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^ -9 0 The Social Side Cumberland Phone No. 4 2 m 9. \ W. C. T. U. Reception— The hospitable home of Rev. and Mrs. I. P. Trotter was the scene last evening of a pleasant and elaborate reception given by the Woman's Chris tian Temperance Union. The cordial invitation so generously extended to ■ all tnet with a hearty response for not only were the parlors and reception hall filled to overflowing but also the broad, codl porches were lined with guests, straggling to catch a few glances of the performers through the windows. As the guests entered they we're cordially greeted at the door by Mmes. S. E Longre and T. O. Wat kins and each one given a cherry wel come as these ladles alone can do. The interesting program was faultless ly rendered, each participant in the exercises performed their respective parts with great credit. Those through whose efforts this program was made possible, are certainly to be highly congratulated upon the manner in which all acquitted themselves. Par ticularly pleading was the solo, charm ingly rendered by Miss I.ucille High tower, which always elicits a generous found of applause. The whole recep tion was Indeed a splendid success in every particular. Delightful refresh ments w<jr<j served to the entire throng assembled. But aside from any consideration of the social feat ure of the affair, the most important thing was the moral effect that such a program" must have produced upon all who heard It. The cause of tem perance, the noblest cause ever es poused by man or woman, received no i I I j | i j | I I I j j For The Sunday Dinner Telephone or bring your order to us at once and we*will do the rest. 4 Every delicacy and all the substantials needed for the Sunday Dinner may be found here. . . Southern Grocery Co. The Pure Food Grocery. BOTH PHONES 136. /5 TONIGHT Jk. Edgar N. Hirsch, Manager A show that keeps you Interested, In a place that keeps you cool. The Greatest, Grandest and Most Magnificent Production of Motion Pictures every attempted. •EAST LYNNE * 99 4 show that appeals to every educated, inteigent man and child. man, wo 1LLUSTRATED SONG: Duet by MiulRoaa Pellman and Mr: Hirsch. All for 5 cents P. S.—Owing tq the large crowds vislUng the Gem Theater, nightly It is advisable for parents to send their children to the matinee which given dally, 4 to 8, Nurses admitted with cJdMTSin—^ are little aid from the efforts-of that uoTl c organization, the W. C. T. U. in its reception last night. The greatest curse that h;ts ever been visited upon fallen humanity is the dread curse of rum. Fifty years hence when the open saloon has been relegated to the realms of histories past and the ques tion Is ahead, "What was the most powerful agency in breaking the shackles of rum from the hands of our civilization?" Truth will answer the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, and thiB reception of which we have spoken clearly indicates that the W. C. T. U. of Hattiesburg shall play no insignificant part in the emancipation of humanity from that most abject and servile slavery, the slavery to rum. High appreciation is tendered and Mrs. Trotter for. their generous hospitality and also the reception committee, Mmes. E. J. Mitchell, S. E. Longre and T. O: Watkins as the beautlfuf courtesies ' they tendered their guests were compliments to each one individually. Rev. « * ❖ \ Pleasant Entertainment. One of the most enjoyable events of the season was an entertainnfent given by Mrs. J. F. Kinard, compli mentary to her guest, Miss Nannie Kinard, of Meridian. The night was lovely for the occa sion and the' large .number of guests were charmingly entertained by Mrs. Kinard, who proved a gracious hostess, the parlor, hall and dining room was beautifully decorated with cut flowers and fern». An ice course with cake and fruit was served by Mrs. O. C. Steward. Never was fin occasion more i thoroughly enjoyed throughout the ev I ening. Among those present were: I Misses Nannie Kinard, Pearl Molder, Velma Hambilton, Lottie Fuller, Fan nie Davis, Birdie Boykin, Katie Gunn, Lois Davis, Ida May O'Leary and Sad dle Anderson, Messrs. Will Carpenter, Bob Thompson, Burl Massey, Alvin j Mitchell, Hill Boykin, H. A. Anderson, | Htilon Freeman, Bob Laird aijd Mrs. i O. C. Steward, Mr. and Mrs." C. P. j Kinard and Mrs, S. A. Boykin. * * | Baptist Ladies' Aid— I The Columbia Street Baptist Ladies' I Aid will meet in regular session on I next Monday afternoon promptly' at 5 j o'clock. Mrs. Barton, the president, j urges all who belong to the society to be present as then is the time for the annual election of officers. The election was to. have taken place last Monday, but owing to a rush of other business was postponed. . She wishes also to state all who have not yet contributed to furnishing a room ip the dormitory of the Mountain School to bring in their offering Monday, as they lack about $5 yet of having the required amount., This is a noble