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THE GAZETTE. FAYETTE, MISS., AUG. 22, 1862. VOL. 2. } i NO. 15 03" The following gentlemen are ref quested to act as Agents for us : Rodney—C. H. Forman, J. Bodwell. Church Hill—Mr. Rose, P. M. Natchez—VVm. Sullivan. Washington— J. G. G Garrett. Mr. Geo. W. McMurchy is authorized to receive money uedus. " in AHNOUNCEMENTS. The custom of the Press is to demand the cash in advance for announcing can didates for office. We wish to adhere to this custom, and have only deviated from it in a few instances, always holding the person handing in the order for announce ment responsible for the fee. In future, if we have to charge the announcements in our books, we will add twenty-five por < - UmI Fees for Announcements : For State and District Offices, $10. " County Offices, " Beat " 6. . 3. E are authorized to announce j. m. McPherson as a candidate for Clerk of the Probate Court of Jefferson Count j, at the ensuing October election. w aug22 E are authorized to announce D. C. GRAHAM as a candidate for Judge of the High Court of the High Court of Errors and Appeals, at aug22* w the next October election. E are authorized to announce HIRAM CASSEDY as a candidate for re-eleCion to the office of Judge of the Circuit Court of the 1st Judi cial District of the State of Mississippi, ai the ensuing election. ' augI5 E are authorized to announce I ISAAC D. GILDART, of Woodville, as a Candidate for the office of District Attorney of the lBt Judicial District, State of Mississippi. w w *Ug9 w E are authorized to announce GEO W SHACKLEFORD, as a candidate for re-election to the office of Judge of the Probate Court of Jefferson Co. at the ensuing Octoaer election. E are authorized to announce HENRY KEY as a Candidate for Clerk of the Circuit Court, at the next Octobei Election. He promises nothing but strict attention to business. jy20* w W E are aulhorized to announce DOUGALD McCORMICK as a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Jefferson .County, at the next Oc tober election. julyl2* tober election. are authorized to acrvvjnce '' VV MINOR C DIXON as a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of the CircuitCourt, for Jefferson Co., je28 at the next October election £ are authorized to announce J. B. PATTON, as a candidate for re-election to the office ot District Attorney for 1st Judicial District, State of Mississippi june21 w 0$~ A splendid rain, which we pre sume was a general one, fell on Tuesday morning. Coles Creek was higher than it has been for several months, and all the water courses around us ran very full.— This rain will, no doubt, be of great ad vantage to the sweet potato crop. We hope our planters have got a good crop of turnips in the ground. Spinning Jennies. —Persons having old Spinning Jennies to dispose et, willhearof an oppoi (unity by calling at this office. ff/* In our telegraphic columns is an account of the killing by guerrillas, of Col. M'Cook, the brother of Gen. M'C. We are pleased to say that it is the veritable General himself, who has thus met the'late he so richly deserved. 03" For the past three or four weeks we have been pretty steadily engaged on Job Work, and have consequently been unable to devote as much attention to our Utile paper as we could tiave wisnea.— That work is now pretty much alt done, and we hope to make the "Gazette" more readable._ Obituaries, —We do not wish to cause any ill will nor to hurt any body's feelings, but a just sense of what is due, not only to our readers but to ourself, causes us to speak out against the lengthy obituaries which are sent to us weekly for publica tion. It is not the subject, but the length of those communications that we object to. Were our sheet larger we would have no objections to a respectable-sized obitu ary notice ot a worthy individual. We have now on the hook three such notices of one individual, two of which would make oyer a column each. We have se lected and published one, partly on ac count of its being the shortest, but main ly because it was written by a little girl of thirteen years of age. In future we cannot publish those notices, when they exceed a quarter of a column, except at advertise ment rates for the excess. 03" Our village) from having been, du ring the past six weeks, the scene of all the bustle and excitement usually attend ant upon an important military post, has again subsided to its usual peaceful quiet ude. Our streets, which for days presen ted a greater "business appearance" than even those of our full grown neighbor, are now only occasionally occupied by the passing carriage or the solitary water-mel on cart. Wesley's corner, which erst while was graced with Confederate gray, profusely decorated with gilt lace and " brass buttons," now boasts of but the old coterie—Adam, Tom, Frank, el id om ne genus. The belles, who before had o v w poH tfd to take their evening rides alone. Even the court-yard circle has diminished.— And what, says the distant reader, has caused all this change ? A few words will explain. Gen. Beall and staff, in pursu ance of orders from higher authority have changed their locality, and all Jefferson, especially Fayette, is sorry. We do not know of any gentlemen who in so short a time became so universally and deservedly popular as those compos ing the " Headquarters" at this place.