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A UOGAL HffPPEMIHOS Mrs O..S. Wlllet, professional nurse ]Os 2 in Hattiesburg. M»ss. Capt. Grassett, traveling repre»en tative of the Greasett Music bouse of Meridian, is in tbe city circulating among the musio loviDg peopl* for which Hattiesburg is noted. FIRE INSURANCE, GASTON. FIRE INSURANCE. GASTON. FIRE INSURANCE. GASTON A peculiar coincidence is the fact that within the past ten days there have been visitors here prospecting answering to all the following names: Byrd, Hawk, Crow, Snow, Summer, Fall, Winter, Frcst, Day, Black, White, Grtsu, Black, Blue, Brown. Kohltnan & Co , >f Mobile, AX, will ship you 48 fail h ilt-pints of "Old Coon Rye," the best on ihe market; t he price, for §7.50, delivered afc yoi r station. no-16-0 ti!£ INSURANCE, GASTON. INSURANCE. GASTON. INSURANCE, GASTON. Our horns candidate for state 1 bra riau, ills* Dora Haney, is receiving many flattering letters from proraiii cut people all over the state pledging their influence to her, and, to eum it t Jt At Jkoblman & C'o.'s, Mobile, Ale, fca can get a ca--e of fonr full quarts of whisky for §3 00 , a case cf eight foil pints for $8 50. or twelve full quarts to the case for 19.50, or twenty four full pints for $9 00.—delivered at any sta tion, all chaigts paid. no 10 8 t up, bsr prospects seem to b* the most encouraging. Thera is on# thing car tain. if Hiss Dora is elected she will most ertditably meet every rsqaire m«n» cf the position and render the most marked satlrfaetion to all. Remember that in sitting for pictures at Pitts' studio, you get front 4 to 0 extra novl"- 0 t different positions without charge flv - 1 rooms 1,000 rack j. F. Mcorb. Two new residences, eaeh, ou River Avenene Terms e?«y. Nov. 181 wk. FIRE INSURANCE, GASTON. TIRE INSURANCE. GASTON. EIRE INSURANCE, GASTON. Most For Your Money. Wlmt svsms onglit to interest tin publio more thnn ai.tiling vise ) the pabjtot of getting the most i'oi their money, and W. W. Massengah is tii* m«u who can ]uit yon ou to tli scheme and he can show you how i c is don* without leaving his store t ; bunt an example. You see, he Ins th* goods—stacks of rhem for th matter— and he lias got to move, aid (loseu't want to move any of the-o goods, preferring to sell them at ju- ; any old price to moving them, eo now your chance to lay in your fall need and get them at prices so low as wi!i The time to act is now surprise yon. The place is AlnseeDgale'e. Moral. Go there. "r was taken severelj sick with kid ney trouble. I tried all sorts of med Cr;r.YL'iofl, r :r' i E> < ^c ters and determine] to try that. Aft r taking a few d-ises I felt relieved, and soon thereafter was entirely cured, at ! have not seen a sick day since. Ncig hors of mine have been cured of i;h< n For a nice rigor cheap horse, go to J. H. Ellerbe's stables. Nov Hi (it NOT A SICK DAY SINCE. matLm, Neuialgia, Liver aim Kidn troables and General Debility." Ti. : -J is wliat B F. Bass, of Fremont. N. C writes. Only f»0c, at Bufkin and Caden head Druggist. EMerhee's Stables For a nice rig or a cheap horse, go to Bllerhee's #tables nov 17 - 6 r Beauvoir lo Open t ,, ... 18th wy* that a meeting of the board of director* cf th* Beauvoir Soldiers' , , , . t , . horn* h*s been called by Secretary T. kl. Henry for Thursday, Nov. ar 10 o'clock, in the auditor's office in This meeting is The Biloxi Daily Herald of the for the „ , .. . purpctj* of corapletiDg arrangements for lhs opening of Btauvoir to old appli-! Jnckion. and disabled Confederate soldiers on the hist of December.. Tim cations of the old soldiers will be re ceived and a genercal plan for taking cave of thsiu mapped out. rectors wilt ui<o investigate tha work of couttaetoi* who aro 11 akiug t't* uecesinry improvements and addition, to Bsanvoir, so the comfort of the soldiers who occupy the 1 cm? will be complete. The director* v i> 1 in all probability -'urmalatc thier pro gram for turning over the ptrperty by the Son s uf Veterans to the state of Mississippi, when thn legislature •asssmblee in January." The di -i I YELLOW PINE REMEDY* FOR WITH Conghs. Coble. Hoarsness ami iTan'y bronchial trouble* which some on ut ttiis season. This m dicine v.iil not only cure a cold aodtcoiigb, but it will rv,i*ve scarness, a tiokliug Sanaa lion of the throat at right, and ni»kei. tin; patient rest. Our Guarantee. Fodr 'doses of "YELLOW FINE REMEDY"' for soughs will do more good than a whole bottle of any olher cough Price 25.cents a.bott e. syra*JJHB^ Tucker-Greer Drug Co. Beaumont Notes Beaumont, Nov * 20—Wire along the main line of the Mobile, Jackson j & fcujsas City is being pat ap be i tweea tbie place and Lorrel. 