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THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK % Of HATTIESBURG, MISSISSIPPI. —U > - |;l P v_, IT'S LIKE FINDING MONEY. have had a bank account a few to figure up your balance after you months, you note that your i much less than when you had the too ready cash in your pocket. small or unnecessary spendings have been AN ACCOUNT AT THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK induces saving. The act of drawing a check makes you think whether Many and many a time your think the spending is wise or necessary, g will result in your tearing up the check and keeping the money. IF TIRED ✓ Of waiting for an Up holster or Repair Man Call up Foster, The Furniture Man. The Foster Furniture Co. 129 Mobile St. ; 1\ Bn vs: \Y [IWtSip HEN you want anything in the Diug or Sundry line, ring 64 , either phone, and it will surprise you how delivery boy will he at your door. . w quick our RJWe want you to make our store headquarters, jnd be refreshed at our well equipped soda fountain, if vou are not satisfied. ' 1ST You Hit tt\e Nail on the Head ' ■ ij Ifyou buy your lumber from us. Inferior lumber may appear good at first, but the test of time will prove It more expen sive. Good quality always pays. Let us figure on your require ments for anything that you may need for building purposes. Both 'phones 33. 1 VM Hi Rich Lumber Manufacturing Co. r-M? ■ Now is the Time! * To Put in Screen Doors and Windows jdnd avoid the annoyance of the fly and mos T)on't be worried with the hugs that fill your house at night I quite. SCREENS! SCREENS!! We are prepared to take your orders. Phone us and we will send a man to take measures and put them in for you. ! PRICES REASONABLE ) / Hattiesburg Hardware Co. GOLDSMITH & COLLIER MEAT MARKET West Pine St., Busy City Bakery Old Stand Cumberland Phone 688 Home Phone 508 j ■* - Choice Meat Cuts, Sausage, Veal, Etc. Call and see us or phone your orders. Your patronage will be appreciated §|P'|J ♦ 'Says the Lieutenant Governor Was Justifiable in Pardoning Greenville Embezzler. EXCORIATES NOEL FOR WILSON PARDON Miscegenationist Convicted by Leflore County CTrcuit Court, and Sen tenced to Thirty Daye, la Pardoned by Governor. The following communication to the Vicksburg Herald, discussing an ed itorial which recently appeared In the columns of the News, will be read with interest. Greenwood, Miss., May 19, 1908 To the Vicksbung Herald: Under the caption "Manshlp's Blun der," I notice a recent editorial lu the Hattiesburg News, severly crltistng Governor Manship for the pardon of William Starling, convicted from Washington county for the embezzle ment of bank funds. I am neither an apologist for Gov. Manshlp's action, nor an advocate of the liberal use oL the pardoning power; but a uuhiI" r 11 i .• i< uiu siancefl pwaooand fshs* abldlli* v r«sp€ [e Mb of an-honest, law fame people. He had borne an unblemished reputation, was of sober habits and untiring Industry. Notwithstanding the verdict of guilty, many who heard the trial still believe him innocent, that he had been unwise and foolish in handling the affairs of a large business, which had been abso j lately confided to his unexperienced I judgement, but that he had never stol j en nor profited by the failure of the bank. His honored and aged father, j absolutely bankrupted by the expenses of his defense, driven from bis home qud friends by the shamfe and mortifl cation attendant upon the conviction | of his son, had taken his wife and i younger sons, and igone to bleak north western Canada, expatriating himself i so that he might homestead land there. [ and begin the battle of life anew, and ! the young wife of William Starling only awaited hls pardon to-leave her father and mother and go with her young husband to Join his famll^in their far Canadian home. He had serv ed nearly two years of hls sentence. IN STATE CONVENTION Natchitoches, La., May 26.—With delegates from all the local organiza tions in attendance, the Louisiana gen eral grand session of the G. G. J. O. of B. & S. convened here today for a ses sion of five days. Among the Import ant matters to be considered are the BIO IRRIGATION PROJECT IS COMPLETED IN OREGON Hearst News Service. Pendleton, Ore., May 26.