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' 1 American Printing Company HIGH GRADE ■A JOB PRINTING ^ The kind that the people appreciate We have purchased the entire stock of Stationery of the Daily News, and respectfully solicit a portion, at least, of the business formerly given them. «I We Make a Specialty of Delivering Work When Promised m V Hattiesburg, Miss. Hartfield Building DOCTORS DIRECTORY JAS. E. HULETT, M. D. 215—219 Ross Building Phones Office No. 600. Residence No. 426. T E. J. MITCHELL, DENTIST Odd Fellows Building, Front Street. All Work Guaranteed. y S. S. TURNER, M. D. OfficeJSuite 205 Carter Building Hours: 9 to 11 A. M„ 2 to 4 P. M. Phones: Office 41. Residence 584. BUSBY & McMULLAN, DENTISTS Office Suite 214-215-219 RosS Building Cumberland Phone 909. Home 600. S. LEWIS KNIGHT, M. D. Offiice Suite 310 Carter Buidding Office Hours: 10 to XI A.M., 3 to 4P.|M. Office Both 4l Res. Both 701 r» Phones: =fc HATTIESBURG DIRECTORY LEONARD L. WARD. Justice of the Peace. Office on Third Floor Carter Building, t Court Dates: First and Fourth Saturdays In each _ month. J„ c. JOHNSON WATCHMAKER, JEWELER and ENGRAVER Repairing a Specialty Moore Bros. Grocery, Pine SL THE POLE-STOCK L'B'R'CO. Yellow Pine Lumber Koss Building Booms 304-305 Cumberland Phone 11 not everything in advertising. Put, lust in the pursuit of wisdom, keep track for a- time of the amounts used oy the varloue stores In thla newspa per-and • It you cm MAGIC LANTERN For the Boy or Girl. a Any boy or girl who will secure Eight New Subscribers for the Kansas City Weekly Journal, at 25 cents a year, making a total of Two Dollars, and send the full amount, together with the names 40 us, we will mail to his or her address a beautiful Magic Lantern with 50 Views. Any boy or girl can use It. Just stretch a white sheet on the wall and you 'can have all kinds of fun. Fnll directions for use is sent with the lan tern. Any boy or girl can secure eight new subscribers in a short time and get this Beautiful Magic Lantern. Send for samples for canvassing. Send all money by postoffice money order or draft. Address i THE KANSAS CITY JOURNAL, Kansas City, Mo. Second-Hand Furniture We Buy All Kinds of Second* Hand Furniture M. S. HAISFIELD 128 Front Street, "Next to Palace Restaurant, j Home Phone 743. / Hattiesburg . Special Summer Rates for 60 Da/s Stenography, Bookkeeping and all collateral branches taught. Our system and methods have been tried by thousands and have prov es to be satisfactory. Endorsed by professional and business men everywhere. No charges for se curing position. Students may en ter any time. Address ' « >N, Principal * POLITICS IN TEXAS Hearst News Service. Houston, Texas, August 11.—Both the Democrats and Republicans of Tex as will hold conventions today, the for mer meeting In San Antonio and the latter In Dallas. The San Antonio convention promises to be highly in teresting, owing to the attempt that will probably be made to inject the prohibition Issues into the delibera tions. The recent primary, in which the question of a state-wide prohibi tion election was an issue, was not decisive. Owing to divergent inter pretations of the law governing the primary, both tbs "wets" and "drys" claim a victory. Governor T. M. Campbell will be renominated, having received an overwhelming majority In the primary. Owing to the prohibition fight and the friction between the adherents and opponents of Senator Bailey, the Republican are claiming a possibility of victory in the election .this fall, apd the convention In Dallas will likely be the most etching In the histlry of the party in Texas. The remnants of the Populist party in Texas are holding a convention in Fort Worth today to select an elec toral ticket. Diarrhoea Gured. "My rtather has tor years been troubled with diarrhoea, and tried ev ery means possible to effect a cure, without avail," writes John H. Zlrkle, of Philippi, W. Va. "He saw Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy advertised In the Philadelphia Republican and decided to try It. The result is one bottle cured'him and he has sot suffered With the disease for eighteen months. Bsfre taking this remedy he was a constant sufferer. He is now sound and well, and although glxty years old, cap do as mucl* work Sold by Hayr-RnO a# swroung man. Field and Yellow Pine Pharmacy. SHAVE AT HOTEL BURG BARBER SHOP. Hearst News Service. Springfield, Mo., August 11.