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lrV~ TLhyNot Cool Off At Love's? A cold tlrink in a cool place puts one in a good humor. Here will find the coldest drinks, the coolest ' _place and the most delightful surroundings. you Frozen Dainties for her and the tinkle of the'ice against the sides of the glass for all who thirst. Pure Fruits and Fruit Juices us:d in all ices and drinks, pure cream in all ice cream served Love Drug Company . The Social Side '\ Cumberland Phone No. 429. of in C. of Complimentary to Gulfport— The bells of memory still jingle mer rily to the happy music vibrating in our hearts, since the enjoyable lawn party given by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Van complimentary to the visiting baseball team of Gulfport, at their beautiful home on West Pine street. Mrs. Van is a lovely hostess and smiles upon the favored ones who en ter the portals of her hospitable-hdme. The flshini of bright lights an 1 (he wealth of roses, carnations and nas turtiums perfected the loveliness of . hours fraught with so much happiness. Bright conversation and ready wit, mingled with good cheer made the oc casion most enjoyable. The generous hose and hostess assisted by their sister, Miss Josie Cotton, served dainty refreshments of ice cream with delicious cake. This was one of the most delightful entertainments ever given in Hattiesburg, and all who .have ever partaken of the genuine < xM|fcospitality of Mr. Walter Van and his ^Jpfeautiful young wife, always carry away the most lasting impressions of a pleasant occasion. The gue'sts were Misses Marie and Ruth Turner, Anna Belle and Virginia MiLeod, Ruth Daughdrill, Eliza Magruder, Miss Hubbard, of Collins, Mattie and Jo Ble Cotten, Messrs. Washington, Mur phy, Baker, Autley, Galloway, Gaston, Johnson, Hewes, Gilks, Alford. ❖ ❖ <• Legler-Weems Nuptials— A very quiet but pretty home wed ding was solemnized last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Phillips, on Miller street, when their sister, Miss Carrie Weems and Mr. Chas. E. ' Legler, of Arcadia, La., were united in marriage. Only the nearest relatives and friends were invited | f> be present, Rev. A. L. O'Bryant, in h^s usual Im pressive manner, performed the sere mony. The lovely home was beautlful . ly decorated for the occasion, with ferns and cut flowers. The bride was becomingly attired in a handsome white lingerie robe which added a touch of loveliness to her blonds ~L f. TONIGHT Edgar N. Hirsch, Manager . A shoAv that keeps you Interested, In a place that kejgps you cool. » The Beautiful Sensational Moral Drama The Shadow of the Law Miss Rosa Pellman will sing the latest popular . 1 waltz song (Illustrated) "The Summer Time's the Time." Watch everybody whistle this popu lar air on the streets of Hattiesburg tonight. All for 5 cents P. S. 1 —Owing to the large crowds visiting the Gem Theater, nightly It is advisable for parents to send their children to the matinee which are beauty. After the ceremony an in formal reception was held and the young couple received hearty con gratulations. Delicious refreshments of cake and cream were served. Mr. and Mrs. Legler left for their home in Arcadia today where in future they will reside. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Howell, and two child ren, Weems and Gladys, Miss Lilly Cameron, Messrs. Tom and David Cameron, Mr. Cecil McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Weems, of. Purvis, father and mother of the brtde,*Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Lamb, of Ora, Mr. A. V. Weems, of Purvis, and Miss Mary Weems, free Meeting of the Busy Bees— _ The- Busy Bee Circle of Court Street Methodist Church held an in teresting meeting with Mrs. George Mclnnis yesterday afternoon from 4 to 6 . Mrs. M. E. Cadenhead, the lead er, presided and Mrs. J. R. Jones con ducted the devotional exercises. The name of this circle is indeed very ap plicable as the ladies, notwithstand ing the heat, are always busy work ing faithfully for the cause of Christ. After the regular routine of busi ness finished the gracious hostess served most delicious pineapple sher bet with cake. Those enjoying the pleasant afternoon with Mrs. Mclnnis were: Mines. SI. E. Cadenhead, J. R. Jones, J. P. Carter, J. M. Prown, I .H. C. Cook, Trigg, Capetton., Harper, Reed Emrhitt Dill, and Gecrge Mc lnnis. