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1 Work First - Class ^Nothing is too big or too difficult for us in Foundry Work. All kinds of Mill Work solicited and all orders receive prompt attention. Broken-down jobs a specialty. GOOD AND QUICK WORK TELEPHONES: HOME 324. CUMBERLAND 626 Hattiesburg Foundry Company J. P. HACKNEY A. BUZZELL " r The Enterprise Electric Company ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Supplies of All Kinds Kept in Stock REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY agents FOR WESTINGH0USE FANS Home Phone 80 118 West Pine St. V J LO DR! At the items below and let us fill your orders Mason's Fruit Jars and Extra Rubbers and Tops. Special Price on Lawn Mowers, Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, Water Filters, Rubber Hose for Sprinkling. Special low price on Screen Doors, Windows and Screen Wire for the Next Ten Days. An elegant line of China and Porcelain Dinner Sets at a Bargain. i i Give us a call or phone number 40 Respectfully, Hattiesburg Hardware Co. A GOOD HORSE SHOULD BE WELL SHOD. •Z. It' you value your horse and wish to keep it in good shape for style and 'speed, bring it here when needing shoeing. Defects in gait are remedied* by hav ing l he rignt kind of shes put on in the right way. We do it right. OTIS SMITH, 320 E'.st. Pine Street. Home Phone 728. RUBBER TIRES FOR BUGGIES A SPECIALTY. r-v Jr^i ■-V - [ j ■f}** GET YOUR; RIGS FROM !B. M. THOMPSON FIRST CLASS == Livery, freed and Sales Stables Carriage^ Traps and Runabouts for all Occasions. Hauling and draiying. Horses boarded by week or month. Thorton's Id Stand, West Pine Street. IL ju - pff ■ mm:: m m ■ •A m ' a > % pa & 1 m n kV •j' V -, 'V Im I •4, *T V 1 Hearst News Service. denied. Mr. Hears! declares that the Hearst News Service. Chicago, July 25.—A meeting of the national provisional committee of the Independence Party was here today, preliminary to week's national convention Hearst organization. Preliminary de rails of the convention work will be ,definitely decided and the temporary .roll of the convention prepared. Mr. Hearst is in charge of the session. 'Reports that the party will seek a coalition with the Democrats and that advances looking to this will be made to Mr. Bryan and the sub-committee of the Democratic national commit tee, also In session here today, are ailed next of the NEGRO KISSES A PREVENTIVE Black Man Kept Busy Giving Caress es to White Babies. Reading, Pa., July 25.—In accord ance with a belief of many of the old residents here that the kiss of a color ed person will sure a child of whoop ing cough, or will act as a sure pre ventive of the disease, Charles Mil ler, a well known negro, is kept busy Just now, owing to a prevalence of the disease. MUller's kisses are said to be especi ally beneficial as a cure, and during the past week more than thirty babies have been brought to him to be kissed, Many cures are reported. Miller is a kindly, cheerful darky, about 65 years old, and charges noth ing for his services. "I love 'em bless' em," he asid> to day, "and even If my kissing 'em didn't do 'em any good, it couldn't do 'em any harm. I'm willing to kiss all the babies that are brought to me.'' Over Thirty-Five Years. In 1872 there was a great deal of diarrhoea, dysentery and cholera In fantum. It was at this time that Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was first brought into use. It proved more successful than any other remedy or treatment, and has for thir ty-five years maintained that record. From a small beginning its sale and use has extended to every part of *the United States and to many foreign countries. Nino druggists out of ten recommend It when their opinion 1 asked, although they have other medi cines that pay them a greater profit. It can always-be depended upon, even in the most severe and dangerous cases. For sale by Hays A Field and the Yellow Pine Pharmacy. «• THE DAILY NEWS ❖ DURING VACATION. * ♦ ♦ If you are preparing to leave <C* ❖ on a summer trip, phone to the <fr ❖ Daily News and the paper will «fr ❖ follow you wherever you go. You <9 ❖ will of course want to know <> > what is going on at home while <9 9 you are away. 944999<99999999** + 9 ♦ denied. Mr. Hears! declares that the Democratic party is dead and that he will have nothing to do with it. The Independence Party provisional