—One of ,the most representative gatherings ever held by the agricultural Interests of the state marked the opening today of the first annual convention of the Missouri Farmers' Union. The state union Is affiliated with the national organization and has had a remark able growth during the year. Or BUMPER APPLE CROP FOR OZARK SECTION St. Louis, Mo., August 11.—That the | prospects gre good for a bumper crop of apples In most sections where the fruit is grown is the joyful news brought by the delegates to the sixth \ American Apple Growers' Congress, which convened today at the Southern Hotel. Papers an all phases of the apple business will be read during the sessions by the members of the congress, Including commercial orch ardists, commission men, exporters, . entomological experts of the agricul FOR SALE. By order of the court 1 am offering for sale all of the property of the Sani tary Plumbing Company, consisting of plumbing and electrical materials. Will sell in bulk or retail. J. S. LEE, Assignee. At M. J. Epley's Real Estate Office, jul 11 tf Money to Loan On Diamonds, Jewelry and All Kinds of Personal Property M.S. HAISFIELD Loan Office 128 Front St. Next to Palace Restaurant Home Phone 743. • IWAMT to buy for cash 10 good ne * gro houses M. J. Epley WHY WORRY Over Your Washing 'Tis true that the weather is bad, but that need not worry the Good Lady. Just call us up and ask for the Rough Dry System for family washing. We have lots of families using It to day and why not you? We can make all happy as well as few. We make the wash women Mad and the House Wife Glad. Is that not a problem for Happy Hattlesburgers solved? Ask for our book-let on the rough dry family washing. We have It all figured for you. We have the best equipped Dry Steam Cleaning and Pressing In the city and when you want anything cleaned. Give us a sample order. We make good and handle every thing In the washable line. PHOENIX LAUNDRY — Try Our — / CLEANING AND PRE8SING DEPT. 2004206 Main atrset. Phones 36. ganizerS are now reported lo be push ing the work in every county of the state. It is expected that at the pres ent meeting It will be decided to es tablish a newspaper organ of the union. The organization is based on economic lines and has for Its purpose the restriction of crops and the main tenance of prices for agricultural pro ducts. tural departments of the nation and 1 the various states, and professors of horticulture at many colleges and ex pertment stations, . One of the interesting subjects slat ed for discussion is the effect of the pure food law on the interstate ship ment of off-grade apples. Other pa pers will deal with spraying, pruning, legislation effecting orchards, ship ping apples to market in bulk, ex porting apples and selling fruit from grower to consumer. CAPT. LEVERETT IS COMPLIMENTED The following complimentary notice of Capt. J. M. Leverett, of this city, who expects to engage in the practice of law here, beginning in September is taken from the Starkville News: Hon. J. M. Leverett, of Hattiesburg, paid our office a visit yesterday and regret that we did not meet him. Mr. Leverett was for many years a citizen of this county. He practiced law for quite a while at Walthall most suc cessfully and resided several years at Winona. Before being admitted to the bar he was for several terms a member of the board of supervisors of the county and its president. We wish him all happiness and prosperity. Just as we closed,, the above Mr. Leverett called in and a most pleasant meeting. We hope that it will not be the last, as he intimated perhaps. OFFER EXTRAORDINARY. To introduce the Daily News to res idents of South Mississippi outside of Hattiesburg, we will send the paper from now until after the November j election by mail to any address for $1. I This is done to increase our circula tion outside of Hattiesburg, and at the j same time, giving you the paper at j exactly half price. Mail us your sub scription. tf NEW YORK G. O. P. Hearst News Service. New York, August 11.