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The Social Side Cumberland Phone No. 4 2 9. THE AGE OF CHIVALRY. Would you believe me if 1 told Who used to sail the sea; Lives Captain Kidd, a pirate boll, Whoused to sail the sea: While Robin flood and William Tell Live right across the Indeed. I know them very well, And see them every day. vay; , The Captain leads as fierce band As ever you did spy. Who do their wicked deeds Because their sea is dry; I've seen them kidnap as a prize. And for a ransom hold. A maiden with the bluest eyes And yellow hair, like gold. on land, Swift came the news to Robin Hood. Who loud his trumpet blew. And gathered from the nearby wood His brave and gallant crew: With pikes and staffs, and off they tore - With many shouts and cries. To rescue and bring back once more Tits maiden with blue eyes. I j And, oh, such battles f have seen Upon the greensward thero. Fought Robin Hood and Kidd between As only heroes dare! And T have seen men speared by scores All lying thick around. More than are killed in nioden AU dead upon the ground. And I have vatched until l knew' The maid wt From Kidd and front his pirate crew. For >Hood had gained the day: And ^tfter she was safe from harm. The rescue done, and well. I've seen Hood walk off arm ia arm von awa\ With Kidd and William Tell. For William Tell is ten years old And Robin Hood thirteen. And Captain Kidd, the pirate bold. fs soffiewhete in bet wet If you think (lavs of chivalry. Of cutlass and doubloon. Are dead. I wish you'd watch with me. Some summer afternoon! —J. W. Foley, in New York Ti ■n: ■ s Philanthea Class— The Philanthea class held an inter-1 eating meeting? yesterday at the church, with Miss Birdie Dees, the president presiding. The meeting was opened with an earnest nrayet b> Miss Dees. Twenty present and o from Sanders is:t or. I Tli terestinz papers w. k pcw«lfce of Thought " by Miss Bethea: "Ini' up. ance of Speech." by Miss Birdie Dees: 'Tntemfieranc. in read All.. Dress," by Miss Ruth Trotter: "Tem- perance ill Actions," by Miss R.nh Neal. These papers were all well ex- pressed and showed a thorough quaintanee with the subjects, and each reader was highly complimented. - "Miss May Chambers gave some beau- tiful thoughts on the lesson. This s> ciety although Just recently organized is growing in interest and doing splen- did work. nc- .;. .;. .;. The Baraca Class held its usual Sun day afternoon session, yesterday at 5 o'clock at the home of the pastor, Rev. I. P. Trotter. Meeting called to Baraca Class'— TONIGHT Edgar N. Hirsch, Manager Grand Production: The Legend of a Ghost. Latest Comic Illustrated Song: "I'm Afraid to Come Home in the Dark. t C 1 J 11 At the Mew Gem Theater Admission 5 Cents P. S.—Owing to the large crowds visiting the Gem Theater, nightly it is advisable for parents to send their children to the matinee which are , given dally, 4 to 6. Nurses admittetd with children. J order by President Ed Lassiter. Prayer by Richard Langford. Minutes read by the secretary, Lackey Stapleton. Fifteen members were present and the collection 65 cents. Song, "Glory for Me." Three new members were received. The papers on the cles and Parables of Christ were read and discussed. Closing prayer by Harry Montague. Mira •> Miss i^ydia Cowart will return from New Orleans tonight, where she has , been spending a part of her vacation. Her return is looked forward to with much pleasure as she has been very much missed during her absence, es pecially in the Court Street Methodist Sunday school of which she is a pop ular teacher. i, the popular milliner .at vill leave for her home in spend her vaca She has won many friends dur ing her stay here who regret her de parture from our mid t exceedingly. Ha OFerrall's. Lebanon, Ky., today L I tion. Miss Lucille Hightower, one of Hat tiesburg's sweetest and most talented young ladies, returned home Friday from Collins, where she has been the attest of Misses Bessie and Ethel j Powe. Mrs. E. Sanford and bar mother, j Mrs. T. B. Utley, left today for New ' Orleans. They will visit Bay St. : Louis. Pass Christian and other point's | on the coast before returning. | Miss Elite Montgomery has been sick at her home on Laurel street for the past ten days. This will be sad news to the many friends of this pop | ular young lady. ! Mr. .T. Frank Smith came lip from | j New Orleans Saturday to spend sev j eral days with his family. He is lo ! rated in business at New Orleans now. ! Mrs. Chas. P. Kinard and pretty lit tle daughter, Dorris, left Sunday for I Meridian to spend the summer months | with her mother. Mrs. R. K. Gough. * * The