Newspaper Page Text
.1. ?#r ..£/: * The New South-New^ / THE KLLIMTIL.LE NKW« AN1) 'THE NKW «OUTII, rONBUUDATED APRIL. 17, u»on. VOL. XXIX ELLISVILLE. MISS SATURDAY. JUNE 19. 1909. NO- 28. • % TWO KILLED AND FOUR WOUNDED IN A FEUD FIGHT. Regular Battle Between the Newman and Prichard Faction« at Mead* ▼die, Mi««. |V > ■ 1 Dr. A, M. Newman an I Silas Rey nolds Are Hided— Lennox New man, Erne«! Newman, Herbert Applewhite.-Uoyd Woun ded. Kovl ville, M's«.. .line II —Th hewman-Pncharn feqd broke out again this afternoon, and after a pttohed battle on the main street the oaanltiee were : THE DEAD. Dr A. M. Newman. Cnancery Clerk and leader of hia ohm. Biltas Reynolds, allied with Prioh arda. FATALLY WOUNDED Herbert Applewhite, lawyer, al lied with Prichards. Lenox Newman, eon of the doctor, bro^tffeg! Bird, allied with Pilchards, ahabyiu the bead. AH<Vu* y Lu'.her Whittiui-top, who waa here at the time of the battle, «Dd, being familiar with all the oooditions, got into communica tion with Judge ^1. H. Wilkinson, at Brookhaven, anp urged him to The Two*Bjr-Fbur Cttisen. ■A 'Wc bur« alt nan ii character cl person, aptly portray)«- nV the Mon roe. Lt„ Star. I "The meanest on earth ia the little 9x4 individual to be found in every oommunity. who goes around 'peddling' the small talk and gossip that hla mean nature dictates and He hla depraved appetite ora vos does not oure who is injured so lo g aa he satisfies hts longings for the tale-bearing. ' This class of individuals, when there ia nothing to 'peddle' will manufacture aomethmg that will suit their purpose, going from place y to place, man to man, with a «tor* that will aooomplish their object and '.perhaps In J ore the oharaoter or bus t eaa of aomtoje iu their path. The Idler' of idle Ulk does more harm Vday than any other agency foi i: aa he reaches ont In all direc and strikes In tbe dark, often .ding to be tbe friend of tbe one Ua U trying toinjore," in? * i Uo ' < and Ton should mould promptly that yon lno#|i reliable, something like De Wm>i Kidney and- Bladder Pills. TnLey are unsqnslsd for weak back, 'cksobs, inflammation of tbe blad ', rbdatesfte pains, etc. . Wben yon 1 for DaWItt't Kidney and Bladder fyvbk ears end get them. They are 7tiptk, Acoept no æbetltàtae; Is I Woa getting the eight kind. Sold by E. J. Ward Drag Stare. Y oil iboa Id not ein u HI taki . la I ►untrv -o mÆ An Antidote for Suicide. They tell of an Atchison girl who thought her heart waa broken. She was so convinced pf it that she be gan reading up on Deadly Poleont. and oned softly to herself over tbe thoughU of an early death. At thia jancturea friend sent her a box of chocolates. She ate one ; life looked •«liltU Wtgbter. She ate another: why not pat off that death 111 next week? fibs pie n third, and forgot All of which U proof of the claim ot an Atchison . pfcjr*MUn that when p aopfr era mor toter ■effective nnhapgv, tbe inomeitfag tn «hewing a oa netbm g pnt nfaMe. the who talks enlcMe inatrad ■ gtven a I of hdvtes.—Atekmoe Otobe. : : * hare the (Jovernur *eml troopa to prca tth order, »■ it was f..irc-1 that b* nightfall theoUti* woui-l ;ithor .and a battle royal b-i fought C >tr. any H. arrived here to night from Br.KikInyeu, an l two in ire oowpiuim are on the way Wilkinson and District Attorney Wall also arrived here late to night Toe presence of the militia has hid a quieting »ffeot, especially up >n those who have noihing to do with the feud, hut werunfratd they might be drawn into oi.e side or the other. D\ N. Wfnm who always heavily armed, wsa drlvl -g tn his buggy down the main street this afternoon, atout 3 o'olock. he passed the Butler Building a ■hot war fired at him from the ond story wiudow He jumped out of hts buggy and got out of range under a shed. As he reached this place he waa met with Applewhite and Reynolds and somo other j ilo «1 Reynolds and Applewhite and a regular pitched battle with winches t«r* and revolver« war fought ont to a finish. When the smoke bad cleared away it was found that I nearly every one who had partici pated in the fight was wounded Dr, Newmtin had evident* been killed by Applewhite, While Dr. Newman bnd killed Reynolds before himself HUjoumbing to the half a deren wounds