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American Printing Company HIGH GRADE a "* v JOB PRINTING The kind that the people ' appreciate j We have purchased the entire stock of Stationery of the Daily News, and respectfully solicit a portion, at least, of the business formerly given them. \ We Make a Specialty of Delivering Work When Promised A Hattiesburg, Miss. Hartfield Building DOCTORS DIRECTORY JAS. E. HULETT, M. D. 215—219 Ross Building Phones - Residence No. 426, _ Office No. 600. E. J. MITCHELL, DENTIST Odd Fellows Building, All Work Guaranteed. Front Street. S. S. TURNER, M. D. % OfficeJSuite 205 Carter Building Hours: 9 to 11 A. M., 2 to 4 P. M. Phones; Office 41. Residence 584. / BUSBY & McMULLAN, DENTISTS Office Suite 214-215-219 Ross Building Cumberland Phone 909, Home 600. S. LEWIS KNIGHT, M. D. Offiice Suite 810 Carter Buidding Office Hours: 10 to 11 A.M., 8 to a P.JM. Phones: Office Both 41 Res. Both 701 HATTIESBURG DIRECTORY i LEONARD L. WARD. - —Justice of the Peace. Office on Third Floor Carter Building. Court Dates: First and Fourth Saturdays In each month. ' x J. C. JOHNSON s WATCHMAKER, JEWELER and ENGRAVER Repairing a Specialty Moore Bros. Grocery, Pine St. THE POLE-STOCK L'B'R CO. Yellow Pine Lumber ttoss Building M# ROOMS 804-305 4 Cumberland Phone 11 Of course, "amount of sqace used" is not everything In adve.Msiug. But, just in the pursuit of wUdom. keep track for a time of the amounts used ay the various stores In this newspa per—and see if you could not safely classify the stores accordingly. ; •' :> vr : asaiiy&a ;• MAGIC LANTERN For the Boy or Girl . Any boy or girl who will secure Eight New Subscribers for the Kansas City Weekly Journal, at 25 cents a year, making a total of Two Dollars, and send the full amount, together with the names to us, we will mail to his or her address a beautiful Magic Lantern with 50 Views. Any boy or girl can use it. Just stretch a white sheet on the wall and you can have all kinds of tun. Full directions for use is sent with the lan tern. Any boy or girl can secure eight new subscribers in a short time and get this Beautiful Magic Lantern. Send for samples for canvassing. Send all money by postoffice money order or draft. Address THE KANSAS CITY JOURNAL, Kansas City, Mo. Second-Hctnd Furniture We Buy Ail Kinds of Second Hand Furniture M.S.HAISFIELD 128 Front Street, Next to Palace Restaurant, Home, Phone 743. Hattiesburg Special Stammer Rates for 60 Days Stenography, Bookkeeping collateral branches tailght. system and methods have been tried by thousands and have prov en to be satisfactory. Endorsed by professional and business men everywhere. No charges for curing position. Students may en ter any time. Address J. J. FERGUSON, Principal Hattiesburg, Mississippi and all Our se A Faithful Friend. "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy since It was first istroduced to the public In 1872, and have never found one ni stance where a cure was not speedily effected by its use. I have been a commercial traveler for eighteen years, and never start out on a trip without this, my faithful friend," says H. S. Nichols, of Oakland, Ind. Ter. When a man has used a remedy for thirty-five years he knows its value asd Is competent to speak of It. For sale by Hays & Field and Yellow Pine . By virtue of the authority vested In me as Trustee In a certain Deed of Trust executed by Wm. Moffett, Jr., on the 22nd day of January, 1908, convey lng In trust certain property therein described to secure that certain in debtedness therein mentioned in be half of Hatiesburg Trust and Banking Company, which Deed of Trust is of record in Book 1, pages 34 and 35 of the Records of Deeds of Forrest County, Mississippi, in the offic of the Chancery Clerk in Hattiesburg, default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness, and having been thereunto requested by the beneficiary therein named, said beneficiary being the present owner of said indebtedness, I, c. F. Reddoch, Trustee named in said Deed of Trust, will on Monday, the 7th day of Sep tember, 1908, at the front door of the Court House in Forrest County, Missis sippi, in the City of Hattiesburg, offer for sale, and will sell, to the highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed property: Commence at the southeast corner of Block 163, of the D. H. Mclnnis first addition to the City of Hattiesburg, and run north 45 degrees east along the weBt side of Pine street 102 feet; thence north 39 degrees and 30 M. west 190 feet to what is known as Ben Alley according to the map of S. B. and Miss 'Laura Rich; thence north 45 degrees east 48 feet; thence south 39 degrees and 30 M. each 40 feet for point of beginnihg; thence run 45 degrees east 160 feet to Forest street; thence south 39 degrees and 30 M. each 50 feet; thence south 45 degrees west 150 feet; thence north 39 degrees and 30 it. west to point of beginning. Witness my signature this 7th day of August, 1908. Pharmacy NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'E SALE. C. F. REDDOCH, Trustee. aug 8 30 days BRYAN ACCEPTS IN i RINGING SPEECH Continued From Puge Six. our government, responsive to the pub lic will," and adds: "The house of representatives, as controlled in recent years by the re-1 publican party, has ceased to be a de liberative and legislative body, re sponsive to the will of a majority of the members, but has come under 'he absolute domination of the speaker, who has entire control of its deilber atlons, and powers of legislation "We have ovserved with amazement the popular branch of our federal gov ernment helpless to obtain either the bonslderatlon or enactment of meas ures desired by a majority of Its mem bers." This arraignment Is fully justified. The reform