—Uncle Sam will tomorrow txirn water from the big reservoir upon the land In the Umatilla government Irrigation pro ject, this formally opens the great re . "To What Base Uses!" One of the oddest and least Inviting signs travelers to Egypt have come across Is a notice affixed to one of the royal tombs, near Luxor, on the banks of the Nile, and which reads as fol lows; "This tomb Is especially re served for luncheons." NO FALSE ALARM. Supply of Butter. Eggs, Hen's, Fryers, and Broilers, and this Is no false fire alarm either. B. C. COVINGTON. Cll Plum street on be The petition for his pardon was signed with unanimity by the people of the community where the crime had been committed, those who had suffered from his acts joining in the petition for his pardon Contrast these circumstances with the pardon issued by Gov. Noel to R. Wilson, on the 9th of May. The vice which has alarmed the thinking men of our country, more probably than any other, has been, the unlawful co habitation of white men with negro women. In Jthe delta It has wrecked more young lives, and hurried more greay-haired, broWen-hearted mothers t their graves than any oftier, or prob ably all other vices. It has sapped and undermined the self-respect of the young manhood of our country. With in the past year or two earnest efforts have been made to arouse public sen timent on this subject. Public meet ings have been held denouncing it, and fearless judges have eloquently charg ed grand juries In regard to It. As a result Indictments have been returned in various eountle- In this judicial dis trict within the past six months and among them, at the January term, 1908, of the circuit court of this county, R. F. Wilson was Indicted for unlawful cohabitation with a negress, Katie Jones, who was also Indicted. The man had lived In Greenville notoriously with the same women, and by law and sentiment forced to ^eave there,,Mdj broui ' icul IIS#* ILvM with Hnr nSgrantly nkufri'y. and his negro par "were arralnged in open court, A man of and both plead guilty, means, Judge Smith realized that a fine would be deterrent. It was the first case, of this kind In which a con viction had been had before him. He desired to stigmatize the offense so that the young men of the delta might realize that It was under the ban of law and sentiment,'and was odious, He imposed a fine of $300, and a sew tence of thirty days In the county Jan. Notwithstanding the plea of guilty, an .appeal to the supreme court was pro secuted by the defendant, and on the 4th of May the court affirmed the sen tence of the lower court, and on the 16th of May, Governor, Noel, moralist, purlBt, Christian gentleman, granted a pardon to Wilson. No petition was dr culated that I have ever heard of for this pardon here; none, I am informed, In Greenville. The granting of it was not In accord with, but adhorent to the decent sentiment of both counties. We feel that a deadly blow has been struck at the enforcement of law by the man sworn to enforce it. f ai* there be^but one answer to the question. "Did Noel Blunder?" permanent establishment of a home for widows and orphans and plans for the continuation of charity and endow ment to beneficiaries. The member ship of the grand body la given at 4,900, a gain during the last year of about 500. clamatlon enterprise, I'he .vast reser voir will flood 18,000 acres when filled to Its full capacity. A special excur sion to Hermlston and an enthusiastic celebration at that* place will mark the completetion of the work. She and tha Chancellor. Having been Introduced to the ven erable chancellor, tbe beautiful maid en looked at him curiously for a iho ment and then. Just to start the con versation In the right direction, asked: "Don't you find it awfully trying to have to chancel when you don't feel like It?" Diamonds mounted In one form or another are ideal wedding presents. Our stock of diamonds offer selections to BUit all tastes and prices possible in fine quality. H. H. GRAHAM JEWELRY CO. Under Suspicion. [Copyright? 