cause and merits the consideration of all. 4 4 4 Letters received frdm Mrs. D. B. Holmes, who with the little boys, are summering near Lake, bear the glad tidings tht)t her health is very much improved. —' 4 4 4 The Confederate veterans of, the Hattiesburg Camp, and their families are cordially invited by the Hatties burg Chapter of the U. D. C., lo be their guests at the annual picnic on next Thursday, the 16th, at Rawls Springs. Those who are not prepared to bring baskets are urged to attend, as a welcome awaits each and every veteran. <?ome. you are thrice wel come. 4 « # The Whatsoever Circle, King's Daughters,'■wity hold the regular month ly meeting at the home of the pres 1 dent, Mrs. S. E. L#ngre. 214 Busch man street, oorner River avenue, next Tuesday afte-noon at 3:30 members are urged to be present. on All 4 4 4 Numerous congratulations are be ing extended Mr. and Mrs. pobo on the arrival of a bright, bouncing baby boy who came to brigh en their home on yesterday. May the little lad's life be one of continued happiness and sunshine. 4 4 4 Walter The Ladies' Aid of the First Bap tist Church will hold their regular weekly meeting at the church Mon day afternoon at the usual hour, 4 o'clock. All members earnestly quested to be present. re V 4 •> Little Misses Mamie and B. F. Hass and Emma Copeland, of Richton, who ha,ve been the attractive guests of Mrs. Chas. Poole, at her pretty home West Pine street, will leave for their home tomorrow. dh .> Mrs. George Magruder is expecting her sister tonight Miss Roberta Hub bard, of Collins. Miss Hubbard has visited here before and has friends who will gladly welcome htr here again. . , S. many v > •> * Master Herbert Calhoun, the bright young son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Col-1 houn, of Atlanta, Ga., is the guest now | Of his Cousins, Angus and Carroll Mc Leod, at their lovely home on Main street. <4 The Ladies 4 ' Aid of the Fifth Ave nue Baptist Church will meet Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home of Mrs. W. R. Williams, West Pine street. All are requested to be pres ent. 4 4 4 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McNeil, of Co lumbia, S. C„ left today on the 10:30 train for their home, after a visit of several weeks to the latter's parents, Mr- and Mrs. Qharley Dobbins. - v Mrs. S. E. Longre is expect'ng to night as her guests her sister,. Mrs. u. L. Fatheree, and three interesting lit tle children. Margaret, Longre and Jack, of Ovette. 4 4*4 Mr. A. D. Draughn left this morning for the camp ground to join 'his fam ily who are summering there, and also to attend the meeting. Mr.*S. C. Eaton, who has been fined to his home on Main street for two weeks with illness, is reported better today. con ❖ •> 4 Mrs. Dr. T. E. Ross left today for Meridian, where she goes id' spend some time with her mother, who lives near there. 4 4 4' 1 Miss Louise McCauley, who has been visiting friends and relatives here, left this morning for her home in Phil adelphia. ❖ 4 * Mr. J. A. McLeod left this morn'ng for the seashore camp meeting, where he ejects to remain several days. 4»4 4 Little Miss Minnie Page, of Laurel street, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. M. L. McLaughlin, of Jackson. ❖ 4 •> , Mrs. D. H. Walker and children, Ash ton and Mita, of New Orleans, are vis iting MrB. Stella Moffett. 4 4 4 Mr. S. W. Giles has returned from a visit to Mineral Wells,- Tex. 4 4 4 After several day# illness, Mr. W. J. York is able to be out again. 4 4 ❖ Mr. W. M. Spllman was a visitor to Hattiesburg Friday. .4 •> ❖ Mr. Tom Neely Clark was a visitor yesterday. % BARGAINS AIL THE Calhoun's Bankrupt House, on East Pine street, announces in an ad in today's Dally News a money-saving, cut price, bankrupt sale on honest merchandise that will continue with out ntermisslon, all the tltne. This house has .a wide reputation for bar gain prices on good goods and it al ways has large stocks and low prices for its customers. The present sale is one of the most interest because of the seasonableness of the goods and the wonderfully low prices. «■ Beginning Monday Mornin And Continuing All Week 1 cr There will be a feast of bargains at the Neelly Store that will appeal to every intelligent buyer in the Hattiesburg district. .... \ THE MID-SUMMER STOCK REDUCING SEA SON is here and the necessity for clearing out all goods is imperative: Room must be made for FALL PURCHASES that will soon be coming in, and mer goods must be converted into money. summer sum Special Bed Rock Prices In Every Department You are cordially invited to make critical com parison of our goods and prices with those of other first-class houses; your judgment will be accepted without argument. r FHE E. C- NEELLY COS. SUMMER SALE. i BANKERS OF MISSISSIPPI PREPARING FOR GREAT TRIP Arrangements Have Been Made For a Cheap Summer Outing During Month of August. The bankers of Mississippi are con-1 templating an outing this summer that will be unusually attractive. 