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IY LEONARD L. WARD. Justice of the Feace. Office on Third Floor Carter Building. Court Dates: First and Fourth Saturdays In each 'LBJOUth. J. C. JOHNSON „ WATCHMAKER, JEWELER and ENGRAVER :-: :-: :-: Repairing a Specialty B Moore Bros. Grocery, r Pine St. KEYES & HUMMER Meat Market We Appreciate your Patronage. Phone Us Your.Order PALMER SHEET METAL WORKS Hemphill Street All kinds of Metal Work Roofing and Skylights THE CITY PRESSING CLUB M. A. Sallis, Mgr. We give all work prompt atten tion and guarantee satisfaction. Home Phone 545 Polk Bldg. THE POLE-STOCK L'B'R CO. Yellow Pine Lumber Cumberland Phone 11 Ross Building Rooms 304-305 R. E. LEE Architect 516, 617, 5;8 Ross Building DOCTORS DIRECTORY H. L. FLAKE, M. D. Office Suite 210 Carter Building. Obstetrics and Diseases of Children. Office Phones Both 41. Residence Phones Both 2Yl. JAS. E. HULETT, M. D. 216—21j) Ross Building Phones: Office No. 600. Residence No. 426, E. J. MITCHELL, DENTIST d Fellows Building, All Work Guaranteed. Front Street. S. S. TURNER, M. D. Office'Suite 205 Carter Building Hours: 9 to 11 A. M„ 2 to 4 P. M. Phones: Office 41, Residence 584. BUSBY & McMULLAN, DENTISTS Office Suite 214-215-219 Ross Building Cumberland Phone 909, Home 000. S. LEWIS KNIGHT, M. D. Offiice Suite 310 Carter Buidding Office Hours: 10to 11 A.M., 3 to 4 P.M. Phones: Office Both 41 Res. Both 701 Qorit Worry About Your Eyes Leave that to me F~W. Queen, Oph.D. OPTICAL SPECIALIST. Garter building. Second C'oor. Mrs. Delbert H. Cleland TEACHER OF VOICE Cumberland Phone 385 f 107 McLeod St. RAMSEY&CO. DNDEKTAKEHS i ; jjL R. N. COLLINS DIED EARLY THIS MORNING The many friends of Mr. R. N. Col lins were greatlf shocked this morn ing to learn of his death at 3:30 o'clock a. m. Yesterday Mr. Collins was report ed better and his friends and rela tives hoped yiat the worst was passed. During the night, however, he took a change for the worse and in his weakened condition he sank rapidly until death came to his relief. Mr. Collins was one of the best known and most popular young busi ness men of the city and was at the time of his death associated with Mr. M. D. King In the insurance business. He was always a gentleman—nature made him so, and he counted his friends by the number of his acquaint ances. As a business man, he was very successful and stood high in busi ness circles, being always on the pro gressive side. Mr. Collins was 33 years old and CLOSING EXERCISES OF THE SACRED HEART ACADEMY Large Crowd Attended Exercises At Auditorium. Winners Presented With Handsome Medals. » The fourth annual commencement exercises of the Sacred Heart Acad emy took place last night at the Audl torium, and was attended by a largo crowd who were more than pleased with the exercises of the evening. A splendid program, consisting of music, recitations, operettas and beau tiful scenes was rendered. • Father O'Reilly presided and pre sented the medals. The following is the class report for the year: Miss Edith Crahen, having complet ed the required course, and having distinguished herself by her amiable and ladylike deportment, Is entitled to all the honors of the academy, name ly, gold medal and crown. Senior Division. tie The following pupils having the re qulred percentage are entitled to draw for the gold medal for English studies, donated by Mr. T. A. Cantwell: Misses Edith Crahen, Ora Boxtel, Kate Kirby, j to Sarah Fagan, and Master Bernard Me Ginley. Honorable mention Is made of Miss A. M. Pickett, who on account of sick ness was unable to compete for the medal: Winner, Master Bernard Mc GInley. * , Middle Division. The following puils are entitled to draw for the gold medal for Improve ment In English studies, donated by Mr. Batestlne. of New Orleans: Mas ters C. Heidelberg, B. Crahen, Misses "A. McGInley, M. Monohan, G. Crahen, Winner, Master Charles Heidelberg. Honorable mention Is made of Mas ter William Scanlan, Francis Gormley and A. Conners, Misses Beatrice Kir by and E. Cavandugh, who on account sf Illness or late entrance were unable to compete for the medal. Junior Department. The following pupils are entitled to draw for the gold medal for lessons, Misses Alice Connors donated by Mrs. Frank Richer, of Vicksburg: " NORTHEASTERN OFFICIALS HERE Some of the high officials of the Northeastern road are In the city to day and have spent most ot the time out at the gravel pit. The party is composed of S. E. Flan agan, superintendent; J. C. Haugh, civil engineer, and Mr. Lee, stenogra