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The Greenwood Daily Commonwealth J. L. & S. GILLESPIE, Editors and Publishers. Entered at Greenwood postoffiee as second-class mattet. AFTERNOON ASSOCIATED PRESS SERVICE. TELEPHONE NO. 33. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (By Mail or Carrier) $6.0U a Year. 50 Cents a Month. Single Copy 5 Cents. 15 Cents a Week. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to tne use lor republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news publications herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. There are not enough fighting reds in the U. S. to overthrow a small city government—mouth frothers and bomb-hiders are not the stuff of which government-overthrowers are made. o It is easily possible that Lloyd George will live to reaize that he blundered in saying the allies could not afford to help Russians get a stable government. i o Though the House railroad bill has no anti strike clause, there are Senators willing to bet real money it will have one when it becomes a law. Lord Fisher, England's champion bean-spiller, says, "No politician regards truth from the same < y point of view as a gentleman." -o President Poincare's visit to London may have a connection with what is going on in the U. S Senate -o Most encouraging—Attorney General Palmer's assurance that there will be no let up in the drive on reds. o From all accounts, the Sultan of Turkey is let ting the other fellows do the worrying about his future. -o There are also a few American D'Annunzio's who think they are bigger than the gov —guys ernment. o Walesey got through the Washington dining all right, and if he missed the wining was too po lite to say so. o If all that's printed be true, New York's bar tenders now make "whiskey" while the thirsty line up and wait. o Right now the secret of shorter strikes is of more importance than the secret of longer life. ***************** jr * <*• C. POSEY * INTERIOR DECORATING Painting & Paper Hanging. * P. O. Box 107. 4* 708 W. Church St., Greenwood. 4* ***************** * * * * Phone 594. ♦ CONSTIPATION And Sour Stomach Caused Thia Lady Much Suffering. Black Draught Relieved. Meadorsvllle, Ky.—Mrs. Pearl Pat rick, of this place, writes: "I was very constipated. I had sour stomach and was so uncomfortable. I went to the doctor. He gave me some pills. They weakened me and seemed to tear up my digestion. They would gripe me and afterwards It seemed I was more constipated than before. I heard of Black-Draught and de cided to try it. I found it just what I needed. It was an easy laxative, and not bad to swallow. My digestion soon Improved. I got well of the sour stom ach, my bowels soon seemed normal, no more griping, and I would t&ks a dose now and then, and was In good shape. I cannot say too much for Black Draught for it la the finest laxative one can use.** Thedford's Black-Draught has fox many years been found of great value In the treatment of stomach, liver and bowel troubles. Easy to take, gentle and reliable in its action, leaving nc bad after-effects, it has won the praise of thousands of people who hays used NO-185 It WHAT MAKES A HOME It requires two to make a home. The first honie was made when a woman, cradling in her loving arms a baby, crooned a lullaby. All the tender sentamentiality we throw around a place is the result of the sacred thought that we live with some one else. It is our home. t \ But, by stealth, a thief—bad health—seeks always to creep in and destroy the homes that are happy in the certainty of natural health. The hoirie tryst—the place where we retire and shut the world out. Lovers make a home, just as birds make a nest, and unless a man knows the spell of the divine passion it is hard to see how he can have a home at all, for o; all blessings, no gift equals the gentle, trusting, loving comp anionship of a good woman. Nature has compounded in her own wonderful laboratories a remedy that will give strength to throw off germs, resist desease, cure various ills and so build and tone the system as to shut out the evil that sickness would bring with it. The gift of NATURE is FERRALINE and it. is guaranteed to do all those who sell it claim for it. Try NATURE GUARANTEED, ahd if FERRALINE does not help you the distributors wil refund your money. t / * ? HOME a happy plaea to go ï. _ _ - W; -I. A 'fgm rnpr it T «iLJi y £-3, teffm i r n Ai Irl' * 4 -- A The strain of modern bus iness life is too much for the nerves. You need a nerve sedative. Try ! : j j } N * r.. A Nerve Sedative that is recommended ior Nervous ness, Sleeplessness, Epilep sy, Hysterr»., Chrome Head ache, Nervous Irritation, and for use by those ad dicted to the Alcoholic or Drug liebst. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS MILF^ MEDICAL CO.. Elkhs-t. | n i I LET OFFICIAL SALARIES STAND. One of the fights that will be staged at the coming session will be an attempt of the newly elected officers to have the salary laW repealed, or at least amended to better conform to their idea! of what a public official should have. We are ofj the opinion that the newly elected officers were! elected with distinct understanding that they j were to receive a salary for their service and it' was made plain just what that salary was to be,j and if they felt that they could not serve and be : satisfied with the salary offered they should j have kept out of the race—we dont believe one of ; them was forced into it. This matter has been agitated for years and public sentiment demanded at least a trial and we can stand four years of it and almost persuaded that there are men who can be induced to serve for the salary offered if the nominees do not want to qualify.—George County Times. o INTERSTATE AUTO STEALING A VIOLA TION OF THE FEDERAL LAW. Interstate auto stealing is a violation of the federal law. If you steal an automobile now and run it to another state you may be fined $5,000 and go toj prison for five years, either or both. If you buy a car that has been stolen in anoth er state you may suffer the same fate, Interstate thievery of automobiles is now a violation of the federal law. We print this for j the information of automobile thieves and the oth- ! er thieves who buy cars they know are stolen.— Memphis Commercial Appeal o Why make a spread of a million dollars going j up in a Texas oil fire, and ignore the millions go ing up in Texas oil stock? Congressman Voight, of Wis., must have felt quite lonesome in casting the only vote to seat Vic Berger. o There is a percentage of doubt on the bench concerning the constitutionality of the dry law, ; though it hardly amounts to 2.75. j ■O Washington may thank its profiteers for In dianapolis being chosen for national headquart ers of the American Legion. o Scooping in the reds won't be complete until it includes speakers who denounce the government for the scooping. -o Either Europe is in a bad way or all the Am erican correspondents over there are confirmed pessimists. -o Even political bosses are changing—Murphy, of Tammany, has begun to bring libel suits. * RAILROAD SCHEDULES. * Yazoo & Mississippi Valley R- R Arrive 7:40am Clarksdale-Memphis 3:40am £ _ 7:55am : 10:33am Yazoo City-Jackson 8:22am ; 4:10pm Clarksdale-Memphis 10:33am 10:30pm Clarksdale-Memphis 2:25pm 8:30pm Yazoo City-Jackson 4:10pm 2:16pm Grenada _ 8:30pm I Leave ; * 8:10am Grenada . Southern R. R. in Mississippi. Arrive 9:25 a.m. Greenville 5:05 p.m. Columbus-B'ham 9:25 a.m. * ZD p.m Greenville 9:25am Belzoni, except Sun. 11:55am 1:20 p.m. 1:00pm Belzoni, Sunday Only..4:45pm 5:05 p.m. Leave 7:20 a.m. 11:55 a.m. 11:55 a.m. Columbus 7:10 p.m. Greenville VICTIMS RESCUED * Kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles are most dangerous be cause of their insidious attacks. Heed the first warning they give that they need attention by taking GOLDMEDAL CAPSULES The world's standard remedy for these disorders, will often ward off these dis eases and strengthen the body against further attacks. Three sizes, all druggists. Gold Medal on every boa Look fee the * * * * . * * * ••*♦*•*•*♦»♦*•*•*•* ' «f « •> * * » * + * + « + < CRULL-KENNEY DRY GOODS ™ 4* INCORPORATED M WHOLESALE ONLY GREENWOOD, MISS. * • i * ! * I *♦****♦** + * + ***+*♦* + * » * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * 4 , * * * * * ^ ********* * C. E. WRIGHT ICE COMPANY * * 1 GREENWOOD, PHONE 45. MANUFACTURERS MISSISSIPPI. * * * * * ICE * * Ice Cream and Carbonated Drinks; Also Bottlers of Coca-Cola. * fc ' * *********** ******..;.* .$. .*.|. * ,$. .