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You are cotdially invited to call on ■ ■ m RUBENSTEIN BROS. * For Ladies' and Gent's Furnishings. Neu) and attractive line of Summer Goods now on display. We will be glad to have you call and let us show them to you. Birch Building. 128 Mobile Street Announcement <|A free demonstration of the delicious Argo Red Salmon will be held all this week at O'Ferral Bros.' store. Many palatable dishes will be served and displayed. €JYqu are invited to attend and get a sam Souvenir cook book free to all. pie taste. l Giving' Them Away! This is what you'll think if you will compare our prices with others. We have bought several bankrupt stocks , , 1 c _->-1-1 MEM 1C n .» m it V ■ r ■b 1 r This is a Big; Chance for YouJtL,%y» M — >pp. Hotel Hattie] isburg NOTICE! W WO IN ONE We are now in the Hardy Stables on Mobile Street. COME TO SEE US:-: HARDY & BOLTON Liverymen . A ams& Gilliam IZB DRUG STORE dend you a cordial invitation to make our place i eadquarters for Cigars and Cold Drinks. : : T~ Front Street. of Rexall Remedies Society and PERSONALS W. C. T. U — The next regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held with Mr3. Dr. Mitchell, on Main street at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Kells, of Jackson, state president, will be present. ♦ ♦ ♦ w. o. w. Leaf River Camp, W. O. W„ will have several logs to roll tomorrow night. A full attendance of the mem bership is desired. ♦ O O Mr. H. A. Camp, who has been in New Orleans for several weeks re cuperatlng his impaired health, re turned home today very much im proved. ♦ « ♦ We are glad to note that Mr. H. A. Moore, who has been quite sick at his home on Hemphill street for several days is able to resume his duties again. * ♦ # Messrs. H. Katz, Louis Williams, W. J. Force, Otis Smith, Louie Caplan and W. C. Veach, delegate to the Grand Lodge df Odd Fellows, will leave to night for Meridian. * Mrs. L. M. Cooper and daughter, Miss Ethel, after a pleasant visit to relatives in Walnut street, returned to their home in Philadelphia yester day. * ♦ * Mack Parker, of Kola, passed through yesterday en route to Ellis ville, where he spent Sunday with home folk. Mr. Oscar Davis, superintendent of the J. J. Newman Lumber Company, at Sumrall, is a business visitor to day. ♦ * * Mrs. W. J. York and Miss Ida Cow art leave tonight for Meridian as dele gates to the Rebekah Grand Lodge. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. Martha Turner, of Laurel, is nee Rich, of Texas, is the guest of relatives here this week. □aura * ♦ ♦ Mr. R. J. Bishop visited relatives at New Augusta. ■ "Ha"ford spent Sunday with friends in Meridian^-' ♦ ♦ ♦ jp^M. Calhoun, of Ellisville, mday in Hattiesburg. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. Tom Chisholm, of EUisville, was a Sunday visitor. Mr. SJ o o o o Messrs. P. C. and B. D. Craft, of Ellisvllle, are In the City today, k" ♦ « « ^^r. R. N. Collins is quite ill at his Jn Bay street. k «*<$/• he new advertisements in the News. hoi \ ReadB this lssu< You are inV oust,rat Ion sale' this week. to attend the dem HJFerrall Bros', all iland OF v Cumberland Phone 107 McLeod Si, ' TURNED IN FALSE ALARM OF FIRE About 7:30 o'clock last night the fire department was called to Trinity Episcopal Church, where some one thought there was a Are, but It proved, fortunately, to be light reflected on the windows from a hunting trash heap and no damage was done further than to give the department an unneces sary run. * The following, s-mt to the Daily News explains bov the mistake oc curred: Fal«e Firt Alarm. I w r as the cause f the false alarm by burning a trasl pile, thinking .t was an opportune t ne, as rains had Just fallen. The bit ze, though small, reflected on the win lows of the Epis copal Church in th- adjoining lot. Some one, thinking it might be the church, turned in a alarm, which I suppose, was excusa le under the dr cumstances. 1 regr< It. of course. B. C COVINGTCfN. COMMITTEE TO MEET 22ND. INST TFe following call for a meeting of the Democratic Executive Committee was Issued this morning: "A meeting of the Democratic Ex ecutive Committee, ot Forrest County, Miss., is hereby called to be held at the court house in the city of Hatties burg, at 11 o'clock a. m. on Friday, the 22d day of May, 1908, for the pur pose of arranging for a county dele gate convention to be held according to law, for the purpose of filling va cancies on the committee and for the transaction of such other business as shall come before the^committee. A full attendance is urged and those who cannot attend in person will , . % — . ■■ •f' re^ioiugrapm Frrejr s, of Railroad street. LAYMENS MISS NGS 5$ & YES Yesterday was a great day for some of the Baptist churches of the city along the line of missionary educa tional talks. The morning hour at the Columbia Street Baptist church was given over to Prof. F. F. Phillips and' W. M. Con ner for missionary talks. This is what is knewn as the laymen s missionary which has been inaugurated all over the state, a lar»e number of the churches in this section having been apportioned to Prof. Phillips to go out and do this work. Last night at ttye First Baptist church Prof. Phillips end Mr. N. R. McCullough talked to a large congre gation on the subject of the movement on the part of the laymen to work up interest in the subject of missions, it is proposed to have these laymen talks followed by a