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^^^asbeen an oufcast, spurned by decent men and scorned by virtuous women. Laws have been made to punish her and in some cities sfte has been made to wear a badge to indicate her infamy. She has been arrested and fined—driven away—even persecuted. But she has returned. Here in Hattiesburg they tell us that she used to walk the streets, and A good mayor that "the way to hell" was then throhgh the "Bottoms, and wise council forced her further from the city's Heart, and forbid her to flaunt herself in the face of decent society. It is had, of course. But it is better. Ja. Just Cold Facts. A. Fairley, City Clerk, made the following ab will be of interest' to the Upon my request Mr. stracts from ttye official records, which T believe some misapprehensions: public and will probably clear up Year 1906. The Board held 86 regular meetings at $5.00 per meeting for each member, j total $2,585. I The city employed 16 policemen at $60 per month each until 1st of Sep tember, then raised salary to $75. January 1 to October 1 2 besides Chief, October 1, 9 besides Chief F ire men: Amount turned into the City Treas ury by the Police Department, cash. $5,066.79, fines worked out on the streets, $S,000. Teams owned by the City January 1, 1907: 1 team fire department. 1 team water department. . 2 teams street department. > Mistakes. Taking up, removal and rebuilding of curb and gutter alone on Main street, from the Court House to Mis-1 ^issippi Central Railroad. $7,280. Conditions when this administration took charge. The condition of the several funds were as follows, on January 1, 1907: General fund, overdrawn, $55.44: debt $9,459.18. Street fund, balance on hand $18.39, debt $4,375.. Amount of indel tedness contracted by the city for paving for the pay ment of which no provision was made, approximately, $27,000. Respectfully subitted m J. D. DONALD. What the World la Doing. The past week in Hattiesburg has primary in the witnessed the fi: local election; it ; ~--d off good-na tuvadly, all the Candida'. . being well known men. is growing more and move noticeable and the people appear satisfied with the outlook- State affairs have been rather more lively. Some feeling was The revival of husiness stirred ud by the investigation of the stirrea up oy | A. & M. College and President Hardy s exoneration meet A revision The administration. which followed does not seem t with general approval, of the case will serve no purpose since the decision has been rendered. In national affairs we have the lull before the storm. The candidates of the two great parties are preparing their respective letters of acceptance which will be criticized or approved according uNlhe views of their read ers. The campaign promises to he one of whirlwind violence, by both parties, and feW -persons will be hold enough Great changes— to forecast events, for the. better—wi'U b< nc it- able. There will be very little illicit use of money to persuade fi' ating voters and consequently the nearly express pop Jar opinion previous elec ton since 1861. The President » recent address to the peopb- before the naval officers, is subject to Borne c ittcltsm. witnessing constant granges in naval architecture; the first of- today is obsolete tomorrow, and it seems folly to continue esult will more than in any We are ass battleship te very ex Year 1907. The Board held 89 regular meetings at $5 per meeting for each member, total $3,585, showing that the members of this Board were more regular in their attendance. The City employed 15 policemen at a salary of $75 per month. . 9 besides Chief. The en Firemen: Mire cost of equipping two new fire de ipartments, about $13,000, of which $8, 742.11 has been paid. The amount turned into the City Treasury by the Police Department, $15,162.30 cash and $10,000 in fines ■worked out on the streets. is street.department. Bought 3 tea Bought 2 teams fire department. Bought 4 single horse teams gar bage department. Sold five mules street department. Mistakes. Increase in salaries. | | pensive experiments except as abso The address lute safety demands. was delivered at a time when naval circles were stirred up considerably by the reported sale of three formida ble battleships now under construction ostensibly for Brazil to the Japanese government. The truth of the rumor has not been denied and if proved cor Ad rect has caused needless alarm, nfitting that the valuable gold deposits of Corea have been ajiropriated by | Japan and that they wU1 help con sid | j [ erably in repleting that nation's ex hausted exchequer we may safely as sume that at least a decade will be re quired to fill the void caused by the Even then the in war with Russia. ;nate animosity between Japanese and Chinese will act as a check ^toward quarreling with a trans-oceanic nation. There need be and can be no fear of a sudden or immediate war with the little wasps. Of more importance is the excite ment created in Great Britain by the visit of our fleet to the colonies in the South Pacific. Their growth in population and the development of their resources renders them a very valuable part of the British 'Empire. There, as in other Monies where the it ^Japanese-have found a footing, a strong opposition toward the British Japanese alliance has been manifested and the British press expresses fears that the visit of our formidable fleet may create a sentiment toward closer relations with us. The hereditary policy of the United States has been limited to the western ing toward us Britain's extensive realm, onceai^^S ment of strength, is rapidly becoming one of weakness owing to the disin tegrating power of steam and electric ity. Practical autonomy of the col onies together with the advantages de rived from the mother country is still maintaining cohesion, but it is grow ing so fragile that a very slight colli sion may snap it. In Central America the usual or chronic excitement seems to be dying out. Is it the tropical climate that affects the people? They never seem happy without some sort of storm in a teapot. Venezuela under her vol canic president, Castro, is doing her very best to create some excitement of her own. She may succeed; and if it comes Mr. Castro will find his occupa tion gone. ST. PATRICK'S NEW ALLIANCE Hearst News Service. Paterson, N. J., July 27.