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OiiK WASHINGTON NEWS NOTES latb new* Hex» from NATION n CAPITOL. OUR HOSES HAAS SURRENDERS W »1 Indicted With Pe. kham For Complicity In Cotton Report Scan Holme* ui Indicted Under Sec rial lion of Rcvivrt Htatiati rn M •. If.-, »n h t b red himvelf t.i oftteia! m l m if re a I fût 1 -raf ■■ lly informed man» wilt n *fj he war ran Th: the frôlerai ;»r ly with on id jury xirnultaneotis f'T Frederick Perk '"ted at Saratoga dost Haas, Will The e«finplaiiit igtir.I by A*» ncy If iry A \\ gen that Ivl I •»taut atatis-M*' »f s, Jr. f aüsi the bureau of *rd S. II ,it, I Mi cm, MM department of ed with Hans und Pcckhain t«» fur tb ap with cot on crop ibliratie •hnt Il ia , I'eekham and "the . y and hi Hide I th '<d ton ti for f that Il . . Vi pi " Mu d by H im concerning »^opicm.j t n>04 P'|MT fl; I ,,| ip r adv in ■« of t I for Una' Ld win S. H"l„ lilt lire, I at ii to the lea! *e purls. Ill defraud This .llllo: enieut was madi d I cl.. 1 ,ted ti'.m NI» w V,,rk Cii> itentfll iuj t| F. A. l'erkltAtli » Ihn '"i'i'tt York broker « >•» Ha . h ot X. w 1 two I ml tot mon t » cover Mu against the three ■ id that lloln ■ U Hi'aeh| <(# aw ay fr m Wash ,, ime and whose hereabouts hi •rally known, will he Inn .*t he< I» an to tin Sei ion »4 10 o which Ilnlnu t i « ii.i I'll! , 1 revised Htatuti^ under I* in*licled and \\!ii.-:i , form« the founda ,»n against these Ihiee it t w *.»,i f the charge men. pro» id pUfSütl« e " a i that ! or ni"ii e "Ik Hr tlTMnTi > Stales I., defmid Slate o <U the] ^. to! or ii mautn'i do nny net t «iraey, ii ettec all the par ill ho liable orh part'*.* bjeel ■' t... e Ul I t in« to tin to a p' Holly '! .■f 1,0011 ,, ", *10.000 . 111,1 to till < thnti nid not n "innient of not more I" mg .. into lire ngei t hat ltd' unco iu "t mat ion the notion crop r. p en to cotton bt"k. , regarding , New Y"tk ti had c iiiiinunientedi ' serted that Holme advance infot Now Y u to !.. C. V tu Hip r, and Mosel un \ au Ripei onvov mit' rk uroK" \ a H i i-. ,, New Y » !.. a go-between i in ; information fr<en ! I * *1 till New Y 'lv hrokei as Van Kip t. M ne ne- 1 York inland liera ,er\ t. in X" quatllted with Holme' August. I ! 111 1, : ' mutual friend• ' -' aonv IT form* I "Id Y all Ktpel ■ I tioi rept'rt I" toeii'a Y an Hiper. of the f.e cot» aid H di is alle ed. w it It inf for »eve - and. that the Holmes * figures lj M"i A ft or 1 .t a v •d I a T YoV •d b; The .1 cd. of Tenne; tior. O x Congressman : ■ I' about andal. id H" lilts to d ill th figures w>". the Totxa. > This'. fix" 1 Depar mev.t the date for the cel The Navy April -'L H«». »* ebrwiion at Am a ■ -• Md., m of toe mcm.ry of Ail® ral John P»"' ' s a - loue» Tl -I Sr >tt • blent It inn.tin timler ailmi • •t 1iz„ ;*»«J T mimiM JUO <}| .)n]\ d a T rue r**a! "'J '""I and publie. ' /e« * u. it • . • 1. IL* -, ,rj ■ «pal eff«-e fc <ii Pi H'Hiw« ularSii to bines,. p,„ ud nient h me of r**r katr* to ( Fitly n d H.v 5M red of th fiave h n ' ' elowcly at I t«» a seer. , relie •«•cable di » I i. *ati Hi : m h ifi'l* t rere made id wer »r pi P in ng. Mr I I lin I ! • r **! vas ' ii 11 I At liine.Onei ; j • nuuiiwr j >ack dor »I».' eertift I CI or had issiird nt alto >f < t •.