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r2 The Social Side t Cumberland Phone No. 429. ' THE BATTLEFIELD. f A mother's heart is a battlefield, A mother's heart is a nest Where love leans down with snowy shield And lips that sing to rest, A mother's heart is the plain where meet r Through all her days of life The legions of the childhood feet, The glittering ghosts of strife. A mother's heart is a field of war Where none may know, may see, The wounds that bleed, the guns that roar, The anguish hours that be, A mother's heart is a battle's home, But, oh, so few have knelt ^JVith her where shadows fill gloam, Have felt what she has felt! A mother's heart Is a warfare's realm, In it, unseen of time, Rage the grim wars that overwhelm But for her faith sublime. A mother's heart is where she hides So much she never tells. So much that in her bouI abides And conquering lovehood quells. the ; A mother's heart—oh, sacred place, Oh, templed fane, how fair To kneel beside its shrine of grace, T'o kneel aud«worship there! A mother s heart is calm retreat, Is rest and love and song, And round It, oh, how tender-sweet The shades of memory throng! —Selected. from Newport: The following Is "Saturday.—Officers of the army and residents summer navy and many Joined at the naval torpedo station this afternoon in welcoming Lieut Comman der and Mrs. Mark L. Bristol, who re The reception cently arrived here. given by the officers of the sta was tion and their wives, and it proved The naval band to he delightful, played on the lawn in front of the cot tages where the large party assem bled. Those receiving were Lieuten ant Commander and Mrs. Thomas J. Senn, Lieutenant Commander and Mrs. E, S. Kellogg, Lieut, and Mrs. Austin Kautz, Lieut, and Mrs. J. V. Babcock, Surgeon and Mrs. Lewis Morris and Paymaster and Mrs. Joseph Fyffe. Mrs. Bristol was formerly Mrs. Helen Moore Thomas, of Mobile, and has a host of friends in this city. ❖ •> ❖ Miss Hickman Entertains— An interesting event and one that brightened social life in flattiesburg was the delightful entertainment'given by Miss Hessle Hickman Monday night complimentary to Miss Helen Thomas The home was beautifully dec son. orated for the occasion with a profu sion of daisies and American beauty Punch was served by Mrs. roses. Pearl Mars, of Meridian, and Mr. Don A delicious ice course with Cassil. cake was served by Floyd Thomasson and Harry Hickman. A very interest WHAT'S THE USE OF COOKING so much during the hot weatherKJEverything needed for a dainty, satisfying meal be secuied here, ready cooked and requiring only a little heating, can 4 Canned Excellence Describes Our Can i ned Goods. . . Southern Grocery Co. The Pare Food Grocery. - BOTH PHONES 136 i ing and unique feature of the entertain ment were the masks worn by each guest, and a guessing contest followed which afforded amusement for all. Those enjoying the delightful evening with Miss Hiekman were: Misses Helen Thomasson, the honoree, Olive Powe, Mary Hightower, Myrtle Byrd, Clara Cadenhead, May Haney and George and Gabe Hawkins, Angus Mc Leod, Erskin Ross, Howard Major, Curran Sullivan, Lewie Howard, Floyd Thomasson and Harry Hickman. ❖ ❖ ❖ Six O'clock Dinner— Mrs. H. S. Stevens entertained at 6 o'clock dinner yesterday, in honor of Miss Lula Stevens, of Mobile, Ala. A most delicious dinner was served and was very highly enjoyed by all present. Mrs. Stevens at all times a charming hostess, surpassed herself in her pleas ant duties on this happy occasion. Among those present were Misses Olive Powe, Mary Hightower, Hossie Hickman, Bessie Cook, Annette Cook Lula Stevens and Frances Ferguson. ❖ ❖ ❖ A» very pleasant party composed of the bridge whist members went to Rawls Springs yesterday and spent the day most delightfully. Bridge whist was played throughout the day and an elegant dinner charmingly " served. Those enjoying the pleasant day were Mmes. Stephen Burr, L. L. Major, W. W. Crawford, A. F. Thomasson, B. D. Moore, Cassil, Holliman, Morford, W. Rich, M. Rowan, Dunn, Kennan and Alice Webb. <* A The installation of officers of the Odd Fellows and Rebekah Lodges, last evening were beautiful and impressive. Despite thd inclement weather quite a large crowd gathered at this delight ful affair. The program presented was | splendid and the menu served was de licious as well as faultless. This love ] ly occasion is one that will ever fond ly dwell in the memory of all the hap py jrarticipants. J A beautiful liftle baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Shoemaker this morning. We extend our congratulations, and wish the wee, winsome little maiden may .have a life all fair, smiling and cloudless, and the sunshine of love and peace brighten with