The New South-News THK KLL.1HVIL.I.K MOWx» V>,i» l'lli: M 'HI 111, ( (i\ A I I II MUCH. I". 11*0.-». VOL. XXV ELLIS VILLE, MISS.. SAIT K] ) A V. AUGUST J<». 1905. NO. *29. Minims Company ttittltUltlMllUlliilillilt iit »♦♦♦»»»44 F ountain ÆÊttÊÊMtm k\t ROS« A» SEW ÎOEVN 50 f ïueen 'tia/iùj w . ' '■'O '«' y ■ ira i TC > The Ü: fix J&movs ^ aSZ/gë 7 ™* /fOAÆ'jV I Tl «* SffOZ"« MAKES LlfE S WALK EASY: 3U; k ua::k. Lewis A. Crossctt, Inc., k WORTH ABÜGTON. MASS i / À Fountain-liimms Company Ellisville, FREE DELIVERY, 9 TELEPHONE No. 89 . Mississippi. ■ lr v.^v»uvtv.vriwsv.fflr»j«;.s%%%wmnm»ii iw^ ■• i l l i mn illliI M . M II U t H 1 *he iMm et à Htm. »«»»« Water Supply The CANDICE E. CARTER'S 5 j Ti SCHOOL, t Contractor for both large and etnftll purposes. Tubular wells with 2 & ,'t inch pipe. Bored wells with 8 inch terracotto pipe. Agent for Wind Mills, Gnsso line and hot air engines, and all kinds of pumps. t t "27 VKAK8 EXPERIENCE. ; ' R. A. Lambert, ! ! Mobile, Win. « HIIHIHIHH « ■ ♦♦»« M i ll 4,î4î)f.+.4M)f.4^4 I M1SH f lia* <5 PRIMARY AND ADVANCED WORK tion will special COUHSEH the the are I Æ TWELFTH YEAR « % OPENS SEPT. 11, 1905. f t R,™ SCHOOL PLARVILLE •»— n eJd C Grf€ ye. the Thorough Courre* in LihTiiry Hr»n. h«-*. Miuic, Klooution. Bk-k«n>inK, Bhorthand, Tele graphv. Typewriting, etc. Steam Heat, Sleetrir LighU, W«pt Work», Hot snd Cold Bath*. F.sirUsntli e Visio n h-yin. Sep. ,Mi»'bcr 6th, 1-06 tlie ing W. I. THAMES, Prin., MRUtVILLC. MIS*. KILL«* COUCH h>CUREtw LUWC8 ■ Nnr Diseonry m£is Me t|1.09 Free Trial. ___ Öarv t5SôÂx~ a>d um« non mwlOKiriACK. : oo Air». 1 'razer bought ^üiih* gingham To make a Christi*«» dre»«, Slie wore it quite a little Then 'twas shortened for Mie» Ties». Heame wore it alid she wore it, Till It began lo Iray, Tbeu her thrifty mother turned it, Add made it up for May. May wore it all one winter cold, The dainty little inouee.; • Then in the spring Twa» fashioned In the cutest Kuasiaii blouse. And eo the goods was Uy manly Ha by Paul, Aud still there wan eiiOicient lelt To dress bi» favorite doll. • The dolie wore and wore the drees, 'Till l.ere sawdust all got spilt. j Then grandma cut the pieces Into patches for her limit. the worn again, the Chief Kugiueer Steveus, of the 'Gold Brick' Canal Com tniätion, lia* announced tliat hi* tirât atten h. die tlie tion upon adHiitning hi* new dudes will t>e devoted to the monquito. Kemarkable indeed! ex it the Chief Jingnicer must iissuui* control of the sanitary worn upon tlie Isth ■mas, llien will some one kindly form us what the duties ot tlie Health board are': H F.ngineer rMe vens must spend bis time investi gating the mosquito, while other mem bet s of the commission are in volved in pretty quarrels and. all running alter red tape, and while the ball-paid American employees are leaving Panama in disgust or bought otf by the traus-coutiuental railroads, then wlio is going to look after tlie actual construction work Wlio is moving All well informed men know that the atibstituiion of tlie Panama route for the Niuraguu route, which was accomplished by Mark Manila in the L'nited Slates ol in T 01 lief upon the canal? the dirt? ere Senate, was a distinct victory for tlie transcontinental railroads, whose owners vastly prefer the Pan ama route in the events, the warn ing which was sounded by the Dem* ocratic senators at tile time of this change becomes most significant. The Republican» were told that tbi» change of route» »JI intended to defeat the building of a canai. The discovery lias been made that every important canal official selected by President Roosevelt has come from among tlie officials ot the transcon tinental railroads, Engineer Stevens being the last man to deprive those benevolent corporations of hie val* liable aervicea. Hi lia er ly ty Dont forget the Jones County Fair. Its going to be the htggeat idling Jones County ever had. Thousands of people will be there. : In a short time {^ir country will probably heur u greut de-iloboul «f. j other *'conalructtv4* recea«' a "m9 age steal,*', lia» again announced that cougxj^f will be con ve neu in extra «««*» J oo No vein be 4*»ot i'l I Mdent /tJOSe v I 11 ih. .ibout thicJ week* m advance «9 tin. n guiar cf,* 8ion. A si till* I» to be .1 •■jung" pq-» hum, witJi no , ag«* limn" p j c - >r 1 i » cjti , ! the Dece«s*ity fut thist «Bort r .