Philanthea Class will entertain I the Baraca Class at Mrs. A residence on River i enue, Thursd.i night from 7 to In i < - k. •> ♦ v . Polk's Mrs !!oien (1 O'i - rail, of Ent» ise returned hom^ visit alter ,u Mrs. M. l.J very Thompson. Si ■ Misses Cora Harper and Wall are spending a few days in the country. I AUDITORIUM ELECTRIC THEATER Moving Pictures and Illustrated Songs TONIGHT Moving Pictures: "A Gallant j Knight" and "The Magnetic Eye." 1 1 CF.fITS ADMISSION 5 a Canned Delicacies for the Luncheon Hot meals on summer evenings are hard on the housewife. Avoid them by having a dainty lunch which requires no cooking. IN MEATS: Tongue, Sliced rfam, Hamburger Steak, Deviled Ham and scores of other daintiea. Chicken, Preserves, Jellie, Jam, Sweet Crackers, Soda Crackers, Choice Butter. Everything pure, fresh, sea sonable and appetizing. Southern Grocery Co. BOTH PHONES 136 with Miss Corine Windham. They spent a very pleasant day and a deli- j cious dinner^was served. In (he after noon a stroll was taken in the grove ratermelons were enjoyed, j Misses Harper and Wall will return J to their homes on Sixth and Seventh j street Wednesday. I I and nice Miss Willemena Magee, from Win gate, is the attractive guest of Mrs. H. H. Warren, at her lovely home on Southern avenue. i I Miss Janie McQueen, who has he the charming guest of Miss Ligon Smith, returned to her home in Ala -1 liama yesterday. .;. .;. The Bay Street Presbyterian Sun day school'will have their annual pic nic out at Mammoth Springs tomor row. 4 Mrs. J. Frank Smith is entertaining the Ladies' Aid of the Fifth Avenue Baptist, Church this afternoon. Mrs. C. F. Larson will leave this week for MeComb City, where she goes to spend several weeks. Mr F. F Simmons was called to Lake Saturday on account of the ill ness of his father. .;. Mrs. F. F. Phillips, ten, leave tomorrow for Harpersvllle to spend a while. vith the clilld I Mr. R. A. Beall spent the day Mammoth Springs yesterday. at Mrs. R. N. Collins is expected to re- t uru from New Orleans today. Mr. Will Pool transacted business in New Orleans Friday'. .;. .;. .;. Mr. M. J. Epley returned last night from New Orleans. .;. * •> Mr. and Mrs. Bixler spent Sunday at Rawls Springs. LAUREL LOCAL AND SOCIAL NEWS Daily News Special. Laurel, Miss.. June 28.—Jim McDuf fie has returned from New York. He j will spend the summer at the Hutto j Hotel. Miss Kate Hill of Elllsville, spent Monday in Laurel, the guest of friends. Tom Clark, of Hattiesburg, spent Tuesday in Laurel. Dr. Feather made a business trip to Elllsville Tuesday. Col. C. R.' Shannon has returned from Hattiesburg. Ben Fridge, of Elllsville, spent Sun day in Laurel. S r S. Vaught spent Sunday in New ton. Miss Mattie McIntosh, of Hatties burg, is the charming gueBt of'Ydl Julia Hutto. Miss Kate Kelley has relumed home after spending several days with Me ridian friends. Miss Bessie Haney has returned to her home in Hattiesburg, after spend ing several days with Laurel friends. A. A. Edwards has returned from Chicago, where he went as a delegate to the Republican convention. Miss Helen Dorsey has returned > from Louisiana where she visited friends for two weeks. Dr. E. Dill, a prominent physician and candidal e for mayor of Hatties burg, was in Laurel this week. Miss Pearl Rhyne gave her young lady friends a ride Monday afternoon. Those who attended were: Harriet and Francis Perkins, Libby Bridges, Annis Halsel!., of Laurel, and Miss Clara Walton, of Meridian. Af ter the ride delightful refreshments were served. Miss Anna Cook is on the sicq list. Miss .1. E. Adams is spending the summer with her mother out west. Miss Clara Lee Bingham, of New ton, is spending the week with Mrs. W. McLauren. Mr. J. C. Coats has returned from a large fishing trip. Mrs. Dr. E. Dill has returned to her home in Hattiesburg after spending a few days with Laurel friends. Mr. Geo. Cook, of Richton, spent the past week with home folks. Meade Easterling, of • Hattiesburg, was a Laurel visitor this week. Missed STflRF NFWS III UHL llLvTU FOR TUESDAY "Winter Coal at Summer Prices" is the attractive argument used by the Hattiesburg Ice and Coal Company, in .an ad in today's News, to Induce users of coal to make their purchases now for next winter. j j J j I —O— XeeHy's Tuesday specials comprise three seasonable offerings. For the I ladies, 18 to 27 inch embroideries, worth 75c and $1.00 are offered tomor row for 49c, and spring suitings, worth 25 cents for 18 cents. For the men. $3.00 straw hats for $1.65 is the offering. —O— Only four days and a half more of Coplon's big Fourth cf July sale re main. The store will be closed Satur i day and special bargains for that day will be put on Friday night until 11 I o'clock. In sweltering weather like this hot meals in the evening are an abomina tion to housewives. The Southern Grocery Company in an ad in today's vav to avoid News suggests a^ood the hot meal nuisance. Attractive changes of program will he made tonight at both of Hatties burg theaters. TWO KILLED DUNG WEEK Jackson, Jm.o -29.