missionary sermon by the different pastors at which col lections will be made. The pastors of the two churches named are attending the Southern Baptist Convention ot Hot Springs, of his in all ,l1v. buy second-hand Furniture.. M. titfield, I2i Front St, Home t£43. m!66t — FOR NG WIFE Net-dliam 'lacks^HBSH slapped his wife proceeded to have hn^H| But they soon made u^| The negro pleaded gulln lice court to striking his' He said they "jess had am and he emphasized hk^Hj gument with a slap, a^Hg sorry for it. iHH The wife went on th^H they had made up didn't hurt much. a^Hg Ah^udge let ;ro, just ■and she r=s THE DAVIS Sewing Machine Company of Dayton Ohio, Is under a broad gauged and gel denced by their generoua action In behalf of one of the cyclone BUfferers. Jt among other destructions the ruins of the residence of a friend and lorva^T he lost his home and all household effects. I wrote the eompany that 23 years ago when I was working fi ferous management as evi when I visited Purvis I found customer of mine In which Uiem, one of the first families I got te which \ad given perfect satisfaction ^clone and suggested that if they could see their acquainted with in Neshoba County, bought a machine fr since but had been completely destroyed in this clear to send them a new machine complime pie as well as myself as tnrough their influenrf Immediately on receipt of my letter t the names and addresses of the par chines complimentary and seemly to deeply sympathize with the unfortunates of country. I mention this and ano ever way 'jjtary, that It would be duly appreciated by these good e I made several sales. peo Davis Sewing Machine Company whote me that if I would furnish s they would take pleasure in shipping them one of their best ma along the storm swept section ier incident merely from the fact that a great many people believe corporations f are heartless. When I wrote to the Georgia State Building and Loan Association, of Savannah, Ga., for Purvis church, they very promptly sent »100. their duty in this good work, and while neither a donation to the So you see that corporations as sve f the above intimated that the from their liberal donations, yet I beH«'-^'tuat everything else being equal, th» , er- -ati> - discos should have the preference ;n business matters over those that are not. with the management of both of the above corporations, I feel safe in saying :bat w in their Ih.e, it will pay you to consult them before dealing elsewhere: Respectfully. Being THOS. M. FERGUSON RAISING FUNDS FOR NEW CHURCH Hattiesburg. Miss., May 15, 1908. At a meeting of the Main Street Methodist Church Sunday, April 26, I was appointed as a committee of one to solicit and collect subscriptions nec essary to rebuild the Methodist Church | at Purvis, which cost about $3,500 and the following is a list of these good people who have contributed to this worthy cause: Brother W. S. F. Tatum made the magnanimous offer of giving all the lumber necessary church. The New Orleans and North eastern Railroad very generously do nated transportation and I have col lected from Brother Chaffin Burton $5, Rev. W. M. WilliaT of the Or phan's' Home, Jackson, $5; Rev. P. H. House, Picayune, $5; Rev. W. E. Har ris, Flora church, $15; Sunday school at Flora, $10; Mr. C. L. Henton, , Jlora, $1; Georgia State B. & I. Asso ciation, $100; Rev. L. F. Alford, Me fridian. $20; Mr. D. V. Porter, Wa 4halak, $5; Timmy Giles, 5c; H. B. Hus gerford, 50c; Jas. Harper, 25c; all re to rebuild the geriora, ouc, jus. ndi per, . mi ported by Rev. J. W. Ramsey, Scoo ba. with $1 extra, making $6.80; Rev. R. T. Nolen Philadelphia. $5: Rev. $i. ii Rev. L. E. AlfoiUSofflfflRVH^n ian and Poplar Springs, $3; Rev!^^^B Williams, Wayneseboro, $1.50; Rev. John L. Ash. Centreville, $54,25; Dn. J. R. and Mrs. Lillie Kittrell, Laurel, $5; Rev. W. B. Lewis, Moss Point, $150.15; W. W. Carre Co., New Orleans, $10; Rev. Robert Selby, Natchez. $10; Rev. J. F. Price, Pelahatchie, $5; Rev. W. H. Lewis, Port Gibson, $35.50; Rev. R. F. Nolen. Pelahatchoie, $6; Rev. C. F. Emery, Brandon, $11; Rev. W. L. Black, Blackwell, $12; Rev. Eugene Johnson, Richland. $17.50; Re". Y7. C. Black, Meridian, $5; Rev. J. C. Rous seaux, Jackson, $3.50; Major R. W. Millsap, Jackson, $25; Rev. J. A. B. Jones. Magnolia, $6; Rev. P. D. Har din, Yazoo City, $7.50; Rev. F. H. Lipscomb, P. E., Friar's Point, $9; Rev. R. O. Brown, Indlanola, $18.45; making a total of $753.95. We have such faith in the Metho dists of Mississippi that we are going ahead with the building of the church believing that the funds will come in, as needed. Respectfuilyl, THOS. M. FERGUSON. / ■ Getting a Negativ ■I S® f/J / Depends on the way grapher understands his We know how to mt' be sure of perfect llkej Proper posing and ca/ ^ill enable us to get Ju ^ession and guarant« | Aire that will plea, , ; B^^^us snap the p/ results. - GOLDSMITH & C^l IER MEAT MARKET West Pine St., Busy City Bakery Old Stand Cumberland Phone 688 Hor Choice Meat Cuts,, Sa* aC. r Call and see^ <r uers. ^predated Your patron r o. <5 wm 1 Wafers, Frail i | i 205 Building (■gl POME PHONE 244 : ; 41^ TIESBURG TRUST « :A N D: ... a [NKING COMPANY jgm . $150,000.00 Undivided P r pT J y* A " <?-• g - >y *ral idnrinistta«o^'f Estates, Executor un dian of Minors, Trustee. Assignee or to - • n Ali St CH E WREFUL JTTENTJC :, f MATTERS-ENTRUSTED TO US We pay 4 per cent interest on Compounded Semi-Annually^ Time Deposit*. Ol