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FOR SALE Desirable Residence Property One 7-room house with all con vemences including bath and dress ing room, at 514 Southern Avenue. EQCELLENT NEIGHBORHOOD Lot 100 by 200 feet. ADDRESS J. A. BISHOP, 514 Southern Ave. Hattiesburg, Miss. The Martin Printing Co. CT3 —i ^: U-i m m i-Lj H— c/s '4 CO Exclusive Job Printers Hattiesburg, Miss. 121 Front Street j r The Enterprise Electric Company ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ! ! Supplies of All Kinds Kept in Stock REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY ! AGENTS F0R WEST1NGH0USE FANS 118 West Pine St. - i Home Phone 80 J V. LO OR! At the items below and let us fill your orders v Mason's Fruit Jars and Extra Rubbers and Tops. Special Price on Lawn Mowers, Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, Water Filters, Rubber Hose for Sprinkling. Special low price on Screen Doors, Windows and Screen Wire for the Next Ten Days. I An tfegant line of China and Porcelain Dinner Sets at a Bargaidk Give us a call or phone number 40 Respectfully, Hattiesburg Hardware Co. 5 THAT GOOD HORSE OF YOURS Would feel better and look better and go better if he was shod well and uitched to a rubber tired buggy. Bring Mm here. I'll shoe him right, and I'll put rubber tires on that buggy. Good ones that will last. OTIS SMITH, 20 East Pino Street. Home Phone 733. RUBBER TIRE8 FOR BUGGIE3 A SPECIALTY. ii l MIL a ■£55* 'fj.a.'g * in need of help try Daily News Wan ads j j READY FOR CONVENTION Hearst News Service. Oklahoma City, Okla., August 11.— An organization meeting of the Re publican state central committee was called here this afternoon, prelimin ary to tomorrow's Republican state convention. Republicans from all over the state will take part in tomorrow's demonstration, which will be of the nature of a Taft and Sherman ratift GOVERNOR "000'' GLENN OF Raleigh, N. C., August 11.—"Bob" i Glenn, the big, husky chief executive of the Tarheel state, is today, the re cipient of congratulations upon having reached the 54th milestone of his ca reer. Not for a generation has a North Carolina governor attained to sucn a degree of national fame as "Bob" Glenn, and when he passes out of the executive mansion he will leave be hind him a record of achievement equalled by few southern governors in If You Want to Save Money furnishing your house see our line of Second-Hand Furniture. M. S. HAISFIELD Front Street, Next to Palace Restaurant Home Phone 743. RAILROAD TIME TABLES New Orleans & Northeastern Hattiesburg "Central Time." SOUTH BOUND A: i Ives Departs .4:00 a. m. . 6:25 a. m.6:25 a. m . 11:15 a. m.11:50 a. m. . 5:25 p. m.5:30 p. m. . 9:05 p. m. NORTH BOUND. A-'rives . 10:25 a m. No. 9 1 ... 5 ... 3 ... 7 ... Departs 11.15 a. m. No 4.10:40 a. m.10:45 a. m. 9:30 p. m. 9:25 p. m. 11:10 p. m.11:15 p. m. 3 2 No. 6 has fifty minutes dead time a. Hattiesburg. No. 4 passes No. 6 at Hattiesburg. l!o. 6 and No. o meet at Hattiesburg. No. 5 has thirty five mlutes dead time at Hattiesburg. GULF & SHIP ISLAND RAILROAD COMPANY. Passenger Service. No. 6 4:30 am No. 3. 3:25 pm 7:05 pm Lv. Jackson Lv. Hattiesburg ..8:18 am At. Gulfport ....11:00 am 10:00 pm No. 4 No. 6. 4:15 pm 7:33 pm Lv. Gulfport .... 7:30 am Lv. Hattiesburg 10:37 am Ar. Jackson .... 2:10 pm 11:15 pm Columbia Division (Via 8ilver Creek and Columbia.) No. 102 No. 101 6:50 a. m. Lv. Jackson Ar. 7:35 p.m. 2:55 p.m. Ar. Gulfport Lv. 11:30 a.m No. 110. No. 109. 2:30 p.m. Lv. Jackson Ar. 10:05 a.m 6:30 p.m \r. Columbia Lv. 6:00 an. Connections at Jackson, Hattiesburg and Gulfport with all lines. ALL TRAINS RUN DAILY. Mississippi Central \ Leaves Hattiesburg, 8:15 a. m. | Arrives Brookbaven 11:45 a. m. Leaves Brookbaven 2:00 p. m. I Arrives Natchez 5:30 p. m. No 4—— ; Leaves Natchez 8:50 a. m. Arrives Brookhaven 12:40 p. m. Leaves Brookhaven 3:00 p. m. Arrives Hattiesburg 6:30 p. m. No. Leaves Hattiesburg 3:30 p. m. Arrives Brookhaven 7:00 p. m. No. 2— Leaves Brookhaven 8:05 a. m. Arrives Hattiesburg 11:35 a. m. Mobile, Jackson & Kansas City :: THBOUND. No. 12 arri No. 14 arrives 7:25 p. m. SOUTHBOUND. No. 13 leaves- t;40 a. m. No. 11 leaves 