which showed on bis body. J udge we IT and as aeo With all dun modesty we btlieve thst^the home paper l*>he moat Mif portant fastitutloa ia any town, J, i« the madinaA through which the town spesXa to tha ontatdu world, and ia the means of communion ion between the people of the town und vicinity. Long ago, under inspira tion, It was written, "No man liv eth to himself," and tbi* truth waa never more a appert Dt then it 1* to day. No man oan retire from tlvttv and live. He must know what is going on about him, and the world must know what he ia doing. The uae of the newspaper 1« the beat plan by whioh thia la carried Oxford (O.) Newa. ac on.— Congressman Hollingsworth who Miled to get an opportunity to vent hia gas in the House last week got In a title Job lot of Ulk' at Decoration Day in tbe cemetery at Washington last Monday. Uf course nobody oaras if he did prostitute the sasrea oooaiion to make à sectional politi sai grand stand display of his dis eased mind. Wbat be needs is to ba bored for the hollow-head.—Rip ley Sentinel. And elected to aUy at home in the next Congressional election. How quickiy you oan tell a live town from n dead one by mmply looking over iU newspaper, says the Dallas New*. ▲ poor skim milk, sort of newspaper with a feW small advertisements, and thoae looking aa if they were ran nt half price, he tokens a dead town Jost aa eure as n oorpse indicates a funeral, while a good, lively, welt printed paper, fill ed with good, freab, showy edvvr-. tisemenU and display looaU, above that the town U prospering and thriving. It never fails Ton oan Ulk to thousands of peo ple any week of tbe year through n good country newspaper and moke ynmr i«lk ia paraooel m yom Wloh. T an need not pUtrtofaMTntM megaphone, fampty to)*» ThntV all. Be atne w ê about M. Lea 'wortsring trjfc. The faogfa will beten. They il|u il— Laxtag tna Advertiser. - ' or off« Urn DeWttt'e IttUe Early Etaara.MM •Mjtotty sad ara t a rt aU. We aatl art r a een i Und them.—K. J. Wort Ofa Deng BRONZE BUST OF GEN. LEE ARRIVES IN COLUMBUS. WUI Be Placed in Some Pub lic Place To Perpetuate Memory of Great Soldier and Statesman. to The memory of the 1st« «en. D. Lee Is to be perpetuated in Columbus by the errection of bronze bust of the great aoldter. patriot and edaosto*. The bu«t ar rived in Cnlmnhn« last week, hav ing come as s uitt from Hon. Blew *t* Harrison Lee. the son of 'he late lamented cut- fr ,|n, who has hltn aelf risen to a position of promi nence, being one of the chief legal advisers of the UUcoiae Central Railroad Company. —Colnmbua Dis patch. Newspaper mm. as a rule, have but two things to sell, space and subscription, and it would be Just as consistent to ask your grocer for a docsn oranges, "Just to fill," as to ssk the editor for a drz >n lings in bis paper just to boost your business with the idea that you are doing a kindness to fill up space. TryVfc ting a free meal at the hotel just ,) make a show of bustueas for tlf house.-Frultda le, 'Ala > Herald. ^ Abraham Lincoln—I like to seeds man proud of the place In whiab die lives. I like to see a man who n j in it so that bia place will be pri^ud of him. Be noneat, but hate one ; overturn'* wrong do but dinoju.ovejiAcn him ns muet Ti« done in overturning wrong. Stand with anybody stand« right, and with him wb goes wrong. * es no >k, U * It ia an becoming the character a wise man to oommit the fault L A .he condemns in others. ! f, The man who gets mad hands otit[ er hts beat weapon to hia enemy. , ——V Coffins and Caskets And Burial Robes r r ê ril. Coffins* Caskets . Burial Robes. ri T'f/> 1 ' . « -f. tr ' > . r **. r- % t ■ i 9 EBbviBe, lif ^ jvim. / ' * ' r -*~ ■ * DO IT NOW Kllievillc People Should Not Wait l util It In Too Ia9. The appalltni; death-rate from klit ne/ <li*<-»si> la Jiv« m moet caeee to the fact that the little kidney trouh In are usually neglected until they heootn* eerione. The alight symp tom» give place to chronic dlaordera add fh e sufferer got»* gradually Into the grasp of diabetes, ! Bright'* Discsse,. gravel other »eVioua lorm of kidney com plaint. dropsy, or acme I H you suffer lrom backache, head aches, diary spells ; li the kidney *c ! ! orations are irregular of (tassage and i