and sit down," the girl answered in
pure sweet.y-spoken German. "I'm
almost through." "But you ain't had
your supper y et," said Frau Bucher.
"I'm only going lo have a bit of
toast anil some tea. You'll have a
with me, wou't you? Oh yes, but
Think how many cups of
you mus'.!
'coffee I've been taking with you! Be
sides, it's so much more cosy and so
c aide than b»'ii;g alone."
• A!», well," said Frau Bucher, laugh
dou't go to tho opera
This is what you call a
in g softly, "wo
every nignt!
spree—ell, 1 hekla? '
The g ri smiled hack at her, but her
Sie was think
lips dumped slightly,
jug, poor child, of tlm time, when Iho
opera was a part of her daily life,
how they used to applaud, ihose
nt.ui-, when her father led the orciies
lie had been dead three years, and
that was eight years ago. But sho
con'd see it ail now—the lights, the
perfume, and the flowers, the ladies in
eustiy attire nodding gaily to her, the
maestro's daughter, and Felix.
"Aud what are these things for, any
how?" asked Frau Bucher, picking up
Utile plush bag from a bright-colored
pile that lay ou the table.
"Fur opera-glasses," Thekla said,
rising suddenly and beginning to bustle
over ner little supper. "1 make them
for a store dowu town. You've no
idea how well they se.l."
"bo!" said Frau Bucher pleasantly.
"That is good,
here sewing yet
a;e lots oi good men, Thekla?"
"i hale men!" ihe girl answered
fiercely. "1 shall never marry any
one, Mrs. Buc e r."
"Thai's a.l tooiisliuess, ehil i. You're
young yet a while; butt very girl has
a lover some time."
"j've had mine—with other evils—
long ago."
"And ho didn't Hin» out right?"
er eu Fn.u Bucher. •
But why do you sit
a while, when there
'iii'-kia sh ><>u lift - head.
"\\ eli, wel ! '
"It was khi
ago—in B :rliu,
iv my fallier fell ill,
»» In.in lie misled tho
a of ti.s op.ms robOed him
k was long before
st i ; ".oiig bei
and tbe in..n ii
piiln c.ii
o. tiie e ij y right.
we thought of emigrating to America.
My father was famous then, and mak
ing money fast."
"And tiiis young fellow," Frau
Bucher pursued, "lie didn't steal,
did lie?"
"Oil, no!" the girl answered bitterly.
"He did nothing worse than play mo
false. He deserted me, without a
word, in the hour of my greatest need;
left my father, whom he called his best
friend, to die in want in a foreign
country; anil he was rich, too. I did
uot want his charity, but
She burst inlo tears, and Frau
Bucher leaned over to pat her on tlie
"There, there," she said soothingly,
"don't cry, child! Dm't think about
those things. What's the use? Think
about the opera. Won't we two be
grand sitting there like fine ladies to
uight—eli, Thekla?"
"It is my father's opera," the girl
said, drying her tears, and lifting her
1» ad proudly. "Ho wrote it, Mrs.
Bacher- -every note; au I oh, there are
such lovely choruses! First, there's a
lot of soldiers, you know-"
In a few moments she was deep in
the plot of tlie opera, giving tiie airs
as she went along, lilt Frau Bucher
"Why, you know it already!"
"1 know every noie ot it," Tiickia
said, pushing her toast aside barely
tasted, "and I love it ail. To-night 1
shall hear it again for the first time in
six years."
* "But aren't you going to oat any
"No; I am not hungry. Gome, we
must be goiug. Tue people are crowd
ing in, anil tnere are no reserved seals
iu tlm gallery," sho said with a faint
Sho was wondering what that gay
audience would do if they were sud
denly informed tiiat tlie daughter of
the man who wrote tiieir favorite opera
was sitting in the gallery.
The house was crowded, and as
Thekla took her seat her heart bound
ed, for she saw that a score of the
opera, as it stood on the leader's staud
iu the orchestra, was resting on a pil
low of flowers, that bore the words:
"Iu Mcinoriain, ltcrita, i»t aj 9.18-."
