>. 3j Days of the Big Sale Now : 'Wk 7 Tie rush is still on and hundreds are profiting by the tremendous price cutting. If you wish to share in the grand distribution of High Grade s Goods at Low Grade prices, you should come here tomorrow. Delay will mean dollars lost to you. Sale positively ends Friday night at 11 o'clock. Store closed Saturday. C DCr I A I C p f)D One lot special plaid Dress Ging- CZ*% r Vyl\ hatnSygood / Oc quality , tomorrow WEDNESDAY One lot Arrow Brand Collars, 15c sellers, this day only 9c Saturday Specials for Friday Night. REMEMBER THE COUPONS. THEY ARE WORTH lO CENTS ON EACH DOLLAR PURCHASE T 10 Cut this Coupon out and present it for the I0 per cent discount at the Great 4th of July Sale. 10 Cut this Coupon out and present it for the / 0 per cent discount at the Great 4th of per per 10 per 10 per cent This Coupon is worth 10c on every Dollar purchase at S. H. COPLON, the Dry Goodsman's Big 4th of July Sale. Present one with each Dollar purchase. cent t cent cent This Coupon is worth 1 Oc on every Dollar purchase S. H. COPLON, the Dry Goodsman's Big 4th with each Dollar purchase at K of July Sale. Present one 4 P* 0 . 10 10 per per 10 per 10 per July Sale cent cent cent THE DRY GOODS MAN cent q SOCIALIST STATE The state socialist convention met in Hattiesburg yesterday and the follow were represented by ing counties about twenty-five delegates: Lauder dale, forest, Perry, Harrison, Jack - son, Jones and Hinds. A few of the delegates held proxies from other counties that were not per sonally represented. Dr. L. L. Myer, bf Meridian, pre sided yesterday as chairman, and W. A. Kqlght, of Indian Springs, was se lected secretary of the meeting.. After the appointment of a commit tee on platform, the afternoon was tak up In an Informal discussion of matters pertaining to the welfare of The members activity in en the Socialist party, were urged to renewed pushing the views held by the Social ists, and some time was taken in the discussion of the manne- In which the names of the electors of the party could be gotten on the ticket and In cidentally Secretary Power came In for some-criticism over a past griev The delegates seemed anxious ance. to hav3 representatives at the polls In order to insure a "fair c tunr" i Last night Mr. S. W. Rose, of Biloxi, made a speech at the court house on the subject of Socialism to a fairly good sized audiejice. Mr. Rose Is prob Defects of Vision ) Although slight, may cause MUCH DISCOMFORT. If ' you are suffering from a strained vision, our scien tific examination of the eyes will reveal the cause, and a pair of our rightly made and fitted lenses will give relief. F. W. Queen, Oph.D. OPTICAL SPECIALIST. * Carter building. Second Poor. * j. Mrs. Delbert H. Cleland TEACHER OF VOICE Cumberland Phone 385 107 McLeod St. i;*T RAMSEY A CO. UHKTAKKS ably the leading Socialist of the state and is considered 'the smartest man within the ranks of the party in this state. Today's Session. The Socialist state convention re sumed its session this morning and the following electors for their na tional ticket was selected: State-at-Large—M. P. Petty, Pasca goula; H. L. Gurdy, Meridian. First District—C. Y. Johnson, Ma rietta. Second District—David Kersh, Bran don. Third District—W. M. Broadways Lexington. « Fourth Djstrlct—G. W. Purcell, Hat tiesburg. Fifth District—C. W. Smith, Me ridian. Sixth District—Z. T. Riggs, Biloxi. Seventh District—C. F. Myers, Hat tiesburg. Eighth District—J. D. Lester, Jack son. The following telegram was received from the National Secretary: # * . Chicago, June 29. Summer W. Rose, Hattiesburg, Miss. Congratulations to the Socialists in convention. Capitalist Incompetency demands working class rule. J. MAHLON BARNES. The following reply was sent by the state secretary: Hattiesburg, June 30. I, Mahlon