1 They will leave Jackson on a special j train, August 11th at 9:30 a. m., and returning will peach Jackson at 5 o'clock p. m., August ^5. The total cost will be about $100. The trip will be made over the fol lowing route; I. C. R. R. to St. Louis, Rock Island R. R. to Pueblo, Ft. Worth and Denver R. R. to Dallas, Texas & Pacific and Q. and C. R. R., back to Jackson. The following stops will be made en route; one evening in Memphis, one day in St. Louis, one day in Kansas City, three and a half days in Denver, four and a half days in Colorado Springs, taking in Manitou, Pike's Peak, Cripple Creek, and to many oth er points of interest while there. One W. II WANTS TO CUT RUT 152 TELEGRAPH OFFICES Claims to Be Losing Money at Every One of the Offices in This State Named in Request. Jackson, Miss., July 11.—Perhaps the most serious matter now before the Mi&8isippi Railroad Commission is the petition of the Western Union Tel egraph Company for permission to dis continue 152 of its smaller offices in the state at points where, according to figures submitted to the commis sion, they are actually losing a good deal of money every month. At least one member of the com mission is worried over the matter, as it appears manifestly unjust force evening at Pueblo, and morning at Trinidad, one morning at Ft. Worth. One evening at Dallas, then finishing the trip at Jackson. Making in all a 15 days outing. This trip is limited to 120 persons. A special train will be made up, con sisting of 5 Pullman Sleepers (25 to car), one observation parlor car with piano on same, one dining ear (Rock Island service,) one chair car and one baggage car. Applications containing $20 to se cure berths, should be sent in early. Address any communications to W. A. Montgomery, who has consented to act as treasurer, or to, Trust Co., Jackson, Miss. Yours truly, JAMES S. COOPER, Trip Manager. W. A. MONTGOMERY, Cashier National Bank & the company to continue these offices at a great financial loss, wlltle on the other hand it is fully realized that the minute any action is taken toward dis continuing the offices a great storm of protest will come up from citizens 1» 152 different towns, which would make more trouble for the commis sion than one would care to have heaped upon them. In fact a very healthy bunch of pro tests have already been filed on the of abolishing some mere sugf of the offices. There can be no douot, that such action would work a great hardship a large number of business men whose business is more or less dependent j upon prompt telegraphic service, many ! of whom, nd doubt, have taken up their j present location at telegraph j when, had they suspected their dis- | : continuance would not have launched j i their business there. it is the many-sidedness of the citua on > ffices j I i lion which makes it so difficult to | property handle, as are many of the ' problems that come daily before the r Opportunity • I am offering for a few days a desirahle piece of land three acres, .more or less, suitable for a poultry or vegetable farm, bined or separate. Situated at the forks of J county farm roads. This is a suitable location for country store. com county and ones 61 I Plum Street. B. C. COVINGTON. V. =J ! WANTS ■ \ Do you want to buy, sell or exchange anything? it doesn't matter what lor. By turning to the Daily News want columns any day, vou will be sure to find a buyer* seller, or some one with whom you can make a trade. Advertisements placed unde r this heading for ONE CENT A WORD. Count the words and send the cash. \ FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Good grate end stove Telephone coal in any quantity. _ A. L. Hodges, Home 'phone 804. FOR SALE—One of the best homes on North Main street, at a bargain, good terms. M. J. Epley, 'phone 666 . F20 MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED—Sewing by da/ or piece. Miss Annette Hall, 109 Short Bay street. FOR SALE—23 head work oxen and three 8-wheel wagons, yokes, bows and chains. Hattiesburg Trust ft Banking Company. Jul 10 tf commission, in all of which the conflicting interests. The discharge of 152 opera once would itself be a iu moment, and tin ••oinmii that it itself »• we disagreeable fire J.5WML _ very If you want good riding bicycle just phone us. Home phone 771. We will bring it to you. S. Parker. Stev ens building. East Pine street. A man who killed his father puts in a claim of self defense if it had been his mother-in-law. WANTED—Two good solicitors travel. Call 647 Main street city. to $2,500 to loan on improved city prop erty in sums of $500 or more. Thom M. Ferguson. WANTED—Italian lumber stackers to contract 25 M per day. Apply at Richburg, Miss. WANTED—To crate your furniture oa Short notice. Ring Cumb phone 254. Jull Into WANTED—To sell or rent one HoisV eng Engine. J. C. Alexander, 20* Jackson stret, Hattiesburg, Miss. FOR SALE—Lot of speckled peas. Price ft Coursey, 547 West Fonrth St. Cumb. Phone 525. jui io a