—The folic win ; two telegrams, received Saturday by the Railroad Contui'.sslon from Supt M. D. Foil y of J o Mississippi Ce.t rvl'ond who.,' lord quarters ur-' at I Hattiesburg, are seif explanatory, and show that that itau Is beginning to make a record for i.ulf: Steve Forte,' an Italian laborer en gaged in construction work on the Natchez & Eastern Railroad, fell in between the cars and iyas run over near Roxie. sustaining injuries wfrich proved fatal." . "Alex Graham, white, stealing a ride from Silver Creek to,Hattiesburg on local gfrieght U'aiti, fell in between the cars near Carson and was killed. WANTED—Ten hustling hoys to sell the Daily News eveVy afternoon. Ask for the Circulation Manager. FOR RENT—A few good 5 room houses from $5.0) to $10.00 per month. 'Phone 666. M. J. Epley. I WANT to buy for cash !0 good ne gro houses M. J. Epley f. L • POSITIONS FURNISHED! EMPLOYEES SECURED! (Watch thisi space! Each day, in the same position in this paper, we will publish vacancies which we have on hand. If you can fill any one of these places read the following description of our methods and address promptly, ALWAYS forwarding stamped envelope for reply and whatever letters of recommendation which you may have.) u We Have Openings at the Present Time for the Following: Dressed .Lumber Grader. 5 White Loborers. 1 Combination circular arid gang saw filer. 1 Grader (white) behind planing machine. Must be thoroughly familiar with grades covering flooring, ceiling, etc., etc. 2 Carriage Men (Doggers.) 1 Male Stenographer. 1 Sawyer (circular rig.) 15 Colored laborers, (with or without fami lies. Houses furnished free of charge.) 2 Lumber Markers in small mills. ■ OUR OBJECT—It is our object to secure efficient and reliable employees at no expense to employer and at but small cost to applicant. If we send employee to fill position in the office or at the plant of one of our patrons, it is with the assurance that he is fully qualified to discharge the duties satisfactorily. Every applicant s ability and character are carefully investigated before he is given a position. OUK CHARGES: NO FEES WHATEVER ARE CHARGED IN ADVANCE. If party desiring position is placed we charge him a fee (payable, if desired, after going to work) equivalent to ten per cent of his month s wages—i. e., for a $60.00 per month place we charge $6.00, for a $75.00 place $7.50, etc., etc. I *we are unable to place party desiring position, no expense has been incurred by him. NOTICE TO EMPLOYERS:—We have, at all times, the names of a large number of applicants on file and in position to supply you with office men, salesmen, buyers, commissary employees, skilled mechanics, laborers, etc., etc. Write us for particulars. If : 1 r Mississippi Pine Association EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Rooms 201-2 First National Bank Bldg. Hattiesburg, Mississippi. (In answering above advertisement please mention The Hattiesburg Daily News.) J SOME FINE GAMES BEING ARRANGED FOR LOCAL TEAM Hattiesburg Nine to Play Columbia, Laurel and Gulfport, Two Latter on Local Diamond. The Hattiesburg baseball team is ] going to see to it that the city sees some fine ball playing. Capt. Jake Fabacher. the manager, states that another game will be played on the local diamond with Lau rel on Friday of this week. These two teams are pretty evenly matched as was slTown by the game in this city | when Hattiesburg won by one score j and by the game at Laurel Saturday i when the score stood: Hattiesburg 8, Laurel 9, thus making honors evejy. The game Friday will decide the best two out of three. that lias been coached by Manager Gilks and the hoys from Gulfport may j be exiiected to give a good account of themselves, hut the Hattiesburg I Tomorrow and next day (Tuesday and Wednesday) the Hattiesburg team will be in Columbia for two games and it is said that the Columbians have some good players. The most interesting thing in ball dom. however; is the arrangement that has been made by Manager Fabacher to play Gulfport a series of three games on the local diamond July 6, 7 and 8. Tills will noi be the Gulfport League team, but it will he a team ; r Sporting Calendar For Coming IVeek J New York. June 29.