4 J j 1 Section houses are being built here by tbe railroad company for section imnds. W. F Green and family of Leaf were guests of W. M. Carpenter Sun day. V: Miss Laura Clarke has returned after a few days' visit to Laurel and is teaebiing again. Rev. C. M. Breland of Merrill will ureacli at the sc boo 1 house here next Sunoday. W. B. Overstreet, a popular book keeper for Overstreet & Griffis, at this place, Ins been out on the main line of the M. J. & K. C. prospecting. Harris' Circus \V. 11 Harris Nickle Piute Circus arrived at 7 o'clock this morning over the J , M. & I. from Madison. The sh -w pitched its tents on the Gudtnei ground on south Main Street and th* usual crowd of eng-r spectators saw the uuloaoingof tb* wagons and the raising of i lie tents. The show Queues direct f'om the south, where it spent the winter, and the nurses and otbei livestock seemed greatly to enjoy the feast of fresh clover and grass to be had at the yrounds. The show is « northern institution, bnt has been win tering in the south for a number of j wars.—-Columbus, led., May 5. 1602. ! . What Did The 3 Owl See? * 8 MANY OLD VETERANS I Hive Wide Application to Enter the Home at Beauvoir Which Will Be Opened December 1. Spenial to the Daily Progress. ! i o ) —Over forty ap inve been received by **c '!'. M Henry from indigent v, ho desire to enter hone to be opened at the first cf December .T.iHnnn Vn pHcatious rct-irv •x-CoiitV derates tiie soidiers' ; Beauvoir on The h rd of 15 ; - 1 --- $ met last evsn eon tract for the ing and awarded a urinftvto lie*used at the home, and J within i few days all will lie in readi ness fiii the opening. SEW COOt RECOMMENDED l o Legislature by Attorney General Wi'liams—His Suggestion Will Probably be Adopted. Progress. -Special to the Daily Jackson, Nov. 20. — Attornoy-Gen eial Williams, in his biennial report to the legislature, makes an urgent recommendation for a new codifica tion of th 0 state laws, and it is qnite like !7 that the suggestion will be nd»i| ted by the lawmakers, as the pres nt code, which was adopted in j fi almost worthless on account of ^ «*■ ments made at the rarious legislative v'.-sio WANTED (JUie young lady night operator at Nov. 16, tf fe'opt- vc exchsnge. For photographic work in the most .veil sfyle of the art go to tbe novl7-6t apn-i Pitts Studio Try a gallon of Kobhnan & Co.'* '•Old Coon Rye," price $2 00, delivered at your station, all charges prepaid. Add res- Kobluian & Co , Mobile, Ala. NOTICE. Bv virtue of the power conferred on me as the duly and legally appointed 9nbatltnt ed trustee, in a certain deed of trust executed by VV. W, NaJl and Jesse Nall to D K. Hemoter as trur fo g(>(Mire an j n(le btedne*8 in favor of Hawkins & Company, therein men tioned of 1175 00 and int.-rest,—said deed of trust dated August 19, 1601. and record in book • N ' at pages 80 and 81 of the records of deeds of Perry Connty Mi^isrippi: and puisuant to tbe provisions of said deed of trust,— delnult having been made in the pay t.i th- imieb'ednesssecnredtbere by. principal and interest,) 1, the an dereigned substituted tru-stee as afore aid, willdi Monday the 7th day of December, A. D 1W3, at the front doer rf ihe comt house in the city of Hat tiesburg, Perry county, Mississippi, within lawful he lire, proceeded to sell ;.t public cut erv to the higliest bidder fiir cash,tbe following described land* embrace! in and covered by said deed f trust to-wit: I he NT 2 of the N VV1-4 of Section 28, l ownehip 5 North, of Range 12 West, in jVrry connty, vississippi, together wi h ;he improvement* an! appuitenan there to belonging. I wilt convey, mly-nob title a« is vested in me as trus tpe^j Itough such t tie is believed good. Tii ■ the 14th day of November, A.' D. cos ntr-n : 3»»: J. F.Moore. Substituted trustee. wk 3t ililWWiWiWW»W« l 3 -■> % **■ Ttae Logan^MagrtMer Furniture Company 4 - ft !