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]& w \ vm' B' t IVjo'' ' ql i /*" % Prc Hattiesburg ,\ .. i * * * = -« HATTIESBURG. MISS.. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 1908. No. 301. VOL. IV. « — pm ^ MHBvaMWB !«■ r 1 I I m I I L_ jF P®* M m. M I I ■ ■■■ ■■■■ ® ^ ■ ■ ■■■i ■ Mobile's Only Big Cash Department House Where they sell strictly for cash, at one price to all alike is the best place to trade because they give you the best and biggest value for your cash money. Our io Departments. Dry Goods, Notions, Men's Furnishings, Boys Clothing, Men's Clothimg, Hats, Ladies Wear, House Furnishings, Trunks and Shades. Dry Goods Department. Ladies Wear Department Pretty new fall dress cloths, in the most desirable weaves and colorings, including a most complete Hue of black go«ids. Ladies dress and walking skirts of good dependeab le aterials, in all colors and black, well made and fin is bed, cut in the newest styles. ( ash priced at $1,00 $1.50 $2 00 to $ 10.00 ; j III Cash priceil at 25c 60c 76c ard $1.00 Outing Flannels Ladies Tailor Made Suits In light and dark co ors, large variety of pretty pat terns, good heavy A tremendous stock of handsome up-to-date suits to select from, in all the new modeB and fabrics. Cash priced at $10,00 $12.50 to $25.00 ■ , fleecy quality. Cash priced at 6c 8c and 10c Fall Percales. Infants Cloaks. Light and dark colors, suitable for waists, dresses or ; shins, full width, fast colors Cash priced at 8c and 10c Of white Bedford Cord and Henrietta, in long and short lengths, handsomely trimmed and embroidered. Cash priced at $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 to #5.00 Blankets and Comforts;. Childrens Reefers and Cloaks The large size, heavy weight kind, good honest values. Blankets 50c to $8.50 In all colors, prettily trimmed with braid, velvet etc., light and heavy weights, good serviceable garments Cash priced at $1.<X) $1.25 $1.50 to $050 Comforts 75c to $2 00 I i 115 and 117 DAUPHIN STREET. Mobile's Only Strictly one Price Cash House. Why . Pay flore than our Cash Prices? I SAD DEATH AT MtRRILL, ! Mrs. McKay, Wife of R M Mc-Kay Dies of Consumption After a Lingering Illness Merrill, Nov. 18. — Mip. wife of Mr. R. keeper for Thomas & Company, here yesterday of consumption, after a lingering illness. Mre. McKay was liked bv everyone who knew her, being of a friendly, charitable disposition, and ber death is regretted by every one, as her in fluence for good in t lie community will be sorely missed. McKay. M. McKay, book died CONTEST FOR SPEAKERSHIP Narrowing Down Between Hon. E M. Smith of Holmes and Hon E. N. Thomas of Washing *.n Special to the Daily Progress Jackson, Nov. 18. —Th > contest for the soeakership of the lowei house of the legislature, which will convene in January, is nTrowing down be-i tween Hon. S. M. Smith of Holmes a"d Hon. E. H. Thomas of Washing ton, who are conceded to be the ablest and most formidable aspirants for the honor. Both wen membeis of the last legislature. Mr. T homas achieved his greatest distinction as a commit tee worker and Mr. Smith as a ready debator on the floor and parliamen tarian. It is believed that the other candidates will withdraw after the first ballot. 'Nothin' Doin' Blessed are the people whose an- 1 « < nals are few,'' says an old adage, and if this be true people of Hatties burg have certaiuly been exceedingly blessed daring the past few weeks. No deaths, no shooting affrays, no lynchings, no fights, no lailroads ac cidents, no runaways, or like ac cidents, in fact, nothing of interest w hatever to the outside world. Po lice court lias been a very year ap proach to a minus quautity, there not even being a few np f«u the excessive reitera r ion outlie famous conversation that once passed between tire goveror of North Carolina aud the governor of South Carolina. But "peace hath lier victories" e*c.,. and during this time businjfs has continually been on the increase. The farmers have been bringing in corton and produce in unusually large quantities, the city has been flooded with visitors, and as a result, while thfre is no appear ance of boom, no sensationalism, there is a steady increase in business wealth, and the material and iadus i •riTi'i'/i.