—Important sporting. events on the calendar for this week include tirt fol'owing: Today. Endurance and reliability contest of Federation of American Motorcyclists begins. Middle States tennis championship begins at Orange. N. J., Tennis glub. Tennessee State tennis champion ship begins at Knoxville, Tenn. Open championship of Royitl Mont real Gulf Club begins at Montreal. , Wednesday. California, Slate tennis champion ship begins at San Francisco. Federation of American Motorcy clists' begins annual meeting at New York. Thursday. Balloon contests of the Chicag# Aerotiantic Club at Chicago. Amateur championships of Royal Montreal Golf Club begins. Friday. Great Western harness racing cir cuit opens season at Peoria, 111. Saturday. Joe Gans vs Battling Nelson, forty five rounds at San Francisco. Packy McFarladn vs Freddie Welch, twenty-five rounds, at Los Angeles. Yacht race for $1,000 Lipton cup under auspices of Brooklyn Yache Club. Rowing regattas at Philadelphia, Boston and Springfield, Mass. * Ottawa Beach cruise of Illinois Motor Boat Club. Motor Boat cruise on Hudson from New York to Poughkeepsie. Two hundred mile automobile race nine will not be satisfied with less than two out of the three and will be and willingly, for the local team has a lot of expenses they must meet and they are endeavoring to give Hattiesburg some good sport, while the city is out of league ball. Robert Whitfield, son of Chief Jus tice Whitfield, of Jackson, is expected to join the Hattiesburg team within a few days ago. He will play short stop. Cot Stapleton will not be with the Hattiesburg team for two weeks. He is going to play short stop for Leland, Miss., for two weeks. Charley High tower is to do (he pitching for Le land. The 1 :al team hope to have Her man Ti tter with them before long. He is n w taking a special course in Greek e.' Missi .:-ippi College, Capt. Fabacher is proud of his nine and feels sure that Hattiesburgans wi'l give tbc team their cordial sup port. better pleased to take all three. In (his connection, the hope is ex pressed that the people of the city will turn out in large numbers and will pay the 25 cents admission fee cheerfully \ of Lowell, Mass., Automobile Club. Quaker City Automobile Club racing meet at Cape May, N. J. Central tennis championship at St. Louis . Ameteur Athletic Club. Transpacific yacht race from Cali fornia to Hawaii starts from San Pe dro, Cal. SMALL BLAZE ON SATURDAY NIGHT I'he fire department was called out to Newman's quarters early Saturday night, where it was found that a small two-room building had practically been destroyed before they reached the scene. The fire was close to stacks of lumber and if the department had not thrown water on the lumber, It is prob able that a destructive fire would have occurred. ^ ❖ YOUR NEIGHBOR ♦ OUGHT TO KNOW IT. ❖ The Dally News wants your ^ ❖ opinion of Its present telegraphic 4 ❖ news service. We are trying with ♦ ❖ might and main to give the peo- ❖ ❖ pie of Hattiesburg a live dally <• ❖ newspaper, and there is nothing ♦ ❖ that will help us more than whole-' ♦ ❖ some suggestions from our sub- •> ❖ scribers. If you like the paper, ♦ 4 we'd also Hke for you to tell •> ❖ your neighbor.' ❖ ♦ HATTIESBURG DIRECTORY LEONARD L. WARD. Justicaof the Peace. m Office on Third FJoor Carter Building. Couit Dates: First and Fourth Saturdays in each month. J. C. JOHNSON WATCHMAKER, JEWELER and ENGRAVER :-: Repairin^a Specialty Moore Bros. Grocery, | I_ I Pine St. KEYES & HUMMER Meat Market We Appreciate your Patronage. Phone Us Your Order PALMER SHEET METAL WORKS Hemphill Street All kinds of Metal Work Roofing and S k y l i g h ) THE CITY PRESSING CLUB M. A, Sallis, Mgr. We give all work prompt atten tion and guarantee satisfaction. Polk Bldg. Home Phone 545 THE POLE-STOCK L'B'R CO. Yellow Pine Lumber Cumberland Phone 11 Ross Building Rooms 304-305 R. E. LEE Architect H6, 517, 518 Ross Building DOCTORS DIRECTORY H. L. FLAKE, M. D. Office Suite 210 Carter Building. Obstetrics and Diseases of Children. Office Phones Both 41, Residence Phones Both 271. JAS. E. HULETT, M. D. 215—219 Ross Building Phones: Residence No. 426, Office NO. 600. E. J. MITCHELL, DENTIST Odd Fellows Building, All Wort Guaranteed. Front Street, * * S. S, TURNER, M. D. OfficeJSuite 205 Carter Building Hours: 9 to 11 A. M., 2 to 4 P. M. Phones: Office 41*. Residence 584j BUSBY & McMULLANjH DENTISTS Office Suite 214-215-219 Ross Building Cumberland Phone 909, Home 600. S. LEWIS KNIGHT, M. D. Offlice Suite 310 Carter Buidding Office Hours: 10to 11 A.M., 8 to 4 P.M. Phones: Office Both 41 Res.