Newspaper Page Text
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1908. THE HATTIESBURG NEWS CARRY your MONEY to COPLOWS STOCK-REDUCING SALE Greater Bargains than the ones we are now giving were never heard of here before. No matter what you want in our line you can get it cheaper here. Come while the bargain bloom is on. The Dry-Goods Man S. H. COPLON -s JUST LE ) T US KNOW _ . What you need in groce ries and we will save you time, money and worry by filling your wants promptly and satisfactori ly. Only the Purest in' Food Products are Sold Here. » Southern Grocery Company BOTH PHONES 136 The Pure Food Grocery. M. A. SALLIS W.B. PARKER THE CITY PRESSING CLUB Polk B'ld'g 110 E. Pine St. Clother Pressed and Cleaned to look like new. Ladies' Skirts a specialty. All work given careful attention and delivered promptly. WE CLEAN HATS. HOME PHONE 545 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED "I I i I i _ ia« (p, oe Century Meat Market Under new management and better equipped than ever to serve you with the choicest native meats in the best manner. o Your Order Will Be Appreciated Century Meat Market W. M. BURCH, Proprietor FRED VOLKING, Mgr. ,iji COMER RAW ft Phono Cumberland r t FOR BALE On* of U. J. m OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS The board met in regular session in the court house In Hattiesburg on Monday, August 3, 1908, all the mem bers of said board and the clerk and sheriff being in their respective places. First Day. Petition of WT A. Collins et al for a public road continued till next term. A. Currie was allowed $1.94 as a re fund of poll tax erroneously collected. Petition of W. E. Simmons et al for a public road continued till next term. Petition of G. A. Calhoun et al for a change In road link No. 83 granted and J. P. Pace and J. L. Davis ap pointed to examine and report on practicability of same. Charles Wells, Henry Lee and Jesse Parker were transferred from ( road link No. 64 to Link No. 63, the over seer on No. 63 to be notified of said transfer. transfer. Walter Hinton was appointed over seer on road link No. 2? (from 6 mile post to Morris' Mill). The bond of Adams Steel and Wi.e Works for the construction of the county jail as per contract was found wanting in some respects and the said contractor was allowed until the next meeting to perfect the same. A tem porary bond being executed in the meantime, which was approved. The petition of L. W. Batson et al for a change In old river road, being opposed by a counter petition of C. F. Myers et al, a committee consisting of S. E. Perkins and J. C. McDonald were appointed to investigate the matter and report at the next meeting. Petition of J. L. Batson et al for a new public road was granted and S. E. Perkins and J. C. McDonald appointed to lay out same and report as to Its practicability at next meeting. Petition of W. L. Conn et al for a new public road continued till next meeting. The petition of T. J. Mixon et al for a change in Hattiesburg and Rawls Spring road was granted and S. E. Perkins and W. A. Conn were directed to lay out same and report as to its practicability at this term. The petition of L. D. Hammett et al for a public road was granted and J. P. Pace and J. L. Davis were appolnt ed to lay out and report upon same at next meeting. J. J. Burnham was allowed $2 as fines of defaulting road hands collect ed by B. A. Ward, J. P., and errone ously paid into the county treasury. Committee appointed to examine road petitioned for by Joe McLemore et al, reported duty performed and recommended that said road be estab lished. Signed by John. L. Davis and J. P. Pace. Report adopted, road established as Link No. 90 and, Joe McLemore ap pointed overseer of same. (Road leaves Eastabuchle and Morriston road near Joe McLemore's place and intersects Hattiesburg and Ellisville road near the residence of A. B. Chappell. M. W. Thompson was appointed overseer on road link No. 67 In place of R. A. Hartfleld, resigned. 8scond Day. Petition of R. D. Davis et al for a public road continued till next term. Marshall & Bruce were allowed $4.90 for stationery. In the matter of the alleged lunacy of Louvenia Bryant the following al lowances were made: T. E. Batson, clerk, $4.35; J. C. Magruder, sheriff, $5; J. E. Rawls, witness, $1, and C. "E. Arledge, I. A. Sexton, G. P. Maurer, H. C. Greer, J. E. Chandler and J. D. Bennett, jurors, $1 each. ' Allowances were made as follows: J. C. Magruder $20.60 for conveying Anderson Bailey from Silver Creek to .Hattiesburg; }. C. Magruder $71.20 ' r additional assessment for 1907; J. C. Magruder $33.90 for listing internal revenue licenses; Home Telephone Company $86.32 as overpaid taxes; J. C. Magruder $26 for conveying