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The Columbus weekly dispatch. (Columbus, Miss.) 1902-1905, October 29, 1903, Image 4

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

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City Council Proceedings.
The City Council met Thurs
day 'night for the purpose of
hearing complaints from ttx
payers. About fifty complaints
vrere received &nd acted upon.
Very little business of any other
character was brought up. The
walk on east side of St. John
street, between College and Main
streets, was condemned and it
was ordered that ths owners of
buildings on that square be noti
fied. A letter was also read fro'n
the authorities of the Mobile ai 1
Ohio Railroad in which they r
fuse to make a crossing leadi" ?
to the Stave Factory. The Coi -cil
took no further action in tl .
Those who filed affidavits 1
fore the council asking for a t -crease
in their assessments wei 3:
Mrs. E.LP. Wilkerson, asked 1 -a
reduction of $200, $100 granted;
S. B. Chapsky asked for a -ducticn
of $221, laid aside for . -vestigation;
W. K. Cash, lir I
aside for investigation; Sa.d
ine and wife asked for a e
duction of $300, not granted; Yx.
D. Littlejohn asked for redi ; -tions
amounting to $1058, grain
ed $000 reduction; II. D. Foe
rs;eu t" rccu.Trn and t:.
granted $000; J. L. Walker ask' ri
for a reduction of $862 and was
granted; Miss V. L. Smith asked
for a reduction of $500 win 'h
was granted; Mrs. E. G. Conk
asked for a reduction of $500,
was granted S250; Benevolent
Order of Fishermen, granted
$400; Mrs. Eicholtz granted a re
duction of $300; Mr. Jos. Doi:o
ghue asked for reduction of $7500,
laid aside for investigation; Mr.
W. C. Beard was granted $J X)
duction on property; Dr. J. D.
McCullough asked for reduction
of $240. laid aside for investiga
tion; Mrs. S. A. Carr asked for
reduction of $100, laid aside for
investigation; Mrs. L. A. Sykes
asked for reduction of $500,
which was not granted; R. E.
Cheatham petitioned for reduc
tion, but was not granted; Mi s.
A. M. Jobe asked for $1600 re
duction which was not granted;
F. S. Kemp petitioned for re
duction but was passed; Mrs. E.
Hutchinson was not granted the
$500 reduction asked for; Mrs.
Estes asked for a $250 reduction
which was granted; Mr. T. W.
Hardy asked for a reduction of
$1000 which was not granted;
Mrs. IL R. Garner aSked for
$700 reduction which was: gran fc
ed; Mrs. E. R. Redditt asked for
redu tion of ?1000 which was
not granted; W. C. Meek asked
for a reduction - of $500 which
was not granted; Lmdamdod and
Puckett asked for a reduction
and petition was laid over until
next meeting; J. W. Smith asked
for reduction of 300 and was
grained $250; Mrs. E. Bell asked
for eduction - which was not
graij ed; Banks-Hardware Co.
asket for reduction, was laid
asid Mrs. J. W. Broom
aske . for $100 reduction, not
gran ed; Carter and Chapman
aske. for $2000 reduction, grant
ed V 00; Allen Edwards, not al
lows ; E. T. Moore asked for
02.''" reduction, postponed for
in igation; H. Silberberg ask
ed ft $500 reduction, laid .aside;
D, T Stephenson asked for $2300
laid : .-ide for investigation; Co
luml :s, Light and Power Co.
ask- for reduction of $4900, was
post :ied for investigation; A.
Sch eb asked $3000 reduction,
laid E.side; Joe Cook asked for re
duction, laid aside for investiga
tion; Warren Cox asked for re
duction, was laid aside; Joe Har
ris ticked for $1000 reduction,
whica was partly granted; Mr.
S. Selig was granted a reduction
on petition: L. Hirshman asked
for reduction of &700 .which was
postponed for investigation; J.
W. Steea asked for reduction,
whir'i was partly granted; Col.
Bak win petitioned fcr reduction
which was refused. After al-
lowir g these petitions the coun
cil adjourned.