■d , ll'.lll v w. a, «"cretnrv (I Sorge H. I or 1 I lie Treai "man ||. Xe II P 1 I 11. H j II \ ssl.s lo lake s a II« bought niM» in ' city, h iilgge is m,in* h the admin he navy affords tendily assert t| » ration than e place in t M Mi a coupled 'fl'cr with icit under <(# tiding I nto the I at lie would eisntiinlly •;«* | it . and a.irdinzlv his I ! has silier I ha«* lie. inen I ionei in icy tha J.,1 W N "I ke- of Ken ucky, ici* of Internal , 1 ,., • " - 1 • ' • * 1 i i "i nal support* iiiiniMs; probably I hi* a. ill lie » null Xat ! •nt lie ' ( rnidr nation» 5 . . (\*| »c'\ I id Mr. Hoo-evelt i man. ai ^. n , einer- \ to! gel fill of str g siipprt in O'- M r Yci'kes, is in .vet. of high ebaraeler and ability and ! I an ointment would lie a reeogni t'te new Kepnblieani ,, < of the for era I ship and that ! . be made. .. f Wilkie a total of related to of Chic 1 Thean reiMi lieb II ' : ' altered ob t' i«? in "tion »''th j ! '!■• defendants. n I conn j nth 121 *i 1 •• '^e.' I tit tn nur )ZR' ot lien ills v of he rivili: led lets "(Tei . *i.| 1 with Daly b inland Yustria third il divisio led with 94. Xe ith Lt. •eu; t"ii 1" 1 ' a Y.vk I'enn-ylvania ,,i 77, Din.« .F,, t .it.: »I I a a id \ 11 of the State- and Jd. nun I c* " Ma* Were I'epre ea»e was prosecuted in I'cit notes nled Due eoutisent' ( a. Ndi . I Ô0 the rre gated $HUH» for prc 'tnred I AY \ new a lass. ' t mted State, V Mr. Hu Washing . n. I». ('. asm H, a pr I ' Diseri aga, j City and points in Indian Tenu and in favor o ettcrs larg 1 "liter F m ra. -• T"i> »i te V 1 is. n, a:-. Rock Is il • ' i'.lsl la Ke. t i Pacific, t cel , P»"' 3aa Francisco and t ; -a- ,t .l \a* rai.r '.ids. S Lou.- a ;d M -- ii;. K.x.i ami :v TWELVE CASES YELLOW FEVER REPORT TO EXIST AT NATCHEZ; New Orleans Reportiirty-One N?wCases—Conditions at Leesville Groß Worse. Gov. Vardaman and Dr. iter find no fever Memphis. \- \ Or !*-1 -, A I j. 27 ip tu ri p. n ». Sunday tl re f M * r :n 1 JED T..«al t. lirai !.. Total . Id 1 2 I Total f Briuaminff tinder treatment • N-w Or! in-, La., A-.iç. ifAVhiW ; the fleath ra> for today . 412 I on in un ifion 0« • in n levrry among the lo insta er ! I Italian« O" are almost heati-o »n I ! I their efforts evade the bn •*«!'» i tills very si rials, I day lar/elv , mt. ela re to «[►'•lMl'ile fill t*pre:i«l ; states a«lj(»inirig parish whi her hey flee, like t ernding p iy-ici/ an ma sheep, or frient succor Ihuiigh they IT'irt» of Dr. .1 -, egenn. , mplii*' i'vade the 'ument I •e f Mr Frank uht re thu in vv re s-, ! Tile health oflleer I I c^arding the ei lint to I he feasibility Memph The emidition at Leesville. slead ily growing v\ ' ;ind Mj>pC:» is l>**«*Ii made f, mmiiM, fee »n occnrnni I e Manne Servi« lo take 'hargi' N'r Orleans, I. fr "in I.eesviU, tculay are t ,■ , '"■'It I "T' IS II" W 250 I a.. Aug. 27llepsn ! - [me effect,'I under eat irn":t new !(• purls "f d' a,hand aise t"r ! he day are siippreed. 1 ,, ,. (1 I' yd ; , a ■ »hau NATCHEZ MISS., HAS Si:CASES ' j New Orleans, L»„ Aug. J7 A p< rial from Xatelier., this afle II illiees the existence I»cril in t-heir midst. I m* Nati iic/ Board of ll lth have es of fine and live oimccd six ca?« ! ml liieli, tbugh nit Mich by tin 'ded to 1 e pinin''. "ispiciout I j,,,]I j,. ■' reported Hoard are Merai ,i . A t ■ :: i .. "1 (bo \ .inlimati a O for | it henetoday I ! 11 ••I'li \ ! Iinitfi ..I ! it,. - (M ■. f Health resu! ed in the Ld-J I lowing signed .statements, heitg i u • • « 1 hi»'ii is lias self explanatory: "After thorough «!!•* f I lie * it Mli'fi with Hr Heber .1 a nl an »the« members of the Board »>t Health i g»'i'«> iiS'ion f I j ~~ r with most of the Iwmse« ia that immédiat, is convinced Hint thore is d a careful iottal inspect in ! he . |'"V Xr- : ■I I" her ll'P I August lf'iii. . ' ( »I b an*». I «»get \ trinity. Hill ! ihero. sicktte— 1 vdlow fever or serious g the mam people in no Am. -I by mo on my t"iir of in-1 which 1 endeavored lo make tervic speclton complete was the husband of Mr-, ■lieiled front e the be ! Hncrcio and everything ' ' I" «•»<*' ' ' ' . rrcctnesi of the ... made to oat • In Dr. Jones and It is t '»"I ' '-laborers •itlt the frank nlk and ofll at I iru 1 ntn greatly pleased - which characterised the ,. ne» er of the Memphis 11".n From w manu cors ab, nil this matter. >|f have seen and the I j sll , -m,,.,, ,f li r . Heber done-, pit-idcnt j it ird of H - ind n --oeiates that there is no vell .w I'crerl j j„ fity of Memphis. 