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REMEMBER THE SPECIAL BARGAINS TONIGHT AT > 7 cent Calico, special for to night . $8.00 Panama Hats will go tonight for $1 Mosquito Bars, 72x90 inches - - - - - 1.25 Straw Hats will go for. $4.98 75c 3c 49c Everything Else in Proportion and Ten- Cents on Every Dollar Refunded for Coupons t Tonight ft NEW GEM THEATRE i : : Manag-r EDGAR N. HIRSCH : : A Complicated Duel. Fire! I'ire!! Illustrated Song and the latest mu sic bv the Gem Orchestra. 2 . j. Tomorrow, Saturday July 4th The Gem Theater Will Be Open All Day Presenting the Great Dramatic Tragedy A Madman's Crime AND A COMEDY "Who Stole the Sausage?" SPECIALTIES: ! atriotic Music by Orchestra. Patriotic Illustrated Songs. 4 y 3. ALL FOl* v 5 < TX. P- & - Owi to the large crowd $ Vtsil np the Gem Theatre m.'htly, it is advirahlr for •arenls to send their childi r to the Matinees, which are given dally. Nurst . admitted " :<l '. .'u/eri. if it>. : - being well at'.ended, large GREAT INTEREST IN THE REVIVAL ! j The protracted meeting which Is being held at the Broad Street Metho diet Church by the pastor. Rev. E. W. .Lipsc congregations being present at each service. Mr. Lipscomb has been preaching largely to the church members this week realizing the fact that when he can get them and all the Christian people enlisted In the work of soul saving, a great work will he done. Your Judgment V AHaii is known CANDY he serf's^ 8r THE a gj T/A will be considered just as good if you will bring her to our store for m A »| Known the world over K . for a PURITY, ^QUALITY {FLAVOR V * MT X ' Ice Cream and Soda Water HAYS & FIELD 1 Jacops assuming the Interest of N. W. will he The congregational singing Is one ot itlie most Interesting features of the ! service, outside of the splendid ser j tuons that are being preached. The meeting will go on for some time—at least until further announce ment. j I \ day dissolved by mutual consent, John I Ball, and the said business NOTICE. The firm name of Dees & Ball is this conducted in the future under the firm name of Dees & Jacops. j This July 1, 1908 ; sell the Dally News every afternoon, jull 3wks WANTED—Ten hustling hoys to Ask for the Circulation Manager. ^EXPERT TESTIMONY SHOWS IMAGINARY PAIN AND CORE A novel point was made -yesterday In the trial of the case of Boykin vs. the Gulf and Ship Island Railroad, In which some expert medical testimony was introduced. Mr. Boykin, In the trial of the suit claimed that he was severely Injured about a year and. a half ago at Ma gee by a train of cars .being backed violently against a caboose that was on a siding and by the impact of which he received severe Injuries. Mr. Boykin claimed that he suffered great pain in the small of his back immedi ately after the jolt and ever since. Two local medical experts were in troduced who testified that tn many cases where railroad suits were brought that the pain was simply im agination, and always disappeared as soon as the suit was settled in their favor. In other words, the decision of the suit acted as an antidote to im aginary pain. The physicians stated TO PLAY GULFPORT THREE GAMES, BEGINNING MONDAY The greatest ball games „t the sea son will occur Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday when Hattii Gulfport on th< It is Ptoy diamond. Hfsldered by the Hattiesburg "Oh. that this will be the most inter series to be played here this In fact. It Is not expected that many more games will be played on the local diamond after the series season. with Gulfport, as the patronaeg does not at this time seem to warrant tt. The boys haven't been paying ex penses and it takes considerable money to keep even an amateur team going. The Hattiesburg boys play fine ball. Three of their best players are away for the present, to-wit: Stapleton, High'tower and Eaton, who are playing with the Leland team. Some additions have been made to the team that will strengthen them. The boys did not play their best article of ball yes terday. Even the finest league teams have their off days. It Is hoped that the boys will he 8 be rally patronized in the games next wee *t 80 ' hat they will he encouraged to bring other hall teams here. A baseball game to go to In the after Auditorium Electric Theatre Moving Pictures and Illustrated Songs I TONIGHT ; SPECIAL MOVING PICTURES : ''Feck's Bad Boy and His Friends" ] "Poem and Jimmie'* Belle Mason in Character Song \ tomorrow MATINEE AND NIGHT Special 4th of July Program "Mysterious Phonograph "Stop That Alarm" Both very funny. Alma Roberts will be the feature in the afternoon. V ADMISSION 5 CEx\ M this as a general rule and they thought the plaintiff in this case might be an exception as he was suffering from Bright's disease, which would produce real pain. The authority that was quoted to sustain this theory of imaginary pain and the remedy therefor, was the fam ous Dr. Osier, whose greatest notorie ty was acquired by making the sugges tion that the government ought to pro vide for easy and painless death for old and Infirm people; such as those to whom life had become a burden by reason of their helpless condition, and also that babies born In the world witli an infirmity should he legally put to death. Dr. Osier as an authority, and his cure for pain, may cut a considerable figure in court in the future, provided laymen will accept the teachings of the man as an authority. But he advances ideas that are contrary to the teach ing of both humane and divine laws. noon of jajoftg StjOimer 4« V is some worth while. DRY BANQUET AT COLUMBIA of I Daily NewB Special. Columbia, Miss., July 3.—No more happy nor more enjoyable occasion has been had in this city in many moons than was that of the annual banquet given by the Commercial Club of Columbia last night at the Pythian Castle Hall. This annual spread was given In honor of the stockholders of the Columbia Ice and Power Company, of whom there Is In terested some of Biloxi's leading cap italists and business men, in the per sons of W. K. M. Dukate, George W. Grayson. L. A. Landry, J. C. Clower,, W. M. Gorentlo and Lee Elder, super intendent of the Biloxi Ice and Power Company, who has been made the manager of the Columbia Ice and Pow er Company Covers were laid for 150. The toastmaster was N. R. Drummond. There was no wine, the toastmaster explaining its absence by saying that it was well enough to be consistent, as Columbia was a "dry" town, and the further fact that It was too close to a municipal election to encourage such a practice. FROM VICKSBURG TO HATTIESBURG An auto is coming from Vicksburg to Hattiesburg, via the country roads and may arrive this afternoon. The fol lowing special from Clinton to the Picayune tells ot the trip: Last night a tourist ' motor car passed through this place on the way 1 from Vicksburg to Hattiesburg. Par ties in Vicksburg bad sold It to parties In Hattiesburg, and they had taken a cross country trip to deliver the goods.. They expect to reach their destina tion tomorrow. FOR RENT—A few good 6 room houses from $6.0J to $$0.00 per month. 'Phone 666. M. J. Epley. FATHER DENIES THAT HIS SON TRIED TO SUICIDE -Oaily News Special. Taylorsville, Miss., July 3.—W. D. Cox, agent for the Quit and Ship Island Railroad Company at tblB place, father of the young man who was reported from Collins as having attempted sui cide, states that It is a mistake. The young man had been suffering from an injury to his kite? 1 , caused by strik ing it with the sharp edge of a hatchet some three years ago, and which has troubled him ever since. One year ago last January he submitted to an oper ation, which did not permanently re lieve the trouble, and recently he went out in the country and went to work on a farm temporarily,, which caused his leg to pain him at times very se verely, and to ease this pain he took some laudanum, and got more of the drug than he should have taken. The note found on the table had nothing to do with any love affair. Mr. Cox has just returned from a visit to his son. At a recent meeting of the direc tors of the Smith County Bank, of this place, C. R. Stringer was elected cash ier to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of W. C. Smith. The Taylorsville High Svchooi Trus tees have elects# the following teach* ers fpr-next teVm: Prof. H. W. Rey i!3ids, principal; Miss M. E. Hester, first assistant; Miss Joan Eaton, sec ond assistant; Miss Ratliff, of Acker man, primary department. