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; ! I ! X r W&2 V •01 \'S£ ■ ' m m \ lly ; l This Illustrated Free Book Z5he Modem Method o f Decorating 9 * will be of great value to you and your decorator in planning the interior decorations of your home. It contains instructive articles on art in the home, color harmony, concrete information regarding the artistic finishing of your walls and ceilings. All suggestions and practical advice experienced decorators. A great many color plates designed by leading artists vividly show attractively decorated rooms. You can plan your home from these illustrations and articles, from bathroom to parlor. come from It also gives exact specifications for obtaining har color effects with PEE CEE FLATK.OATT , momous the modem durable, sanitary flat oil finish. It comes in 24 rich, deep, velvety colors, which are easily combined into the most charming color schemes. Ask us for Free Book or write direct to Peaslee-Gaulbert Co., Louisville, Ky. INCORPORATED . WADE HARDWARE m MIMIM S mm - : I : M Z IP um i» lb 0 c 310x5 m s i SHOE POLISHES BEST FOR HOME SHINES SAVE THE LEATHER THE BIG p A GES VALl i -'t-- I c «3 D*rV Öföwti c tr>C *Cn s INI VA 7T THE F. i. ni> J. woi.e ÖL.. j BUFFALO. R V •Ji.Viiw.N3 LU'., ******■***** + ***+*********** ; THE DELTA INSURANCE & REALTY AGENCY, INC. * * * * jjj * * » THE BIG MULTIPLE LINE A< ENCY Representing over a Billion of Assets and over a Hundred Mil * lions of Surplus. We Insure Anything that is insurable at Standard Rates. Communicate with us for Reliable Service. SHELBY S. STEELE, President. ¥ * * * * * * * Phone 167. *+* + *4>* *>******* + **#♦* F 203 West Market St. * + * * * + Warner's Safe Remedies I i jjj i * I A Constant Boon to Invalids Since 1877. Earner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy. Warner's Sate Diabetes Remedy. Warner's Safe Rheumatic Remedy. Earner's ^afe Asthma Remedy. Warner's Sate >*rvme. Warmr's Sate Puls (Conslipi lion * nd billiouness The Reliable family Medicines« SAFE □ Sold by leading druggists everywhere. Samples on receipt of ten cents WARNER'S SA! E REMEDIE* CO., Dvpt. 527 Rochester, N.Y. #** + ***+*4*V* a + *♦***♦* + *•*** ♦ R. P. PARISH, Sec'y, Phone No. 196. * » W. S. BARRY, Pres. Phone No. 224. » :THE GREENWOOD AGENCY CO. :| ^ ... , , , ... ... , , „ , . _ . v * ♦ All Kinds of Insurance W ritten Delta Lands Bought and Sold j |t LaND LOANS NEGOTIATED. $ J * : * OFFICE PHONE NO. 14. <jj * *■*■♦•*♦*• + ■*• + ■*♦* + * ! * We represent the Largest, Oldest and Best Insurance Companies in Your business solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. 12\ HO VYAKD în i KEET. After otfice hours call Phone No. 224 Or No. 195. * * + F + «• + * + •» th*' * or id % ♦ » DUNN COMMISSION rft SR ♦ GROCERS 4 Whole ale * •• * PHONE 761 GREENWOOD, MISSISSIPPI. • ■»♦*** + *#► * + * * * - * **•#(♦ * ¥ • 4 * 4 -»-.- * ******************* ou the Highest MARKET PRICE at All Times. *♦* + *-♦ e Will # * ' G. W. TttOTT** * pomp any : WE SELL COTTON ON COMMISSION - « »:rvp r*o a TRIAL CONSIGNMENT AND WE WILL DO THF REST * « ORNER MAIN AND MARKET STREETS GREENWOOD, MISSISSIPPI. « * * ; ♦ *♦*♦*♦«•♦*♦*♦*♦*♦*♦ * 0 * •» * v bids invited. The Board of Trustees of the Miss. State Penitentiary will, at their reg- ; ular meeting in the City of Jackson, j Miss., on Tuesday, March 2nd, 1920, purchase the following supplies and : award the following contracts: Drugs, Hardware, Building Mater ial, Dry Goods, Groceries, Auto Sup plies, Dynamite and Fi^e, Field Seeds ; Office Supplies, Five (5) cars Lumpj Coal to be delivered to Hendon, Miss. | ! and one H <jt Water Outfit for the hos ; pital at Parchman, Miss. Thirty (30) days' contract will be: awarded on Meat. I All bids must be f. o. b. places nam ! ed, freight charges prepaid. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. | > J. J. CÖMAN, Secretary. ARE YOU A TARGET FOR INFLUENZA ■ It Hits Listless, Run-dcwn People 1 First—Their Blood Is Thin. Germs Everywhere In Epidemic Be Prepared—Strengthen and Build Up Your Blood with Pepto Mangan. If it is true that you are not feeling your best—if you have that "always-! tired ' feeling and no interest or en thusiasm—then you should be careful of the influenza. It is thin-blooded, anemic people that disease strikes first. The fact that you have had a very few serious illnesses has nothing to do with it. Ev- ! eryone gets run-down occasionally ! and when they do, the blood is in no ! condition to fight off disease germs, ! because it has not enough red corpusc- i . s It is the red corpuscles of the blood that fight disease and save you from sickness. You simply can't afford to take chances when influenza is striking down thousands everywhere. Fortify i your blood—build it up with the pleasant tonic, Pepto-Mangan. And should you be just recover ing from influenza, you need Pepto Mangan because your blood has ex îausted its strength. Pepto-Mangan vvill help build you up. Pepto-Mangan is widely and heart endorsed by physicians. It is ef- ' ective and easy to take. Comes in ither l ; aqid or tablet form. No diî- \ erence in medicinal properties. ^old at atiy drug store But be sure ou vet the genuine Pepto-Mangan Gudi iy Ask name and or it by tl sure the full name is on the pa> V (Adv.) age. -o 5> 1 ÜMACH ILLS * * ormanently disappear after drinking * ne celebrated Shivar Mineral Water' * ositivejy guaranteed by money-back jjj t'fer. Tastes fine; costs a trifle elivered in your home by your drug * ist or grocer. Greenwood Grocery Co * o * vjUiVlU JLE k »L.JL i * DISCOURAGED ' 4 * * Is the feeling and plaint of women who ire "run-down" so low that work drags, nead aches. ! • ••• !i}s, dragging down dizzy, paie ak, little ling« annoy and everything goes : ; i a \v t f wrong. Jjonk the other way '■ just a minute and ■-1 see what Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescript lion has done for more than a million women in the last fifty years. What it has done for others it can do for you. A helping hand to lift up weak, tired, over-taxed women—that's what I you'll find in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre i scription. It gives you just the help that you need To be had in liquid or tablets. Tablet form, 60 cents, at all drug stores. It is a medicine that's made especially to build up women's strength and to cure women's ailments—an invigorating, re storative tonic, soothing cordial and jjj bracing nervine ; purely vegetable, non i alcoholic, and perfectly harmless. * I * 0 - Cx m J t. n I fl h I & id * Jackson, Miss.:—"Dr. Pierce's Favor :| great comfort to me after motherhood. * I had inward trouble and could not walk j upright for six weeks and the doctor $ J seemed unable to give me any relief or * : help, but I had very prompt relief as * fioon as I started to take the 'Prescrip <jj * health and that is why I do not hesitate * to speak a good wdrd for Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription whenever I have an opportunity. —Mrs. K. G. Suther land, 209 Poindexter St. ! » ■o SR BLANK FORMS—Rent, Share an<! Lease Contracts; Abstract Blanks; Notice of Protest; Promissory Notes; Collateral Notes; Nurses Records Posted Sign Cards, For Sale and For Rent Sign Cards at The Daily Com monwealth Office. 4 * * ■o That "all in" feeling so common in hot weather is not due to heat alone, but to an unhealthy condition in the liver .stomach and bowels, vent X spell of sickness take Prickly Ash Bitters, it is an excellent system cleanser and regulator. Price $1.25 per bottle. Bond's Drug Store, Spec ial Aegnta. ' (Adv*) # : To pre « * « * * A :-SM\ ■; mjj&i Aft ■5» v ; j : | ; sm VÇ 4 n » - 5 € A: i | mi > -4 i I j sSjti SOUTHERN SYR«? r / • »to I - J iffflj ^wiuJSSk Tint in 3 a tif «*«» For niolassss pure ar.d swee*. Pm tiie girl you wart to meet. Every regular grocerymcn Will recommend the checkered /utn. _— DOLLY Dl NBHR gp» m t ")2f ■ >. va). 1 m Dunbars 5à' at £ ' VP nr*/.# ' fa li oufhern Syrup ! ! ! ! i )) vär •> A syrup rich in the delicious flavor of fresh ripened Smooth and mellow. Boiled so that you get its sweetness. A plate of crisp, golden brown waffles. JNow who's hungry as a bear? The goodness of DUNBAR'S SOUTHERN SYRUP begins where Nature grows the finest cane. It has the real flavor of the cane itself. Pure—wholesome—nourishing. Always have it on the table. An economical, sub stantial food. ijîsk your Gjrocer for the Checkered Ca?i . fr ïï cane, lull SS» V ai s r Yi * "2 w\ ) iliil® r®,i i SOUTHERN SYKl ; CANE SYRUP and COW N - . > m r » til EH •is [Til .