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HE EXPLAINS. Mr. W. A. Dozier Tells What He Knows. A BOSTON PAPER INVESTIGATES The Merits of Vinol—A Subject That is Agitating the Whole Country. [From the Bo*ton Herald ] There has reached us minors of a new discovery. Something that will revolutionize the practice of medicine A remedy that has given sufferers I from wasting diseases hopes of re newed health and prolonged life. Of enongh importance have these stories appeared that a special inter view with Mr Dozier of Hattiesburg, who is interested himself in this new pieparation which is called \ inol, was thought advisable. Our reporter had no difficulty in finding Mr. Dozier's placeof business. The first man he met said: "Oh yes. Mr. Dozier is the man who has the wonderful new reme iy that veil! cure everything that people always thought cod "liver oil would hell," *nd he was speedily directed to Doziers enter prising and busy establishment. Mr. Dozier's business from the word go, but rather objected to the fame of his -reparation being spread abroad as a iscovery. , "Why," said Mr Dozier, "this is no more a new discovery than "as the moon when it was first viewed through a telescope. The discovery existed simply in the fact of finding out a means ot getting at the truth we were after. Perhaps the method might be considered a discovery, but what we have found has been known for years, ami It is uotfiiug mote nor the valoable medicnal properties that have always existed in the cod's liver, and for which cod liver oil has been prescribed by so many physicians. You see it is just this 'way. Cod liver oil (perhaps you have taken it your elf) is something that is very valuable in all sorts of wasting diseases, and in itself is ex tremely disagreeable \\ hy 1 firmly believe that a great many eases of consumption, even, could be cured if it were possible for t he patient to take enough cod liver oil to let Its virtues before manifest. For those who have a tendency to sore throat, bronchitis, coughs, colds, for every one of > n aneniac disposition, it has always been considered as simply invalua ble; and yet it has more often been necessary to abandon its use than it has been possible to devise a way of administering it. Two eminent y: dl less than chemists in the French started in and got interested matter, ami after years <»f -tudy ih*-\ have succeeded in extracting lrom the liverof cod just what i- me ess ary. aud have left behind that obnoxious, greasy, vile—tasting fatty matter, the thought of wh ch eveu has. turtisd tile stomachs of thousands. I hat is all We have just t he tiling at We have found a way of git over now. last. ting the kernal out of the nut. This Vinol that is so much talked 11 is tiie about is just exactly that, concentrated essence found in the cod's liver that does tla good. The grease is like the shell of the nut, absolutely useless, only it is different from the shell of the nut, because, besides being u-eless it is * x tremely obnoxious and disagreeable to sight, taste and smell. VVe have now taken this extract and put a sufficient quantity of it, in a de licious tasting table wine. We have also added a small amount of organic This heightens the tonic effect The extract of the cod's liver comes in just the right propor tion to do the greatest amount of good. "Here, drink this," said Mr. Dozier, as lie reached for a bottle aird poured forth what appealed to be. and which smelled like, a delicious, rich wine. The reporter hesitated, rhe thought of livers, or anything to do with them, brought back memories ot the pas', when he himself had made heroic struggles to take that awful medicine. "Go ahead and drink it,' said Mr, The reporter did so, and "Yes, I kt«.w, but that is all right. I thought you w. re go ing to give me some of that Vinol you were talking about, and d d not know that it was your custom n> rent a man interviewing you, to a drink lik, that." Mr. Dozier laughed. Vinol that you have taken know that part of what i have tout It did not tn-te o«d, dm of medicine iron, of the wine. Dozier, looked up. "Well, that is N<*w you yon is trim, it?" And it surely did not. "Now '' said Nr. Dozier," "let me tell you something else. You hav* ju>t tai en, condensed, of the curative principles of the cod's liver what you would find in fifty per cent of its volume ot cod You can therefore imagine that it is necessary to lake dy, bow much easier it Will be IO de rive benefit from it than it used 10 be when cod 1 1 ve 1 oil was auministereu. j)o you realize that humeri* you obtained a small proportion of these same curative properties in a whole Doesn't that tell liver oil tuis reme pint of horrible oil? the story to yon? "You will have to excuse me uow , for, as you see, I am nn»re than driv en. Of course I am getting the ad vantage of the discovery by being di rectly connected with the Boston house." The reporter thanked nr. D< zier for his kindness, and left him, wondering to himself whether af er nil a man had to be burn on purpose u be f»m ous, or whether notoriety and good fortune did not sometimes come as a matter of luck. MUST GO An A-l new residence, 7 rooms, 3 acr.s land,on Mem street. Makegood truck carden. Price, $1200 See J. F. MOURE. Save money buy buy ing from maun facturers. Kidman & Co., of M« i-ilc own the only distill*ry in South Ala bama, Their special brands are "Gol den Feathers," "Mur ,«»ck Hid,' "Marcehal Neil," "Re- < won," "11K Spring Hill Corn," " pring Hill's Beet." Send am w here fmni $2 00 up to them for a gatloD, and your money's worth, according to gra te called for bv size of remittance will be sent oc 26 Hi you. Notice. A meeting of the stockholders of the Notional Bank of Commerce of Hat tiesburg wib be held in the hanking rooms of said b nk. Nov. 23r 1 1903, for the purpose of oecidlDg whether or uot the capital of the bank will be increas ed an additional amount ofJtw-enty-fi\ e thousand dollars, or fractional part thereof. AH are requested to attend. F W. Footi < ishFr J. P CABTER, -r.sidcot. ' ; A ! 1 J ri Nice!)' Will cut 5,000 fl per acre, blocked and immediately on railroad. 16 1-4 acres nice land near city lim its with fivp bouses that rent for $30. per month, price $1800. Several farms 40 to 200 acres. Several nice houses in best part of citv, prices from $1,000 to $5,000. Residence lots in all parts of the city-. Business lots that cannot be equalled by any real estate people in Hattiesburg. - CARTER & KENNEDY, HATTIESBl'RG. MISS. Phone 95. Norman Building. — Oct24-lmo O K B The Best Brick on the Market. Manufactured in Hattiesburg and Thus Saving Big Freight Bill. . . We Are Prepared to Furnish in Any Quantity a very High Grade of Building Brick Plant Lore ted on West Pine Street Hattiesburg. Brick Manufacturer and Contractor. : T. P. Crymes, July »7 . .DIXIE MARBLE CO. M. J. McGRATH, Manager. Marble, Stone and Granite Dealers . Monuments, Tombstones, Etc. Iron Fencing. Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. Mississippi . Hattiesburg, io-8-3m M I B me peerless steam Launflu • MOBILE. ALABAMA. :as diet.' - -WZE: Ex.E'X'XTXS.ltT ENnEEL-Z-THI2T& We have a cheap rate of Express Write us for further particn Out of town orders solicited, age on all ?o»ds leading into Mobile. Our Hattiesburg representative is ar*. MRS. E- J. SMITH, Klondyke Hotel JUST RECEIVED A CAR OF i 1 See Our Line Before 1 You Buy RESPECTFULLY, HATTIESBURG HARDWARE GO. ■m THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL. A. E. SCttAMBER, Proprietor SL _S2 Free Bath and ample Room- Rates $2.00 per Day. ELECTRIC LIGHTED. ELECTRIC BELL SYSTEM. ample accommodation for traveling men. Hattiesburg, - Mississippi. ! 2 > IS FOR SALE CHEAP. Fifteen yoke oxens four 8 wheel log wagons and two 4 wheel log wagons all in irood condition. Apply to McLaurin Lumber t o., Heckla Miss. Oct. 22. 6t. — jonnston s Sarsaparilla is the moSi powei Ia« olood parifiei knot-n. Use it- and keep vn*d ilood care' Onart a Mes. PROFESSIONAL, PHYSICIANS AND SIRGE0NS. Dr. Harriet M. Conner, Osteopatblst ll7 3rd Street. Graduate of the Ameri can school. Kirksville, Mo. Phone 178 . s23-l-mo. Dr. E. Dill, Physician and Surgeon— Office with Hattiesburg Drug Co, L't'd. Phones: Offce, 64; Home. 32. Hatties | bnrg, Mi is. Louis H. Howard, M. D., Physician i and surgeon—Specialist in diseases of Office in Tnr of women and children. building, np stairs. Kesidence phone |ll4; office 46. Honr* 0 a. m to 12 m; Hattiesburg, Miss. ner l:30 to 4 p m. o. D. E. SULLIVAN W. ELLIS til I is & Sullivan, ATTORNEY'S-AT-LAW. Offices over Ferguson's real estate office. Miss. i Hattiesburg, - H. V. I,EVERETT R. S HALL Hall & Leverett, LAWYERS. Office in Carter Budding tf ATTORNEYS-ATLAYV. Greene H. Huddleston.