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Earnest Hanna on Bay street. ' O ❖ * Church Services Suspended— There will be no preaching service at either hour on next Sundav at Court Street Methodist Church, as the church is undergoing repairs in the interior, in the way of hard oiling, painting, papering, etc. Sunday school and the Epworth League mee^tgs will be at the usual hour. However on the following Sunday all services will be held at the regular time." By that time they hope the work .will have been completed, and the Interior of this . a church will then he second to none In Hattiesburg. _ ❖ ❖ ❖ Growing in Interest— The protracted service in progress at Immanuel Baptist Church, which is being conducted by the pastor. Rev. A. ■ L. O'Briant, continues to grow in interest, the congregation last even ing having been the largest ye{. Rev. O'Bryant is recognized as one of the most prominent ministers in the Bap tist denomination, as has already been demonstrated by his work here in Hat tiesburg. The baptismal service will take place on next Sunday. O ❖ Mrs. Shaughnessy accompan ed by her daughter. Miss Lilian, Of New Or leans, are the guests of Mrs. He ?le 1 at her home/on Bay st-eet. Miss Lillian is a most accomplished and beautiful young lady, having tduateri last weok at • ■ e of the leading colleges in New Orleans. Her picture ap peared in last Sunday's Picayune. ♦ ♦ « Misses Velma and Earl Craft, of El llsvlile, who have been the attractive guest# of Miss Hattie Hill at her love ly home on River avenue, returned to their home today. While hers f hey .made many friends who regret their departure so soon. ♦ ♦ ❖ Mrs. Letta Turner accompanied by her three interesting children, Johnnie Lee, J. W„ and K. D„ left yesterday for Columbia, where they will remain six weeks. ❖ <• ❖ Miss Jennie Neal and Miss Annie May Marlow and Master Eddie Marlow left this morning for Philadelphia, Miss., to visit relatives and friends. «• •> * Mrs. Ed Carley, who was called to the death bed of her aunt, Mrs. Vos 6 , of Vossburg, Saturday, is expected home today « * * ❖ Rev E. J. Currie left yesterday fo» Crystal Springs, where he goes to at tend the Presbyterian Sunday school convention. •> fr fr Mr. Sam Eaton, who has been ill at his home on Main street for several weeks, is up again^to the delight of his many friends He is spending the day at Epps. •*« «** The Phelathea Class will entertain the Baraca's on next Tuesday night, al the residence 9 ! Mr. Ayjesworth. a .> e Mr. Earl King is expecting his moth er from Kentucky tomorrow to spend several months with him. Mrs. Bryan, from Rawls Springs, is Lula, Miss., are visiting Mrs. Chas. Huff, at her pretty home on Jackson street. edy Mr. has to ❖ (fr « Mr. E. E. Neelly, who has been laid up a couple of days with illness, is bet ter and able to be at his store to day. ❖ •> fr A fine girl arrived this morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Ruben stein, on East Seventh street. {. Mr. and Mrs. John Murry, of Pu-vis, were the guests Sunday of Mr, and Mrs. Chester Denham. fr « « Mr. O. E. Causey left yesterday for Gloster, his old home to spend a month's vacation, t > ❖ fr •> Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Henley, from Lula, Miss., Is here visiting Mrs. Chas. Huff, sister of Mrs. Henley. « « « Miss Mae and Luella Thompson, of Dallas, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Selby. \ NO RUSH BUT SOME INTEREST The naval -recruiting Btatlon in the Carter building is attracting atten tion from a number of young men wi.o would like to try a "life on the rolling deep" for a while bul llstment of new men has not yet com menced in earnest. _ „ Mr. R. B. Hinnant, who is In charge of the naval recruiting station here, says