1:60 p. m. 11:46 a. m. cation meeting. Speakers of national reputation have been engaged and will call upon citizens of the new state to elect "safer and saner" state offi cials. Tomorrow's official convention will promulgate a platform of party prin ciples and will confirm the selection of the Renublican candidates elected at the recent primaries. recent years. Glenn first became a national figure by reason of the vigor and determin ation he displayed in defending the right of fhe state to regulate the rail roads within its borders. Arraying himself squarely against the federal courts, he entered upon a struggle which for a time threatened to assume grave proportions. It was due chiefly to the energy and perseverance of Governor Glenn that North Carolina was voted "dry," and will on the first of next year enter the ranks of the -prohibition states. Be lieving fervidly in the prohibition cause. Governor Glenn entered heart and soul into \he fight against the "rum demon" and succeeded in bring ing a majority of the voters of the state to his way of thinking, to the prohibition election, he stumped the state thoroughly, speaking in nearly every city and town, and his eloquence doubtless had much to do with the decision of the people as reg istered at the polls. Prior BAPTIST LAYMEN'S MISSION WORK Prof. F. F. Phillips and N. R. Mc Cullough spent Sunday in Gulfport in the interest of the Baptist laymen mis sion movement. They met with a cor dial reception at the First Baptist Church of Gulfport, and both made interesting talks on the subject of missions and the purpose of the Iay mep's movement which is designed to assist the different pastors in making their collections for mission work of all kinds. This movement is state wide. It is composed of prominent Baptist lay members from all over the state, and Prof. Phillips, of this city, is one of them. They are doing a great work and the missionary contributions will show a substantial increase under their guidance. Other denominations are trying the same plan and find that it w-orks well. 7 A Faithful Friend. "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy since it was first istroduced to the public in 1872, and have never found one ni stance where a cure was not speedily effected by its use. I have been a commercial years, and never start out on a trip without this, my faithful friend," says H. S. Nichols, of Oakland, Ind. Ter. When'a man has used a remedy for thirty-five years he knows its value asd is competent to speak of it. For sale by Hays & Field and Yellow Pine Pharmacy traveler for eighteen Not Listening. She was a very little girl, but not so small that she did not recognize swear ing as something very wrong or that If other'people used bad language it was her place to close her ears to it She was on the street with her mother, and as they passed a group of men talking in loud tones the passersby heard the small girl exclaim in shocked tones, "Ob, isn't that awful?" And then, as If suddenly remembering, "Bat I'm not listening."—New York Times. U nterrified. Tiie traveler was hurrying along the unfamiliar trail that led In the gen eral direction of his destination, when suddenly a large abyss yawned before him. He was not in the least perturbed. He was a lecturer, between travels, and was accustomed to have things yawn before him.—Chicago News. Cares Redoubled. "My time," said Mr. Dustin Stax, "Is very valuable." "That's what makes me doubt the benefit of vast wealth," replied the easy going acquaintance. "It's bad enough to be bothered by the wasting of a few dollars without being worried sick every time you lose five minutes." —Washington Star. 1885 to 189A In the latter year he was appointed a circuit judge. In March, 1897, he entered President McKinley's cabinet as attorney general, and in January, 1898, he was elevated to the supreme bench. OFFER EXTRAORDINARY. i To introduce the Daily News to res idents of South Mississippi outside of Hattiesburg, we will send the paper from now until after the November election by mail to any address for $1. This is done to increase our circula tion outside of Hattiesburg, and at the same time, giving you the paper at exactly half price. Mall us your sub scription. « THE CHARTER Of Incorporation of THE HATTIES BURG NEWS. 1. The corporate title of said com pany is The Hattiesburg News. 2. The names of the incorporators are: Edgar G. Harris, postoffice Hatties burg, Miss. A. B. Hobbs, postoffice Hattiesburg, Miss. T. R. Gordon, postoffice Hattiesburg, Miss. M. J. Epley, poBtoffice Hattiesburg, Miss. 3. The domicile is at Hattiesburg, Mississippi. 