19*, by T. C. McClur..] Colonel Jayne of Massachusetts had the honor on one occasion of befrlend lug and entertalutng Colonel Swartz of the Royal Germau artillery. This was in London, where they were both strangers and both happened to be stopping at the same hotel. The Ger man colonel was assaulted and robbed on the street In the evening, and for a week, or until be could send for money, be was the guest of the American. There was something rather queer about the Incident The two gentle men were "slumming" when a public carriage suddenly baited beside them and two men sprang to the ground and attacked the German, while a third sought to hold hack the American. The attempt was made to force the German ftato the carriage, and It might have been that bis money was lost during the struggle. The American fought for his companion, and the fel lows were finally driven off. It looked more like a case of attempted abduc tion than of a holdup, but as the Ger man argued the other way the Amer ican had to be satisfied. It was five years before the two met agnin. This time It was on the Ger man frontier, and both were bound for St Petersburg. Colonel Jayne was traveling for pleasure; the other ex plained that be was on a secret mission for his government He made this qj* planation because he had shaved off his luxuriant whiskers and was other wise disguised and recognition was ac cidental. Colonel Swartz was well ac quainted In the capital city, nnd It was arranged that the two should stop at the same hotel and take In the sights together. They did take rooms on their uwivsL Uu t .t fining rman two ther olonel Jlrfle abt but with Yankee Impatience to see the sights. Three times during the forenoon straugers approached him and muttered some words. They were Russians who evidently belonged to the middle class, and in each case tbe colonel thought they were Inquiring their way. He therefore shook his head and passed on. DurlDg the after noon he discovered that his footsteps being dogged, but he took this were rather as u Joke than otherwise. He did not return to hls hotel until Just at dinner time and then found a couple of police officers waiting to arrest him. They had already visited hls rooms and overhauled hls baggage. Colonel Swartz was missing and had been since boon. His baggage bad also been overhauled, and the officers seemed much chagrined at tbe man's escape. much chagrined escape. Colonel Jayne had known absolutely nothing of the German before meeting him at tbe hotel In London. He had tnken the man for what he claimed to •be. He bad no Idea that he was an Impostor, so far ns name and rank went, nnd that be was one of tbe most active nihilists In or ont of Russia. The three men that bad approached tbe American on tbe streets probably belonged to that order as well. Tbe German happened to be returning to Russia at tbat time, nnd accident had discovered the two men to each other. After being under examination for half a dny Colonel Jayne was sent to an official higher up. Here he was met by the papers taken from hls baggage. He bad made n month's stay In Lon don before starting for Russia and bad received several letters from friends at home. One of them had Jocosely written: "Don't Xorget that the first thing to be doue on your arrival In 8t. Peters burg Is to call on the emperor and give him mf love and. tell him to bang on to his Job as long as the pay'comes In every Saturday night." « "How can you, n person entirely ulT known here, Becure audience with hls majesty?" was asked. "I can't, of course." was tbe reply. "Then why should this person have thns written?" "He Is what we call a Joker." "Joker? Joker? Does be dare hold his majesty up to ridicule'! And you nre to give hls love to the czar of all Russia. Just as one peasant woman sends her love to another! And how Is thfls about bolding hls Job? What does job mean?" "Hls place, sir." "But bis majesty's [dace est In the land, and to sp a 'Job' Is to speak with disrespect. And the pay every Saturday night, as If tbe great czar was but a common laborer!" "I shall take great pleasure In telling the writer of tbat letter what an ass be Is tbe very first thing when I get home," replied the colonel. "And here la another letter In which you nre advised not to make any ex cursions to Siberia In the winter sea People are sent To Siberia for is tbe high peak of it as son. serious offenses against the law. Were you contemplating a crime that this person should write you thus? It must be so." "I'll recommend him to the nearest Idiot- asylum," promised the colonel. The examination lasted three days In all, during which time tbe American was a prisoner nnd lived on prison fare. Then, accompanied by two gen darmes, be was escorted to the German frontier and warned never to set foot In Russia again. Colonel Swartz got Into Germany ahead of him, and they met again, but when tbe German ex tended biz band tbe other drew blm self up stiffly and replied: "No, sir! No, sir! 1 don't know yon, slrr Ml QUAD. - » FOR / REAL If .* 9 f * Fire and V Tornado -• % INSURANCE Headquarters for the Best % - Bargains in the City. • • * V Phone 666 II S