pher to Mr. Flanagan. Jt Is stated that the subject of the building of the new depot did not bring them here, but it is known that the company appreciates the faqj that this is a good time to build a pas senger station, owing to the fact that both the material and labor can be ob tained at a low price. It Is believed that the matter will be given early attention. I Can Do It Now with X-Ray. By a new Invention a cavalryman can telephone through his horse. Clearly It la only a matter of time Until mankind will be ablo to see through a grindstone, even If It has no hole In it —Chicago News. , had been raised In this city. He grad uated from the A. & M. College at Starkvllle with high honors. He was married about three years ago to Miss Jessie Herron. He was the son of Alderman R. J. Collins. The funeral services will take place at .the residence on Bay street to morrow morning at 10 o'clock and the interment will follow at the city cem etery. The services will be conducted by Rev. J. E. Jones and Rev. H. D. Howell. # Mr. Collins had taken the highest degrees in masonry and was a promi nent member of the Methodist church. Knight Templars to Officiate. After the services at the residence, the Knight Templars will take charge of the remains and further conduct the exercises. All Knight Templars are requested to assepjble at the Masonic Hall at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning to attend the funeral In a body. (winner), Thelma Senton. The following pupijs are entitled to .draw for the gold medal for Improve ment: Annie May McDonald, Hai tie McDonald, E. Levy, A. Leleu, Rena Doherty, H. Uter, Fossie r Ready, M. C. Fojiey, M. Reddoch, M. Heisler, M. Smith, M. Leleu, E. R. Scanlan, C. Do herty, K. Donegan, C. Doherty, Willie Heisler, Henry Herndon, Henry Box tel. Miss Annie May McDonald, win ner. The following pupils are entitled to draw for the gold medal for Christian Doctrine, donated_by Rev. P. O'Reilly: Misses Edith Crahen, Ora Boxtel, Kate Kerley, Sallfe Fagan, Master B. Mc Glnley, B. Crahen, C. Heidelberg, Mary Monogan, Annie McGtnley, Grace Cra hen, Allcq Connors, Thelma Senton, and Rena Doherty, winner. The gold medal for excellency in mathematics, donated by Schartz, Ker win & Fauss, of New York, Is awarded j to Miss Edith Crahen. The following pupils are entitled to draw for the gold medal for success In music, donated Uy O'Ferrall Bros.; Misses Lillie James, E. Nehls, Annie McGInley, Annie M. Pickett, Grace Graham, Nannie Scanlan, Bessie Chap man, Catherine Uter, E. Uter, Alice Leleu, Madeline Smith, Mildred Helfl ler, Eole Levy. Winner Miss Annie McGInley. The following pupils are entitled to draw for the gold medal for im provement In music donated by Mr. M. Dunn;. Thelma Senton, Ella R. Sean lan, Doria) Levy. Audley Eichhom, Kate Donegan, May C. Fohey, Mercio Reddoch. Dorial Levy winner. The following, pupils are entitled to draw for the gold medal for amiable deportment, donated by Moore Broc . Misses Edith Crahen, Ora Boxtel, Kate Kerley, Sarah Fagan, Bernard MeGlu ley, Annie Mai Pickett, Grace Crahen, Nannie Scanlan, Annie McGInley, Phil lis Doherty, Catherine Uter, Pauline Ready, Charles Heiddelberg, winner. of WILL REVISE THE POLL BOOKS The city executive comnYlttee has appointed the following gentlemen to revise the poll books for the city elec tion the first of which will be held July 22: - A. H. McSwain, M. L. Thompson and.W. L. Pack. The entire committee is to have meeting at the city hall at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon. • The registration lq to close ten days before the first primary. to the not ob A Frog's Rescue. A correspondent writes: "My son, age 10(4 years, was working In the garden when a viper abopt two feet long glided past him. A good shot with a stone about the size of cricket bay broke the reptile's spine, while a sharp edge of the granite cut open the belly, thereby restoring freedom -a frog, which bopped out tfs prison unhurt."—Madias Mall. see has Jet^ and Earnest. Many a true word Is spoken In Jest, but the majority of lies are uttered la dead earnest.— Judge. . ! i aounce ject voters 1/ New York Doctor Recommands It As a Positiv Cure For Drunkenness. Saratoga Springs, N. Y„ June 19.