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■9 ; SgRif > ' W *v . % > •V «i. » % » % (ßrmuttnnö -;.... V 9 i ~ M' wt t**5 -_a_ T—^ —T** PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS SERVICE . J. L. & S. GILLESPIE, Editors and Publishers si GREENWOOD, LEFLORE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBEÈ 27, 19i9 SUBSCRIPTION: ®g§?5c 'Ä*¥g3?^ VOLUME 4—NUMBER 102 EFFORT TO MEET ADVANCING PRICE Manufacturing Concerns In Pittsburg Of Selling Food And Clothing At Cost To Their Employes. ■ Associated Press PITTSBURGH, Dec. 27—A numberi of important manufacturing concerns ; in this city are selling food and clo thing at cost to their employees, in an effort to meet the edvancing price of commodities. One company buys for its workmen every two weeks a carload of hams) and bacon. This is shipped direct from the packer to the mill, and there sold to the men at cost, plus the trans- , . * .y,, . . the portation charge. The prescident of, „ j .. . ,> the company endorses it as one of the , *. ..U- . , At , , best things he has ever done for his , ! a 1 of by , i not ! men. Another concern has been supply ing many of its mill and office em ployes with canned goods, wearing j apparel .including overcoats and shoes ' and even children's shoes. The sav , . - „ ing was such as to make the wage ., . .. earners enthusiastic. , , - ., ,. t*. Employes of another big manufact . . , . . . , unng plant rented a store, stocked . ... . , , . .. . . is it with groceries, bought through use , ,, , _j • of the company's credit, and in a few i a • «... '• weeks were doing a business of $ 2 , , „ , , „ ; 000 a day. Only employes of the com- J . . ., . fr« a pany can buy in the store. The price 5 . . i„ to the buyer is first cost plus rent, ^ , . , . j - . . 4 . i light, clerk hire and freight. ; .. ' ^ . "We started with groceries," said 4 . . , . .. , lra] | the manager looking over his well , 4 . . ... . , „ , 4 . , 4 . kept store with pride," but lately we jj j , , 4 ... 4 ., added such clothing as the men wear , ,0 „ o W 1 e a , W ° r , ' 00 " W j .. j .a,tor shop for men, clothes and next we are going to put m a line ot . a v. women s wear and such things as wo 4 , . 4 , ,_ _ t must have around the house. I all men don't know how many of the compa ny's 20,000 workmen buy here, but I am sure we have among our custom- . ers at least one representative ot ev-; ery family. There is still one item .however, in | which many j * the living cost, from workers in the district can find no re- j Workmen's l lief—that o fhigh rents. section of j : Greenwood Grocery Co. j i houses are scarce in every the district. * r -o Truck Burned Xmas ; An International Truck, owned by the Greenwood Grocery Co., was bad ly damaged by fire Christmas night Avenue G, where it had been left aftre miring in the mud. How the truck caught fire is a mystery. At effort had been made to draw the gasoilne fro mthe tank. One theory is that the truck became ignited from fire works displays which occurred in that vicinity on Chrstmas night. The truck was damaged to the extent of about $500 i ! j I 1 jrs. The 1920 census is expected t< j ! ! on ' There were 6,361,502 frams report d at the last decennial census, val ; wed at more than 40 billion of doll j show more than 7,000,000 farms. -o POINTS TO THE NEAR APPROACH "Of A General, Deliberate And Sus tained Attack On the Christian Conception of Marriage." ! ■ "Everything points to the near ap-: proach of a general, deliberate and sustained attack on the Christian con Associated Press MANCHESTER, Eng., Dec. 27 declared the ception of marriage, 1 Bishop of Hereford in ar. address at Manchester Cathedral on "New Ideas of Marriage." "The war has lowered the prestige of marriage in the thought of many people and visibly endangered its character, has been accomplished partly by en dowing women and girls with unpre cedented independence and forcing them into a public prominence for which nothing in their previous car. had prepared them ;most of all said the Bishop. "This » eers by shaking the whole fabric of