unnatural In appearance, do not de itav. Help the kidneys at once, j Doan's Kidney lMla are especially for kidney dlaordera—they where others NUI. oure Over one hun dred thousand people bave recom mended them. Here's a case a home ; E. H, McMullen, of Elllavnla, Mise., soya ; "My baok pained me a great deal and the kidney aeorettona were too frequent tn pa mage obliging me to get up at night. The remédia« I tried, helped me but little but little and toeing Doan'a Kidney Pilla ad vertised, 1 procured « bom at E, J, Ward's drag store. Relief followed quickly after beginning their use and I was soon without « trace ot kidnoy dite* ae. " j For aale b/ all dealers. Price 5oo. Foster-Milburn Co., Bullalo, New York, sole agents for the United Btate«. , Remember the name—Doan's— and take no other. Damas any« that, 'poverty dispel«', pride," Bttll the tramp la too proud to work. iamadfa .sxatfre Oi ariy as good as maple sagsr., If 'not only basis irritation and allnya Infirmation, thereby stopping the cuugb, bnt It also move« the bowel* gently and and In that way drives the cold from tha ayitsm. H ooataina no '■»plate*. Bold by B. J. Ward City )rug Store f, Never look down the mnaale of a generally ir, *1 range gun to see if it la loaded. It I Oak Bowery Brief« We are again httini rom« lovely wear her Tin« farmer« har« « Mill* ou their f«oe « rent long. Re*. Taylor preached an excellent eeraion here Honda*. to Mr. Albert Ttedale and charming alater. Ute« Charltye, and Mlaa El len lailt attended cbnroh here Hon day. t K Wa Itéra, « battling young man ot KlliavtlUtf waa In our mtdat Sunday, Mraara. Jceee Cranford and Catoa Knight war« h«ra Sunday. K. M. Black wall ylattad tha eft*. Tucaday Messrs Barret and And«r«oa, of our community Klllavtlle, ware tn last week. j D. W. Cranford and wife rutted relative« here Hnnday. Prof. L. J. Htrlnger mad« a pleas ant call at E. C. Ttadnlaa, Hnnday, What does that mean, Fellier Come again "Fetaran" from Ban dera villa. Home of onr folks attended the oonnenUon at Pleasant Ridge, Bnn-l day. They all reporta vary nice time. Rev. John Nig was in onr vtdnl* ty, Hatnrday. » r Mim Katie Blackwell dined with charming Mtaa Carolyn Tiadale Hon da y . Dr. Hharp Cranford, of Elllavilla, pa Med through this community last Sunday. Wishing the New Bonth-Newa and I ta man* aeadera auwiaaa . _"ROBE BUD." It ta now predtcled lhaTa vota will M «M lAuttma ànéft. tqutnoa AldrUR-Psyn« lUrlff Mr Job« ltib. Then It will go into N milice will he "fixed ate agreement, and the great faro# of revision of tha tariff upward and not downward, will be oonaumated ana our smiling President will, donbt, attach bis signature to it, and tba ineidoot will be oloeed. for taraedi no The Belly-Cummins amendment for an lnoome tax will bava Iu In nlngtbU waek, and Uka aU the other amend menu for tbe good of the oommoo people, will be eoowed ander, by tba wlley and orafty At drioh. Just wait and aaa. Never tragt too appearances. A dram, not withstanding «Il lu noue Is empty. ufi Try Our" Kol Keep Cool andRemj CALDWELL BROW r oriZl proprietors Ellitville Ice and Bot w, We Mamtf active mi f I't FT Mi Jr T7T feed Stuff op cow feed Fun i''Trjr 'our iver . * ■fr Afifa. k . '< : > 20 . ■f J \ *>-. a 1 \ I mr-i ■ r ( à: INCREASE IN NEGRO INSANE ■ I authorities say that •THIS IS DUE TO USE OF COCAINE The State Hospital is Crowd ed And Still There Are Many Held In the County Jail of the State. racksos. Mis*., Jt hn« been « grunt inoreeeeln Ito im. dnrfagtto Mg» roar, and many of «go *ro full of thus unfnrtonataaa aere for them. PhyaWMM at Mm faunao untaaitatingly daoiore growu of mranlty g ia largoiy dno tottoahrafag of tha oooalna haha«, and othar dan*. Iy drag«. In apt la of all the mutnkaa nad tragedl« of love, it atm Clubbia« Rato«. t Wo will giro the Row Atlanta UoaaM tattoo, for $1.7$. and the Home and Kara» far Mte, $9.00 for tbo whole outfit. Thu ia a splendid offer far wading matter im wont. 2 CIMM m . Wan. «tor aw on taody to b*U ... the tariff bill Wool of •» Tune Table N. O. *:*. E. Schfftfn!«. «MU' ELLISVILLE SOUTH BOUND. No. 5, No. a. No. 1. Ho. r 4:4« a ra IS 19 a m: 4 39 p na «'Qÿ » aa NORTH ROUND. No. 4. No. 9. 11.13 am 1949 pm 1U4I pm 1 * 10 o'' No. a. Ne.«,