republicans in the of representatives, when In the minor ity In their own party, are as helpless to obtain a hearing or to secure a vote upon a measure as are tha demo crats. In the recent session of the present congress, there was a consider able element In the republican paf%y favorable to remedial legislation; but a few leaders, In control of the organ ization, despotically suppressed these members, and thus forced a real ma jority in the house to subhit 10 a well organized minority. The republi can national convention, instead of re buking this attack upon popuia ■ gov ernment, eulogized congress and nom inated as the republican candidate tor vice-president one of the neu who shared In the responsibility fo- the co ercion of the house. Our party de mands that "the house of representa tives shall ngain become a dehnerate body, controlled by a majority of the people's representatives, anil not by the speakei," and is pledged to "such rules and regulations to govern the house df representatives as will enable a majority of its members to direct its deliberations and control leg islatlon." "Shall the people rule?" T'lev can not do so unless they can control the house of representatives, ana through their representatives in the house,-give expression to. their purposes and ihe'r desires. The republican partv is com mitted to the methods now in vogue in the house of representatives; the democratic party is pledged to such a revision of the rules as will bring the popular branch of the federal govern ment into harmony with the ideas of those who framed our constitution and founded our government. OTHER ISSUES WILL ways, or any other of the numerous problems which press for solution, we shall find that the real question In volved in each is, whether the govern ment shall remain a mere business asset of favor seeking corporations or be' an instrument in the hands of the people for the advancement of the common weal, BE DISCUSSED LATER "Shall the people rule?" I repeat, is declared by our platform to be the overshadowing question, and as the campaign progresses, I shall lake oc casion to discuss this question as it manifests Itself in other issues; for whether we consider the tariff ques tion, the trust question, the railroad question, the hanking question, the labor question, the question of imper ialism, the development of our water DEMOCRATIC PARTY HAS EARNED CONFIDENCE If the voters are satisfied with the record of the republican party and with its management of public affairs we can not reasonably ask for a change in administration; if, however, the voters feel that the people, as a whole, have too little influence in shaping the policies of the govern ment; if they feel that great combina tions of capital have encroached upon the rights of the masses, and employ ed the instrumentalities of govern ment to secure an unfair share of the total wealth produced, then we have a right to expect a verdict against the republican party and In favor of the democratic party; for our party has risked defeat—aye, suffered defeat—• in its efforts to arouse the conscience of the public and to bring about that very awakening to which Mr. Taft has referred. Only those who are worthy to be en trusted with leadership in a great cause, who are willing to die for it, ,and the democratic party has proven its worthliness by Its refusual to pur 'chase victory by delivering the people into the hands of those who have des poiled them. In this contest between democracy on the one side and pluto cracy on the other, the democratic party has taken its position on the side of equal rights, and Invites the opposition of those who use politics to secure special privileges and govern mental favoritism. Guaglng the prog ress of the nation, not by the happi ness or wealth or refinement of a few, but "by the prosperity and advance ment of the average man," the demo cratic party charges the republican party with being the promoter of pres ent abuses, the opponent of necessary remedies and the only bulwark of private monoply. party affirms that In this campaign It Is the only party, having a prospect of success, which stands for justice In government and for equity In the di vision of the fruits of Industry. The democratic DEMOCRATIC PARTY DEFEND ER OF HONE8T WEALTH We may expect those who have com mitted larceny by law and purchased immunity with their political influ ence, to attempt to raise false Issues, and to employ "the livery of Heaven ' to conceal their evil purposes, but they can no longer deceive. The dem ocratic party Is not the enemy of any legitimate Industry or of honest accu mulations. It is. on the contrary, a friend of Industry and the steadfast protector of that wealth which repre> sents a service to society. The demo cratic party does not seek to annihilate all coroporations; It simply asserts that as the government creates corpor ations, it must retain the power to regulate and to control them, and that it should not permit any corporation to convert itself Into a monopoly. Sure ly we should have the co-operation of all legitimate corporations In our effort to protect business and industry from the odium which lawless combinations of capital will, if unchecked, cast up on them. Only by the seperation of the good from the bad can the good be made secure. NOT REVOLUTION BUT REFORMATION The democratic party seeks not rev olution but reformation, and I need hardly remind the student of history that cures are mildest when applied at once; that remedies increase in severity as their application is post poned. Blood poisoning may be stop ped by the loss of a finger today: it may cost an arm tomorrow or a life by the next day. So poison in the body politic can not be removed too soon > for the