its golden glow her pathway that may ever be flower bordered and beau tiful. * «c* •> •> ❖ * The W. C. T. U. will give a recep tion at the residence of Rev. and Mrs. I. P. Trotter Friday evening from 8 to 11 A nice musical program .has been arranged together with a beauti ful flower drill by the little children of the Loyal Temperance Legion, are cordially invited to attend. No admission fee will be charged. AM ❖ ♦ * Mrs. H. C. Mitchell and Miss Mar tha Mitchell, of Atlanta, Ga., who have been visiting the family of W. G. Mitchell on Bay street, left yesterday for New Orleans, where they expect to spend a few days before going to Lake Ontario for the summer. * ❖ * Mrs. Charles McNeil and interesting children, of Columbia, S. C., who' have children, of Columbia, S. C., who' have been visiting Mrs. McNeil's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Dobbins, will leave Saturday for their home. ♦ ♦ « Mrs. O. E. Fairex and little grand daughter, Lorance Champenois, of New Orleans, are the guests of the for mer's son, Mr. Isaac Champenois, on Walnut street. - ❖ ❖ ❖ Mrs. J. F. Kinard will entertain a number of her friends this evening at her pretty home on Laurel street, in honor of her guest, Miss Nannie Kin ard. ❖ ❖ * Miss Nannie Kinard, one of Me ung ladies, uest of her ridiart's most charming mm is visiting In this city, •SSj'g brother, Mr. J. F. and C. P. Kinard. ♦ ♦ ♦ Myra Chapter, No. 20, O. E. S., H meet at the Masonic hall tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. All members re quested to be present. ❖ ♦ « Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Arrington are the proud parents of a fine baby girl, which arrived at their home on Laurel street several days ago. ♦ ♦. ♦ Mrs. Virgil Jones, who has been quite ill for several weeks, is Im proving. ' * ♦ j» Mr. G. W. McGowan is transacting business in Silver Creek today. ♦ ♦ ♦ Hotel Hattiesburg arrivals: H. E. Weiss, New Orleans; C. G. Pope, Jack son; W. E. Eddins. Slidell, La.; O. H. Hitchcock, Montgomery, Ala.; E. F. Cherenat, New Orleans; Arsen Cohen, Nashville, Tenn.; J. N. Hedesl, New York; C. D. Little; Clyde, Miss.; A. E. Dixon, Chicago; T. J. Porteous, New Orleans; A. A. Klinger, New Orleans; J. C. Davidson, Gulfport; W. F. Spann, Jackson; George E. Jackson, New Or leans. ❖ <• •> Mrs. Grace Christian, who has been In New Orleans for several weeks at tending the Tulane normal, will arrive home tomorrow. > ❖ * Mrs. T. D. Woodruff and the children returned home last night after a pleas ant stay of two weeks in Crystal Springs. Mr. J. W. Cowart, of Pearlington, is here visiting his sisters, Mrs. P. H. Sadler and Misses Ida and Lydia Cowart. « * ❖ Mrs. E. E. Benson, of Dickerson, Tex., is visiting her brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Sadler, 1001 River avenue. * ❖ * Mrs. Belle and little Marguerite, on Third street, left yesterday for Kos ciusko, where they go to spend a month. •> * * Miss Alma Logan an attractive young lady of this city left yesterday for Hickory to spend a while with her sister. ❖ * * W. F. Winzell, representing the Liquid Carbonic Soda Fountain Com pany, is transacting business in the city.' •> ••• * 1 * Mr. J. F. and C. P. Kinard returned Tuesday from Meridian, where they spent several days with their parents. ❖ ❖ ❖ Miss Kate Williams, who has been attending the Tulane normal at New Orleans, is expected home tomorrow. •> ♦> Miss Mamie Fairley is reported quite ill. This will be sad news to the many friends of this popular young lady, in a few days for Birmingham, where | they will visit relatives and friends, ] "' Miss Louise McCauly, of Philadel phia, Miss., is the atttactive guest of Mrs. T. F. Hall on Walnut street, •> •> ❖ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fulton will leave <* •> ❖ •> *5* Mr. George Hemeter, of Seminary, with his little daughter, Leo, are guests of Mr. D. R. Hemeter. Mrs. C. E. Dolfus returned yester day from a pleasant visit of ten days to relatives in Monroe, La. <• •> Miss Mabel Greer left yesterday for .Lynchburg, Va., where she will be a guest at a house party. Mrs. M. D. King and her two win some little children left this morning for a visit to Meridian. •> * ■» Mrs. Jim Wall will leave In a few days for Tremont, La., where she will reside In the future. ❖ ❖ Mr. W. R. Patrick has returned from an extended business trip to points in Georgia. * « ❖ * Mrs. H. M. Cox left yesterday for a visit to her old home in Florida. ❖ ❖ ❖ Mrs. H. M. Hanna and little son Verna are visiting in Arkansas. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. W. W. Massengale is spending the day out at Rawls Springs. ,♦ ❖ ❖ Mr. J. F. Love spent yesterday at Lumberton. TRAVELING MEN OF THREE STATES - HOLDING MEETING Hearst News Service. Paducah, Ky., July 9.