committee numbers about three times as many members as the national committees of other parties. Each State is represented by a farmer, a labor organization man and a profes sional man. Six States are not represented. Of these Kentucky and Nebraska are ths most prominent. The Presidential nomination may be forced on Mr. Hearst., There Is a strong feeling among the delegate! that he should head the ticket. NOTICE. In the matter of the assignment of the Batson- Newell Furniture Com pany, Hattiesburg Trust & Banking Company. To the Creditors of the said Assignors: Notice Is hereby given that a de cree was rendered by the Chancery Court ot Forrest County, Miss., at the June term, 1908, requiring all of the creditors of the said Batson-Newell Furniture Company to file their claims against said assignors with the Chan cery Clerk of said county within sixty days from the date of the rendition of said order. Failure to do so will bar the claim. This June 26, 1908. Hattiesburg Trust A Banking Co, jun27 3wks sat Assignee. Of course, "amount of » r ace used" is not everything In adve.-uslag. Put, just In the pursuit of wisdom keep track for a time of the amounts used by the various stores In chis newspa per— and see If you could not safely classify the stores accordingly. Century Meat MARKET •PJnder new management and better equipped than ever to serve you with the choicest native meats in the best manner. : ; Your Order Will Be Appreciated Century Meat Market W. M. BURCH, FRED V0LKING, Prop. CORNER MAIN AND BUSHMAN STS. Home, 627-Red Cumberland 572 Manager. PHONES ^Boi *2? to Give. JSK ^10,000 Cash' >350.000 in Stocki of The Miami Cycle 8 Mftf. Co., earaleg 10% ie the eeaeon of 1907, Is offered hy the Meoofedtorere of IE' The World's Best Bicycle «• proof of the easy running qualities of the Racy ole. It is the acme of easy foot power. 1308 Models built with drop forged steel heeds, crowns and seat post clusters and the frames are made of the highest grade seamiest cold drawn English steel tubing, making Racyde a as nearly breakable as money, materials and workmanship will peymit. Racy - c/es are shipped all over the civilized world, due to their reputation lor durability and easy running. The RaCycla has 27 % I crank-hanger bearings, X 1 friction on strain chain, and you pan climb hills easier end go further with leae effort on a Racycle than any ordinary bicycle built. Com. uid SEE it. R.crcL. W.'il,I., yoa "The Thr.. Re.. at S. PAMGd'S it)) 0 C>r. Slsvei't blo:'t, E. Pi.\5 S:. H JvU PcO'Ig 771 I P. a Bx 335* r. M. A. SALLIS W. R. PARKER . . The . . City Pressing Club Polk B'ld'g 110 E. Pine St. SALLIS & PARKER, Props. Clothes Pressed and Cleaned to look like new. Ladies' Skirts a Specialty. All work given careful attention and delivered promptly. HOME PHONE 545 ^SATISFACTION GUARANTEED jj IN FRATERNAL CIRCLES Bouie Tribe No. 48, Red Men— Council fire kindled every Wednes day night at 8 o'clock at Odd Fellows hall. Albert Henley prophet; L. M Williams sachem; A. F. James senior sagamore; L. Caplan, junior saga more; F. C. HaU, chief of records; Burke Jones, keeper of wampum. ODD FELLOWS. Hattiesburg Lodge No. 127, I. O. O. F.—A. F. James, noble grand; Busby, vice grand; R. P. Anderson, re cording secretary; H. Katz, financial secretary; H. H. Orr, treasurer. Meets Monday nights In I. O. O. F. hall at 8 o'clock. Wm. Petal Camp, No. 823, W. O. W.—J. R Clack, C. C.: W. E. Ward, clerk; J. A. Pace banker. Meets first and ^^WMfrove Circle, No. 107—Meets first and third Wednesday nights at the W. O. W. hall. lone L. Baker, Guardian; J. P. Hearet, Clerk. LADIES' AID SOCIETIES. Catholic Ladles' Aid Society Mrs. John M. Cassil, president; Mrs J. L. Kearney, secretary; Mias Josephine Dolphus, treasure. Meets every first Friday In each month at the convent for business session; every second Thursday In each month at the home of some member for social session. Hour of meeting Is always 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Hattiesburg Encampment, No. 40, I. O. 6. F.—J. U. Allen, chief patriarch; A. F. James, high priest; Wm. Busby, senior warden; George Maur er, junior warden; scribe; W. J. Force, Wednesday nights In I. O. O. St 8 o'clock. J. A. Shannon, eeta ball Hattiesburg Typographical Union, No. 647.—Wiley Bullard, president; A. J. Seeley, secretary-treasurer. Meets at Martin Printing company first Sun day In each month. Harmon 'Grove, Circle No. 78, O. W.