Someone else rometubeivd, then!
Someone remembered that happy night
of her father's triumph! Tuen* was
someone here who ha t bjeu there!
"Oh-li-h!" cxe.ainijl Frau Bucher,
in indescribable tones, us the «urtuin
rose to the notes of a stirring military
Thekla loaned over eagerly. For a
brief spell she was happv.
Entrance»» by tue sound of her fut li
er'.s music, sim sut through life tirst act
iiko une iti u tlroaiu. When the cui>
tain full, sim turned will» a sympathetic
smile to a soedy-looking musician, who
hail bcou devouring the score through
a ior-'iietie.
"Will you lend me your glass for a
moment, sii?" she said politely.
Aud whou the request was granted,
looked for the tirst time at the
Lou<e. -
Tho orchestra occupied her some
true, and then there was a fair girl sit
ting iu the lower-box, richly attired,
d at the back of her chair stood »
gentleman in a faultless full-dress cos
tume. It was Count Edelstadt.
A low smothered cry escapod The
kla's lips, and she grew deadly white.
She knew him iustantly— handsome
aud courtly as ever. And that girl
over whom lie was bending so devoted
ly— ali, something iu the girl's heart
seemed to snap!
"Thekla elu.d. what's the matter?
cried Frau Bucher, shaking her slightly.
But the lights were dancing away,
aud the opening strains of tho socoml
act were swallowed up in the empty
silence of unconsciousness.
"I told you vou was a workin' too
hard vet," .-aid trau Bucher -omo time
afterwards when sue sat ou the edge
of Thekla's shm, chiding her gent. y for
taxing lier str. ugiii loo iar.
Tne girl umy .-hook ner head,
lay quite stdi, but her l ea t w m in a
J lie opera wus oViT. a d ,ue peop e
1'liev knew and
i »
were coi.uuj:
thought nothing of Thelka, savo to
wonder who that woman was who
fainted in the beginning of the second
act, and caused sud» a distracting
noise in the gallery.
"It was very unfortunate!" Count
Edelstadt observed to his companion.
"That vesner-song was spoiled entire
ly. Ah, Miss Irwin, see what I have
done; pushed tho bottom out of your
new opera-bag!"
"You naughty man! Those glasses
won't go in that bag; they're too large.
They're mamma's, you see. But never
mind; I guess I can mend it.
"No," he said, putting the bag in his
pocket; "I'll get you a new oue. I'm
Ah, here is your car
sorry, but
lie went home that night in a dreamy
mood, for the familiar airs of that dear
o il opera were haunting him.
"Eight years ago?" he mused, as he
took Miss Irwin's opera-bag from his
pocket and looked at it id y, "opera
nags were not in fashion then. Pretty
lilile thing, but not very strong. Stiff
ened with writing-paper," he added,
examining the bag. "Eli, what's thi>?
Wnoevcr made this lias been using up
some old letters.
A man's curiosity is fully equal to a
woman's, and Count E ielstädt was not
above ripping the bag open to lind out
what was written on this scrap of
It proved to be a letter-head, read
I.oifen tie ai d Gay, Opticians,
No. IT» Oliver street.
Then below, in a clerk's hand, was
following part of a letter:
"Miss Thekla 11 —, 1*) Ur >wn St., City.
"Dear Miss:—'i here is hi. * X.ra order for
cpera-bups to go out in-"
The rest was out off, hut that did not
concern Count E leistadt.
He leaped to his feet,
possible that lie had found her. after
ail these years? His lost love, Thelka
—his promised wife! Would the morn
ing never dawn, tiiat he might go aud
seek her?
Thekla was sitting, the next day,
very listlessly by her fireside, when
there eaiue a hounding step on the
stairs and an eager knock.
"Pardon me! ' said the glad voice of
one who paused on the threshold.