^ .j. * Car Load of Hups to arrive this week, Get your order in if you want one. Car Load of Jordans to arrive in a few days. Columbia Sport and Columbia Touring Ready for delivery. Special Bargains in Following used cars: One Seven Passenger Buick; One Premier Foursome; One Seven Passenger Willis Six; One Five Passenger Hup; All Repainted and in good Shape. YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. Pitchford-Lundy Auto Company, 106 East Market Street. ~ * * -h- *************************** % * WARNER WELLS * * JOHN ASHCRAFT * ASHCRAFT & WELLS * * ANY FEATURE OF INSURANCE * * * * * PHONE 460 * 1st Floor Wilson Bank Building * * *************************** ****************** v-w****** ir * * We Will Get You the Highest MARKET PRICE at All Times. * * * * : G. W. TROTTER & COMPANY * * WE SELL COTTON ON COMMISSION * * y GIVE US A TRIAL CONSIGNMENT AND WE WILL DO THE REST. * CORNER MAIN AND MARKET STREETS GREENWOOD, MISSISSIPPI. ¥ * * ¥ * * *************************** ********************************** DELTA MACHINE WORKS * * * ALL KINDS OF— Engine, Boiler and Gin Repairing Promptly Executed New and Second Hand Machiner v and Sunnlie*» Agents for Reliable Oil Engines GREENWOOD. MISS/ 1 * * * * * A « £ * * * :*♦***** + *** + *♦ ******* * * * 4 « Tel. 34 ******* • * ************* * ? M C SHANE COTTON COMPANY : * * Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants * GREENWOOD, MISS. WE AIM TO PLEASE » ♦ * » * * ♦ * > f *************************** * * DUNN COMMISSION CO. * ❖ * * Wholesale and Retail GROCERS y * * * COTTON HANDLED ON CONSIGNMENT y * * * * PHONE 761. * * * GREENWOOD, MISSISSIPPI. ¥ * * * ***** .♦*4-*4-***************** *******•*►***❖* ************** * * LEFLORE GROCER CO. WHOLESALE GREENWOOD, MISS * * * * * * ¥ * * * * * * ***************************** *************************** * * * W. S. BARRY, Pres. Phone No. 224. R. P. PARISH, Sec'y, Phone No. 195. * * * *. L # ;the greenwood agencv c« ; * All Kinds of Insurance Written—Delta Lands Bought and Sold * * * We represent the Largest, Oldest and Best Insurance Companies in * * the world. Your business solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. * OFFICE PHONE NO. 141 After office hoars call Phone No. 224 or No. 195. * ***♦*♦*♦*♦*♦*♦*♦*♦*♦***♦* + *! LAND LOANS NEGOTIATED. * * 221 HOWARD STREET. * *♦*♦*♦*♦*♦*♦*♦*♦*♦*♦*♦.*♦*** * : THE DELTA INSURANCE & REALTY : AGENCY, INC. * ¥ * » THE BIG MULTIPLE LINE AGENCY Representing over * Billion of Assets and over a Hundred MU- * * * ♦ * 4c Hens of We Insure Anything that is Insurable at Standard Rates. 4c * Communicate with us for Reliable Service. ~~ S. STEELE, President. 4c ♦ 4c * 'A J :i ic?;*- ..VULCANIZING... We are still upholding our stanbard in Vulcanizing—Cord work a Specialty. Quick tube service. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. i ! I KIMBROUGH AUTO CO. Phone 992 and 11 218 West Market St. 1 WE BUY AND SELL LIBERTY BONDS ! i 4% Interest Paid on Deposits, Comouted Semi-Annually GREENWOOD SAVINGS BANK GREENWOOD, MISSISSIPPI C. G. ROOK, J. M. OLIVE THE SERVICE MOTORS CO. ! DEALEKS IN MACK TRUCKS & FRltEHAUF TRAILERS II' REPAIRERS;OF g Automobiles, Trucks and Gas Engines Oxy-Acetylene Welding ; ! 212 MAIN ST. PHONE 27 EVENTUALLY! You will realize it's Quality and Service not price, you want DRY GLEANING DEPARTMENT DELTA STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE 833 PELTZ PACKING CO. INC. j ' Demand Our Products. é 6 9 9 PHONE 701 Greenwood, Miss. \ ***************** ********** : * * * GREENWOOD GROCERY CO. * * * * Is WHOLESALE GROCERS GREENWOOD, MISS. * * * * * * * * ****************** ***^,*^,^ ( .^,^. * Auto Tops Rebuilt & Recovered ❖ * * De Luxe Back Curtains A Specialty. Commercial Bodies Built to Order. Solid Truck Tires Attached On Short Notice. HIGH GLASS AUTOMOBILE PAINTING * * * * * * WAGON WORKS * 3 PHONE 552: * ! ■ * ****************************4 ********************* * f '** * Visible Gasoline ❖ * * * * * * j * * * * * * * * ❖ V * ❖ I Inspect our new tank. I car out of a glass bowl. You can see what * .*. The gasoline runs into your you get. * * * V *. * ; i * * * * * j i, * ; * * * o-i o \kt Qf *;* ^ iö "larKet öl. * ; *£ *! ' ' *. ' * Kimbrough Auto Co. Phone 11 and 992. t < * t ■ ******************X****,|,j f .'| >r * * ! PLANTERS OIL MILL & MFG. CQi ! * GREENWOOD, MISSISSIPPI. * * * * MEAL AND HULLS ♦ * * WE HAVE ON HAND AT ALL TIMES OLD STYLE HULLS AND BRIGHT MEAL. PRICES TELEPHONE 109 OR 231. * 4c ♦ FOR 4c 4c 9 * * HAVE YOUR COTTON GINNED WITH US. « - — . „ ^ _ 9 ^ * + • + *♦*♦*♦•♦*♦*♦* % *♦ « « * ♦