civil ised society and bringing into open question the accepted principle of so cial order, discrediting churches, breaking down authority and forcing under ruthless criticism the most inti mate and fundamental assumptions of conduct. y» divorce court shows us the ujggt of a society governed by im M» father than by principle, swept by the currents of self-indul mt fhshtrn rather than pursuing a iaatnd co u rse by the direction of -, • of fermai duty." ~ H'-?' - i. m gitt A CONFERENCE OF HOUSEKEEPERS Of Greenwood To Be Held In The Memorial Building, Tuesday After- j noon, Dec. 30th, At 3 O'Clock. , , , , , , the housekeepers of the whole coun * „ ,, try, has sent out a call to all the or . . . , . , . ganizations of women asking their , , . 7 , 4 , help. The club, believing that the Way to a real relief will come from a conference of housekeepers of the Much interest was aroused at the meeting of the Woman's Club last Tuesday afternoon, by a communica tion from the Treasury Department of the government, which was read by the President, Mrs. A. Weiler. The government recognizing that there is not much hope for success in its ef fort to stop the present wave of un precedented extravagant living, with thus avoid a bankrupt country, with out the co-operation of the women, _ , . _ Building on Tuesday afternoon, Dec. f •' ' 30th, at 3 o'clock. All the house , . , . , . , keepers, or those interested in such * , . , . „ , things are urged to be present. Each . , „ A \ , is asked to jot down in her memory , . the ways in which she knows how to J x save, so as to be able to give it to all T , • , , , . the others. It is to be a perfectly m , . formal meeting, a real conference, that the experience of each may be , . i made to benefit all. Wont you come ; , , . x . . . ! and help us to w r ork out a way to ^ J make a little money go a long way: You women of Greenwood who have , , T t 1 a«™ always responded, when Uncle Sam •' ^ . calls, wont you come now and help him to help you and your friends? V '„ re that each one who J , ... . comes will get a real benefit from even this one meeting. MRS. T. R. HENDERSON, Reporter. towns, has arranged for a meeting of all these women in Greenwood, to be held in the Confederate Memorial o • .Igjp HAVE CHARACTER o London Writer Tous Explains Femininity Is So Peculiarly At tracted to Ihe*.:. Hlstorinnc who '~y to write of pr<' historic times i >|i us that men won women in those days by brute force. Strength in num sMil «-nm-uls to won en tremendously, and she likes to find her master, in spite Of the vn:e and ; few other things. Bad men usually slum strength ni Mnvbe that is why they some sort, are attractive to women. Follow up the life story o * 1 nny crim Inal you like, and you'll fit d a woman ! in the story. No matter how bad s man may be, he can usually find r» ! woman who will believe in him. | Why do w m .. seem to like "Blur beards," or ar any rate bad men? i . . , , Take any scoundrel you may know. and you'll find that he has character, although it is bad. He is untroubled i by scruples and conscience, so when he ! wants a thing he sets about getting it. | This may explain why, in so many in s ^ aI ^ ces ' a man steps in and hesitated ^ou^annot get° away^rom the old scientific law_"Like repels, un like attracts." There is generally something force ful about a bad man which appeals to a woman as strength, something primi tive and fine. She feels the personality of the scamp, for he possesses person ality. Like the moth fluttering round the candle, which gets scorched at last, the woman who is attracted by a bad man usually ends by being his. She may even be aware of his bad- j ness, and it does not repel her. In the heart of a good woman there is always the desire to help. She imagines that i her power will be so great that she | will be able to reform him. Women seem to glory in self-sacri fice, and they revel in making martyrs | of themselves. The most cruelly treat ed wife will rarely hear a word against j her mate. She herself will tell you of his cruelty, but beware of how you ! sympathize. It is not for you to con ■ demn. Good women so often get the bad men. whereas good men seem frequent ly to woo women who are not worthy Human nature has many , of tbern ' kinks.