All the latest books, etc., at W,
N. Munroe & Co's.
Co!i nous IVIanulactunnq Company.
At a meeting of the directors
of tl' j Columbus Manufacturing
Com ian.y held last Wednesday
the following officers were elect
ed: A. A. Breast, president and
general manager; Samuel Kaye
vice-president; Warren M. Cox
secretary and treasurer.
It 0 old Cox mill. was selected
as ti e building for the new com
pany to occupy and it is being
fitter up ready for operations to
begin as soon as machinery can
be received' and installed. The
Columbus Manufacturing Com
pacy. will manufacture Breast's
patented back band, an inven
tion of great simplicity and mer
it a'., one which has received
the endorsement of very man
who has seen it.
Mj iM aiatny
One Ca L ad of
After October 1st horses vrill be boarded for $12.50 per
month if called for, if thy are to be sent out when
ordered, the rate will be $15.00 per month.
Exclusive Patterns,
Exclusive Designs,
Creations not Copies
The Fall Opening the past weekfwos attended
by hundreds, and this week our .display will
be continued. Call and inspect our offering
County flews.
Mr. W. J. Egger has returned
from Hodjjij, La., where he has
resided fcr the past year. Mr.
Egger has been engaged in the
timber business in that -section
for this period of time and he is
accompanied home by Messrs.
Homer West and Rex Wiggins.
Mr. Egger returns to resume
farming in the Caledonia neigh,
borhood, but Messrs. West and
Wiggins will probably return to
Prom Fickens county, Ala., in
the Spring Hill church commu
nity, comes the news of the mar
riage of Mr. Clark Straiten and
Miss Dorv Basingeri which oc
curred Sunday morning, Oct.
11th in the presence of quite a
number of relatives and friends,
Rev. Cox officiating. Immedi;
ately after the ceremony- they
repaired to the home of Mr Joe
Coleman where dinner was sery
ed to them and a number of in
vited gue3ts.
Here's what State Supt... Whir
field thinks of the Mt. IVerhon
school. A specirl to the Pica
yune from Jackson says : "State
Superintendent of Education
Whitfield returned this morning
from Lowndes county, where he
visited a country school y and
made a tf lk. This country school
is one of the most up-to-date -in
the State, says the Superintend
ent. Three or four schools have
been consolidated, and a fine
building, two stories high, , built,
with all the classes graded. Mr
Whitfield says that he was as
tonished at the excellence of the
scnooi ana minks tnat it is a
model foi other country commu
nities to pattern after.
Mr. John Nichols' friends
were surorised to read the fol
lowing announcement in Wednes
day's pap er, sent out from Stark
viile, tb.3 home of the bride:
MissBessie McKell of this place,
and John Nichols, of Columbus,
Miss., were quietly married at
the home of the bride's mother,
Mrs. J. N. McKell, at 3 o'clock
this afternoon, the Rev. W J R.
Wilkins officiating. The bride is
a sister of Prof. McKell of the
A. & M. college, while Mr.
Nichols is engaged in business
with the Columbus Marble
Works. The couple left" on : the
Mobile ard Ohio train for their
future home in Columbus. Only
a few of th.8 intimate friends of
the coupla were in attendance."
A pretty wedding was cele
brated at the home of Mr. - and
Mrs. C. E. Betts in the Caledon
ia neighborhood, Sunday even
ing, the 18th insfc, at 7 o'clock.
when their lovely daughter, Miss
Mittie,.ar d Mr.' J. R. West were
united in the holy bonds of mat
rimony, RewPoe, of Columbus,
officiating-. Mendelssohn's wed
ding march was sweetly played
by Miss May McCrary, of West
Point. The bride wore a most
beautiful gown of cream silk
lamb's-dov7n, which added to her
queenly baauty and gracefulness.
The bride and 'groom are two of
our most popular young people,
the bride, loved fdr 'her sweet
disposition and charming ways;
the groo m for his' many noble
traits of character. andbusiness
qualities. Indeed, he is one ? of
our best young meri. They both
have a host ' of relatives and
friends to wish them much hap
piness and prosperity.-
Wood Items.