^a| HCH«ioo i* nul made u|'parent to t HM1UIÏ.I ordinary ixnud, and in the light ol Mr. koowevcll rt la-t extra tiieijm-tion UT) iiMlm.tlly -n.«t win tiicre be anoibi "1 on -il m. tj ve i •lieme the purpose ot uuional 1 1 a >ui \ • I . 1 Ubiiig - Ulll ap rtcei the 1 proxumiting #200,UOU? wa* originated at the Congre»* by Mr. Secretary ui State, »inn tive rece*®''ot euri e 1 In-tween ol til© 1 I» Irt iu*t »et- Hi ou hhliu Koul, now anj thiM ci noon ol one d»y and h. une day. at tile exp;ratiuu ui tue e»»ion and tlie begiiiniu^ of die régalai -e-Hiou, and .mlnmgii tlie members did not ieave me liall ellort w,»h 1 mil •cc»a , ' Unit purpa»e. clieiue received the endorae* tuent oi me A J rei ex 11 * ol re preae natives , made to vote them.-el. es xli cage fee*, the "v oubu ctive being declari d 1 » that secretary VVil »ou'h rc»iguaiiou .il any time will occasion no surpris... ■ . , one t.i milisr with Kuoscveil - methods.* When this t.Aer ol le ■ at. s left the cabinet to throw m protecting wing over the equitable po. > hold ere he carried with hun Mr Kouse veil's "i hereby certify Ih >t he tllidCHt I» VV lieu public «- ntiruciit demanded Unit Looiui* liie *iate department, the Un Bi leijt «hi Higned him the important duty of inspecting the American « ou«*ulute* Hi Europe, ami tue I'lendent now lia h Alt «nicy General Moody travel iug over the countiv try mg to cx plaiu tbe "Kvosevelt method." t»g»r B. karrar and E. D. .Satin er s two prominent ciUzena ol New Orleans expressing their views through The 'it mes- Democrat, de mand that *.ne grand jury thorough ly investigate tne charge that the health authorities refused to prompt ty report tbe appearance ot yellow teyar u» that city. .'Proceeding ('f the âuglllt Term; j l'.*05. Gi.m.wal Iown For Me ew Suuth-Xcws, I riming * . I IU brooms lor i-:. f. iiiiiingt school J . VV. liroukr -.iiiitury work i 16 1'. \V. Collins.lumber lot cem.fc_ Ja . , t^OA salary J uly . . 26 <» i Alary July > 60 elary . VV . V . VV a I le 1 h. ! J. W. He va 11 it. VV. lJuatiri. keeping « •rry July. A in oh JoMiati, ex •Titln: 10 vice* July. ... M >1. n. fcJâ uo ©me 10 OU > no dtice n ut tor Alignai . ....... i ^ ^ • W alte 1 «, |.ei diem It. I . Kerrill, per diem . j A. (uilhn, gper diem. li. ». l ucker, per diem J. A. Tinnon, per diem.. . Ige, per diem Aiiioh Jordati. per diem.... . 12 W) 2 hi) 2 >y> 2 öü 2 *0 2 I Hi 2 00 . 2 hi) it. 1«. h Total $12t bU HTKLK l r L NLa. Lowry Lumber C< for HtreetH. W. i'ooi, lumber lor *treet«% { ha* j U J, VV. Lev all aalar> coinmiMHloner. . lumber •T 1 s 0 it 00 10 .UA .1 n worn on Hi roe ti nt reel 6 00 Total WATER WORK* BOND FUND. Hranity Granite Oo:, work* . Cun HrKlge^A iron VV ork« water VV. h. Wilcox »alary **iigiiieet i^> Od VV . M. Kapp wat'j w'fjrkt ... Total . 10 .1 t»*r 1 r >2l OU 1120 1.0 K rt r kj7J 80 ELfcC l Kit. LIGHT HMi. A. 1. Whitney «alary July 10» U0 J. 1 J i-tdaie for poll« F. L. Wattou John futile- helper, at plant 2 *JU k. C. Scaggs t-aiary engineer 5 *|00 Will Audi*r»oii »alary iiit*mau •)> 0U Laurel .^lachine & Foundry Co., work for plant. 4 Fountain Minim- Co., mdae. lor plant.. . Electric »apply Uo., md«e. lor plant.. F. J. Ulmer, md-e tor pian|.. 1 A'ill VanHiy ke -aiary teamster