"Frau Bucher told me to come right
up. Thelka darling! don't you know
me? 1 am
"Yes. yes!" he cried clasping her in
his arms. "Where have you been hid
ing? 1 have sought you so long!"
"But you never came lo seg us after
Could it be
"Steinmetz told me you had gone
away, and lie could uot give me your
address. 1 waited to hoar from you,
and when you never wrote, 1 thought
"That was false! Steinmetz knew
very well where we were, but he had
stolen my father's operas, and he
tried to keep anyone irom finding it
"I heard that afterwards, and I
found out that you had cotno to Amer
ica. But 1 have tried so often lo find
you; and oh, Thek'a, i have been so
"Then you did not forget!" sho fal
"Forget!" he echoed; but his only
answer was to fold his arms about her
and lay his cheek tenderly against
hers. "D are.-»t—always!" he mur
mured. "My poor little girt! what you
must have suffered. "On, if that vil
lain Steinmetz ——"
"Ho is dead," Tliekiu said gently,
"and it cannot matter now. 1 can
bear anything, Felix, with \ou!"
A few days later. Miss Irwin re
ceived a very handsome now opera-bag
nnd a superb pair of gold-mounteu
opera-glasses, "With the compliments
of the Count and C* unless of E lei
.lut! cN Memory.
Judic looks as sweet and fresh as a
peach «n thu stage; thougu off she
shows her age. Sue lias oue supreme
physical charm, that of exquisite clean
liness. it she had just slopped from a
ball» and had b»'eu va let powered aud
polished she could u >t look more de
lightfully enticing. 1 iti.nk she has
thu loveliest expression of any woman
1 ever saw on or off the stage. A very
pretty New Yorker, who tr.»v. led
from New Yora in tiie same ear with
her Monday, to Is me site is uuaffccled
and agreeable r -ther than sparkling in
conversation. W eu this young lady
was introduced Mine. Jud e gazed at
her a few mom. ms an t then said she
had seeu lier before, 'iho Juuy rcp.ied:
"O no; i; was tne tirst time." "O, but
I have; you were at tue theatre ou
suen a nignt aud sat in such a box."
It was line euoujh, and shows that
lite plump iitue uilisiu possessed the
rare facility of remembering any face
once seen, even iu a crowded tncatre.
—Alia y Jour ntt .
in the great Northwest it is no longer
"Hail Columbia,but "Hail Columbus."
Tho latter song.is to be .-ling by many
thousand throats at the next meeting
of the Nation il »S teiigcrfest. The song
is in German, and was written by Can
Joseph Brainbech. of Bonn, Germany,
to whom has just been paid $1,000—
the Plaukinlou prize. It was Joel
Barlow of old, who began his epic
1 sm? ttie mnn who f.ivt unfurled
An Knsh'i'ii I.aimer «.Vr Hie Western world.
Old Ren Wad*.