- - SL - e*t-.T . XKr -.A -;- 1 trial growth of the city has marked. been ! 9 t The Land '0 Cotton. John CrittendoD Webb's master piece, "The Land o' Cotton.'' replete with interest, mirth aud pathos, will Audito ium on 20. an 1 no be presented at the next Friday, November lover of the dramu should fail to But few trav been spared in the effort to make this atend the perfomauce. eling companies carry so much and so elaborate scenery. No expense has t artis i performance in every way ca ly realistic. One breathes the at mosphere of the simple farm life, aud one's heart throbs with the suffeiiugs of the plain country folk< who engage the attenlion with their homely ways and simple nature. The people of th's city aud vicinity will have the oppor tunity next Friday uight to laugh No ooe will t8 away their cares, giet the time spent in Junker aud Corcoran's beautifiul play. wituees- mg ' • I h* Laud o Colton. '' New Material To meet an unpreceden'ed demand pon all 'departments, The Progress has found it necessary to lay in sever al hundred dollars' material a*'d the same is now in tiau sit and what is better, it lias all been paid for. This is one office that is able to dis u worm of new count bills and is running about as smoothly as it is possible for any office, being able always to pay its large foree off in the middle of the week, three days ahead of the time due, feeling that if tin force can car 1 V J the office three days the office, in torn, can well afford to carry them three. This rule has been found to work well and will be kept up. It is at least an exception—no other office having ever done this—and this is what we like. > The Trend »f Things Yssterday was a field day in the so)e of fine dress goods at the big I store of W. W. Massengsle, no less I than thirty-five oomplete Outfits being sold in one day, and iu all other de partments of the store the sales were unusually large making it one of the record-fareszers for which this stoie is noted. Mr. Massengale is a strong believer in reciprocity and is always willing to reciprocate the favors to his friends by giving them just a little more for their money than the oonld possibly have expected before reaching hi< place. v* &C A M tkfS Bienni il Report, and AskSi] for Stenoprapher on Account ot j . r r Increased Business ; RAILROAD commission ■U.eelnl to the Daily Progress. Jack on. Nov. 18.— the biennial report of tiie Mississippi railroad commission states that eiglity-rhree caPP8 werc docketed duriug the two- 1 statistiral portion of the report shows year period, and practically all of t j,e number were disposed of. The that 122 persous weie killed by rail-, ro! ,d trains in the state daring the biennial period, and 440 persons were injured, a majority of both being trainmen. The commission suggest! ; ! 1 all records broken. fstver such tonnage of mer chandise Unloaded in the length of time. Instead of Relaxation, . law 11 irta^ed the pressure^by making greater ituuction in prices. Our Underwear bale has broken all records and the reduction is stiH on with greater force CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING, We are still unloading without the Slightest regard for value. OUR IMHEN 5 E SHOE STOCK is still moving with a Rush. Come early if you want the Choicest styles and Best Values. Our ladies wraps and skirts are going rapidly, come earl) and get the choice styles and values. We have just received a line of ladies handsome novelties that a til be sold Under the Price. Come on the floors and see our recent arrivals I I W. W. MASSENGALt, (Successor of flASSENQALE ft OLIVER.) • October 14- tf. 1 T - — MM . - that the secretary be allowed a "ste nographer on acccout of the large in 1 Bfijweo of the office. Pitts* Studio is doing some as pretty work as was ever turned oat by any studio DOESN'T RESPECT OLD AGE. It's shameful when youth falls to show proper reepeet for old age, but just the contrary is the case of Dr King's New Life Pills. Tb*-y cot off trial idles no matter hoc- severe ami ir respective of old age. Dyspepsia. Jaun dice. Fever, Consumption all yield to this perfect Pill.