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE. I, J. M. Mashburn, trustee, under the provisions of and by virtue of author ity conferred upon me In a deed of trust, made by R. T. and Sarah S. Bat son to Bank of Bond, on the 21st day of March, 1907, to secure a certain in debtedness to the said Bank of Bond, I will, on the 20th day of July, 1908, offer for sale, and will sell at public auction for cash to the highest and J best bidder, at New Augusta, Miss., during the legal hours the following described land to-wit: E. 1-2 of N. W. 1-4 and N. 1-* of S. W. 1-4, section 27, township 1 north range 13 west, Perry County, Missis sippi. This June 26, 1908 J. M. MASHBURN. Trustee. Jul 3 3t fri. AMUSEMENTS Attractions Tonight. New Gem—Moving Pictures: "A Complicated Duel," and "Fire, Fire." f Illustrated song. Auditorium — Moving Pictures: "Peck's Bad Boy and His Friends," and a special feature; Poem and Jim mie Belle Mason in character songs. Attractions Saturday. New Gem—Moving Pictures: "A Madman's Crime," and "Who Stole the Sausage." Illustrated song and patriotic music by the orchestra. auditorium—Special Fourth of July program. Moving Pictures: "The Mys terious Phonograph," qpd "Stop That Alarm," Matinee and evening per formances. Alma Roberts will be the feature of the evening. 1 4. THE MARKETS CHICAGO GRAIN. . Hearst News Service. Chicago. July 3.—The cessation of rain In Kansas caused declines in the prices of wheat. Following are the opening prices of grain today: Wheat, July, 86 -8086 1-2; corn, July, 711-8® 71 l-4c; oats, September, 40 3-8c; pork, September, $15.10; lard, September, $9.40; ribs, September, $8.60. 2 Ready F or Business The Hattiesburg Foundry Company has installed and has now in operation a complete Foundry for the casting of Gray Iron or Brass in both rough and finished. All Work First - Class •flNothing is too big or too difficult for us in Foundry Work. All kinds of Mill Work solicited and all orders receive prompt attention. Broken-down jobs a specialty. GOOD AND QUICK WORK Hattiesburg' Foundry Company A. BUZZE1.L. J. P. HACKNEY *--T WANIS FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Good grate and stove coal In any quantity. A. L. Hodges. Home 'phone 804. Telephone, FOR SALE—One of the best homes on North Mafn street, at a bargain, good terms. M. J. Epley, 'phone 660. F20 FOR BALE!—20,000 yards finest screened gravel. G. C. Robertson, second floor, Carter bulldiug. &24tf WANTED—To sell or rent one Holst eng Engine. J. C. Alexander, 206 Jackson stret, Hattiesburg, Miss, jul 2 lOt FOR RENT. sues were sold out and the office files are consequently incomplete. FOR SALE—One fine milch cow. Ap ply 435 Newman street. Jul3 6t FOR 8ALE—Eleven (11) second hand revolvers. Jones Repair Works. 124 Railroad st. jul 3 6t - DOCTORS DIRECTORY H. L. FLAKE, M. D. Office Suite 210 Carter Building. Obstetrics and Diseases of Children. * Office Phones Both 41. Residence Phones Both 271. JAS. E. HULETT, M. D. - 215—219 Ross Building Phones: Residence No. 426, Office No. 600. E. J. MITCHELL. DENTIST Odd Fellows Building, 411 Work Guaranteed. Front Street. S. S. TURNER. M. D OfficeJSuite 206 Carter Building Hours: 9 to 11 A. M., 2 to 4 P. M. Phones: Office 41. Residence 584. BUSBY & McMULLAN, DENTISTS Office -Suite 214-216-219 Ross Building Cumberland Phone 909, Home 600. S. LEWIS KNIGHT, M. D. Office Suite 310 Carter Buidding Office Hours: 10 to 11A 15., 3 to « P.|M. Phones: Office P,Ui 41 Res. Both 701 WANTED—One copy of the Daily News cf Saturday, June 20 and five copies of Monday, June 29. Both Is MISCELLANEOUS. $2,500 te loan on Improved city prop erty in sums of $500 or more. Thos. M. Ferguson. Jun*3 at WANTED—To buy or rent Underwood typewriter in good condition. Call^A Cumberland 904 or Home 30. WANTED—Italian lumber stackers to contract 25 M per day. Apply at Richburg, Miss. WANTED—To crate your furniture on Short notice. Ring Cumb phone Jull lmo 254. LOOT AND FOUND. LOST—Between National Bank of Commerce and Mississippi Central general office, by a lady, $30 In bills. Finder will be liberally rewarded by returning same to the Dally News office. HATTIESBURG DIRECTORY LEONARD L. WARD. Justice of the Fea.:e, Office on ThYrd Floor Carter Building. Court Dates: First and Fourth Saturdays In eaefi month. $ -X J. C. JOHNSON WATCHMAKER, JEWELER and ENGRAVER * Repairing a Specialty Moore Bros. Grocery, KEYES & HUMMER ' Meat Market We Appreciate your Patronage. Prone Us Your Order PALMER SHEET METAL WORKS Hemphill Street All kinds of Metal Work Roofing and Skylights Pine St. THE CITY PRESSING CLUB M. A. Sallis, Mgr. We give all work prompt, atten tion and guarantee satisfdctiflil Polk Bldg. Home Phone x THE POLE-STOCK L'B'R CO. Yellow Pine Lumber Cumberland Phone 11 Koss Building Rooms 304-305 R. E. LEE Architect 616, 517, 518 Roas Building .