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* Hattiesburg Daily Jl A HATTIESBURG, MISS.. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1B0S. VOL. IV. No. 103 AMERICAN MISSIONARY INSTITUTE The One Held Here Which Has Been in Session Two Days Clos ed Last Night. Special to the Dally Progress. Gulfport, Nov. 20.—The Associa tion Missionary Institute Meeting which closed here Inst night was 1 trgely attended and wan one full of interest there being many important matter* concerning missionary work brought up and discussed. -- r The question of a girls' school lor Gulfpoit was brought up aud the same met with much favor. Editorial Bchctf. People have a tendenoy, It ap» pears, to assert their present desirts and antipathies by force, without the regard for the rights of others which civilization implies. This tendency seems to grow. And must excite ap prehensions. What are we coming to? In proportion as we advnnce in science, art and other forms of col tury are we becoming indifferent to law and order and ethically barba rous? The remedy seems to be in re form in the supervision of ths police force and in the constitution of the lower ranks of the judiciary, with a view to a more intelligent and impar tial punishment of offenders of every order.—Baltimore Sun. The recent return of a littla bnneb of Georgia negroes from Monrovia, in Africa, hungry, ragged, omuciated and wretched, with nothing but theii homeward fare, sent to them by their former masters, goes to show that the best place for the American negro i-i in this country, and th it as good friends as they can find anywhere are, generally speaking, in tho south.— Kansas City Star. The new reading of President Mon roe's famous message, which may o: may not pass into history as flip Roosevelt Doctrine," seems to be, as revealed by the Panama incident: 1. No great power except the United States, shall bully a little South American nation. 2. No European power shall in terfere with such bullying when the United States finds it. convenient to resort to it.—New York World. A number of recently discovered manuscripts containing alleged say ings of Christ not found in tho Bible, were made public last week at a meeting of London Archaeologists. But if men hear not the sermon cf tli# Mount, neither will they hear the new sayings—Atlanta Journal. It se ims to be the opinion of many of the leading statesmen and promi nent newspapers that Mr. Roosevelt lias put his feet in it in the Panama matter.-- Pine Bluff Graphic. Walker Wellford tried to play the Joe Folk of Memphis, but he failed to laud any boodlere.—Jonesboro Enter prise. Tha people who hate old Grover are speaking in low tones these post eloction days, aud walking slowly, ns if they expected something to happen. —Helena World. The long and short of the Panama revolution is tha? Uncle Sam lias added another star to his banner.— Fort Smith Elevator. A cotton mill in Pine Bluff would have a tendency to increase the amount of ''all woolen" goods on the local market.--Pine Bluff Commer cial. The dispatches announce that Ja pan and Russia have reached an agreement, so we will have to look to Colombia and Panama for war news for the next few weeks.—Ex. Paragould Democrat.—The Balti mor New#, relegating Ann to tlie rear, asks this one: If A gives o £ one each of all of the denomina tions of money issued today by the United Stntes, what is the total of Vs gift to B? understand such things bet f er by a practical ns B.—Montgomery Advertiser. I > We can always demonstration. Consider So far we have not #e#n any Hanna literature in this end of the 6tate. It vronld, however, be a waste of material, for we are all for Hanna if he should become a candidate.