Whatever But>jnmiti F. Wade be
lieved or said, writes a cot respondent
of the New York Mar, he believed and
uttered with his whole soul, and had
tho habit, when under the exeiii-m nt
of some pressing events, of cmpiiasiz
ing his speech by slight oaths. Ol
course, nil his judicious friend* regret
ted this, but tlie habit was far less
common than rumor lias laid to bis
charge, and ho was never rougi» or in
any marked degree offensively pro
fane. I remchiber one day—it was
well along in the first summer of the
war—that a gentleman from Western
Pennsylvania came to nie in Washing
ton with a letter of introduction from
my brother, residing in Erie, aud set
ting forth that the bearer was a distin
guished presidingflder of the Metho
dist connection anxious to offer his
services to the couutry in whatever ca
pacity he might be most useful, and
desirous of an introduction to Mr. Lin
coln and Mr. W ade. I took the rev
erend gentleman, who seemed a very
determined and earnest man, at once
to Mr. Wade, to whom ho told his
wishes, closing with the remark that
he "was ready to preach, pray or fight
for his country; only desiting employ
ment in whichever service he could be
of most use." Whereupon Mr. Wade
grasped his visitor's hand a second
time, with a most cordial grasp, and
replied that, "in view of tho situation
of the country he thought such talk on
the part of a clergyman was d-d
sensible talk." And taking his hat
and cunc—which was a rifled cane,
and in those days always loaded—said
he would go at once with the gentle
man to tho white house, "for Mr. Lin
coln would be glad to see such a
E readier, aud before sunset they would
avc him commissioned in some one of
the duties suggested." It could not
have bccu more than two hours before
my deride friend cal'ed on me a^ain,
now with his appointment as a chap
lain in his pocket, and with transporta
tion to a regiment then fighting in
Tennessee; and he was to leaye on the
next train. The good man, who, as
afterward I was glad to learn, proved
himself through the war a genuine
hero in all the capacities he had inti
mated, was delighted with his prompt
success, and full of hearty expressions
of admiration for both Lincoln and
Wade. He declared, among other
terms of high admiration, that they
were "both lions of the tribe of Ju
dah." "Yes," I replied, "they are in
deed two noble men—grand men for
the time;" but, thinking the senator's
oath of the morning, followed, as I
feared, by others, might need some ex
cuse, 1 added, in apologetic tone, "vou
noticed that our good friend, Mr.
Wade, is inclined, in his earnestness,
to emphasize his remarks with words
not exactly in order." "Yes, sir, I
noticed it," replied the presiding elder,
aud, whispering in my ear, "but 1 no
ticed another thing, tiiat he always
puts his oaths in the right pla^e."
A G.ri'a Miiii'idie.
It was the face of a handsome bru
nette just verging into womanhood.
On her upper lip and slightly shading
its scarlet hue grew a dark si.ken mus
tache tiiat on a dude would have been
cherished aud cultivated as the choic
est treasure on earth. Her head rested
in a metal plate connected by a wire
with a galvanic battery on the table.
The doctor took up from Ihe table
at his elbow someth ng that looked
like an ebony pen staff. This also was
connected with the battery. In the
end was a very flue gold-plated needle.
Tho doctor looked cautiously over the
yotiug Indy's dainty little mustache,
and. at length singling out a hair, in
serted the poiut of the needle down by
tlie hair-bulb nnd. pressing a little
spring in the handle, turned on tho
current from the battery.
When tho electric current ran down
tho point of tho needle the young lady
winced aud clenched her hands while
tlie tears camo to her eyes. This lasted
only for a moment, for as soon as a
little froth appeared around the needle
it was removed aud tho hair dropped
out. After iorciug out about a dozen
of the hairs on eacn side of tho lip the
doctor stopped. The young lady re
moved her head from tiie metal plate,
wiped her face with a scented pocket
handkerchief, and tripped gayly to the
mirror. She took a long glance of in
tense satisfaction and gleefully remark
ed that they would soou all be gone.
Then she put on her hat and left, after
having made an appointment for an
other sitting.
"So you remove mustaches from tho
young h.dles who are unfortunate
enough to have sud» hirsute adorn
ments!" remarked tiie reporter,
you te.l me how it is done?"
"The operation is not very new,
was the reply. "It has been known
amt practiced for years, especiai.y in
tue East 'Ihe electric current decom
poses the salt iu the skin into acid,
which goes to the metal plate, and the
alkali which accumulates around tho
needle destroys the hair-bulb so that
the hair e ù never reappear. This
method is a»so very useful iu removing
the ugly bristles that grow in moles,
for tlie hairs arc then large in size and
few in number. It is outy necessary to
spend a few seconds on each hair and
but a few miuutes on a dozen, after
which a rest of several days is taken to
allow the inflammation to disappear
before undertaking any more."