-t 25c, at Bofkin & Cadeuhead's Drug Store. novl7-7t NON-RESIDENT NOTRE ■state of Missississippi. To Lemon Bettis, defendant. Yon are commanded to appear be fore the Thai. *ery const of the Second Oistrict of Perry County, at Hattiae burg, s«id state, on the 3rd, Monday of December, A. l>. 1903, to defend the suit of Carrie Bettis, wherein you are deendant This October 19th 1903, H. M. MeCalimu. CVnncery Clerk. Oct. 23, 3t. A RUNAWAY BICYCLE t a Terminated with an ugty cm on the leg of J. B.Orner, Franklin mow, III. 'It developed a stubborn ulcer nnyield ing to doctors and remedies for four years. Then Buiklen's Aruiea Salve cured. Its Just as gt-od for Burns. Scalds, Skin Eruptions and Hies. 26c, at Bnfbin <£ Citdenbead's Drug Store. BUY .THE E INI SEWING MACHINE Do not be deceived by those who ad vertise a $00.00 Bowing Machine for $20.00. Tliis kind of a machine can be bought from «$ or any of our deulci's fi'om$15.09to $13.00. WE MAKE A VARIETY. THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feed determines the strength or weakness of Sewing Maebiifes. T!. ■ Ikunble Food eombimd with other strong points makes tlie New Ifouio the best Sewing Machine to bu;. Writs for CIRCULARS WS manufacture mid pri.-c* befuff piir.-hakiuK - THE HEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO. The McLeod & KcaneJy Company OnASfiC. MAAS Jfc Union Sq. X. Y., Chicago, 10., AUAnta, Oa.. St. Louis,ilo., 1) S:»r. ¥1 mclsco, Co Hattiesburf. Mississippi NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. Land Office at Jackson. Miss Oct. 14. 1903. Notice is hereby given that the lot oW ing named settler ha> file<I notice of »>is intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will he made before the Circuit clerk. P*-rry county, at Augusta, Mias., on November 24, 1903, viz: JOSEPH LAURENDINE, il E No. 34679, for the SEl 4 SKI 4 sec 32 and SI-2 SW1 + sec S3, T 6 N. 1 R 10 west of St. Stephen's Meridian. H** name* the following witnesses to prove bis continuous resioence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: J. T. Waliey, Wesley Waters, Wiley Hinton. Willie Waters, all of Ricbton, Fred W. Collins , Register Miss. 1 Tie *,19 Daj Cold Curs. - old in hcau ai,J sore throat cured by Ko i.rut s Chocolates Laxative Quinine. As car vr» tAke ascandw. erv foi ^hem *'* The Royal Frugal Range " ft ft *!■ r \ ' _ •v i ,-rrfgj Sam; 7->: : m - ■X A *~ * IS - lw: i a •I yin w. io 1*3 >s~k ■4™. i . N . ft % t Si !r ? ft. -i. - : -¥-. > :zf . - i r "... r- r - jXE \ ' ll B* ■ an *»-: J ;r - * > ' > L&t H ■u-'Aifclisri i! * i ? s - 't 'A* Ike/; r^V. '/ i -rv; hi' ■> SIC &3ifi i >'hb' ■ kt-' S 5 s K ■ L~i Pt'H i». \u- - S:._ -»■ ■>. ' T T ■ m i r •?'p t r iS& , i US* it Vi m i t tm * H ***£.-11 s. -'j' - OF -i V, ,, WT&a 5 , / i 131 IT IS Handsome, Convenient. Efficient, Durable, Eeconomical and Modern Priced. Our Stock of Ranges, Cooking Stoves, Upright, Box and Air-tight Heaters, is new and complete. Prices right. You are invited to visit our store and in spect our complete lines of Groceries, Hard ware, Builder c ' Material, Buggies, wagons and Harness. Mail ord rs solicited and prices quoted on application. All or ders are carefully packed and shipped same day received. .. HAWKINS « COMPANY # HATTIESBURG, MISS. 30, 60, 80, aio, 21a Pine Strea . 'Phone No 25 for what you want. If we haven't got it we will get it. \