—Mrs. R. W. Thames, guard!.' • Mrs. G. W. Coker, clerk; Dr. S. L. Knight, banker. Meets second and fourth Wednesday nights In each month in Odd Fellows' hall at 7:30 o'clock. v , KNIGHTS OF PYTHIA8. Knights* of Pythias, Crescent En campment No. 47.—A. Foote, C. C.; J. B. Burkett, V. G.; George Hartfleld, K. R. S. Meets Monday nights over Citizens' bank at 8 o'clock. ORDER OF EAGLE8. Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie No. 1557.—Mr. A. F, James, president. Meets Thursday nights In hall In the Pitts building on Railroad street, at 8 o'clock. WANTED Ten men of Gtood Appearance to do eolicitlng; $10 to $25 per week.. Apply at once to Daily News Office. JUNIOR ORDER UNITED AMERI CAN MECHANICS. ' Junior Order United American Me chanics—James E. Hewlett, council lor; William Busby, secretary. Meets second and fourth Thursday nights In Odd Fellows' ball at 8 o'clock. MASONIC. Hattiesburg Royal Arch Chapter No 114—R. F. Barton, II. P„ G. A 8. I freight office; J. D. Bennett, Secre tary. Meets Thursday nights In the Masonic Temple at 8 o'clock. HattlesD jn Lodge No. 397, A. F. A A. M.—G. W) Batson, W. M., 508 MalD street; J, D. Bennett, Secretary. Meets Monday nights In Temple at 8 p. m. Liberty Council No. 7.—W. M. Con ner, T. I. M., 617 Main street; J. D. Bennett, Secretary. Meets Friday nights in the Masonic Temple at << o'clock. Order of the Eastern Star.—Mrs. 8. C. Eaton, W. M.; Mrs. M. Dunn, Secre tary. Meets Friday nights In the Ma sonic Temple at 8 o'clock. Masonio Brotherhood ot Railroad Trainmen— Local Union No. —. P. M. Graham, master; H. E. McGregor, financier; W. A. Smith, secretary, ond and fourth Sunday nights In each month. Meets sec UNITED DAUGHTERS OF THE CON FEDERACY. United Daughters of the Confeder acy, Hattiesburg Chapter, No. 422_ Mrs. D. B. Holmes, president; Miss M. Anna Allen, secretary; Mrs. E. Mc Gregor, treasurer. Meets first Tues day afternoon of each month at the Hotel Hattiesburg at 3-30. The Mis torical Club, Miss Florence Deason, historian, meets second Saturday In each month at homes of members of U. D. C. Visiting Daughters are re auested to attend these meetings. ORDER OF ELKS. Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, No. 599.—M. J. McGrath, E. R.; W. .A McLeod, Meets Tuesday nights In their on West Front street at 8 o'clock. secretary and treasurer rooms Hattiesburg Camp, No. 449_W O. W.—A. J. Morrison, C. C.; J. W Brookshire, clerk; J. A. Welsh, bU'.Y er. Meets Thursday nights in Oft'd Fellows' hall at 8 o'clock. United Commercial.Travelers—Regu lar meetings will be held on the first Saturday nights ot each month Hattiesburg Commandery No. 21, Knights Templar—A. A. Montague, E. C., office in Hattiesburg Trust and Banking company's building; J. W. Montague, Recorder. Meets Tuesday nights In the Masonic Temple at o'clock. ■" • ;/ I secure you prompt collec tions, prompt settlements and Incidentally relieve you ot all the details ot taxes, Insurance, repairs, etc. Oet my figures on this ser vice. They are small. • M. J. EPLEY, PHONE 666 Hattiesburg Special Summer Rates for 60 Days Stenography, Bookkeeping and aH_ collateral branches taught. Our system and methods Have ben tried by thousands and have prov en to be satisfactory. Endorsed by professional and business everywhere. No charges for se curing position. Students may ter any time. Address men en J. J. Ferguson, Principal Hattiesburg, Mississippi HAVE YOU NO SOLE? (ON YOUR SHOES) Or perhaps your heels running down, but your old shoes feel so comfortable that you hate to give them up. We can adjust that for you so that you can retain the com fort and shoes too. We have installed a modem shoe re pairing plant, where every method of scientific shoe work is employed. By methods we completely re build your shoes and make them as good as new. Leave your shoes here in the morn ing and get them on you* way Hgme in the evening. are our We repair them while . wait-If you are willing. HALF SOLES SEWED 75c CERTAINLY WE REPAIR you LADIES SHOES. NATHAN THE SHOE MAN Mclnnis Bldg. East Pine Street Moved To Polk Building 110 EAST PINE STREET m F.W. Queen, 0ph.D. OPTICAL SPECIALIST. If You Wan to Save Money furnishing your house see our line of Second-Hand Furniture. i n M. S. HAISFIE] Front Street, e Restaurant one 743. Next to P Horn J. V .V.