We are glad to welcome home
Miss Beima Pressley after a
protracted stay with her brother,
Mr. Harvey, Pressley, near -New;
There are to be many changes
m our midst tin? tali. Mr.
Shayler Vaughn has bought Mr.
T. W. Morris' place on Military
road.-' Mr. John Cock has pur
chased Mr. Jim Williford's home
and Mr.' Williford and family
contemplate moving to Webster
county,' much to the regret of
their friends. :
Mrs. Zula Buntin and family
soon leave for Nesbit, near Mem
phis, which place will be their
future home. Tis needless to
say they will be sadly missed by
both old and young.
Mr.' S. P. Harris took in the
fair of last week and reported : a
fine time.
Rev. Mr. Poe held his usual
services at Flint Hill on the third
Sunday and at seven o'clock that
eyening joined in holy wedlock
Miss Nettie Betts and Mr. Rush
West. The bride, who is the
daughter of Mr. Chas. Betts, of
Border Springs, was becomingly
attired in white, while the groom
looked as if he were the most
fortunate man alive. May their
let be cast in pleasant places al
along life's journej.
Mrs. W. C. Duncan, of McBee
was with us last week. She is
ever welcome to her old frienes
Miss Lena Roden paid a hort
visit to her aunt, Mrs. , S. J.
Death of Mrs! Blanche Weidman.
Mrs. Blanche Weidman, a sis
ter of Mrs. CliQ Edwards and
daughter ci Mrs. B. K. Smith, of
this city, died in Meridian, Miss.,
last Thursday morning alter a
lingering illness with malarial
fever. Mrs. Weid man's death
was peculiarly sad, sha being in
her twenty-seventh 3oar and leav
ing a little son only eleven months
old besides her husband. She
was the sister of Mrs. Edwards,
of this city; Mra. W. J. James,
of Meridian; and Mrs. W. J. For
ristel, of Arkansas.
The body reached this city on
Thursday evening and the funer
al occurred from Mr. Edwards'
home on Friday afternoon at
half-past two o'clock. Rev. T.
W. Lewis conducted the funeral
and the following acted as pall
bearers: Messrs- W. 1 Mahon,
Thos. J. Locke, Jr., Eugene
Humphries, John Beard, D. D.
Richards and Jack Neilson. The
interment occurred in Friend
ship Cemetery.
were arranged before the May
or cn a charge of assault and bat
tery, but on investigation the ev
idence wes not considered strong
enough to warrant punishment,
so the cases were dismissed.
Justice of the Peace Matthews
gave Alonzo Williams, charged
with shooting with intent to kill,
a preliminary hearing yesterday.
It will be remembered that Will
iams is the youthful desperado
who deliberately shot Bettie
Byrd, a dusky damsel, some
time ago. The woman has re
covered and testified yesterday.
After herring all theevideno Mr.
Matthews bound 'Williams over
under a S200boud to await the
action of the grand iury.
I .
Mrs. J. H. Sharp spent last
Friday in the city and from her
we learned that Gen. Sharp had
removed to Crawford which
would be his home in the future.
Gen. Sharp recently sustained a
severe fall, which has put him on
crutches, a fact all of his friends
regret to learn.
Robbed the Grave.
A startlinsf incident, :3 narrated by
John Oliver of Philadelphia, as fol
lows: "1 was in an awful condition
My skin was almost yellow, eyes
sunken, tongue coated, pain continu
ally in back and sides, no appetite
errowingr weaker day-by day. Three
physicians had given ne up. Then
was advised to use Elec tric Bitters: to
my great joy, the first bottle made a
decided improvement. I continued
their use for three weeks, and am now
a well man. I know the y robbed the
grave of another victim. xso one
should Tail to try theTi. Only .oOo
guaranteed, at Chapman & Mayfield's
Drug btore.
In Memoriam.
Again a shadow his fallen over
the neighborhood. Our friend
and brother, Mr. O.C. Harris, has
been called to his l mg resting
place where his song- of triumph
will be united with that of his be
loved sister, who, not long since,
went to her eelestial home.