— In their new location, wherever it may be, we hope they will find as pleasant and agreeable a position as they freely ac knowledged this to be. 03* We make a few extracts from the late congratulatory order of "hoop-pole" Butler, issued immediately after the affair at Baton Rouge. It is quite cool and rich —especially to those who know it to be a tissue of lies. It was no doubt penned by that pliant tool of the Delta, who wrote the account of the brilliant victory of Mc Clellan in Virginia, in which he drove the rebels from their last strongholds, captur ing 50,000 prisoners, etc. This order would be a nice thing in Europe, and at the North, if any body believed it: * Attacked there by a division of rebel enemies, under command of a Ma jor Genera! recreant toloy«l tioirtuvnyj whom some of us would have honored before his apostaoy, of doubly superior numbers, who took advantage of your sickness, from tho malaria of the marshes of Vicksburg, to make a cowardly attack. The brigade at Baton Rouge have rou ted the enemy. lie has lost three Brigadier Generals, killed, wounded and prisoners, many Col onels and field officers. He has more than a thousand killed. You have captured three pieces of ar tillery, six caissons, two stands of colors, and a large number of prisoners. You have buried his dead on the field of battle, and are caring for his wounded. You have convinced him that you are ne ver so sick as not to fight your enemy if he desires the contest. You have shown him that if he cannot take a outpost after a few weeks prepara tions, what would be his fate with the main body. If your General should say he were proud of you, it would only be to praise himself ; but he will say he is proud to be one of you. * * * * How very modest he is. This is quite enough. We append a recapitulation of the casualties at that fight, as enumerated our by the correspondent of the Memphis Ap peal : Casualties'at Baton Rouge. —It is a pretty well established fact that the entire force with which Gen. Breckenridge made the attack upon Baton Rouge, consisted of several hundred less than 8000 men. The loss-.a» near a about 207 to 210. Gen. Chartes Clarke, severely, may-be mortally wounded ; Cols. H. W. Allen, Sam. Boyd of La. Bat., Chas. Jones, of La., A. P. Thompson, of Paducah, and T. H. Hunt, wounded. The balance may be thus summed up : 3d Ky. Killed 2; w'nd 14; mis'g. 1—17 2—20 2—43 0—27 0—15 0— 58 1— 27 fheiieldoÄa^," 4th 5; 13 5th 9; 32 6th 5; 22 7th ii 1; .« i4 m 13th La. « 12; 34th Alab. 46 3; 23 37 6-207 ff?" We had the pleasure of grasping by the hand, the other day, our returned fellow-citizen, Captaih Coffey. *We are pleased to see that the Captain has not suffered in a physical sense, by his short sojourn among those pesky varmints at the north, and that he is looking very well. As soon as he has thoroughly recovered from the effects of his wound, which we perceive still causes him to limp slightly, he will return to ;take command of the remnant of his brave company. 174 CCWBe following patriotic verses were handej to us by the author some weak or two ty ..and would have been published, but thi ' got mislaid. MARCH ON. Com freemen of the South, arise, 1 ing your banner to the skies : if ids of high and bold emprise, Undauntedly march on. to is of to in An To ecluty's pathway seem severe— Youibrospect narrow, dark and drear? A Btt I or two, jour way is clear : So valiantly march on. Do Stay ot, tho' threatning clouds arise, And hunder rolls, and lightning flies ; shelter soon will greet your eyes : So hopefully march on. Som Att art your path, may darkly glide ism rirf«« river, ilmjp tin 01 vrnter Sont bridge you'll find to cross the tide, If boldly you march on. Like giants frowning in their wrath, Dark rocks may hang across your path ; Yet I ire the gorge some outlet hath: So patiently march on. Mini on, as duty points the way ;— Witl|tut a fear, without delay, Her mandate cheerfully obey, And loyally march on. WitAJIofty aim, and spirit true, The path of duty still pursue . A strength divine shall go with you : So trustfully march on. ' G. H. ————-v Reported Evacuation of Richmond— PopcsJfeadquarters, Aug. 4.— Informa ■ tionaJLpm various sources tend to conilra the belief that the enemy have\sally evacuated Richmond and taken up the south bank of the Jamep. river, as a line of defense. The refcel cavalry under Gen Robin son, are believed to have withdrawn from the Shenandoah Valley, leaving that part of the country to the de fense, sA the guerrillas only. Cause of tiie Evacuation — Washing ington , Aug. 4.—It has been believed here in some quarters, for several days, that the enemy has been uating 1 Richmond, there being a reasonable suspicion that a pesti lence has broken out in the city. evac Gig. , M'Cook- Late intclliganoo J us »bat Gen. M'OnoV inf<* shot Tend, by a guerrilla. Wehopo sincerely it is true, for this is the man who, possessing a little brief au thority at Nashville, displayed every element of small, petty tyranny. He it whs who caused the arrest of Southern ministers, and made the mostbfutal speech recorded in the prolific annals of Yankee infamy— threatening all manner of punish ment to the South., "If," said this modern imitator of the inhuman Al va, "we cannot subdue you, we will kill you! The Union shall be res tored, if the Southern people have to be exterminated, and the national flag over their bones." He has^fate ! Who shall say it is.not a ju* retribution ?—Mississippian. was The Yankee fleet bombarded Vicksburg seventy-one days. The number of vessels of all classes en gagedin it was ninety-six, with crews and infantry amounting to 13,500 men. < Our loss was just three 'men and o*e'woman, omitting the casual ties of the ram Arkansas. Two of them were killed in batteries, and one while making an attack on boats moored near the shore. There was not a tingle gun disabled and only one dismounted on our side. The enemy taking everything into con sideration lost, it is supposed, a w ^ o ij p CX.1Y ai d »jf /tSf boats ? (BO Extract of a letter from a Soldier.