—"Drummers'' of three states, members of the Ken tucky-Tennessee-Misslsslppl Traveling Men's Association, augmented by a considerable delegation from-Illinois, today took Paducah by storm. The registration of guests occupied the day. The grand parade will be held tomor row, and will he followed by several sporting events, including a regatta on the Tennessee river. Ths business session will be held Saturday. WANTED—Ten hustling -boys to sell the Dally News every afternoon. Ask for the Circulation Manager. None but the bi.tve deserve the rail-, for It takes a hero to pay their bills. Don't expect the preacher to "make good" for the entire congregation. PUBLIC INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS BY ODD FELLOWS Notwithstanding the rain last night there was a good attendance at the public Installation of the Odd Fel lows fraternity last night. Many who had been furnished tickets and who expected to be present did not attend mated that fully 225 ladies and gen mated that fully 22 ladies and gen tlemen were present. The initiatory ceremonies were con ducted by Grand Officers H. Katz, W. J. Force, L. M. Williams, L. Caplan and Mrs. W. J. York. They installed the new officers. The welcome address was eloquently delivered by Hon. W. S. Pierce. The music for the occasion was fur nished by the Hattiesburg orchestra. The following officers were stalled: MAY VISIT HATTIESBURG The Jackson business men are fig- [ uring on coming to Hattiesburg about the first of September. The new secretary of the Board of Trade of the capitol city believes in excursions and he has recommended that the business men take a trip over the A. & V. to Newton, thence down the M. J. & K. C. to Hattiesburg and from Hattiesburg to Brookhaven, then back to Jackson. It is not stated that the members of the Jackson Board of Trade agreed BIG NEW BATTLESHIP Washington, July 9.—Work gn the 20,000 ton battleship Florida to be new built at the New York navy yard, prob ably will be begun about the middle of | The plans will be simi the summer. lar to those of the two ships no building, the North Dakota at Quincy, j Mass., and the Delaware at Newport j 1 News, Va. The Florida will be slightly longer j ! BAB ODORS FROM S1REE1 PONDS CAUSE SICKNESS If there is one place in the city that needs attention more than another by the street force, it appears to be on of Manning avenue, at the cross the M. J. & K. C. railroad. Itjgf r ' e of the worst ponds in the when it is about dry during '''.couth it is said there is a had odor. This morn ing there is a big pond of water at this place and a glance at it shows that it needs attention. The right-of-way of the railroad com takes in part of this pond and it be that the company should put in At least something should citizens say there have . .on pany may a drain. be done as been five deaths within a block and a half of this and another pond during the last three months. It is said that three cases of typhoid there are now fever in the neighborhood. On Arledge street, between the rail road and the college, 'there Is another __ OF MIMS CONGRESS Hearst News Service. 9 .—At the recent In ternational Miners' Congress almost all the delegates were in favor of the A German Paris, July nationalization of mines, delegate, Herr Janscheck, qpinted out that the idea was not confined to the workers. In Germany it had been taken up by the government with the object of breaking the power of the industrial syndicates. He cited i^ I Encampment—A. F. James, C. P.; Wm. Busby, H. F.; George Morrow,^ S. W.; H. H. Orr, J. W. Rebekahs—Miss Ida Cowart, N. G.; Mrs. A. T. Preston, V. G. * ■ Subordinate Lodge—Wm. Busby, N. G.; L. Caplan, V. G. After the exercises refreshments were served. The refreshments committee was: Mrs. W. J. York, Mrs. A. T. Preston and Mrs. Bolton. Reception Committee—Miss Cowart, Mrs. McGregor, and Mrs. Chas. James. All who attended enjoyed a most de lightful evening. Among the visitors were Messrs. Chas. Reiter, of Vicksburg, and Mr. in-(Barr, of Meridian, members of the Lodge. Ida to the proposition, but the secretary undoubtedly outlined a good trip. Hat tiesburg will give them a hearty wel come and "show them a good time" should they come to this city. They will be shown through the finest city of the state and when they begin to look at our sky-scrapers, they wonder in what big city they have alighted. Should the Jacksonians make the trip they may be assured in advance of a hearty welcome to the Magic | City. vill than either of these battleships ami will be fitted as a flagship. While the board of const ruction has not decided definitely on the type of engines fot the Florida she 