Try it Oust Once for the Cigars,
The latest trick about town is called
the Clock Ptizz e. You uieution it to
your friend. His curiosity prompts
him to inquire what it is like. You
take out your watcii, a-k him to select
oue of the hour figures, then offer to
bet him ttie cigar- you can tell which
one he selecte i, thu oniy condition be
ing that, as you go rum tiling about the
dial looking for the number, he shall
teil you wneu the number ho has in his
mind, add» d to your count, will make
twenty. For instance, you begin by
pointing y*»ur penc J at 8, counting one.
then at 5, counting two, tuen at other
uumbers selected at random, counting
each one, until you nave counted eight,
when you besriu at the 12 and proceed
iu tiie direction op; o He to that which
the hands travel. L your friend lias
sei» cied tue 12 tie informs you that
your count ( ight) and the hour num
ber, at wh en you are then pointing,
added together, niaKo twenty, if ho
should have sei« cied tho II he slops
you there, asyourcouul (nine) and tho
11 tuakus twenty, and so on, lukiug in
ail of tue hours. It is a Very simple
thing, but it tins been <:ood fur many a
cigar.— L'/< c<t/<t i.era iL
Owners ot f.ied plush goods
ifriglitcu them up sponging .'hern
with cliioiolot 'u.
Marriage, says the 8an Francisco I
Chronicle , has long been considered as
more or less of a lottery. It is like a
lottery in more than the drawing.
Drawing a blank once only makes you
go into it again. The fact is, to lose a
husband or draw one she has got to
get rid of is a reflection upon tne
woman and wounds her vanity. Site
feels she must marry again just to
show it was not her fault, aud she is
much likelier to be happy in the second
venture. The experience of the first
helps her to a better understanding of
tho second, and the unpleasantness of
the loss teaches her to yield very often
where her natural inclination would be
to kick. But there's one woman very
ippy now, whoso husband probably
will never know that he was brought
up to the scratch in a very simple but
effective way.
*T have come to ask you if you
help me to some work," she said. She
was a finely educated, very attractive
"My husband has turned out
quite worthless. I have had to leave
him, and I am now compelled to sup
port myself.
•'I am very sorry, but I am afraid I
cannot give you any work. Do you
propose to support yourself?"
"I've got to."
"Look here, that's all nonsense.
You're youug, pretty, attractive. Why
don't you marry again?"
"Marry again! Never. I've had
ough of it."
"Nonsense; you'll have better luck
this time. Haven't you any admirers?"
"O, yes.
"Any one you like?
"Yes. There's one young gentleman
He's well off;
How She Brought Him Around.
I )
very much gone on me.
has a very nice position.
"That's tho man. You marry him.
But he's bashful and backward,
and I've got to do somothmg right
1 have no money."
s bad.
iy. i
Do you mind assisting me to bring
him to tho point?"
"Certainly not. '
I'll be most happy to do anything.
"Well," and she hesitated; " !r
wouldn't mind,
very backward, but he's very fond of
me, and I think he means business.
Now, if you will put on your best
elotbes aud come up—you sec, he's
coming to call upon me to-night
"Certaiuly. 1 il call to-night with
pleasure; but
"Oi course I shall not tell him you're
married—you understand; and if
you'll—well, he might get jealous, per
haps, nnd that would be something,
vou know."
"0, 1 see. I'll be there.
So the lady went off, aud the ad
viser dressed himself in gorgeous array
and called at her house. The bashful
lover was there, aud it was not fifteen
minutes before lie got Wildly jealous of
the new beau, The rival worked it up
for all it was worth, and wuen the
backward adorer got to the inflamma
tory point of jeaiousy where a fight
was probably imminent the confederate
lit out, left him tue field, aud in tho
brief explanation of tbe next live min
utes he had committed himself to an
immediate marriage. She deserved
Tell me how, and
if you
You see, he's very.