— Hautaville Tribune. Spanish Gunners Much has besu written aDd said about the lack of skill on the part of Spanish gunners during the brush between the United States and Spain, but one naval officer at least thiDks there has been an erroneous impres sion on this subject. He is Capt. H. D. Smith, who has been in the ma rine service for about forty years. Oapt. Smith is now on duty on the Virginia and Maryland coast, in specting and drilling life-saving crews. When I saw him on the Vir ginia coast last summer he talked in terestingly about the Spanish gun ■art. Raid ha: The idea that tha m 32 Vi. Wr *«] w I n i ■ « V ■ Spaniards couldn't shoot is a mistake, I judging from an experience I had j with 'em. I was on the United States i ennboat 'Morrel* daring the Cuban blockade. For days we were moving aooit doing blockade duty, and things got mighty dull. One Sunday my lookouts sighted a foreign ship in the distance, and tho 'Morrel' started under a full head of steam in pursuit. We steered almost immediately under Morro, and all of a sudden a big gun belched forth. The next moment a shell burst iinraediate'y to our lett. The Spanish gunners not only had oar exact range, but their fuses were timed to the smallest fraction of a j sreond. The pieces of shell all went one way, fortunately for us, else we would have been in a bad way. It was a very narrow escape on our part, and you can bet we were not slow to get out of the way. There w«9 a sus Cunningham Hardware Company JOBBERS OF HEAVY aud SHELF HARDWARE. Mill Logging and Naval Supplies. Mailorders Solicited. 0, 8, 10, 12, South Commerce St. Mobile, Alabama nov 7 3 mo Happy Wash Days AND HOW' TO MAKE THEM GET RID OF BLUE MONDAY, DIRTY CLOTHES, House Full of Steam and Bad Odor* SOAP, STARCH. WATER, HEAT, WORRY, EXTRA MEANS FOR HELP How can you do it? Why, by sending all your clothes to the Phoenix Laundry • •• •• 204 203'Main'Street 'Phone 36. See the'Manager for Special Rates. Mobile Fish and Oyster Co. MOBILE, ALABAHA. Fish and Oysters Orders Filled Promptly. nov 7 3 mo. Hattiesburg Hardware For the most complete and largest stock of Toys and Holiday Goods Ever Shown in Hattiesburg. Call and Look at Our Display of FANCY CHINA LAMPS Also Silver ware, Vases, Bric-a-brac. Etc. Our stock is too varied to enumer ate. We cordially invite one and all to visit our store before making your purchases. Hardware Co. mm NightCap (SEAM opK^HTOCKY •Whiskey* Mellow, rich, rare. Its fine flavor is its own best advocate. Its happy, healthful effect a proof of purity. Th« quintessence of good whiskey. Writ® for Cm booklst "liffl *KO tABom." n » latetwtinf. Ask year dealer, tt he hasn't It, writes# 1TRAGER &C0.c"!oI'«t"Ja I picion the guns from Mcrro were j in charge of French experts, though i we had no proof to that effect. How ever, there was no doubt in my mind that whotver managed the Morro bat* teries knew their business all right, I afterwards learned that when the j ten-inch shell explodes almost in one s face it's another story. Those Spanish gunners were suffici ently ac oarate commander of the Morro guns saw the 'Morrel' steaming in so chsa und r the castle he remared in Spanish: 'Gad, tliat Yankee gunboat is getting saucy, let her have a shell,' and they came very rear putting us out of bus iness. too. It sounds all very nice to •ay the Spanish gunners didn't amonnt to anything, bat when a big < • ** jonoston s Sarsaparilla is the moil pewerrji olood purifier known. Use it and keep ycml Mood cure: Quart & 'Mes." W- H. Harris' World Famous Nickel Plate Show May, NoremDor Will Exhibit One Night 23. .Only at 1 Location, Baseball Grounds. J) 3 %/ wm I mi mi > Mm m r m A $ den of Performing Lions. A hundred Horses and Ponies. Mr. William Melrose, America's greatest Som ersault Rider. The Mellette Family, Kings and Queens of the Air. The Jenner Family of Acrobats and Tumblers, A host of Funny Clowns. The largest popular price Show on earth. Now bigger, better and grander than ever. All New and Novel Acts and Feat ures for this Season Two Performances Daily at 2 and 8 p. m. DOORS OPEN AN HOUR EARLIER. O'Donnell <& Williams, iiil II (Successors to O'Donnell & Stewart.) DEALERS IN .. .Staple and Fancy Groceries. .. and Country Produce of All Kinds. ALL <3-OOIDS TDJEICI'VIEIR.IEID. No 207 Front Street. Hattiesburg, Miss. 1 ^ The Peerless steam Laundru MOBILE, ALABAMA. iii * WE ISE TT7T11Q- E-'T-EtE.