THE $25,000 STOCK - OF T. A. HIGHTOWER, ——MUST BE REDUCED I And in order to reduce this Stock of General Merchadise, I am putting on a 1 5-day Bargain Sale' beginning My stock of shoes is complete in every grade of and childrens, and quote a few prices. Blind Bridles 1.65 values 1.39 at men, women Riding Bridles 1 5.0 values 129 MEN'S SHOES at Riding Bridles 1.25 values 99c SATURDAY AUG. 8 ^.WEDNESDAY AUG. 26 $1.29 Men's $1.50 values at at Good plow Ham 21c 1.49 Mens 1.75 values at at All other leather goods at proportionate prices. 2.19 Men's 2.75 values During this sale each article in this immense stock will be tagged with a white tag and priced in plain figures. at Suit Cases and Grips 2.49 Men's 3.50 values at $1,25 to 17.50 values 99c ... 13.49 3.99 Men s 5,00 values at I will be impossible to give prices of all articles in this immense stock on at I Kimball Organ $75.00 this circular, therefore I will give only partial list, such as space will admit. WOMEN'S SHOES $39.00 Value at 1 have a few bedsteads and dressers which will be sold at actual cost to make room for other goods. 25 42-piece Initial China Sets $7.50 values at . _ *_ Sewing machines at 1 3 regular price. 40c Matting 1.49 Ladies 1.75 values Towels Men's pants 4.00 values 2.99 5c 4-- an d- Cook Stoves and Heaters at each at 1.59 Ladies 2.00 values $4.44 Men's pants 5.00 values' 399 at r at 2.19 Ladres 2.50 values at I have a large stock of cook stoves and heater at prices lower than ever quoted before in Hatties burg. If you need a cook stove and will need heater next fall it will pay you to purchase now. BOY'S KNEE PANTS 28c Ladies 3.50 values Look at 2.99 Water coolers 1.25 values at Boys knee pants 35c values 99c 24c at CHILDREN'S SHOES For at Boys knee pants 50c values 34c Ice Cream Freezers GROCERIES Childrens barefoot Sandals 69c at The at 49c Boys knee pant* 75c values 2-quart freezers 1 give you a few prices of my complele line of $1.69 79c Children's 1.00 values at at groceries. High patent Flour per barrel_ 2nd Grade Flour per barrel_ Bacon by the side White at 3-quart freezers $5.69 $1.89 Dry Goods and Notions 1.19 Children's 1.50 values at * Flags 4-quart freezers 5.35 $2.19 1.69 Children's 2.00 values 4-4 Brown Sea Island at 6c at at I also have a large lot of lunch and market baskets at lower prices than ever offered here before. If need anything in this line be sure to see them. 11.25 on CLOTHING 7-8 Brown Domestic 4c at you at 9 pounds good Coffee 1.00 Mobile Street Opposite Hotel Hatties I have a large stock of clothing in any grade for you to select from at bargain prices. Men's $7.00 Suits Plaids 4c-.»-7c 4c~.o 6c for A few caddies of "123" tobacco per pound_ All other brands of tobacco at greatly reduced prices. A good quality socks per pair_ A good hose per pair_ Men's Suspenders at 23c Extra quality Coffee, regular I 5c grade 12c $4.49 Calicos at at at AH Lawns 25 per cent off regular price. Pins 5.89 HARNESS, ETC. Men's 9.00 Suits 5c at 2c I also have a complete line of harness, collars, riding and blind bridles, which is offered you at ex ceedingly low prices. Cotton plow Collars 6.99 Men's 10.00 Suits per paper 5c at Thread 2c per spool_ Ladies Handkerchiefs 5c values 3.79 Youth's 6.00 Suits 16c up ..8c up 39c at 3c at All higher grades proportionately reduced. at at burg Boy's Suspenders Canvas plow Collars 79c Ladies Handkerchiefs 10c values —.7c MEN'S PANTS at at at Good quality toilet soap Best Leather Collars, $250 values 1.99 Men's Handkerchiefs 5c values 3c 79c Men's pants 1.50 values 4c at at at at Good quality toilet soap 10c values at_. Blind Bridles 1.25 valu:s 99c Men's Handkerchiefs 10c values 6c 1.69 Men* pants 3.00 values 8c at at. at 'a and including August LOOK FOR THE REMEMBER Sale begins August 8th and THE DATES. 26th. Take advantage of the bargain opportunity and WHITE FLAGS runs to IT. A. HIGHTOWER DEALER IN LOOK FOR Mobile Street Opposite Hotel .. . THE . . . white FLAGS : GENERAL MERCHANDISE Hatt iesburg /d — — ' ■