1 their statement as 121 *i S!i |ppi State B«»ard of Health will not! I qiianintine against Memphis. (Signed) er ill accept 111, :):ld . M -■ ' J F I1FXTKU. Y1 D . id "Secretary Mi«-t-sippi St.a e Hoad of Health." "Having been present at the confer |a cnee between Dr«, done- and Hunter; ith Dr. Hunter's and from the further nvineed that tl . are acting i ■Pie M - oipfi , and being -ati-litd . •est igation I tact that 1 am M e|u i» l - He.l ' : Oil"', l - a ith wit prove lx VAUDAM \X." " I AS. Cairo Quarantine Tightf - aire. 111 f through pa the Centra ained at supplied 1 e nol hey new , plac'd and a guard wr could he sent ov \ non ' were heir vbo were trvi .t.. ' ma evade t A lady quarantine "dicers. from Memphis - ia.) , po leaxe t.ll .rrived ot t earner to Indiana, i a en route and her train did not ('. mit : , e was [i nor as pledged to d av in del a a h ■ •e until her of the pla side am parted. QUARANTINE REESTABLISHED. P«»» Christian, Mit* . An». 27. —At the loeal b vxrd 'I ! > 'clock ia-t sstablishrii quarantine on county nort ; all of Harn >s Johnson Ajaui' ml age and east of the eastern limits of the t and als - against the counties of Han , e-ek and Jacks.'., Tins act,":, was taken ,m V he report from Dr Was.« I 1 ,h,. ve:,.» fixer had love! ped in Gulfport. m n. »i Is i a ;d K.x.i , *|*>rw fr»in the >:iu-r rantry ar* a* follow* 1',» !t i>on, new eas* 1 * and no n<i death Amelia, two rn «<**. Bayou B euf, . «The. * ca««** and one IVean Ur«»v«\ (m ; I do.tih. Li!/al»e!h p! uitation, Hansoi ne death. City, four ness ra^ea ami one death. St. Uo.«oe, tw I*««r Ha I row , two eaM*s. Ninth ward of .lefT»*n*ofi parish, one ! case. Lake Providence, three eases. Gulfport, three MirsHi«>ippi t'ity, no new eases. 'The Southern Pacific, at the request I of the -state board of health, has put • n a -special roach for the aceomm«»da ! tion I fccted jxiints on that r«»ad. her dav. ; w f »pie traveling between in It will I tie run even <^uile a '"introversy lias developed City Health Olli'-er K ilinke .. . I Dr .1 -eph Holt a: one Uni" pres- | • den: of t!ie stale hoard "f health. Dr. wet n Holt, in the courte of an addre*» l>c foro a mooting |»:i — *1 some »<»%•«■ rc - j îuros on Lu* city he;»!' ofli'Oi. who, when he read the re|H»rt of the 1 iddres* in the morning pajicrs, wrote lim asking if he had been correytly 1. Hr. Holt made a rather wann reply. - 1 "' wann reply. Eleven are Under Detention. New York. The steamer Seirunran en Panama Canal 1 employes from Colon. All of them ,. on aarations, due either t" the ■ temp.'i'a ry stoppage of xeavatimr "i »hau I 'iinent of work nt Culehra ' ,v •' f ' ,rt > I<1 I M ' S, ' «'«»ea. N F •s was i»iiis •araugan minister to \Va*h Five second cabin f the crew were ! removed from the vessel ai quarantine ml transferred to Hoffman Island ingfon. ■' - .' "1 six member were for obi Tacit temperatures rvat ion. normal. Gnards on the Roads. Tins place St. Fravteiftvülc, Ln. lias .ill the week had a >yst(»m guards out to watch the roads and ex* an ';.«• .