evils Produced by it in crease with the lapse of time. That there are abuses which need to be remedied, even the Republican candi date admits; that his party is unable to remedy them, has been fully demon strated during the last ten years. I have such confidence in the intelli gence as well as the patriotism of the people, that I can not doubt their read iness to accept the reasonable reforms which our party proposes, rather than permit the continued growth of exist ing abuses to hurry the country on to remedies more radical and more dras tic,. OUR PARTY'S IDEAL The platform of our party closes with a brief statement of the party's ideal. It favors "such an administra tion of the government as will insure, as far as human wisdom can, that each citizen shall draw from society a re ward commensurate with his contribu-! tion to the welfare of society." Governments are good in proportion as they assure to each member of so ciety, so far as governments can a re turn commensurate with individual merit. THE DIVINE LAW OF REWARDS There is a Divine law of rewards. When the Creator gave us the earth, with its fruitful soil, the sunshine with its warmth, and the rains with their moisture, He proclaimed as clearly as if His voice had thundered from the clouds, "Go work, and according to your industry and your Intelligence, so shall be your reward." Only where might was overthrown, cunning under mined or government suspended this law, has a different law prevailed. To conform the government to this law ought to be the ambition of the states man; and no party can have a higher mission than to make it a reality wherever governments can legitlmate operate. lv JUSTICE TO ALL Recognizing that I am indebted for my nomination to the rank and file of our party, and that my election must come, if it comes at all, from the un 1 purchased and unpurchasable suffrages of the American people. I promise, if entrusted with the responsibilities of this high office, to consecrate whatever ability I have to the one purpose of making this, in fact, a government In which the people rule—a government which will do justice to all. and offer to every one the highest possible stim ulus to great and persistent effort, by assuring to each the enjoyment of his just share of the proceeds of his toil, no matter what part of the vineyard he labors, or to what occupation, pro fession or calling he devotes himself. TELEPHONE, MAIL OR BRING YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TO THE DAILY NEWS. 8HAVE AT HOTEL HATTIES BURG BARBER 8HOP. Subscribe for the Dally News and get all the News. CASTORIA 7 JI'Jl" For InfantB and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought _ Bears the i _ lof Signature In ALCOHOL 3 PEE CENT. AVegetable Preparation ErAs tingliieSiomaiisi i w Promotes Digpstionflwtfii ness and Rest ^Contains neitter Opiurn .Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. of Hectpe of Old DrSiMLTIJJllWR ftaapkin Seed '• JtxJmna* JtbcM/e Salts Anise Setd * In I; Hina Seed Use Aperfect Remedy forOnuUpa Hon. Sour Storaadi.Dtarrtioei Worms jConvulskms Jewrisb ness andLossOF SLEEP. " For Over Thirty Years it Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. CASTORIA TTT Guaranteed under the Exact Copy of Wrapper. NOTICE. "The First National Bank of Hat tiesburg, located at Hattiesburg, State of Mississippi is closing its affairs. All note holders and other creditors of the association, are therefore hereby no tified to present the notes and other claims for payment. "G. L. HAWKINS, President. "Dated August , 1908." "The business of the above bank will be taken over by and consolidated with the First-National Bank of Com merce of Hattiesburg, Miss., August 5, 1908. Hattiesburg, aug 6 2mo GOOD MEAT Needs no Apology We handle only Good Meats, the choicest cuts of the Best Product of the Greatest Western Meat Houses, Give us your on ders this week and get satisfac* tion. . « . East Side Market, Tom Collier, Mgr. Both Phones 273 Corner Main and Newman Sts. I WANT to buy for cash 10 good ne gro houses f " / / M. J. Eg _ * A Cure For Rental Worries - This plan gives you the prodt, but saves you all the trouble. Renting houses is a part of in, business 1 h-»ve a constant demand for houses. I secure you prompt collec tions, prompt settlements and incidentally relieve you of all the details of taxes, insurance, repairs, etc. Get my figures on this ser vice. They are small. M. J. EPLEY, PHONE 666 WHY WORRY Over Your Washing 'Tis true that the weather is bad, hut that need not worry the Good Lady. Just call us up and ask for the Rough Dry System for family washing. We have lots of families using it to day and why not you? We can make all happy as well as few. We make the wash women Mad and the House Wife Glad. Is that not a problem for Happy Hattiesburgers solved? Ask for our booklet on the rough ; dry family washing. "We have it all j figured for you. We have the best equipped Dry r | Steam Cleaning and Pressing in the city and when you want anythin* cleaned. Give us a sample order., . We make good and ltandle every 1 thing in the washable lino. . PHOENIX LAUNDRY — Try Our — CLEANING AND PRESSING DEPT. 200-206 Main street. Phone* 3*. Money to Loan On Diamonds, Jewelry and All Kinds of Personal Property M.S. HAISFIELD Office 128 Front St. By order of the court I am offering f»r sale all of the property of the Saal Jtary Plumbing Company, consisting of Mfplumbing and electrical materials. Will sell In bulk or retail. t to Palace Restaurant Home Phone 743. FOR SALE. J. S. I.EE^Assignee. At M. J. Epley's Real Estate Office Jul 11 tf People are looking every day tor a , good boarding house, boarders say so in a little want ad la the Dally News. The cost Is but oae cent a word. If you vast