—A meeting of the New York State Republican com mittee will be held tomorrow at the Republican Club, when the date and place for holding the state conven tion will be difinitely dscided. Accord ing to Chairman Woodruff, the con vention will probably be called to meet at Saratoga Springs, Septem ber 14 and 15. i NOTICE. "The First National Bank of Hat tiesburg, located at Hattiesburg, State of Mississippi is closing Its affairs. All note holders and other creditors of th# association, are therefore hereby no tified to present the notes and other claims for payment. "G. L. HAWKINS, President. "Dated August , 1908." "The business of the above hank will be takeh over by and consolidated with the First-National Bank of Com merce of Hattiesburg, Hattiesburg, Miss., August 5, 1908. aug 6 2 mo A NARROW ESCAPE. The passengers on the New York Limited, southbound, over the North eastern had a narrow escape Saturday night. An axle on one of the drive wheels broke and Engineer Culbreath, of Meridian heroically staid at his post of duty and applied the air brakes, which soon brought the train to a standstill wlthojit the loss of life. The accident occurred near the city. BHAVE AT HOTEL HATTIES BURG BERBER SHOP. Get the news while It Is news in the Hattiesburg News. T Heart to Heart Talks v<r By EDWIN A. NYE. *■ Copyright. 1908, by Edwin A. Nye. FISHIN'. You feel the delicious languor of boy hood stealing over you. Nature wooes you to her bosom. You want to loll In the sun. You want to dig a little In the ground. The ripple of distant wa ters lures you. Of a sudden you straighten your shoulders and emit this prouunciamento: "I'm goln' flsbin'." (When one is under that sort of Im pulse, It Is proper to cut out the final "g."t There can he no doubt you have cor rectly diagnosed the ailment. The symptoms are unmistakable. Your disease is "spring fever"—plus. The prescriptlou is specific. It Is the recipe Simon Peter used when he said, "I go a-fishing." Well— You get out the tackle. You don an , old suit aud fix it. It is not elaborate, that outfit. No fancy reel for you. You are no professional. Just a bam boo pole with the old fashioned string and cork and lead. And as for bait? You dig for worms in the back yard us you did when you wore knee breeches. If you are a city man you take the car as far as It goes aud walk the rest of the way. Walk is scarcely the word. You slouch over the countryside. Arrived at the stream, you select a log or a rock whence to dangle your simple enticements. You discover the fish are not In a biting mood. You do not care. By degrees your pole droops Into the water. Yon have forgotten You i what you came for. Well, the fact Is you are not partic ularly concerned as to the catch, just wanted "to go lisliln'," that was j nil. And when you go home empty j handed, If the boy Jibes at you and : your "fisherman's luck,'' why, you are j content. You have had your fun. Is it not so? You wanted to get away from every body. You wanted to loaf and Invite your soul. Yon were tired of the buzz of business and the clash of civilized tilings. You heard the call of the wild. And nobody saw you bothered you as you nodded apd dreamed over your fish pole. And you dreamed of a little mite of a boy who fished with a hickory switch and a pin hook long, long ago. And you dreamed —but it's nobody's business what. It was nature calling to you and say ing to you what science in these last days is saying to all humans: "Re lax. Relax. The bow that is always bent will sometime lose its spring." When you plod back home the string of fish may be lacking (save it may be you can buy some from a boy), but you have obeyed the primal impulse that came to you. And Mother Nature has rocked you in her cradle and crooned her soothing lullabies. The cure for that tired feeling is to— Go fishin'. and nobody I People are looking every day for a good boarding house. If you want boarders say so in a little want ad in the Daily News. The cost is but one cent a word. j I j j A Cure For Rental =Worries= This plan gives you the profit, but- saves you all the trouble. Renting houses I? a part of m> business I have a constant demand for houses. I secure you prompt collec tions, prompt settlements and incidentally relieve you of all the details of taxes, Insurance, repairs, etc. Get my figures on this ser vice. They are small. I i | M. J. EPLEY, PHONE 666 IN FRATERNAL CIRCLES Bouie Tribe No. 48, Red Men— Council fire kindled every Wednes day night at 8 o'clock at Odd Fellows' hall. Albert Henley prophet; L. M j Williams sachem; A. F. James senior' sagamore; L. Caplan, junior saga I j | more; F. C Hall, chief of records; Burke Jones, keeper of wampum. T ODD FELLOWS. Hattiesburg Lodge No. 127, I. O. O. F.—A. F. James, coble grand; Wm. Busby, vice grand; l R. P. Anderson, re cording secretary; H'. Katz; secretary; H. H. Orr, treasur Monday nights In I. 8 o'clock. total fits Petal Cam B. Clack, CJ J. A. Pace i third Saturl at Its hall I plerk; t and month S W. Grove, Mrs. T. J. W. Bi Mrs. WOODMEN IjF THE WORLD. Leaf River Camp, No. 28.—W. 0. W. —B. P. Miller, C. C., W. J. Fowler, clerk; J. A. Shannon, banker. 