'equipped with Parsons' turbines. !i. will probably T!n North Dakota, building at Quincy, have Curtis turbines, the Delaware un-1 Newport News, will have reciprocating engines. will 1 ilor construction at bad place where the water stands con- | tinually and the odor is bound to pro duce sickness, based on what the peo pie near-by say. It would be a good idea for the alder in that ward to investigate this men matter and see if something can be done. REVIVAL MEETING AT BROAD STREET The present week has been a time of great success In the revival meet Broad Street Methodist Church'. Large crowds, splendid sing ing, and a deep and general interest have marked the services. There will be preaching tonight at 8 o'clock, and the meeting will continue through Sun A cordial invita ing at day night at least, tion Is exten ded to all. stances where mine-owners had de clared dividends of 45 per cent., and even 500 per cent. gate, M. Choquet, advocated national ization as a means of lessening the number of accidents in mines. NEW JAIL TO BE ON OLD SITE The French dele Yesterday afternoon, the board of supervisor# passed, or .rather reaf firmed an order of the old board, locat ing the new county jail on the ex act spot where the present one staqds. It is possible that the board will ar range to have the prisoners cared for at the county farm until the new jail ia built. • The former board fixed the location and the present board saw no reason for making a change. ft TONIGHT Edgar N. Hirsch, Manager A Scream! A Laugh! A show that keeps you laughing-, In a place that keeps you cool. A Family of Cats. The Arabian Dagger. MISS ROSA PELLMAN All for 5 cents ILLUSTRATED SONG BY . . . ! P. S.—Owing to the large crowds visiting the Gem Theater, nightly it is advisable for parents to send their children to the matinee which are iven daily, 4 to 6. Nurses admitted with children. v i r. The Enterprise Electric Company ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Supplies of All Kinds Kept in Stock REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY AG ENTS FOR WESTINGHOUSE FANS 118 West Pine £ Home Phone 80 V | 1 j •ice. , 'Atlantic City, July 9.—Leaders in or the restoration of Hearst News S> | i he movemei Palestine to the Jewish people are { gathering in Atlantic City from all, parts of this country, Canada and Mex Formal opening of the conven Federation of American too. j tion of the ! Zionists will take place tomorrow and the sessions will continue for six days. The National Brotherhood of Opera tive Potters will also begin its conven tion in Atlantic City tomorrow. MANY BIG SHIPS CARRYING OREf | Hearst News Service. Pittsburg, July 9—With the excep tion of twelve whaleback ships belong ing^ the Pittsburg Steamship Coni WANTS Do you want to buy, sell of exchange anything? It doesn't matter what 1 turning to the Daily News want columns any day, you will be sute to find seller, or some one with whom you can make a trade. Advertisements placi this heading fot ONE CENT A WORD. Count the words and send the c - \ FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Good grate and stove coal in any quantity. A. L. Hodges, Home 'phone 804. Telephone, FOR SALE!—One of the test homes on North Main street, at a bargain, good terms. M J. Epley, phone m 6ee. FOR RENT. FOR SALE—One fine milch cow. Ap ju!3 6t ply 435 Newman street. FOR SALE—Eleven (11) second Jones Repair jul 3 6t hand revolvers. Works, 124 Railroad st. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED—A young lady desires a po sition as clerk in store or office girl, can furnish references if necessary. Address "Anxious," care Dally NewB. jul 6 3t ; . - pany all that compan; are now in commission carry! 109 stei not 1 m c»j a'inj * ^ for some time, if at all. this year. may Auditorium Electric Thea Moving Pictures t Illustrated Son< t< )xk;h ri •w : Moving Pictures: "Letters in Sand." a very funny picture. Illustrated song. Exposition, showing life-1 j ADMISSION 5 CENTS r.c are "Dear Old Girl." tag: j ! WHEN YOU WANT A HACK I PHONE McDaniel's Hack Exchange Baggage Delivery PROMPT SERVICE A BOTH PHONES 72 213 Front St. Snyder's Restaurant WANTED—Two good solii travel. Call 647 Main strer WANTED—Sewing by day or piece. Miss Annette Hall, 109 Short Bay street. $2,500 to loan on improved city prop ertj in sums of $500 or more. TIunl M. Ferguson. June! at WANTED—To buy or rent Underwool typewriter in good condition. Cal Cumberland 904 or Home 30. WANTED—Italian lumber stackers ta contract 25 M per day. Apply at Richburg, Miss. WANTED—To crate your furniture am Short notice. Ring Cumb phone Jull Ism 254. WANTED—To sell or rent one Hoi* eng Engine. J. C. Alexander, MS Jackson stret, Hattiesburg, Miss. - > ■>;