► - s to call special attention to their new and com* ■ - *Vs: . • * •. piote line of genuine Smyrna and Moquet Rugs, - a * •' — = P To their Book Cases and China Closets, To their Sideboards and Buffets, To their Leather and Wicker Chairs, To their Complete Line of Trunks. ► ► ► ► ► ► J ► r - i. ►1 a It will pay you to sea our goods, for they are all sold under our guarantee, and our prices have sounded the Rock Bottom. v H i Tbe botian-Magriider Furniture Go., '3 3 si Hi iiamiiBaiiibim TTTTTTTTTTf 'TVVyVVVVVVVVVVVTvl !— !— ^ jv LI'? if h J M M 9 r ' . " \ r BRIDGE WORK a IrtClAiin ? % • T. New Orleans, nov. 162 m HA IN IN A & KALMBACH 9 < Manufacturer* of Iron Beds. S acitv 123 Bed* per day. Twelve Different' Design*, to Dealers Oaly. - Ca 9* 2903 to 2923 Front Street. * * ■ "Louisiana. 2904 to 2916 Tchoupitoulas Street. New Orleans, V nov. 16 6m V' F« 1 1*409 i 35? ^300 uNIOM MADE i 1 W LD0U6LAS mmis ais shoes THWAIIY OTHM TWOHIWWCTHgiS 1, Tilt W0»H. I . . IV. B. BLOllNT . . I SI 1 Mata Street, Hattlesburir.'/Miss. According 'Ski j - ' 1 STATE'S BANKING BUSINESS Has Been Unusually Prosperous the Past Year—Heavy Increase in Volume of Business. Sp«ei&l to the Dally Progress Jack sod, Nov. 20. * jjt: - A Poor Farmer E It : * \i *'.! ■ C.Qoes from the Plow Han 1 > * dles.-tQ the Presidency of a Leading Business College. i. -1 s* - From tho Jackson (Mis*.) Evening News: r' ; * - ■rc - V Institution. A •N •'-f >'-• * i r r 1 * ^ m \ \ s Harris'.Bust'he^s College Doing A Good Work for the State in Every Department. A » . A . I .. - 1. V* a -i Till* is An age of opportunity. Men born in obsewrity and in moderate circumstances have risen to places of prominence in the world, and this process is going on every day Among t tie men who have helped make the Ut«r day Jackson what It is, is Prof, N.J. Harris, the president of Harris Business College, which is today recognlxed as one of the leading business colleges in the south. Piof. I. arris reached tots place of eminent tfkefulne*a in the city and the state by years of b trd toil and diligent application. He was born and reared on a farm, and owing to the death of his father, was compelled at an early and tender age to go to work to beliKwnpportriw*^widowed jaotber, brother* and sisters. He started in I > a r Jwen y ot-o with 116 mbney*aiid no education, but with that ambition which i* all conquering. He recognized in _ hi> early'career that education was the essential thing, and he bent all his energies to getting a goo ! practi-nl education. It was an uphill work, bnt pluck and perseverance won out. Today Prof. Hands combines that book learning, which 1* *0.essential for a successful teacher, and that practical expettence Stained in the stern school of necessity. What he-knowe he can impart to others The gradmtte? «t bis iostution have loeen wonderfully successful, and manx..of them are now drawing salaries of from seventy-five to wm hun dred and twenty-five dollars per month. He kasUken young men from the fields and tautories of t-ie state, instilled into them ambition and taught them how to wit) for themselves a higher place in the world. So well known has bh become to the businessarorld through bis excellent Institution that it is ltnpos jbla far him to supply the demand for office help. The demand for bookkeepers and stonugraphei s 13 one that has steadily increased, and bida fair to Increase-to an even greater extent These Potions i one hanfired and twenty-five doITnfi pdFiffonth and are very desirable. Prof. Harfts hts more calls tor people of this character than he can fill. „ . .. . _ u nair , oc . The'Ume wha when tba vonng men of the state were compelled to letrve the borders to get a business education, but this ia no longer necessary, as Harm' Business College is one of the best equipped in the south for training young men and women. Skilled and practical professors are employed in al ' of t ^® d n : E artments Prof. Harris bas had a vary extensive experience as an accountant and th *® ®5 1 In bla charge. For stot-years he held oae of the most responsible positions in one of the largest instuti us in the state. PriA. Harris htoffidf excaUont college are worthy of the large patronage that th-y receive from ay parto'^Mi*atoslp?I?h^[ bo&iwedofna agreat work m dispelling tbe demon of ignorance. It give# the Mavra pleasure to testify to tLo good work that this excellent school baa done. nov~0, -7 to We will examine your teeth Free and yell you iu Advance Just what youf work will Oo>t. «nod set Teeth ouaranteed ..?8 00 22k oold crown . Bridge work.. Porcelain Crown. Fine Gold Fillings Fine silver Fillings UR. H. B BARTLETT, N4-TICVNAL,DENTAL PARLORS Co'fcCanhl And camp St., Entrance ■ 1C»- auip St. Lady Attendant!?:. Louisiana. 