—London Answers. Important Notice. If yon want The Daily Com monwealth, you must pay your subscription by the 1st of Jan uary. We are sending out state ments now and these bills must be paid or your paper will be stopped promptly. There will be no exceptions. News print is very scarce and all newspapers will have to save as much paper as possible. We are going to save our part by stopping all delin quents, so if you want The Daily Commonwealth you must pay for it. -o It required 18 months to complete the enumeration work for the first de cennial census in 1790. In 1920 the Census Bureau plans to complete the enumeration work for the entire coun try in from two to four weeks and announce the population Çgures in less than three months from the date the enumeration work is completed. • w Ï^&b'ï The End of a perfect Day !T FT I c\ U? /i>. J' ■<& H0U>' j •j sthl: & IL Ad j 223 UJ / J a NEfU (CoiiyrlfiliO But the Ten Gallon Keg Held a Good CHRISTMAS BOOZE WAS RIVER WAT® * * * 4 4,4. , . ! * i-etails as to the transaction are , ^ lackmg. Two men representing t em- ; selves as residents of Clarksdale vie- » initv ™de their appearance m Yazoo Sample In Tin, And Brought Three Hundred Dollars! in the price of whiskey> but the buyers of this city who paid $300 for a pint Yazoo County has set a new record * of the rare beverage did so unwitting * ly. City Saturday and discreetly made in quiries as to the possible purchasers of liquor. Christmas is approachnig and, anyway, Yazoo County has been fairlv dry lately, when wetness other fchan rain and riyer water are con sid ered, and the owners of the "booze" soon found an excellent market for ! their goods. They had, they said, ten gallons of ! good whiskey in a keg and asked the | small price, comparatively, of $30 a gallon for it . Ten gallons is a lot of i . j wetness, and there were those m ' , . OAA ... Yazoo City who would pay $300 for it, i providing the quality was good. They p] ! preferred to taste it. | The visitors procured a car and in- ; D vited one of the purchasers to ac company them and make the test. v keg was tipped a -d produced a b ver y good qualit yof liquor. The pi money changed hands and the keg and j n its contents were delivered. The vis j ket. Just here details are a little vague, Anyway the, the purchasers natur i a]ly took a drink They liked it The | of a itors explained that it was necessary for them to get out of town at once, for safety's sake, and because they had other supplies. The explanation was satisfactory, and they were told, it is said, that additional supplies brought this way would find a mar keg was tipped again, but the spigot refused to operate. The keg had the | weight and the sound when shaken, but it refused to pour, j A thirsty circle of buyers, with whetted thirsts, broke in the barrel er, which is now entirely too plentiful , to suit anyone who has low delta land. —Yazoo Sentinel. j head and found an ingenious arrange- ; ment. Inside the bung hole was a ; cylinder of tin which had contained a pint of liquor. The remainder of the barrel contained Yazoo river wat a o United States marshals acted as en imerators at the first nine decennial ensuses. Each marshal had as many assistants as were necessary to prop rly cover his allotted territory. ■o Mr. Wallace Sturgis, who is a stud ! ent at the University of Virgina, is j spending the holidays with relatives in ! Greenwood. ****** Mr. T. D. Walsh of Lynchburg, Tex. who has been the guest of Mrs. H. W. Harris and family for the Christmas holidays, left yesterday for his home. ****** Dr. T. G. Hughes and family of Clarksdale are the guests of Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Hughes. ****** To judge from the utterances am activities of Dr. Nicholas Murray But 1er, he is of the opinion that another college president in the White House w*h>M be mn excellent thing. ************* * * * * COTTON