—With del egates from several sttaes present, the thirty-first annual convention of the National Council, St. Patrick's Al liance of America, was opened this morning in Entre Nous Hall. It is likely that only the regular routine of business will come before the conven tion. Thomas A. Butler is national president of the alliance, and William H. Smith, of Newark, the national sec retary. Boy's Life Saved. My little boy, four years old, had a severe attack of dysentery. 'We had two physicians; both of them gave him up. We then gave him Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy which cured him and believe that it saved his life—William Strol ing, Carbon Hill, Ala. There is no doubt but this remedy saves the lives | of many children each year. Give it with castor oil according to the plain printed directions and a cure is cer tain.. For sale by Hays & Field and Yellow Pine Pharmacy. FOR SALE. By order of the court I am offering for sale all of the property of the Sani tary Plumbing Company, consisting of plumbing and electrical materials. Will selj, in bulk or retail. J. S. LEE, Assignee. At M. J. Epiey's Real Estate Office, jul 11 tf TELEPHONE, 1 MAIL OR BRING YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TO THE DAILY NEWS. FIGURE ON ■\Tt geting the very finest laundry work here and you will be right. This business de pends on the num ber of its steady customers. To ■„ get them we have to do the very best of * $4*it Pat .1 14 < LAUNDERING. As We are get ting trial custo mers all the time it follows that our work must always be of the highest standard. Send us your things this week and see how high that standard is. m (i PHOENIX LAUNDRY Try Our — CLEANING AND, PRESSING DEPT. 200-206 Main street. Phones 36. • nai Uonai Ward Citizens. * Moselle, Miss., July 28, 1908. Editor Daily News:— For the past six years I have been closely identified with all of South Mississippi, which means Hattiesburg, Also, as there Is no question but that ►our magic city is the metropolis, both in a social as well as a commercial way. 1 have lived three years in your city while Rich was its, mayor—two years one street that not a dollar was spent for improvement and despite the fact that scores of good white families on lived in my ward—what is known as the "Bottoms,". Every one knows it's meaning and that it was allowed to flourish with crime, immorality and vice right under our noses, and no ef fort to move the terrible corrupting influence from our children and wives, was ever exerted by this great man, mayor of our wonderful city. True, most of us then living In that Ward (Ward 4) were poor people, but I state without fear of contradiction, that the families there residing would compare morally with .any other like number of families. One of the first acts under Donald's administration was to move these houses of ill fame and erect there a handsome school building for the con vlence of the children of that ward. Now Mr. Voter, there is but one wav that I can look at the coming election which is to decide whether your city will stand for better morals or for corruption. I am not perfect, I know that I do things that are not right; I drink too, but when we put on all possible brakes and always vote for men standing for moralllty, wo will then do enough that Is bad and find more than enough to . drink. Just as all of South Mississippi de-j deposits her money with your banks,] does her trading with your .merchants, and recognizes your city as the real metropolis of commerce, so does all this section look to you as a leader for morality and clean politics. Remember that all eyes are on you and as we know what both Donald and Rich stand for, and will judge you, morally, by your vote Wednesday. Also remember that what is true of an in dividual is true of a Nation, State or City—neither can be commercially strong while morally rotten! Hurrah for Donald and Morality! A LOVER OF HATTIESBURG. | TD RECLAIM WET LANDS Mississippi Valley Drainage and Good Roads Convention in Session at Memphis. t Memphis, Tenn., July 27.—Delegates from Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana, Kentucky and Mississippi are in at tendance at the convention opened in Memhpis today by the Mississippi Val ley Drainage and Good Roads Asso ciation. The purpose of the convention is to discuss the reclamation of the wet lands by drainage and t6.irrigate the arid lands. The question of the im provement of roadways throughout the states of the Lower Mississippi valley will also be brought up and discussed. As a Result of the first meeting, ex perts were sent here by the govern ment, who made a survey of the low lands, and not^d the condition of the roads in this section. The question was taken up by the government and a great deal of good has been done during the last yens The farmers of,Mississippi and Ar kansas wiii eat ly benefited by the SlpPPB^^ncedof anyone suffer ing long with this disease, for to effect a quick cure it is only neces sary to take a few doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Oiarrhoea Remedy In fact, in moat caaea one dote la sufficient. It never fails and can be relied upon in the most severe and dangerous cases. It is equally val uable for children and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year. In the world's history no medicine has ever met with greater success. PRICE 25o. LARGE SIZE 50o. & J'"' AT RUBENSTEIN BROS. / Sensational Slaughter for 10 Days V of all Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings at prices never before heard of in South Mississippi. . If you do not need anything now, it will pay you to buy for the future. This -is one chance in a life time and you will be throwing away a gold opportunity if you miss it. en Note These Sample Prices They will give you an idea of the low prices prevailing during this great sale. Calicos and Lawns Standard Quality n ] 44c 7 Ladies' Dress Goods at Lower Prices than anyone else can sell. Men's and Ladies' Shoes, High and Low Quarters, Reduced 35 cts on the Dollar. Hattiesburg, and Sumrall RUBENSTEIN BROS. Headquarters for Bargains. 01 ij ' 1 E»p .y jk&j* ■r : mgBQPIHffiinery, it matters not what it is, let us hear from you. We sell complete Saw Mills, Cotton Gins, Grist Mills, Gaso line Engines, etc. :: :: :: :: We carry a complete stock of Mill Supplies. A a : 1 m. v V Union Manufacturing & Supply Co*. - STEVENS BLOCK : PHONES 727 ■: m >