lunatics to asylum; J. C. Magruder $30 for oon veying five prisoners to Collins; W. 8. m iwfi McKinnon $4.50 for stamps; Hatties burg Traction Company $40.20 for ser vice at court house and jail for July; T. E. Batson $2.50 for phone in office; Mclnnis Lumber Company $57.35 for lumber; T. E. Batson $4.60 for stamps; J. C. Magruder $32.50 for janitor's sal ary jind stamps. Hattiesburg Printing Company $10 for blanks for assessor; S. L. and W. S. Pierce $0.06 excess on lands sold for taxes; A. D. Hartfleld $2.88 for timber for road; J. C. Ma gruder $104.80 for feeding prisoners; T. J. Pittman $47.50; J. J. Hutchins $29 and on roof of court house; W. R. Pestole $3 taking depositions; Marshall & Bruce Company $68.25 for stationery; L. Hammock 75 cents for work on jail; American Printing Company $11.50 for stationery for E. J. Currie, supt. educa tion;- American Printing Company $2.60 for stationery for L, Ward, J. P.; W. S. McKinnon $87.02 for enumerat ing school children; W. A. Sumrall $17.15 for supplies at county farm; F. H. Powe $1.65 for drugs; R. M. Grif fin $8 for removing tree from Black Creek bridge; Dr. E. Dill $8.50 for treating prisoners; E. J. Currie $3.46 for stamps; E. J. Currie $94.60 for salary; G. S. Herring $118 for guard ing Jail for June 1 to July 29, 1908. The following accounts were con tinued until next term: Geo. Lee $16 for Lumber used on road; J. J. Lee $2 for expense in working road. The petitions of J. E. Davis et al and J. B. Hensarling et al each pray ing fbr the opening of new roads were continued till next term. Report of Superintendent of Educa tion received and filed. The account of the Worrell Manufac turing Company for $245 was con tinued till next term. Pauper allowances were made as fol lows: Walter Sullivan $10, Lou Earn est $4, Elizabeth Myrlck $5, Amanda Truelove $4, Walter Richardson $5, Mary Ulmer $4, Mary Waits $4, Laura Santee $3, Johanna Taylor $4, N. and Mary Mason $5, Ellen Deakles $6, Monday Bounds $3, Sallie Stedman $5, Moses Gavin $5, Eliza Palmer $4, Eula Dunnam $6, Emily Richardson $5, Mrs. Jas. Harroll $5, Sarah Craft $2.50, Mis souri Clark $5, Hanna Hartfleld $3, Sa bra Breland $5. Other allowances were made as fol lows: Hawkins Hardware Company $10.25 for supplies furnished court house and Jail, Hattiesburg Hardware Company Boozer $28 for work done DIARRHOEA There ia no need of anyone suffer ing long with this disease, for to effect a quick cure it ia only neces sary to take a few doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy In fact, in most cases one dose Is sufficient. It never fails and can be relied upon In the moat severe and dangerous cases. It is equally val uable for children and la the means of saving the lives of many children each year. In the world's history no medicine bss ever met with greater success. PRICE 25o. LARGE SIZE 60o. We do all kinds of Upholstering and Furniture Repairing. m.s!haisfield 128 Front St. W Home Phone 143. $76.0 for supplies at county farm; T. A. lows; Hightower $1.35 for supplies at coun- same ty farm; Hawkins & Co. $1.98 for sup plies at county farm, H. Bruce $1.88 for supplies (at Lott's Creek), Hat tiesburg Grocery Co. $67.16 for supplies at county farm; Fairley Lumber and Mfg. Co. $14.28 for lumber (Mixon Creek bridge); Dr. Robert Donald $25 salary. Committee on petition of N. W. Lee et al praying for change In public road reported duty performed and rec ommended said change. Signed by J. P. Pace, and John L. Davis. Report adopted. J. C. Magruder, tax collector, filed sworn report of additional personal assessment amounting to $49,898 In city of Hattiesburg and in the county outside of city $20,011. Also polls in city $676 and outside of city $658. At the same time he filed sworn re port of additional realty assessments amounting to $47,004 in city and $2, 215 outside of city. Said reports were examined, ap proved and copies thereof ordered made as provided by law. Third Day. D. G. McGUvray allowed $3.50 for stamps and printing dodgers. J. C. Magruder, tax collector, filed report of delinquent and Insolvent taxes and at his request action on the same was deferred till next meeting. The following allowances were made: J. W. Baggett $40 for guard ing convicts, Will Crawford $40 for guarding convicts, H. G. Culpepper $85 for superintending county farm, City Water Works $15 for water till October 15, 1908. The claims of Mrs. W. A. Mosley and Mrs. Laura llenrj? each for $1.99 refund of poll tax rejected for want of law to authorize payment. E. L. Yates was appointed as a member of the county board of pen sion Inquiry from Beat 5 In place of B. F. Simmons, deceased. Petition of Wentworth, Steadman et al for a change In public road con tinued till next