he has had a number of inquiries and several- prospective applicants for naVal berths are in sight. He ex pects to enlist probably a dozen re oruitfi during the ten days the station will yet be maintained here. The fact that an army recruiting sta tion is Maintained here will probably cause naval enlistments to be small, although the navy offers some Excel lent opportunities for young men "to see the world and serve their coun try at the same time. actual en WANTED—Boarders for two nice front rooms, with all conveniences; close in. Apply to Mrs. S. B. McCon nifeo, 243 BuSchman St. 7 16 St •velt will rid. Of BABY CONTEST OVER; THE PRIEZ WINNERS About six weeks ago Mrs. McMillan advertised that she would begin a baby contest at her studio on North Pine street to end July 15. , Quite a lot of little folks were taken down there and with coos and smiles indicated their desire to enter the contest. « 0 To have decided just who was the prettiest girl and finest boy would have been a task too great for us. Mrs. McMillan, in justice to all, had two disinterested parties from the Hotel Hattiesburg to act as judges. They were Messrs. Guy, Stokes, and one other gentleman, who for personal rea sons does not want his name known, but who is not a resident of Hatties burg. They were instructed to select the prettiest girl and finest looking boy for first prize and to select one girl and boy for second prize and one girl and one boy for the blue ribbon. They were given the photos with out any names at all and numbered photos of their selection marked ac cording to the prize. To little Miss Lucy O'Bryant they awarded first prize. She is the (laugh ter of Rev. and Mrs. A. L. O'Brynnt and a very pretty little miss. And as a prize she received a beautiful set of solid gold beauty pins. To Marguerite Batson was awarded second prize for the little ladies. She is the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Batson., and as the prize she received a beautiful finger ring. To little Miss Sara Coleman, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Coleman,, was awarded the blue ribbon. , To Master Paul Talley was awarded the boys' first przie, a beautiful little silver knife, fork and spoon. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Eure came second and also received a beau tiful ring. Leeta Lavone Dill received the rib He is the son of Dr. and Mrs. bon. E. Dili. HOTEL BARBER SHOP REOPENED The Hotel Hattiesburg barber shop, which has been closed since the trag edy of July 6 , has been reopened with Mr. Prentice Hanna in charge. Hanna is one of the best known and most expert barbers in the city. He has severed his connection with the barber shop of Hanna & Stelnwinder to accept the management of the Hat tiesburg Hotel shop. Mr. AMUSEMENTS. \ Attractions Tonight. Casino, formerly the Auditorium— Moving pictures: Time," and "Not Yet But Soon." "In the Nick of "The New" Gem—Moving pictures: Shadew of the Law," a beautiful and moral drama replete with exciting and sensational incidents. Illustrated song—Miss Rosa Pellman will sing the latest popular song: "The Summer Time the Time." For That Hungry Feeling Try 4 Square ✓ Meal Here you will fir d everything neeessary for the remedy suggest . ed. A TELEPHONE MESSAGE WILL BRING THEM TO YOU. Southern Grocery Co. The Pure Food Grocery. St <r YOUR Summer B113 II « Will prove a pleasure to yoi of an annoyance if you buy here. Our Summer Sale is on in full bloom, With bargains ready to be plucked. The goods are just what you need now and prices are the only cheap thing about them. Drop around tomorrow morn' ing and see how Neelly will save you money. Neelly's Neelly s Neelly's V ELEVEN TO ONE IN FAVOR OF HATTIESBURG YESTERDAY A One-Sided Game With No Gate Receipts But Crowd-Expense Money Needed Badly. A big crowd, not one of whom had | to go to the expense of buying a ticket, I a clear sky and a hot sun were the j side features of yesterday's ball game, j but the great and only feature of tne was the way Hattiesburg walked , with the score, Gulfport getting | game away only one man over the home plate, and he was Mr. Murphy, who, though no kin to the great Casey, did better than that famous Bostonian ever did, for he scored a run. The second game of the Hattiesburg Gulfport series yesterday drew a | larger crowd than the first game, but ' the gate receipts were no larger. In j fact the financial end of the series is j showing up unsatisfactorily and some money Is needed to pay expenses. As J no price of admission Is charged, it is hoped that the fans will come for voluntary 1 ! 