MARKETS* * * ************** NEW YORK COTTON MARKET Prev. Open High Low Close C ose - - 137^90 38.00 37.69 37.92 38.02) - - 36.20 36.30 35.68 35.95 36.19| X * m TT n TÏ717I 4 IPIIPD * ^ 1HE WLiAlxlliiK # - A * * » ***** ****** * * MISSISSIPPI-Fa.r Saturas - and, Sunday, not much change in temper-; ...... ! Local Observations. Temperature—Highest, 47 degrees; ^ Jan. Mar. May - - |34.50 34.60 34.00 34.10 34.45 Closed 10 to 35 down. New York Spots 39.25. -o * * ************ * lowest, 25 degrees; precipitation 0.0; river gauge 33.2; rise in 24 hours 0.5. Miss Annie Long Stephens, Local Observer. -o „ The Greenville King's Daughters p] an the erection of a $250,000 hos pital for the service of the entire ; D e Jt a section of the State, and a meeting was recently held at Green- ; v jii e which the cause was espoused b ythe most prominent citizens of that pi ace . There were one hundred men j n attendance. The matter has been A $250,000 Hospital At Greenville, Miss. undér consideration for some time by I the local King's Daughters who are directly in touch with the inadequacy of the present hospital facilities at j The present "home" it is said, has a capacity of 25 patients and an aver- j age roll of 33 wh oare receiving treat- | Greenville. More than half the number ; are taken to Greenville from points in : the Delta outside of Washington ment . Congressman Humphreys County. was one of the speakers at the meet- i ing held and pointed out the rapid ; growth of the white population of the ; section. No subscriptions were taken at the j recent meeting, but Senator Leroy ; Percy, and Messrs. B. O. McBee, E. ; W. Wood and C. C Dean, of Leland, as business associates in Panthern Burn Plantation, pledged $20,000. Two other residents of the county pledged a total of $15,000. The campaign for funds is to begin in the near future. o Douglass F. Beans New Circuit Judge of Circuit Court ^ The Governor has appointed Doug lass F. Beans, of the Greenville bar, as the successor Judge H. H. Elmore, resigned, for this the Fourth District, until a special election can be held. o Louis Marin, member of the Chamb er of Deputies, has complied from of ficial sources the losses of human lif caused by the World War, fixing th appalling total at 8,558,166. o The Sixth Decennial Census, taken in 1840, was the first one to cove agricultural statistics, now one of the most important parts of the en o An enumeration of the mines an« quarries of the United States wa mads for the first time in 1840. : DÜI/TCÜ Ï TOTO nhV SK I JS I S ^ fYri/l/YTI A miAlkTO FOR DECORATIONS i Knight Board Will Follow The Plan Adopted By Secretary Daniels. WASHINGTON, Dec. 27—In revis ing the list of naval decorations to be awarded for services during the war, ! the Knight Board, Secretary Daniels said today, would be instructed to fol 4ow generally the same policy as was.. adopted by the Secretary in revising orf ina , Hsts At the same tim ° . ., 4 . _ ,, the Secretary said, the Board would give full consideration to the views ! expressed by Rear Admiral Sims and ! Jr . J . __ °' ,,cr hl S h offic.als who objected to the manner m which the decorations thus far announced were awarded. Secretary Daniels announced last night he had ordered the Knight j Board reconvened to consider data bearing on the recent awards and make recommendations for further awards. Associated Press : : ; The funeral of Mr. Sloan Stoud, who died Christmas Eve in Lexing ton, Va., where he was attending the V. M. I. was held here this afternoon : a t 2 o'clock at the residence in North -o Funeral Sloan Stroud Held This Afternoon ! I Greenwood. The service was con- ; ducted by Dr. W. C. Tyree and Rev. L. W. Rose. Interment was made in j the I. O. O. F. Cemetery. The active pall-bearers were: Messrs, Jim Mann, Steve Barnwell, j Finley Anderson, Richard Pettey, Joe | Mathews, Bob Best, John Ferguson, ; George Bell and Vassar Hemphill; : Honorary pall-bearers, Messrs. R. C. McBee, G. M. Barrett, J .E. Mann, Gid Montjoy, Jr., C. E. Saunders, G. P. i Elliott, John Pettey. ; ; V. M. I. MOURNS