Minister (to Deacon of the church)—
"I want to refer to a matter, my dear
Deacon, that has been
mind for some time,
will overlook any apparent meddling
in your affairs, knowing that I only
speak for your own good." Duacon
(cordially)—"Certainly, my dear sir,
speak your miud freely." Minister—
"I understand you have been specula
ting a good deal of late. Now, aside
from the danger of such a business and
tbe cons* qu< nt misery it tuny entail
upon your family, do you consider it
just the proper thing for a Deacon ot
the-" Deacou—"Yes, I admit
that I have speculated some. I cleared
$5,000 only yesterday on a wheat
transaction." Minister (astounded)—
"No, is that so? What's wheat worth
preying on my
I am sure you
The new White Cross Army is grow
ing. It has a membership of 500 in
New York, aud is being established in
all the largo cities of the country. In
Glasgow a is 65,000 strong. It is in
creasing rapid £ iu London. All its
members sign pledges to maintain'per
sonal puriiy aud to see their influence
in repressing immorality, indecent
language and coarse j**sts.
The queen wrote to all her family
and announced her marriage to them,
says Can ries Gievdle in his memoirs.
When she saw tho due.»ess of Glouces
ter iu town au I told her sho was to
make her declaration tne ncxi uay tho
duchess asked her if it was not a nerv
ous thing to do. Sho said. "Yes, but
1 did a much more nervous thing a
What was that?"

little while ago.
I proposed to Prince Albert
At Middiesboro, England, the other
day, Dr. Strathern appeared as a wit
ness at Petty Sessions, but dec ined to
take an oath, on the ground "That it
was a very seriom thing to kiss a book
which was handled by all kinds of peo
ple." After some argument the doetoi
offered by way of compromise to kiss
the book'if a clean sheet of paper were
placed over the cover, 'i he bench de
clined to accede to this or to allow the
doctor to make au affi mation, and
eventually he consented, under protest,
to "run the risk of catching disease."
In 1851, when Louis Nupoluon was
President of France, some coins were
struck with' his head upon them. He
examined them, said they were all
right, and told the mintmaster to go
ahead with them. A little later he
noticed a stiff-looking lock of hair over
the temple, such as we call a cow-lick,
and ordered a new die made. That
was done, but in the meantime twenty
three of the pieces had gone into circu
lation, one of which is said to be in tho
possession of Queen Victoria. One
thousand dollars apiece has been of
fered for these rare coins, without
A sheep-raiser in Texas went to a
telegraph office to send a message to
his ranch. He dictated this to the ope
rator: "Meet me with two horses aud
Shop. Shop was the name of his dog.
The operator wrote, "Meet me with
two horses' and sheep." He showed it
to tho sender, who, evidently being as
little familiar with spelling as writing,
pronounced it satisfactory. When the
Texan reached the specified place he
was met, much to his surprise, by his
with a drove of 2,500 sheep. The
sheep had been driven a long uistanoe
through tbe wintry weather. Many of
them had died, and others had suffered
seriously from exposure. The owner
sued tbe company for damages, and
won his case m the lower courts. This
was reversed by the Court of Appeals,
which held that iu writing the message
the operator acted as the agent of tne
sender and not of the company.
I The White
:• -:i
C «-'
Sewing Machine.
Its Introduction and world-renowned reputa
tion was the death-blow to high-priced machines
There are no Second Hand White Machines in
the market.
This is a very important matter, as it is a well
known and undisputed fact that many of the so
colled first-class machines which are offered s.
cheap now-a-days are those that have been repos
sessed (that is, taken back from customers after
ose) and rebuilt and put on the market as new.
The White is the peer of any sewing machine
now upon the market.
It is mach larger than the family machines of
the Singer, Howe and Weed make.
It costs more to manufacture than either of the
aforesaid machines.
Its construction is simple, positive and dnra
Its workmanship is unsuipassed.
Do Not Buy any Other
Before Trying
Prices anfl berms Hale Satisfactory
While Sewing Machine Co .,
The Sixth Annual Session opens
Sept 9th, next.
The location is in the beautiful,
healthy and moral town of Shuqua
lak, on the M. & 0. Railroad, 52
miles north ot Meridian.