— Hypnotism as a cure for drunkenness was recommended In a paper by 1 ,'r. John Quackenbos, of New York, read today before the convention of the American Society for the Study of Alcoholispi and Inebriety. Many other authorities on the treatment and cure of those addicted to the excessive use of intoxicants delivered addresses. At the session of the World's Tem perance Congress this morning the review of the temperance conditions of the world was continued, the Hod discussed embracing the years 1868 to 1888. The relation of the Methodist Episcopal - and Baptist denominations to the temperance re form was also considered, topics were: "The Citizen as a Re former" and "The Second Emancipa tion." One of the most important events of the Congress is scheduled for this afternoon, when the delegates will gather at the home of Dr. "Billy'' Clark, the founder of the first tem perance society in the world's history, and unveil a memorial tablet to his memory. The society established by Dr. Clark in 1808 is still in existence, Other and its members will attend the ser vices In a body. At tonight's session the principal address will be delivered by Dr. Wil bur F. Crafts, the prominent Washing ton reformer, who will speak on "A World-Wide War on intoxicating Drinks and Drugs." RUSSIAN YOUTH IS HAH6ED ON WAGER Victim Makes Bet That He Can En dure Strain and Barely Sur vives'Ahe Ordeal. St. Petersburg.—In a country where the favorite game of small children is ; "playlng at bombs," the following story, related by the Gazette, does not seem to a Russian very extraordinary. The gilded youth of Orel held a revel during which the conversation turned Upon the execution of some po litical robbers which had taken place recently. "Being hanged must be a terrible sensation," one of the youths re marked. "Not at all," replied another "on the contrary, quite a pleasant way of ending one's life." "Perhaps you would like to make the experiment?" retorted the first ing. the . m f YA'X r M) V N\ f LA V a -j fV \ M V t./ o _ ' 1 They Hauled the Rope Taut. The other replied that he would not mind being hanged for a couple ol minutes, and wagered two dozen hot ties of champagne that would gc through with It. The whole company drove out to a solitary farm to put the matter to the A mock court-martial was held The "prisoner" was sol test. in a barn, emnly sentenced to be hanged by hts neck, the execution to take place on the spot. A gallows was improvised and a rope found. ^ The feeling of the rope round his neck had a sobering Influence on the viettm. He paled and shivered, and refused to be strung up. But the oth ers were too excited willingly to for feit a good Joke. They hauled taut and pulled the chair away from under him, leaving the body swinging in ter rlble. convulsions. The horror of the sight whelmed the "executioners." fled shrieking, nobody thinking ol rescuing the poor victim, girl, called by the shrieks, saw the body and resolutely cut the rope, just In the nick of time. Only after long exertions did she suceeeed in bringing the "hanged" man back to conscious to L. a over They the a cut to of A servant ness. Josh Wist Philosophizes "A gal don't generally think a man la in love with her unless he threat ens t' c'-mralt suicide If Bhe refuses him." la MUNICIPAL ANNOUNCEMENTS The Dally News Is authorized to an aounce the following candidates sub ject to the action of the Democratic voters of the city of Hattiesburg: FOR MAYOR. T. J. JACKSON. DR. E. DILL. DR. J. D. DONALD. C. W. RICH. FOR POLICE JUSTICE. J. E. DAVI8. E. A. ANDERSON. C. F. REDDOCH. .-OR CITY CLERK. O. J. BOWEN. A. FAIRLEY. J. H. SELBY. FOR ALDERMEN. (Ward One.) DR. E. J. MITCHELL. F. H. CLINE. (Ward Two.) R. A. CAMERON H. C. GREER. J. W. GAY. (Ward Three. JOHN F ANDERSON. M. DUNN. A. T. POWE. J. S. DEES C. F. LASSITER. (Ward Four.) r. c. McKenzie, n. r. McCullough. T. O. WATKINS. T. A. HIGHTOWER. ALDERMAN-AT-LARGE. J. W.MONTAGUE M. J. McGRATH. FOR CITY TREASURER. „ L. D. SMITH. E. B. GEORGE. JOHN WILLIAMS. CITY MARSHAL. O. E. BUFKIN. CHARLES POOLE. J. F. WILLIAMS. STREET COMMISSIONER. A. C. DUCKWORTH. JEROME PEACHER. B. J. BRADLEY. M. W. CLARK. A. H. INNERARITY. ABNER SUMRALL. H. H. WARREN. is a re CITY TAX COLLECTOR. J. F. BENNETT. WANTED—Five girls to do solicit ing. Nice line. Address XX, care News, Answer quick. REGISTRATION NOTICE. <• I will be at the following places on the dates given below for the pur pose of registering the' voters of For rest county. Rawls Springs, Monday, June 1st. Eatonville, Tuesday, June 2nd. Lee s Stc.e, Wednesday, June 3rd. Petal, Thursday, June 4th. Eastabuchie, Friday, June 5th. Morriston, Saturday, June 6th. Harvey, Monday, June 8th. Sunrise June 9th. McCallum, Wednesday, June 10th. McLaurin, Thursday, June 11th. Epps, Friday, June 12th. Rosine, Saturday, June 13th. Brooklyn, Monday, June 