-m: 5333 Gf a n r Dunbar Molasses & Syrup Co. NEW ORLEANS, LA. « tm hm if I üiViufr ' \ 5.1. Memphis New York -N w ORLEANS r Y Tu st as the family welcomes a charge in the items on the daily menu—so will they more fallu en: h is irantecf. flavors in Dutiibar's Syrups. Et raps are pacaed under leurrai colored checkered I a! del uuoud C< quality Dunbar's •tic .13 J n rag HßktV A.wttmeptlc Oil. Known n* a; A Snake 0ii I ^Mlttvely Relieve« Pain In Few SUnutM. Try It right now for Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Lumbago, sore, stiff and swollen joints, pain In the head, back and limbs, corns, bunions, etc. After one application pain usually disappears an If by magic. A new remedy used Internally and externally for coughs, colds, croup, Influenza, sore throat, diphtheria and tonsilitis. This Oil Is conceded to be the most penetrating remedy known. Its prompt and Immediate effect In relieving pain la due to the fact that It penetrates to the affected parts at once. As an Il lustration, pour ten drops on the thick est piece of sole leather and it will S enetrate this substance through and »rough In three minutes.. • •Accept no substitute. This great oil Is golden red color only. Get it at All Druggists. -o Germs are plentiful in the summer ; air, we breathe them every minute. In health they do no harm, but to those who have a bad liver, disordered stom- I ach or constipated bowels they mean a spell of sickness. The best way to insure your health is to take Prickly Ash Bitters. It purifies and strength ens the system. Price $1.25 "per bot Bond's Drug Store, Special tie. o RHEUMATISM is completely washed out of the sys tem by the celebrated Shivar Minera Water. Positively guaranteed fc. ; money back offer. Tastes fine; cost a trifle. Delivered in your home by your druggist or groced. Green woo Grocery Co., Whole Wale Distributors | Stomaéh Out of Fix? j 'Phone your grocer or druggist for a dozen bottles of this delicious digestant,—a glass with meal'» gives delightful relief, or charp* for the first dozen used. no Shivar Ale PURE DIGESTIVE AROMATICS WITH SHIVAB MINERAL WATER AND GINGER Nothing like it for renovating old Gomachs. converting food into rich blood and sound flesh. Bottled ,and guaran'e^d by the cele brated Shivar Mineral Spring, Shel ton, Sr C. If your regular dealer iannot supply you telephone worn-out ' GREENWOOD GROCERY CO. . Distributors fur Greenwood tURAL CARRIER EXAMINATION. Service Examination is XL S. to fee held m Çreenweod, F ch 13th, to fill the pos a; carrier at Morgan City, Miss., and of re A a eay later occur on ru-.eflore County. Apply to Secretary • ther postoffices in . F. Prophet for further particulars. ■ i routes r—■ m m p A; f-.:': m : iff •fft iii ■ *' Ï %y m a * ... i mm I f: >: I M m mM A m ' f. i * f 'riff O 5, V ft r rjg?!/ >. * k*) : ^ v .i *• i ijL U t i f "I 1 m r, u Km ' * {£} * f . • mf - CALUMET BISCUITS—light, flaky mounds of goodness—capped with a tender, done-to-a-tum crust. You'll admit that no other biscuits can compare with them—the minute the first batch comes from your oven. 4 A* • m w?. A y m IP t %■ I I É- * ^ j F CALUMET Wm 'fit ■h.'rfA&iiX f AWARD y JOVDI CALUMET Wt ) if ip WORLDS PURE FOOD % Baking Powder >.u Î C. m r% Makes Most Palatable and Sweetest of Foods —because it is absolutely pure in the can and in the baking. — because its leavening strength never varies, never weakens. It is always the same, and results are always the same—always the finest. Absolute certainty— more than the usual rising force, with the moderate price you pay for CALUMET —make it decidedly the most economical of leaveners. C 74 "Ff You save when you buy it. You save when you use it. You save materials it is used with. A perfect product of the world's largest, most up-to date and sanitary Baking Powder Factory. Contains only such ingredients as have been officially ap proved by U. S. Food Authorities. Try it! Drive away bake-day failures. Reduce baking expense. Have most delicious and whole some bakings. >1 Ê A ' k rtf, ». » » g 1 A m. . <>■ i % rj m R ■ P'P. ■/' m f m. % Not tiACtWf1MLT**L ' '■ii Mm Æ J V m y . ; j / \ Mi h ! WSMÏ& it «... fM Mi y '0k