— Practice in the counts of Hattiesburg; Perry | County; the courts of all the counties in the state and the Supreme court iat Jackson. Stevens & Stevens, (H. StuartStevens J Morgan Stevens)—Office up stairs in Stevens Building, No. 107 Front Street Hattiesburg, Miss. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE G. C, Robertson—District No. 2— C -art days 2ud and 4th Saturdays in each month. Office in Court heuse. ! Hattiesburg, Miss. GARTER NURSERY, S. P. CARTER. Prop General line of best varieties FRUIT TREES. Prices made on application. HATTIESBURG. MISS Box 37. oct8-lm W. T- ROBERTS Contractor and Builder. Does all kinds of building and re pairing. Address me care General Delivery or call at my home, 547 West Fouth st. Will estimate on any ! work on any' railroad line leading in ! to Hattiesburg. sep26-lm ARCHITECT HA i i I KM!l 1IG, * oVIlisS. Office over Dixie Marble Works.... A. M. Cook O. 1). Gunn Hattiesburg Jewelry Company. \ WHOLESALE ANI) RETAIL j WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, LNGRAVERS AND REPAIRERS. I \ - -V/s - - DIAMOND DEALERS AND DIAMOND SETTERS * - Prompt Attention to All. MISSISSIPPI. 'jsjjENivSffrr; Mail Orders Solicited. ♦ \ HATTIESBURG, 1 Standard Rotary Y Sewi ng Machines, Go Carts and Prices to Suit the Season. Just Received, a Nice Loth A Rocking Chairs. We can supply all your wants in the Furniture line, tor we have a fine stock consisting of the latest and up-to-date designs, attractive in appearance and lowest^in price. Cash or on easy payments. * 6 Hattiesburg Furniture Co. „ Honlatae Bid*, Main 8*. feblO J.G. NAPIER, Manager. r* mcmillan bros. co. Southern Copper Works "*S!5SSSS! Turpentine Stills fUsand extra ket*le«, cap* arms. »orm., foraa«« door* and grate* alway* on hand. OldjtUto U«aa part paynaentjor new wort ai d repal rlngd one in the country. Heavy coppersmith log, ****** P*JJ and special copper work. «heet copper, braea,le*4 iu mmm Notice is hereby given that Mr. R J. Collins is a regularly authorized local and traveling agent, vested with power of attorney to make any deal or contract in the paper's name. J. J. Haynib, Editor and Prop. octlttf BARGAINS. A nice ten room boarding house for rent or sale, any one who will keep it right can get all the twenty dollar per month boarders they can accommodate. Rent $45. per month or will sell for $3,500, $1,000 cash, balance payable $60. per month, io per cent interest per annum. Also have twenty=five other good bargains. Respectfully. THOS. M. FERGUSON. rp r y a gallon of Kohlinan & Co.'s "Old Coou Rye," price $2 00, delivered at your station, all charges prepaid. Address, Kohluian & Co , Mobile, Ala. Jus W. R. McDonald ESTABLISHED M9J. ► Complete line of DIAMONDS, tine American WATCHES, solid gold and filled cases. Jewelry of all kinds, Silverware and Cut Glass. ► » CALL AND SEE MY STOCK. Respectfully, ► 507 Main St. w. r. McDonald, oot-tu 1 ■> ffiHiW W y f Wf^ WiWffWliilMW The One hay Cold Ourr , indigestion, dyspepsia au<l biliousness qakr& KermotVs Chocolates Laxative Qim.:nr rot r yield to the cleansing and purifying qualities told in *N head and sura throat Ca-ur-.' contained in Johnston's Sarsaparilla. Quart ake LhviT Stcsol %Jttles.' We want yon ifl to know i9\ 1 thatourShoes are Good Shoes 1 • • • • j J No shoe dealer can give you any better values than we do All Goods marked in Plain Figures. We fit the foot. We solicit your Shoe Business. A S-f ■ W 1 523 Main Street. OCtS >EU R. A. Emmons. M. C. Emmons. The Mississippi Broom & Mattress Factory, M. C. EMMONS & CO , Proprietors. manufactuers of All Grades of Brooms & Mattresses. No. 2506 FRONT STREET. T All Ordert, received by mail given special attention. All Bills Subjects Draft il not paid within 30 day*. * Mississippi. V Meridian, j M