«II bealth eertilieates of strau i g»'i'«> Volunteers serve day by day paid men by night. Hayon Sara decs j ~~ m i '"W I" gl"'l dh-l'S ' "•* r »v»r il ttätcbing tlu> line of the liew- rail wav, so that the system of inspection is complete fop th e tw o town», : Deratnr Takes Precautions. Ala. 1 lias Decatur isissippi, Louis n a straight lino Xo Mo unery. quarantined against Mi iana and Tenne-sec f Corinth, north persons from the s be permitted to stop in Decatur with M I— —ipp:. *t ion named will , , . oat a health coi Hcate tal i-il Alexandria Clear of Fever. Tins being Alexandria, lo dear norc titan i tepte-i"itative of the M.t Hospital Service, who has for the |*ast ten days city ,,f fever, and having been s, f. •ph ti'dd week. Dr. Je rtn left for Lake l'rovidenee. t been No Fever at Rayne. The nidi.ary quaran as thrown around wley, La. Itine gnard w the town on tlio incubation period bad expired ■s of fever bav <*i •hieb the announcement that ith Hay ne t any east ittg developed. Thp militia we dollar apiece for their services. pan |a , ' ,V Expert at Port Barrow. L. F. d Eatrampe* v expert, in the employ of the f Health, arrived here take steps to Donaldson. La. a sanitary State Board • -j" been detailed t t ad of tin i ver a. Port ! a spre Hat row. i i Sugar Barred. Tlie Vicksburg board of health has placed the ban "I all sugar br night ere unless it is shown bv bills of •.one from Eastern or •itv hat dcclar 1 ladi to nave i ints. Th. . ne against all freigbt 'f X'orthern 1" ed quarant • r from Louisiana. any cl S*ruck By Lightning. terrific wind, rain and hieb struck Dr' i : a Mel ligh.nitig st wm i .an, lightning struck . .ret l ie ear X hoard ■ith thirteen pa; Fad, burning out toe nicet ies has been repor, i tvgers on LI. it West a \ f»ti ant'i ed. Bishop Galloway Coming. It is rcljably r. 1 - Xaslnille. Tenu , rted ere that B.-uop ( . H Hal ■ d t ol Yarn) lilt Un ! P' ay. pr - '\ Bivard of Trust! a, has engagements and ha offer hi« services ; ' *" can »ne eh .1 o X m ng.r.tng tug the sufferers tber*. I '•>»»> ' » >° " w ■' >v '' r mg had a very severe attack of fever •* Vicksburg » 1878. O loans t ■.... veil, x fever and aid Bi-hop x - and HAPPENINGS m MISSISSIPPI imz ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL .. SECTIONS. U EPITOME OF THE NEWS Culled From the Important Happen- , v, Ulf» Throughout the Bute During **• r-, -* a~~ ! to •I i Bureau l Brief. September Weather. The following d.»ta «*«»' • rin,' a f*e riod of aeventeen vears Imve •'ompile«! from the Weather ords at *ix observation stations I . Mis-issipip. They are issued to show U,e etmdiiions the, have prevatl-d «]•"•» September f r , . . above periods of years, hut mus. not 1 he construed .. «forecast of weatn-r - fur the month. Month, September for years. Temperature— (indegrees) | Mean or noma! temperature, 7Ö. T ie t month was that of 1900, with The coldest month a* that (,f ISO.*), with an average of me «»ate during 17 w anno in ftv *rage of SO. 70 S,-me of the highest tempera!uiv ■ ■ -r'icl w err -i- full a - : 10- at K-'- {•i :>ko a ml 101 at I'or. ilih-"H UHjrt, and loi a: li' -na: •!<•. Kowcins ■Aouir "f : !'• i !e>i wi're .1 m | ku and Shelby in HX'I. loue»! tem|KMa! '..Il w> .Tl at Hm« -ville n id IL}" v ]> »9. Fif-t-T io average date •« re the- first killing fr-^t in autumn e j. rîbcru nuit ui the Stnt > O?' ;. her Bist, over the «outiiern half. bordering on l and over t ie 27th. Prc moat', ex 1' tiin «nin.ips elusive : lie un!f, X" ' ■ "I irilf chotttie- X"vc cipitation -M.T inches. Avers with 0.01 inch Accra re f"' "i of U.s er Th gr .a ! I"'"' v k. The least average| .I«. 