3 00 ... 3 1 0 .... 3 00 1 oo 50 tbe statement s of leading financiers, the banking business iu Mississippi daring the past year lias been the most satisfactory ever known id the history of the state, and the percent age of dividends declared at the end of tbe year will show a handsome increase ovor last year. Of loans.bas been unusually large and j j collections much prompter titan here-1 1 - -. The volume il ■k-.t tr it The Panic is Coming. »9 I I " l - % r C/4 The panic is corning, not to thi- land of sunshine, peace and plenty, but to the North, East and West Let the mon«-y markets of Wall stieet bottle up, lmt who buows it in this land filled with virgin natural resources, going at pri es not equalled for yeais. And now that our president has taken hold of the Panama canal question with a firm band and its construction will be begun in a few nu-iitlis, money will begin to flow into Mississippi in such volumes as wore never witnessed before. Millions of dollars above \\ hat are baigaius now will be the average amount of money w ill h iu eir ulation. ■ small fo' tunes then. Ye who are waiting for the panic to come to buy you a home are Most of tin dropping your candy just lik yon have dropped it iu the days gont by. desirable property here is in tli- hands of people who are i bit to l i e a t-n year's panic through, and will de *\ too, for well they fort«ep the bright future of the magic little t city in the shadow <>f the pints. Fergus in's as ever before, but it takes Bargains are just as ptentifu at T. M. more money, the profits are greater, and the thane s of nuking money are better than i and then pay $1500 next year for Do not beMeeeived by I tie panic ever before. cry 1 Go^d bargains are going < very day by the Thos, M. what you can get now for $1200 Ferguson real estate route. For special bargains apply to I M. GATLIN, c/ Head Salesman at 4 t-ergiisors. .os 1 V- s i HI. ■i i ' i Hattiesburg, Miss. 2 i i A S 1 ' ilE»WBa eaprgt^ g;-l iww^BaapiwsarT r*"■ tofore, many borrowers auticipaiiug their loans, also been j $.3 per dozen, go to Pitts' Studio. novl7 th .— - A heavy increase has shown in deposits, and throughout the year there lias been h ahaiidance of money iu circuit.- f. l • 1 an tiou alt over the state. For the finest panel photos, at on'y .1 ■MHM UPSS,'— ?I fticMfLLAii orfuS. CO. Southern Copper VV< rks Turpenlinc Stills \ h f. • 1 i 1 1 Mu, -iC.UI I' 1 (I • xtia t- ;t!cs.cap» arms, «,(>i-nis. furmir. t w i;riiu-8 always on hand. Oil si 11 Is t , t j ta port pay nirnt for 11 ■ ■. 1 lit i fi * - liooi gS£ 8 rk a ltd n pairing ill 1 v v H. i 1 u t p cm pi 1 r P .1 .1 It K 1. Pri *Srt lv* All , Hinmh. (i: fe lim'd II. 1. >.\ ■J'-i.'i. Also. Km .luckKonvlIle. K1 ir ■ ilnle, <' , H:i I t tev: i I-. N I I jilaBffivrr-tnsr. '.--ML mSVyWW >. VI v> Oy'f # tandard Rotary Sewing Machines, Oo Carts and Rocking Chairs. 4 4 t V i * J i Just Received, u Nice Lot Prices to Suit the Season. > 4 ■ t *• 5 A * 4 9 f Wo can supply .ill your wants in the Furniture 'itie, lor we have a fine stuck c nsi-ting of tile latest and up-to date designs, attractive in appearance and lowest in k riCe - Cash or on eas. payments. P (* * 4 r $ Hattiesburg Furniture Co. j ¥ J. G. N.t I'll.1!, Manager. **-+J**t xi-r!, % feblO Montague Itltlg. Main -t. .1 ■ j I Our Announcement S 1 M J H*4\ nit: liiiilit* with M-veral < f f!:♦* meor largest factories of the country, we now have on hand un-Ht of the ticst r.J M , 1 J iirafedl;* ! I El ■ : 1 makes of *^1! 1 SI rm 1 Pianos and Organs z=n ^1 B j r ■ 1 ►si r! '' du i m nil ■ t-oiti in t»»»- country . will - It wo w il! m- 1 «>:: t!.. U y ' • Most Rea&ouabie Terms Lowest Pi iocs Possiirie. anrl at the very Wv «1 po i ave a full line of he t Music and Musical .Ler. haitdi?e. Ju-t dri-p in or. us any old time. J. L. ROBERTS MUSIC COMPANY 1 Incnrporatcrt) 119 FI^OITT STREET, liuY >1X1