— "If the ladies South would dry a large quantity of fruit and keep it for the soldiers in camp, it would be a good thing. Dried fruit is a luxury with ns ; but, like everything else, will go up in price until it gets beyond our reach." The Confederate Congress was to meet o| tho 18th instant. Some pa pers think it will probably assemble in Columbia, South Carolina, which looks rather significant. We Ram upon good authority that Gen. uckner will be in Vicksburg to nieqpiis command during the pres ent vt*|k. A Telegraph dispatch to this eSbct has beeen received at Can ton.—Grenada Appeal. Excitement in Nassau.—Dates from Nassau, N. P., report great ex citement among the citizens there, on account of the firing into and cha sing British vessels by Yankee crui sers. TROUBLE WITH THE NEGROES IN WASHINGTON. Insurrection Apprehended, Special Cor. of the Chicago Times : Washington, Aug. 8—There is reason to apprehend serious trouble from the groes that are now swarming in this dis trict. fens of thousandsjof these unfor tunate beings have been enticed away from kind masters and comfortable homes, and are now here without any means of support except the pittance doled out to them by the governmenr. This pittance is entirely inadequate to provide them any of the comforts of life, and barely suffices to keep them alive. They. live, if living it can be called, in dirt, wretchedness and suqalor: olothed in inero rags, covered with vermin, and filling the atmosphere with a most intolerable stench. The money which the^administration pays to them to support them in idleness amounts in the aggregate to an enormous day, which the white people of the try are taxed to pay. Most Of the negroes are as stupid as brutes, with not a single idea except those relating to work, eating ' and drinking. As they have none of the first to do, they devote themselves exclu sively to the two last. But there among them some men who have :_ degree of intelligence, whose ill regulated minds and ungovernable passions lead them to desire to play the part of Tous saint l'Ouverture. These men have been petted and flat tered by leading abolitionists in Congress, who have induoed in their minds such ideas as that all men are equal ; that black men in this country have equal lights with white men ; that this war was brought about by the abolitionists, the Ifriends of the black man, in order to liberate the colored people of the South from slavery ; and that, when that was done, the black man should have the same political rights and the same social privileges as the white man. The honeyed promises were greed ily swallowed by those to whom they addressed; and they, in'their turn.lcom municated them in ruder language and even more glowing colors, to all the blacks in general. It is well known how rapidly and extensively news of any kind travels among the negroes. It was not long, therefore, before the substance of the'glit tering proupaotc hail been held before the eyes of all the slaves in the states of Ma ryland, Virginia. Kentucky, Tennessee, Missourifand North Carolina. Yet, of all the slaves in these states, very!'few] com paratively, were believed by them. The most of them, to their honor be it said, had sense enough to know that theyj were better off where they are than they could . be at the North, and remained at home. But several thousands, nevertheless, caught by the alluring bait, and, escaping from their masters came here to Washing ton. The first few thousand that ue sum per coun are some were found here the negro paradise : no work and plenty to eat."But, when they began to pour in by hundreds at a time, when it became difficult to feed them and unable to make them work, they began to mor. They now find that in order to get their bread they have got to work a great deal harder than they did at home. This has produced among them a feeling of deep-seated discontent, which the few wily black men spoken of above and taken ad vantage of. The recent decision of'the President not to employ negroes as soldiers, but to use them as laborers, has been seized by these men as a lever, and they have used it with tremendous effect. At the secret meetings of the leaders of the negroes, harangues have been made by these men that make the blood run cold even to hear of. They described in rudo hut forcible and expresive terms the prom ises that had been made to them, by the leaders of the Republican party, of deliv erance from bondage and of participation in all the rights and privileges of the white», und die stiumeful maimer In Which those promises have been violated. They then spoke of the President's decision, and read it aloud frpm the New York Tri bune newspaper, in order to give it greater effect. "He is willing," said these incen diaries. "to work us to death ; but he will not let us have arms and uniforms and be drilled as soldiers. We are good enough to be his slaves, but not good enough to be his soldiers. He don't want any 'nig ger' soldiers. Niggers ! will you stand that ? [Cries of "No ! no ! we will fight !"] You will fight ! Let me see, when the time comes, whether you will fight !" This language was actually used at their meet ings. If the existence of this kind of feel ing does not lead to bloody results, it will be because the negroes of America are not the same beings as the negroes of the West Indies, mur a a a The correspondent of the New York Express announces that by the evacuation of James Island, all chance of approaching Charleston by any feacible land route has been abandoned. The Federal troops have also retired fromEdisto Island, and now only hold Hilton Head, Beaufort, Pulaski, and their immedi ate dependencies.