0 (T# inclus * *i* * ci month •> ni«*iv. est average in " 0.25 inches in IS! monthly preciptt in 1897. Si Iv amounts ot were as follow if tu» d jii record* ire-dp» nl : 21 "d inch 'ri it Bi At C.T F 2.7) 7 iucha: loxi iu ISAS and inti) in 1S90. d N\> p»> \ns ie ported ai. 1er. smti si^sipiii in S.'pie >'»ai and WcRt iur clear days. 19; p.ntly n »•* iv days, h; The i> re va il* ip.ia »«* M I b.nls in» it. nort 1VJ7. number t . . eloinlv davs, ■>. Mmd SJUtll • wind» ua\e l»«e i i • **m 1 t I at ner I her :pol in t - New Corporations. The following eharlers of new cor* domiciled in the state have pnrat ions l»een approved by tiie governor ith the secretary ,nd' tiled for record slate : Hank of I'aehuta, domicil 1 at l'i with a chuta. Hark county, stock? of $10,000. J. C. Parsons domiciled county, with .a capital s ock of $">0, Company. Lamar Lumber at Lumbertmi in non. Progress Publishing Company, do ll ieiled .v I ta 1'" na, I W eonnly. with a capital stock of $.'1,0(10. The Associated Charities. ,1 oniciled Xo eapi at Xatchez Adams county, tal stock. Httilder-' Supply ('"tupaiiy. domicil i-il a; Ocean Spring-. Ha -■ " k county, with a capital stock of f.!',000. issippi Cotton and domiciled at county, with a he Trading Meridian. M t 'nmpany, Lnudenlale capital >t«ek "1 tmo Amendment to charter of the Mis ebanging -is-i|q>i Cotton Oil Company from Meridian to Jack the dotuieil. on. .. i ; Enough for Two. iuess house: f $20 for the largest num-t her of ladies brought t" their *t 1 a prize oni The winner. Elbert me wagon. fj ell. of Fair Hi' er ten miles west . brought in sixty-tliree ladies, but| scored sixty-four by reason of a rut governing the contest, which provided t h,r. ladies dOO pounds u- over shott.d Mrs. t . 1ère Emma Touch- 1 tsioti. conn ed ! eight-l i ■ nut for IW". i stone, under tiiis prov YIr. L"\--il n-e t a ;'"r two. agon built up for the •.ose, and the ladies were all cmfort ■xliee. log •tr agon started from; : •* blv seated. point ten miles east and gat passenger» along the road. It by eight tine mules, and y bedecked with flags and stream T-. The ladi 's enjoyed a gala day. Tin : iraw n gat , : Shrimp Canning Begtnä. The shrimp cannery Roberts at Pascagoula e rations. good force of operatives. ' Farren & ill begin op-,. »mi'll yuent to a giving New Compress. - ■T. J. le'braHo, superintendent, an-i n emees that the new cotton c .mpre.-s at Magnolia is now ready for business and fully equipped t> pres- cotton in, quantities on short n ■' ee. This large press was orerted this suinmer. F'rank Smith, an "Id resident of' McNeil, was killed by a falling tree - Külad While Sawing Wood. whilo engaged in sawing wood. The Lunacy La». The Attorney General opinion and tie fl,, ho. 1- ::.i owe * itiaatir belong is tried in anuthe rec lorfd al la * e l^'Kicv trials. ■£ 1 una«\v f* »;»• A ip coum imz t -ha .. id.; 1 expen which th fail upon the eoniitv lunatic bel" 1 .*!». Where a lunatic i placed in the a-vlnm under ctioi >f Sa pay an part <»f tue exj>en*e of examinati >1 ^ , v, v the physicians, n >r any part ip< use incurred in removing ""'""■'"■■.J" S": sra f thi ! where lunatie de»ire to «»"id publicity and to place the lunatie quietly in the asyj lum without a court proceeding, •I »nd in such case* th.< Boards of Su pervisir* have nothing to do with tin l '"* t or expenses. Where a lunatie is tried under th' 283Ô of the Cod ' an . ° 544 ' tl ^ . , . «]•"•» f "'""* *" * E th * " thrlp*™' ™" >* . el,he . . »Vom the county, the estate ot th«» per 1 , ; , __ * - trie-!, -r the person eluded «.tl maintaining him as a pauper. | ie t Bank Craze. riiere seems to b*- another genera • to establish banks, and the que» ■now being asked whether then •*ra/.