DEATH. LEXINGTON, Va., Dec. 27 ( Spec ial To The Commonwealth)— Mr. Sloan Stroud of Greenwood, Miss., died at the hospital of the Virginia Military Institute Wednesday, Decern- j ber 24th of pneumonia, after a short illness of one week. His death came as a severe shock to the entire corps of cadets, for he was one of the most I popular men in the school. His moth er and father were with him when the known to be seriously ill ,his death ; was unexpected and the feeling of j grief was heightened by the tragic ! and unexpected termination of his ill end came. Though Mr. Stroud was Mr. Stroud entered the Virginia ! ^ Military Institute in the fall of 1917 ' ' ** " T ness. a s a member of the class of 1921. He soon became one of the leading fig ures in his class as a brilliant student j and a player on the Varsity base ball team. It is with the sense of the ; deepest grief and pain that his fellow cadets mourn the irreparable loss of this beloved comrade. The body left Lexington Christmas morning for Greenwood, where the funeral will take place Saturday. o The statistics gathered by the Cen sus Bureau in regard to farms ar used quite extensively by the Depart ment of Agricuiaure in its work o aiding farmers. O Take The D» îto Commonwealth. / FRENCH DEMAND CROWN PRINCE He Wilt Be Included In List Of Per sons Whose Surrender For Trial Will Be Requested. Associated Press LONDON, Dec. 27—Frederick Wil l'am, former German Crown Prince, will be included in the list of persons whose surrender for trial will be de manded b ythe French, acrording to an unofficial report of a recent meet - 1 ing between the British law officials and the French under the Secretary ! ; i of Military Justie. "DEMAND CROWN PRINCE. I» The former Crown Prince, it is said, will be charged with criminal offens es including, looting and robbery with violence in France. It appears that no further decision has been reached re garding the case of the former Em peror William. ! -o Will Amalgamate Royal Air Force Associated Press LONDON. Dec. 27—Plans have been made to amalgamate the Lon- j d°n Royal Air Force Club with the ( NewYerk Royal Air Force Club, and Sterling Pyle, President of the Ne^ ! ^ ox 'k Club, has been here arranging ^ the an ob ^ ect tae ! rr„ t r d relations i 1 Effort to Raise I HAMILTON, BERMUDA, Dec. 26 , —A vigorous effort to raise the ban ! on motor cars has failed . The House of Assembly voted 17 tol5 against it. : For a tleast another year Bermudians j and visiting tourists will continue to walk, ride a bicycle or drive a horse ' as of yore. Since little Nantucket capitulated to the forces of progress this colony j has held an aln J t uni posjtion in .4 . 444 , 1 its oppositon to the use of automo bles. ! The Ban Fails Associated Press o _ _ The Recent I) ea th j o i James Rose Troup! Associated Press HARROW, Eng., Dec. 27—James Rose Troup, the last survivor of the famous Emir Pasha Relief Expedition recently died here. When Stanley was arranging his expedition to relieve Emir Pasha, who was shut up in Central Africa, Mr. Troup was engaged as transport offi : eer, and was the only survivor of a camp which Stanley formed at Y'arn buya, after penetrating 2,000 miles i : into the interior. : ! : -o The Development Of Hydro-Aviation ; iate development of hydro-aviation will be undertaken in the Argentine ; Associated Press BUENOS AIRES, Dec. 27—Immed nav y as a result G f the gift of four * be l a t es t types of hydro-airplanes from the Italian government; the ma chines were used by members of the Italian aviation mission sent to this country sevei'al months ago to give exb -; b jti 0 n flights at the Argentine aviation &chooL -o j The Women Only Ask A Square Dea y ! 