Rev. L. M. Stone, Pres't, is assist
ed by experienced and first-class
teachers in every department. The
grade oi scholarship, the literary
character and all the appointments
of the College, are unexcelled in our
State. The religious tone of the
school and community is of a good
character. The advantages for a
finished literary and musical educa-*
tion are all that may reasonably be
desired. Terms low. Board and
Tuition for the Session, §150. Mu
sic per session §47. No incidentals.
Apply for catalogue.
E. F. Nunn,
Pres't Board Trustees.
TDlÿli »
Correlated with Vanderbilt University, highest
advantage* in every Department. Splendid new build*
lag. Ample Faculty. Music, Art, Calisthenics. Health,
Accessibility. For Catalogue, address
Bav. CEO. W. F. PRICE. D. D.. Pres., NsshrUle.TesB
135 Canal Street, New Orleans.
O CR Mf illuitnted Floral
_ Oatalocae of #0 pmge«,
anflMuoatoiaing detcription sad
BflBaÉprk-ea of tho best »»netiM of
Hy Piant.t, Lardon and Flow.
Sf»?VTrrea will be mailed Free to
"Ryjail applicant*. Tea fioaea
^^^■talled tor One Dollar to aor
• place. Wholeaale and retail.
MHZ ft NEUNER. LoulsHUe. Ky.
7 ,
03 /
1 OT
This Is nature's great restorer of health,
and Is the only preparation of Iron that
combi nesalt of Its good qualities, without
producing the unpleasant after effects
which characterise all other preparations
of Iron. It is pleasant and agreeable to
the taste, and can be taken and retained
by tbe most delicate stomach. It is the
only preparation of Iron that win not
constipate tbe bowels, or blacken and de
stroy the teeth. It is easily and readily
taken up and assimilated by the blood,
Is, therefore, ttie greatest remedy
known for
General Debility, Dyspepsia, Indiges
tion, Nervousness, Female Diseases,
Serofiala, Chronic Rheumatism, Con
valescence from typhoid and Malarial
Fevers, and all Diseases and Impari
ties ofthe Blood.
M'f'gChemists, Memphis, Tenn., ll.S.A. ËJ
Tiu> seualoe bit. deep blue
with whit*
Nextto Capitol Stute Bank, JackHon, Miiss.
• * r
Fine Watches,
A -
Eye Glases,
: o :
Prices as low as Reliable Goods can be
bought. Goods sent on approval
to responsible parties.
Refers to the Editor of this Paper. -*©>8*
I®* FOR 1885,
This paper was issued for two years by Dr. W. A. H url, under th
name of
ut the time came when a
more vigorous and agressive paper
ed, than the editor of the ARGUS, with his extensive business in othe
was nee
directions, could give. Therefore, the paper was sold to the prese
Company, and the SWORD and SHIELD takes up where the Argu
left off. (Vol. III.)
Will be issued weekly, will contain the best thoughts of some of
our ablest and most prominent Temperance men ; will be chock full o
good Temperance literature and news, and, in addition, will have five or
six columns of general news
Will be the best plank in the platform of the SWORD and SHIELD
but it will advocate all the interests of the people
be found articles from professional educators of the highest reputation.
In nt ccin.ns wil
Will be filled with articles by practical Mississippi farmers and with se
lection from a wide range of able Agricultural exchanges. It is tha de
tarmination of the Publisher make the department of the paper espec
ially worthy of the perusal of the intelligent formers of the South.
Tlie "Home
This Department will be filled with choice thoughts from commu
nications and exchanges. The publication of one or two short serials is
also contemplated.
This Office is prepared to do a complete
line of
+■+ WORK +
In good style and at reasonable rates
make a specialty of
A $ 150.00 E 8 TEY ORGAN.
Will be sold on easy terms, and shipped
Warranted to be PERFECTLY SOUND throughont.
Per Pirlinlin, Address
Tms Office

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