-Z-T^Kiara- IXCEPT THE DIET.' 444 Out of town orders solicited. We have a cheap rate of Express age on all toads leading into Mobile. Wme us for further particu ars. Our Hattiesburg representative is U4 444 Hi MRS. E. J. SMITH, Kloodyke Hotel. iU iU M MURRAY WHEELER Presides. J. R. LITTLE, Sec'y sad T e ALABAMA IRON WORKS ENGINES. BOILERS. MACHINERY I Repair inf of Ah Kinds Architectural Iron and Brass Castings. Light and Heavy Forgings. All kinds of Machinery Supplies. Special attention given to Mill and Steamship Repairs. - Mobile, Alabama. Phones: Bell 64, Home 94. [sepll-3mol 162. 154, 160 and 168 S. Commerce St . . DIXIE MARBLE CO. . The M. J. McQRATH, Manager. Marble, Stone and Granite Dea lers . Monuments, Tombstones, Etc. All Iron Fencing. Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. Hattiesburg, * io- 8 - 3 m - - Mississippi. J. J. DOBBINS. DEALER IN j| | STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS AND PRODUCE, j| ALL Q00D5 DELIVERED. .j I 1 Corner of Mam and Newman Streets. -«» & the ! Buy you? Harness and Vehicles OF EVERY DESCRIPTION From the ENGLISH M'F'G CO. nOBILG, ALABAHA. They have the Largest Stock in the South and they sell at Low Prices and on very Liberal Terms. Write them for Catalogue Prices and they will please you. 23. aud L Jno. A. McLeod, President. F. F. Phillips, Cashier. C. W. Bufkin, Vice President. J. C. Ballard. ABst. Cashier. CITIZENS BAN HATTIESBURG, HISS. Will care for your earnings, small or large, in its Savings Department. These savings will work for yon night and day. interest ever hour. The interest will aiso earn Interest. "It'a what you save, not what you earn, that makes wealth." Will pa 3 per cent interest on savings, compounded semi-annually, dollar is a lost friend, gone forever." "The speu > Start your account. H. S. LILIUS, 41 JEWELER and OPTICIAN. Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Cut Class, Sterling Silver Etc. Special Attention Paid to Fitting Glasses, Also All Kin s of Repairing Done Promptly. No. 105 East Front Street, m HATTIESBURG, MISS. muoajBtaAmssBBUsBSAjk W. R. McDonald ESTABLISHED 1893. ! Complete line of DIAMONDS, fine American WATCHES, solid gold and filled cases. Jewelry of all kinds, Silverware and Cut Glass. CALL AND SEE MY STOCK. Respectfully, > w. r. McDonald, 507 Main St. \ > or t30- Ini iTmiKnau i iiiisf# iiil 414 Hain J. T. LACKEY, —DEALER IN— II Books, News and Office Supplies. 1 414 Haiti 1 Complete assortment of Bibles, Testaments and Prayerbooks. Typewriter Ribbons for all machines. My line of office specialties is complete. oct27-lm 1 ^ PRICE IS A GOOD SALESMAN • •• iii • • • iii Quality a Better One./ 444 M U4 Without a competitor Huntsman Baltimore, Mci., Rye 444 FULL QUARTS 444 $300 is ___ Hi Hi 4 iU EXPRESS PAID. iU ' ' I M Case 24 Full Pints $10.48 Express Paid. holberg MERCAN TILE CO. Mobile, Alabama, The Big Mail Order House. Hi P. O. Box No. 294 . 11 if I tff tff Reference: nr Anyone in Noxubee County, Mississippi, Our Former.Home. Write for Our Price List on JugXSoods. Cincinnati, Ohio, 66-68 Main St. tff nr tff ft' Sept. 24 til Dec. 24. M. C. Emmons. R. A. Emmons. The Mississippi Broom & Mattress Factory r M, C. EMMONS & CO., Proprietors. MANUFACTBERS OP All Grades of Brooms & Mattresses. No. aso6 FRONT 5TREET. All Order* received by mail given special attention. All Bills Subject to Draft il not paid within 80 days. Meridian, Mississippi. FISH AND OYSTERS Any one wishing Fresh Fish and Oysters, will call on Perkins, Lovett & Co., on Corner East Pine and Mobile Sts., near G. & S. I. depot -{jdj Standard Bakery Stand. My old customers and friends will find me in^ the same business this season as was last season. Thanking you for past favors and soliciting your trade in the future, Perkins, Lovett & Co. 3