1 ! I Ratify the National Amendment giving women the ballot: The amendment reads: Section 1. The right of citizens ; of the United States to vote shall not j be denied or abridged by the United ! States or by any State on account of sex. U Congress shall have ! the power by appropriate legislation to enforce the provisions of this RT" ' Section 2. tide." Nineteen States have ratified. Th< j amendment will become part of the constitution of the United States whe: ; ratified by the Legislatures of thirty six States, I It will come before the next session of the Mississippi Leg Fifteen States have given women. In islature. full suffrage to their twenty-nine States women have pres dential suffrage. Mississippi women ask your sup Miss. Ratification Com. The Census Bureau prints a specia supplement for each State in the Un containing all the census figure | elating to the State in question. port, o on I XMAS CHEER" IS CAUSE OF DEATHS Scores Died Throughout Country Çrom Drinking Wood Alcohol To Celebrate Christmas. Associated Press NEW YORK, Dec. 27—federal agents, health authorities and police in many of the Eastern cities stirred into action today against traf fie "whisky" made from wood alcohol, 1 following a wave of deaths and blind ness from this cause. In Connecticut ! and Massachusetts' the death list of ; victims of Christmas "cheer" totalled i at least 41. were Officials state that it is probable that unreported cases occcurred by the score throughout the country. A general warning has been issued aga inst anything passing for whisky in saloons and a scientific fight against the poisonous substitute for liquor has Wen started in New York. Ar mrests are expected here in connection ! with the deaths in Massachusetts and Connecticut. MANY DEATHS IN CHICAGO. CHICAGO, Dec. 27—Approximately ly 35 deaths have occurred here since July 1st, due to drinking wood alco hol as a beverage. The men who sold j WQO(J alcohol to the men who died af . ( ter drinking it >have held by the jury Qn murder cha rges. ! piye victims as a result of wood al . ^ cobo j are (j ea( j here, one dying and ! several ill as a result of Christmas i Coroner HoffmaVi estimates 1 orgies. the number of victims of this drug since July 1st .twenty eight or thirty. DEATHS NUMBER 54. CHICOPEE, Mass., Dec. 27—Addi tional deaths today here in Holyoke, Springfield and Hartford, Conn., in I creased the number of victims of , WO od alcohol poisoning as a result ! 0 f drinking a concoction marketed for the Christmas holidays to fifty four : w ith others reported seriously ill, j b ij n ded or dying. 24 DEATHS CLEVELAND. ' CLEVELAND, O., Dec. 27—Deaths here due to drinking Denatured Alco b ol during the present month, totaled j twenty four twcnty four ' -o Marshal Foch Will Decline Candidacy Associated Press PARIS, Dec. 27—Marshal Foch has informed the Republican committee of i Ministers that he will déclin the offer of the condidacy to the Senate, ac cording to the Matin. i ~ -o Hun Prisoners Want New Iron Crosses BERLIN, Dec. 26—Many returned German prisoners are applying to the military department for new iron crosses, saying the originals were : taken from them by the Entente. Not a single prisoner so far as is known has admitted that he often and gladly sold his Iron Cross to the American soldiers or took a bag of tobacco for for it with enthusiasm. The German government demands proof that the crosses were actually taken. ; THINK POLITICS BEING PLAYED That Is Opinion Expressed By Ger man Cabinet In Discussing The Entente Note. ! ! Associated Press Entente's last note, demanding BERLIN, Dec. 27—(Friday)—The the signing of the protocol to the peace treaty was discussed by the cabinet In official circles, the note, it today, j s j s regarded as evidence that the Supreme Council is playing poli t i C s. The German reply is expected to suggest that the second protocol definitely establishing tonnage in demnity demanded for the sinking of the German war ships at Scape Flow, be signed simultaneously with the or iginal protocol. -O I Socialists Being: Driven From Omsk government in Irkusk Siberia, where Kolchak All-Russian government es, tablished headquarters, are being dri ven from Omsk, according to news re ceived in French official circles. The Revolutionists took possession of | Irusk Station on the Trans-Siberian Associated Press PARIS, Dec. 27 — Revolutionary Socialists, who formed a committee I Railway, the reports states.