Barnes, Chicago. Socialists of the state ot Mississippi in convention assembled, send greet ings to the national committee, and promise to strike every blow possible towards the freedom of the laboring W. A. KNIGHT, s Secretary. A platform, somewhat after the us ual Socialistic deliverance, was adopted, in which Che Democrats and Republicans were alike scored as the promoters of trusts and combines, and promising relief from these whenever the Socialist party succeeds to power. class. LARGE CROWD WENT ON THE EXCURSION The excursion to Natchez which left thlB morning carried quite a large number of people from this city, among them a number of' business men. The excursion will make all the reg ular stops and will no doubt take on a large number of people, especially at Brookhaven. It Is said that the Natchez people have made great preparations for this excursion and that several thousand dollars will be expended. In the way of affording entertainment tonight. Everybody reads News' Want Ads. cut CAMPAIGN BEBINNINO TO AHRACT MORE ATTENTION The campaign for city offices is be ginning to warm up and it may be safely expected that there will be something doing fcom now until the polls close. The button-hole stage of the cam paign has been reached and it is noth ing uncommon now to see the genial candidate take a man to one side and tell him just how it is and just why he should be elected to office. In addition to this, most of the candi dates are keeping tab on the poll books and a visit to the city clerk's office r'lllT n Iin T'nimiT ilir'iTT' i GUN CLUB-TOURNAMENT rnD tuc rmiimi nr TIIH I nr rill II I n lir II || I ! ■ Ull I Ili^ 1 Uvll 1 ■■ Ul W Ct li I The annual shoot of the Millionaires' Gun Club will take place at the trap grounds on the Hemphill farm on the evening of July 4, and an attractive .list of prizes have been arranged. The public Is Invited to witness the sport and It is expected that a large number will avail themselves of the opportunity. These are some of the e^nts: 20 targets Entrance $1.25 20 targets Entrance 1.25 20 targets Entrance 1.25, 20 targets Entrance 1.25 20 targets Entrance 1.25 20 targets Entrance 1.26 Event 1 Ev.ent 2 Event 3 Event \ Event 5 Event 6 Event 7 Merchandise Entrance .25 Events 1 to 6, 80 per cenL of en trance money will be returned to participants, dividing, 40, 30, 20 and 10.per cent. Event 7. Libera) prizes for fills' event have been offered by the fal lowing merchants: W & o* / o' A* «° V / A* Jf . f od grate coal in any quantity. A. L. Hodges. Home 'phone S04 and : Telephone. FOR SALE—One of the 1 est home* on North Main street, at a bargain, good term*. M. J. Epley, 'phone 666 . FOR SALE—20,000 yards fluent screened gravel. G. C. Roh.-itsoa, second floor. Carter build i.g a24tt FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front room, close in, all convenience*. Both phones 300, or Home phono 517 blue. jun29 ft LO&T AND FOUND. MISCELLANEOUS. June3 at WANTED—To craie your furniture <>■ short notice. Ring Cumb phone No. jun24 5t 254. WANTED—To buy or rent Lnderwoo# typewriter in good condition. CaH Cumberland 904 or Home 30. * j WANTED—Italian lumber stackers te v contract 25 M per day. Apply at Richbuig, Miss. WANTED—One copy of the Daily News of Saturday, June 20 and five copies of Monday, June 29. Both i»- J sues were sold out and the office JB files are eoi»fequently incomplete.— ^ . . . , ... WANTED—Everybody to know that 3a „ „ , . , , , _. , „ S. Parker has moved his Bicycle Re- ,a „. . _ „,, pair Shop to Stevens Building, next a | door , o Merchan(B Qr Company. J | Wheelg for ren( whoo , B for satat j ... . . , „ _ §£■ Phone us for wheels. Home Phone — ^ WANTED—All bicycle riders to know ' that we are going to run a bicycle picnic to Rawls Springs all day July | 4. S. Parker, East Pine street.