meeting. Fourth Day. Whole time given to Inspection of personal Assessment roll. Fifth Day. Allowances as follows were made; A. D. Carter and W. J. Bass, election commissioners $15 each for five days' service; National Bank of Commerce $3 for rent of box No. 12'; Moore Bros. Grocery Company 0 cents for Gold Dust; Hattiesburg Daily Progress $3.50 for publishing list of Internal revenue licenses; Hays & Field $3.20 for drugs; Cumberland Telephone and Telegraph Company $3.60 for phone in sheriff's office. The petition of A. E. Causey et al praying for no change in game law be made, filed and consideration de ferred till nett meeting. Report of David Fairley, coroner and ranger received and filed. Also re port of H. G. Culpepper, superintend ent County farm. The following convicts working un der the direction of the board of su pervisors were allowed a deduction of six days per month from the term of their Incarceration to-wlt; Floyd West, November 29, 1907. Jas McCalum, . .ovember, 1907. Jennie House, December 18, 1906. Julia Peacock, May 26, 1907. Rosie Fowler, January 1. 1908. Annie Green, November 30, 1907. Patience Watts, November 30, 1907. Will Volking, March 19, 1908. George Vaughn, October 9, 1907. Philip Weidman, May 17, 1908. Edna Gilbert, September, 1907. Walter Eure, November 30, 1907. Annie Green, November 30, 1907. Mary Mitchell, October 12, 1907. Perry County was allowed $1,164.38 as interest on court house and Jail bonds due August 1, 1908. E. J. Wall, J. P., was allowed as fol State $6.35; State vs. fees filed and to law. 5-13, et ly CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Haw Always Bought the store of lows; State vs. Joe Brown, $2.35; same sv. same, $2.05; State ys. Willie Renfro, $2.40; same vs. same, $2.55; State vs. Sam Bennett (two cases-,) $6.35; State vs. Mattie Law, $3.50; State vs. Charles Jones, $1.70; State vs. Sam Patterson (two cases), $6.15; aggregate $27.15. J. C. Magruder, sheriff, was allowed fees in the same cases aggregating $75.50. The personal assessment roll as filed by the tax assessor was corrected and approved and the clerk directed to make copies of same as required by law. Sixth Day. Treasurer's report received and filed showing the following amounts on hand: General fund, $2,335.53; school fund, $4,136.24; pauper fund, $1,367.16; Bonds, Interest and sinking funds, $2, 339.77; jail fund, $40,200. Township funds as follows: 4-12, $25; 2-13, $18.97; 3-13, $31.07; 5-13, $15.75; 5-14, $29.72. County funds deposltes as follows: First National Bank, $13,800.50. National Bank of Commerce, $18, 988.02. Citizens Bank, $5,476.38. Hattiesburg Trust and Banking Co., $12,234.21. Total, $50,489.18. Committee on petition of T. J. Mixon et al for change in Hattiesburg and Rawls Springs road reported adverse ly and the report was adopted. Committee on petition of L. W. Bat K All this Week We are cutting prices on Summer Goods. The end of the season is near must get rid of this class of mer chandise; and, in our opinion, the only way to accomplish this end is to —we CUT PRICES This we will do without reason. Your money will accomplish more here than elsewhere, remember, or we not ask you to buy. Get the habit of coming here It is a good place to buy and now is a good time to get the habit. / / Calhouns Bankrupt Store HATTIESBURG, MISS. East Pine Street ) . son et al for change in old River road ' reported adversely and report adopted, The county treasurer was directed to notify all persons holding any six teenth section or township funds to pay any part of said funds or interest thereon now due into the county treas ury at once. T. E. Batson was allowed $18 and J. C. Magruder $12 for attendance at this term of supervisors' court. J. P. Pace and J. L. Davis were al lowed $9 each for three days' commit tee work in July. George Hartfleld was allowed $20 as salary for July. Per diem and mileage allowed as fol lows: J. P. Pace, 6 days $24. J. C. McDonald, 6 days 6 miles, THERE IS NO OTHER As good as our one-piece Felt Mattress. For sale by all Frurniture Stores in Hattieburg. We do not retail Mattresses but we do make over old cotton beds. ::::::: DIXIE MATTRESS CO. ' $24.60. John L. Davis, 6 days, 6 miles, $24.50. W. A. Conn, 6 days, 9 miles, $24.90. ' S. E. Perkins, 6 days, 20 miles, $26. J. C. Magruder was allowed $21.60 as fees in six cases of State vs. Philip Weidman and as fees in same cases T. J. Mixon was allowed fees amount ing to $26.45. W. M. CONNER Has just received a fresh car of the Celebrated White Heath Flour The very best on the market, which he is selling at $5.75 per barrel, spot cash. Why pay $6 and $6.50 for other flour tot near so good? Don't forget the place, W. M. Conner, street. 517 Main jul 25 lmo