15th. Maxie, Tuesday, June 16th. T. J. MIXON, County Registar, Forrest County. School House, Tuesday, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Scaled proposals will be received at the office of the Chancery Clerk of Forrest County until 6 o'clock p. m., on the first Monday, the 6th day of July, 1908, for the building of a county jail for said county at Hattiesburg as per plans and specifications now on file In the office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. The successful bidder or bidders must * give bond in amount equal to their bids for faithful performance of their contract and must specify the time which the work Is to be completed. Each proposal must be accompanied not ol hot gc a the held sol the hts on his the and oth for taut ter ol the just long within by a rectified check on some respon sible bank, in an amount equal to five percent, of the bid. The check of the successful bidders will be returned the making of a bond acceptable upon to the Board, within thirty days from the letting of the contract, for the faithful performance of the contract. Checks of unsuccessful bidders will he returned as soon as the proposals are acted, upon, right to reject any anil all bids. The contract will be' let to the lowest re They The Board reserves the sponsible bidder or bidders. By order of the Board of Supervis ors of Forrest County, Mississippi, this June 4th, 1908. T. E. BATSON, Clerk. jun5 3wks man WANTED—Five girls to do solicit ing. Nice line. Address XX, care News, Answer quick. * WANT 1 Do you want to buy, sell or exchange anything? It doesn t matter what for. By turning to the Daily News want columns any day, vou will be sure to find a buyer* seller, or some one with whom you can make a trade. Advertisements placed unde* this heading for ONE CENT A WORD. Count the words and send the cash. / \ MISCELLANEOUS. $2,500 to loan on Improved city prop erty in sums of $500 or more. Thos. June3 af M. Ferguson. WANTED—To buy two sets of house hold furniture; seoipd hand but in good condition. Address "W., 1 care junto 2t News. to pasture free. Jul6-3t. WANTED—Horse Box 446. LOST AND FOUND. LOST—Between Hotel Hattiesburg and First National Bank, fob and locket with engraving on locket, "Grace to Beatrice." Return to this office and receive reward. ROOMS AND BOARD. BOARDING—Apply Mrs. N. C. May, 1662 W. Beach street, Biloxi, Miss. $15, $18 and $20 Men's Suit $ 1(1 Consisting of Staple Blue Serges, Black Worsteds and Colored Worsteds, choice of any Suit in stock at above prices for The Davidson Co. •m THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of HA TTFESBUPG, MISSISSIPPI. —V* V' / " - A* f -if i ;A:.' 1 j- ' L SfySA" IT'S LIKE I-.. to figure up your balance after you have . months. You note that your small or unnecest&i, much less than when you had the too ready cash Ti»". - AN ACCOUNT AT THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK induces saving. The act of drawing a check makes you think whetEW 5 the spending is wise or j scessary. Ing will result in your tearing up the check and ke. ping the money. Many and many a time your think J <• V on = GET YOUR RIGS FROM B. M. THOMPSON — FIRST CLASS ~ Livery , Feed and Sales Stables Carriages, Traps and Runabouts for all Occasions. Hauling and draying . Horses boarded by week or month . Thorton's old Stand, West Pine Street. at of The Enterprise Electric Company ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS on July, jail per file Supplies of All Kinds Kept in Stock REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY the AGENTS FOR WEST1NGH0USE FANS 118 West Pine St. Home Phone 80 _ j v five the FOR SALE from the he are The re |0 1 $ 10.00 Roll Top Desk 1 165.00 Victor Safe 1 12.00 Standing Desk 1 100.00 Roll Top Desk.. 1 6ft Show Case... Will trade the above s*ock of any kind. the gigs; this fo . Jt THE BAZAAR solicit care 611 Main Street. = FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Good grate and stove coal in any quantity. A. L. Hodges. Home 'phone 804 Telephone; FOR SALE-^20,000 yards finest screened gravel. G. C. Robertson, second floor. Carter building. a24tt FOR SALE)—One of the test homes on North Main street, at a bargain, good terms. M. J. Epluy, 'phoD* 666 . F20 FOR SALE—Fast, gentle pony, buggy and harness, for sale cheap. H K. Worthem, 1003 River av- uue. J15 Ot FOR RENT. FOR RENT—A few $5.0) 'Phone 666. good to $10.00 per M. J. Epley. 5 room houses from month. FOR RENT—Three rooms, ah modern, conveniences; unfurnished. Apply Jun 17 3t 400 Bay street.