The Scripture tells us God made
man after his own image and in
the dear friend who has' left us
we could readily see a fulfillment
of his plan. Compton was a
young man of high moral tone, a
bright mind and a business ca
pacity far beyond his physical
strength. He was as firm as a
true man should be, and at the
same time as gentle as a woman.
God has indeed stricken his par
ents in thus calling him just as
he steps into manhood, but' may
his beautiful life be a lesson for
his brother and sisters who are
left to comfort their father and
Is Your Stock Increasing?
Then Increase Your
at hand, be sure you are
Will be glad to place ' your risks
in the strongest, the most liberal,
the best companies in the world.
Member N O. Cotton Exchange.
C otto n , Stocks ; Grain ,
Cotton Exchang.C0LUMBU$,nd MERIDIAN. MISS.
-, it . ... IF
C. W. Lee & Co., New York.
Gitoert & Clay. New Orleans, La.
Ware & Lelacd. Chicago.
' New Orleans Cotton Exchange.' ;
New York Cotton Exchange.
New York Coffee Exchansre.
Liverpool Cotton Association.
caicairo iJ Jam or Trace
New Orleans Board of trade.
Private Direct Wires to All .Exchanges.
Both Paones.
i - - ' ' , - .
Is the time to have your
Telephone 142. We will
do the rest.
V, J. W. BBicyT, Manager.
111 liorth Kirket St. r Citizens Phone 142.
$109 Reward, $100.
The rears of this paxcr will be p'.eaed to
learn thus there is atleastoneilrencled tlisas;
Hint science has lieen able to cure, in nil its
stages and tuat is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now kiown to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh bcins a constitu
tional disease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
nethitr directly upou the blood aril mueom
surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of tlie disease, and niviu the pa
tient st rength t'.v buiidintr up the constitution
and assistii.ir nature in dointr its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in its curative
powers, tat they offer One Hundred Dollars
for any ease tint it fails to cure. Send for
list of testimot.ta!s.
Address. F. J. CHENEY. & CO.. Toledo. O.
Sold. by Druggists. Trc.
Ilu l'S Family Phis are the best.
Court Items.
The courts of the city have had
little of importance before them
this week. In the Mayor's court
a few minor cases were tried
and sentences given as the evi
dence warranted. M. F. Smith,
an employee cf the Southern
Express Company, was tried and
fined S3. 00 for driving on the
sidewalks. The tine, however,
was held over his head subject to
his good behavior.
Ira Turner and Jim Sykes
Brooksville recently shipped a
car load of honey to the North
for which its owners received
about three thousand dollars.
The honey of this section finds
ready saU; on account of the del
cate flavor resultingfrom the mel
lilotus fields which abound there.
Miss Virginia Drew Trescott
appeared last night at the opera
house in "Satania. " Miss Tres
cott had been advertised exten-
! sively and was greeted by a fair
ly good i u die tice. It is yet too
early to ?;ive anil extensive notice
of the ph.y.
Mr. Thos K. Maxwell, former
ly a candidate for State Auditor,
now a candidate forsecretary of
the Raihoad Commission, spoilt
last Wednesday here in confer
ence wit'i Mr. II. Li. Bradley, a
member-elect of the corn missis
si on.
f'l si
I fill
Has opened its doors, just adjoining the
Lowndes County Shoe Store on Main street,
Our motto is:
"BETTER Goods for LESS Alone) "
A fine line of Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery,
Clothing, Shoes, Etc. A few of our bargains:
Boys' School Suits at price from 75 cents up.
Variety of Knee Pants from 25c up. Men's
Suits from $2.75 up. Large assortment of
Ladies' Skirts from $1.00 up. Choice lot
of Kimonas. n
Unbleached Tabling,
2 yards wide, 50e per yard.
Large assortment of Flannelettes at the very
lowest prices. A large line of New York
Hats at surprisingly low prices. A full line of
Lap Robes from 61.00 up. Come and inspec t
w fori BanraiQ Store.
The birth stone for October. Our
Assortment is complete in
jpLi. n3
I 9 1 I I I
Manub cturing Jewelers.
417 Main street.

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