1 ward liberally with some contributions. Yesterday's game lacked exeite It was too one sided to be in The folowing was the i ment. terestlng. score and game features: 1 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. ! 0 0 2-4 1 1 JL» 1 0 1 4 0 ** 1 0 1 1 0 10 11 0 0 14 2 0-00 0 0 0 T 0 3" 2, 0 10 3 0 0 0 9 0 1 Gulfport— Autley, 2b - 4 Murphy, If- 3 Baker, c Washington, cf. 4 Gilks, ss&3b... 4 Johnson, rf-2 Gaston, 3b,ss&p 3 Galloway, p&ss 3 Hewes,'lb- 3 ,30 1 5 15 15 Totals E. Hattiesburg— AB. R. H. PO. A. 110 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 3 0 3 0 .. 5 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 11 0 0 113 2 1 4 2 1 si 6 1 1-1030 1 2 1 Givban, rf-4 Richards, if ... 5 Shields, bs_4 Field, cf Fabacher, c ... 1 Greer, lb ..... 6 Jackson. 2b ... $ Powe, 3b O'Flynn, p .... 4 I Robertson, c .. 3 0 0 | j | I j I Two base hits—Shields, Baker and j hits—Galloway. I Jackson, j Powe, Givban, O'Flynn, Robertson and j Jackson. Stolen bases—Powe 2, Giv-1 han 2, Richards 2, Field. Shields. Bases , on balls—Off O'Flynn 2, off Galloway | 1, off Gaston 2. Hit by pitched ball by Struck out—By O'Flynn 6 . Sacrifice O'Flynn 1. by Galloway 6 , by Gaston 1. Deadly Kamchatkan Liquor. in Kamchatka there grows called the false orange, liquor that produces Neverthe a ntush from | ' j j — 1 room ! which is made 1 delirium and convulsions. les= it is a favorite beverage. j — •> WANTS i Do you want to buy, *11 or exchange anyth,ng? it doesn t matter what lor By turning to the Daily News want columns any day. you will >» »ure to find a buyer seller or some one with whom you can make a trade. Advert,semen,s placet, unde, this heading for ONE CENT A WORD. Count the word, and send the cash. 1 \ ! 1 I FOR SALE. FOR SALE— Good grate end stove coal in any quantity. Telephone, A. L. Hodges. Home 'phone 804. FOR SALE—One of the test homes North Main street. at a bargain, M. J. Epley, 'phone F20 on good terms. 666 . I MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE!—23 head wotvk oxen and three 8 -wheel wagons, yokes, bows Hattiesburg Trust & jul 10 tf and chains. Banking Company. WANTED—By married couple, two furnished rooms for lighthousekeep ing, private family preferred; must have conveniences; state terms. Ad dress P, Ox Box 365, 7 i 6 3t I™ 1 ™,, A great moving picture bill iajA H night at the Casino, forraerlw? AN Auditorium. Tin feature I'ictu be a thrilling melodrama of rd and daring in tin- Kentucky tuo ; lE?jl "In the Nick of Time.'' It is on#' ttj greatest human interest 1 it ruuT/ on this season and is full of i||fe| | and exciting incidents. I "Not Yet But Soon," is the comic picture for totnight at the Casino-Audi j torium and it is a good one. The illustrated song; Mine" will prove an especially ph as ing one. * I "Comrade Wealth for the Future. is believed to contain Tamaulipas great mineral wealth, but little ex ploration has been done. Copper, zinc and coal are known to exist, and soma day will be extensively mined. WANTED—Italian lumber stackers to contract 25 M per day. Apply at V Rlchbuig, Miss. WANTED—To crate your furniture oa Short notice. Ring Cumb phone Jull line 254. FOR SALE—Lot of speckled peam-'' Price & Coursey, 547 West Fourth St. Cumb. Phone 525. jul 10 tt boarder*. WANTED—Several nice and board, also table board; room close to town; large front room. Ap ply Mrs. Doty, 121 Buschman St t jul 15 2 t WANTED—A good saleslady to va»r vass for See-Saw in Hattleetngs am salary or commission. Addreao al once John S. Coleman, HatUMMiif