4. Amount of capital stock Thirty Thousand ($30,000) Dollars. 5. The par value of shares is Fifty ($50) Dollars. 6. The period of existence (not to exceed fifty years) is fifty (50) years. 7. The purpose for which it is cre ated is: To establish, publish, oper ate and maintain a daily and weekly newspaper, to be published in the in terest of the Industrial, financial, so cial, political, educational and agricul tural welfare of Hattiesburg and South Mississippi, and to do a general print ing and publishing business. 8. The rights and powers that may be exercised by this corporation are those conferred by the provisions of Chapter 24, Mississippi Code, 1906. EDGAR G. HARRIS, A. B. HOBBS, T. R. GORDON, M. J. EPLEY, Incorporators. , ACKNOWLEDGMENT. State of Mississippi, County of Forrest. This day personally appeared be fore me, the undersigned authority, Edgar G. Harris, A. B. Hobbs, T. R. Gordon and M. J. Epley, incorporators of the corporation known as The Hat tiesburg News, who acknowledged that they signed and executed the above and foregoing articles of incorporation as their act and deed, on this the 30th day of July, 1908. R. P. k'LEOD, Notary Public. 7 31 3wks 71 Presidential Election OFFER <Pn order to increase the circu lation of the Daily News to 3,000 during August and Sep tember, we are offering this paper from now until after the Novem ber election to all out of town persons for four months for only $ 1.00 cash. Don't wait. Mail us your subscription TODAY. K II The Hattiesburg News, hi i . Hattiesburg's Real Newspaper. ; — -4 a . NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'E SALE. By virtue of the authority vested in me as Trustee in a certain Deed of Trust executed by Wm, Moffett, Jr., on the 22nd day, of January, 1908, convey ing in trust certain property therein described to secure that certain in debtedness therein mentioned in be half of Hatieeburg Trust and which Deed Company, Banking of Trust is of record in Book . 1, pages 34 and 35 of the Records of Deeds of Forrest County, Mississippi, in the offlc of the Chancery Clerk in Hattiesburg, default haring been made in the payment of said indebtedness, and haring been thereunto requested by the beneficiary therein named, said beneficiary being the present owner of said indebtedness, I, C. F. Reddoch, Trustee named in said Deed of Trust, will on Monday, the 7th day of Sep tember, 1908, at the front door of the Court House in Forrest County, Missis sippi, in the City of Hattiesburg, offer for sale, and will sell, to the highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed property: Commence at the southeast comer of Block 163, of the D. H. Mclnnis first addition to the City of Hattiesburg, and run north 45 degrees east along the west side of Pine street 102 feet; thence north 39 degrees and 30 M. west 190 feet to what is known as Ben Alley according to the map of S. B. and Miss Laura Rich; thence north 45 degrees east 48 feet; thence south 39 degrees 'and 30 M. each 40 feet for point of beginning; thence run 45 degrees east 150 feet to Forest street; thence south Expert Piano Tuning =S. S. WRIGHT= Resident agent for Philip Wier lein, Limited, the great New Or leans Piano House. . . . . Offers his services to the owners of pianos and is the only resident tuner. All Work Guaranteed. Selling Agent for High Grade . Pianos at Factory Prices. . Ji 39 degrees and 30 M. each 60 feet; thence south 46 degrees west 150 feet; thence north 39 degrees and 30 M. west to point of beginning. Witness my signature this 7th day of August, 1908. C. P. REDDOCH, i Trustee. aug 8 30 days i RAMSEY & CO. UNDEMEIS Moved To Polk Building 110 EAST PINE STREET 4jR£3 F. W. Queen, Oph.D. OPTICAL SPECIALIST.