1'eete Tuesday nights In Odd Fellowf' hs < at 8 o'clock. i Carpenters and Joiners of Athefiei —' Local Union No. 21J. A. A. Eathrldge president; Win. G. Jones recordlng Becretary. Meets Thursday nights at 7:30 o'clock in the commissioners' ijoo_i at .he county court house. Brotherhood of Railway Clerks.— Local No. 83. dent; A. T. Meets second and fourth Monday nights in Odd Fellows' hall at 7:30 o'clock. S. Hammock, presl Amhrosy, secretary. Petal Grove Circle, No. 107—Meets first and third Wednesday nights at the W. O. W. hall. lone L. Baker, Guardian; y. P. Hearst, Clerk. LADIES' AID SOCIETIES. Catholic Ladies' Aid Society.—Mrs. John M. Cassil, president; Mrs J. L. Kearney, secretary; Miss Josephine Meets every first Friday in each month at the convent for business session; every second Thursday In each month at the home of some member for social session. Hour of meeting is always 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Hattiesburg Encampment, No. 40, I. O. O. F.—J. U. Allen, chief patriarch; A. F. James, high priest; Wm. Busby, senior warden; George Maur er, junior warden; J. A. Shannon, scribe; W. J. Force, treasurer. Meets Wednesday nights in I. O. O. F. hall at 8 o'clock. Dolphus, treasure Hattiesburg Typographical Union, No. 647.—Wiley Bullard, president; A. J. Seeley, secretary-treasurer, at Martin Printing company first Sun i day in each month. j j : Mrs. R. W. Thames, guardir • j jV Irs ' / W - Cok 01 '- clerk; Dr. S. L. fourth Wednesday nights in each month in Odd Fellows' hall at 7:30 o'clock, Meets Harmon Grove, Circle No. 73, A', KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Knights cf Pythias, Crescent En campment No. 47.—A. Foote. C. O.; J. I B. Burkett, V. G.; George Hartfleld, K. R. S. Meets Monday nights over Citizens' bang at 8 o'clock. ORDER OF EAGLES. Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie No. 1557.—Mr. A. F. James, president. Meets Thursday nights in hall in the Pitts building on Railroad street, at 8 o'clock. JUNIOR ORDER UNITED AMERI CAN MECHANICS. Junior Order United American Me chanics—James E. Hewlett, council lor; William Busby, secretary. Meets second and fourth Thursday nights in Odd Fellows' hall at 8 o'clock. MASONIC. Hattiesburg Royal Arch Chapter No. 114—R. F. Barton, H. P., G. & S. L freight office; J. D. Bennett, Secre tary. Meets Thursday nights in the Masonic Temple at 8 o'clock. HattiesDiag A. M.—G. \". street; J. Meets Monday nights In Temple at 8 p. m. Liberty Council No. 7.—W. M. Con ner. T. I. M., 517 Main street; J. D. Bennett, Secretary, nights in the Masonic Temple at J o'clock. Order of the Eastern Star.—Mrs. S. C. Eaton, W. M.; Mrs. M. Dunn, Secre tary. Meets Friday nights in the Ma sonic Temple at 8 o'clock. Lodge No. 397, A. F. & '. Batson, W. M„ 508 Main D. Bennett, Secretary. Masonls Meets Friday Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen— Local Union No. —. P. M. Graham, master; H. E. McGregor, financier; u W. A. Smith, secretary. Meets sec- J ond and fourth Sunday nights In each/ month. ,JRt UNITED DAUGHTER3 OF THE CON FEDERACY. / United Daughters of the ConfwHer acy, Hattiesburg Chapter, No. 4122. — Mrs. D. B. Holmes, president;/Mias M. Anna Allen, secretary; Mrs.; _ Gregor, treasurer. Meets first Tuee I day afternoon of each month/ at the i Hotel Hattiesburg at 3-SO. /The MIs | torical Club, Miss Florenrfj Deasou, historian, meets second Saturday in each month at homos of rmembers of U. D. C. Visiting Dau auested to attend these, iters are re ee tings ORDER OF/ELK8. Benevolent Prot No. 599.—P. L. G Pool, Jr., secret* in Kennedy building over postoffice at 8 o'clock. / five Order of Elks, ton, E. R.: J. W. and treasurer. j Hattiesburg Camp, No. 449.-W O. w._A. J. < Morrison C. C.; J- W. Brookshire . clerk ; J. A. Welsh, bur,\ I er. Meety Thursday nights in Ov'd j Fellows' laall at 8 o'clock. | Unltyd Commercial Traveler#— Regu lar jq/eetings will he held on the first rday nights of each month Si JHattiesburg Commandery No. 21, Kmights Taoiplai—A. A. Montague, E. fc., office tn Hattiesburg Trust and 'Banking company's building; J. W. Montague. Recorder. Meets Tuesday nights In the Masonic Temple at - o'clock. Hattiesburg#.vnp No. 21 U. C. V.— Meets at court house at 10:30 a. n. an the first Saturday of each month. J P. Carter commander, W. P. Chamber adjutant • Rebekah Lodge No. 17 I. O. O. F Mrs. L. S. Trombley, noble grand; Miss Ida Cowart, vice grand; Mrs. 8. Meets Thursday Ramsey, treasurer, nights la I. O. O. F. hall at a o'