( turn is are not as many anch institutions a the legitimate demands For the past three years th !'• .1 of biorlne. require. number of hanks lias steadily multi During the month of Augns closing the (tovernor has approv 1 charters for live new hanks, aul m plied. now v •« A i her* organizing, made of the ol a re many nouqcement is a ni za tion of a new bank in Brandon This wi! ;. on ie with a capital of $20,000. innkc -l\* for the nimth "f Attgu-i , rrcenville Savins Ti, "thers arc Dftnk and sj-.OOO; Hank of Mathiston. -] Muui; Hank of Pa • tutu. eaptU j-:to.(iO(); Hank of Commerce, Xatehei Hank o Trust C-'inpany, capit: •apiti ! ap'tal *10,000; People's sburg, ejjipitE Sl0,000. one toll un To Seek New Location. being made (lardiner & C Arrangomejits are • ve ilie Kastman. shi from *.hcir present location i Gu! •amps Laurel !.. fur t;io seventec Sul mu: ' 'land, un and Ship Island Railroad, miles from Laurel. >f Summerlqnd will have ; inn increased several hundred j>* have X' The little t tin' fro iS p'iptll.1 be r:i ceu. in'one day. a» fit«' camps ."pulation of about lbtlO soul-, fbesi 1 ix «* in camp bouse- or -backs 'j built on wheels, and the inhabitant» 1 ill all be able to cat their breakfast at their present location and their din ner at the new camping place, a num I her of miles away, with not a dish or JJ :pol moved from its regular positioa in the camp kitchen. Day of Sports. MeTxav. of the State In tlx tlx via \\ «*!< ea - j Hi * It er nil oti lia Manager lis fo schedule«! dust rial Kxposition, Jackson the second her. has a scheme by peels to bring 3,000 college girls an hoys to the Capital to s of tile State's grea ne-. Hi lea i> to arrange a game of footbal tile Agricultural and i £ ■eek of Xovem -li ich lie exl w , of sh the evt br a Me bet ween ebaneial College and the I nixersit' ,f M—i—ippi Friday Xnv. lo, am have the railroads run exc college in the state. Othc for college athletics wil •-ton train from every amusements he arranged for, and l - 1 tday and Sat nrdav will he given over to the enter tainment of the college students. Space For Exhibits. Manager McKay of the Mis-is*;ipp states that hi F.xp"-iti"ii Company, has reeeive'l an application from ont larges- furniture factories it •be Slate, that at Oreenwood. a-kins for large flor space so that their g the he- advantag may be shown t « m, M„ !w ... ,y ? b. A i in ffreat toree wiUi nunureds of ; ,,f the finest '•mums" daekson has evç.j It is stated that a State Fib« ral Association is to he organized durj and Manag'f| oni ■ »cell. fj but| - 1 ' 1 ; n r Exposition week, t . M elvay has assured t elubs abi'ejsatned that he wil them i very a*- stance in his pow if thJ ladies .■ 1 '' 1 ' ed ! Fre**y-B. r, r?.nce. M.- Emma L. YYllst a. a youni jpurneyed all th Jack-on to in *et iier lover, an noptial event look •tr girl from Ka way to : very pret'y litt 1 ' place at t Methodist •* n par-" ig.. of the Firs The fortunat church. gr 'em for whom to: . -and m|l"s. y i tig lady jouc braving thl "•VC'I a t.ioit , -outhem quarantines! and the : t tonal ste es afloat in the north and fever in thl sens» west concerning yell & - ith is I'. O. Mt. drill, an employ* op-,. • the American Exj>re-s Company tvh" has been eonW'U'd with the local office for the past sevatal months. a Voluntary Bankruptcy. fiied a an-i M. G. I'uiUq*» x>* Jackson x Muniary peti bankruptcy, with Property valued residence. jjo available as*e ; in, at $1.700. including a This -eheduled a» exempt from taxation u Hancock Pe»onalty. 1 The poraeowl «^esBuent roll of n*« of' rock county w*s rwcewed at the audiH tree tor'* ofllee. The lot j personality val , nation is $1.2213*4.