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—.. — — JL - HA! FUNNIEST PICTURE EVER SEEN H A! HA! as Wanted-A Son-in-Law on Trial it yy GEM THEATER EDGAR N. HIRSCH, Manager. TONIGHT MATINEE EVERY DAY 3:00 TO 6:00 Latest Music by Orchestra v ! New Illustrated Songs 9SBBS This Mamma Had tin Nerve of a Brass Monkey. * O * } The Social Side CUMBERLAND PHONE No. 429 Bfrthday Party— • Last evening will dwell long In the memory of all who shared the charm lng hospitality of Harvey Turner at a lawn party on -clous lawn of home on Main street. This affair was formal and one of the most elegant of the season and added very much to the social pleasures of the younger set The refreshments were served by Miss Turner and John Turner, Jr., whlch> was in perfect taste and of the most delicate preparation, just the ideal refreshment for a warm summer beautiful and spa handsome Tumet light. .. | One of the most pleasant features of the evening was a delightful auto tide. J Numerous Japanese lanterns, quan tities of ferns and cut flowers formed the beautiful decorations. The guests on Joying this beautiful affair and the gracious hospitality of the gallant young host were Misses Mildred Weems Annie Bowen, Hattie, Hill, An hle Belle and Virginia McLeod, May Haney, Ethel Polk, Lucille Sweatt, Jo tie Frazier, Ruby Lea, Mabel Hosmer, Halite Williams, Annie Cura Gilliam, James Scanlan, Wilson Moore, George A. == 5pecra/ Tailoring Display .. . ■ -- rr =i r-- . r JS. —-sA:;- =3t=c Monday, Jiug. 31 and 1 Tuesday, Sept 1 by The ST0RRES SCHAEFER Co., Specialties in MEN'S TAILOR MADE GARMEN TS On the above dates a Special Representative from the above firm will be with' tie, showing a full line of Attractive Fabrics for Fall and Winter . All orders taken during this sale will our positive guarantee to ease. We especially invite you to * i - re on this occasion. 1 h — -—r -r Thomasson, Gabe and George Hhw kins, David Thompson, Frank Leland, Howard Major, Chester Jones, Ram Baton, Dan Wagoner, Lackey Staple ton, Harry Ferrell, Carson Robertsan, i Harvey Turner. ♦ ♦ ♦ Birthday Party. • ' v - Mrs. Anna Montague entertained yesterday afternoon at her cosy home on Bast Fifth street in honor of the 13 and 8th birthday anniversaries of her little sons, Thomas and Edward. The spacious lawn was very attrac tive with lovely rugs, beautifully dec orated tables gnd groups of pretty and also very merry little people. A ftost appropriate birthday feast was charm ingly served by the gracious hostess assisted by Misses Maggie, Clara, Eliza Montague. And all manner of interest ing games were indulged in, whioh af forded merriment for each one. A quantity of beautiful presents were presented the popular young lads. A delightful ride was taken on an auto mobile made by Homer Montague. A most pleasant afternoon was enjoyed and all bade their lltle hosts good bye with countless wishes that they may live to celebrate Just as happily many more annlversies of thler birth. The guests were: Jefsle Clyde and Clif ford Jackson, Trugian Beard Francis Edwin, Will-Henry, and Harry Flake, Mua Lee, Mildred, Vlrgle and Freda JTairley, Francis and Teddy Robbins, Addle Philips, Norvel Ballard, William Klngsberry, Johnnie Meyers, Richard Montague, Myrtle and Martin Mar sales, Mmes. Foote, Roberson, Flake, Ballard and Mlses Montague, ♦ ♦ ♦ Junior Circle Picnic— The Junior Circle enjoyed a delight 4 the R. a tul picnic yesterday at Mammoth Springs. 'They were chaperoned by Mrnea. A Polk and T. 8. Jackson, Misses Katie and Lucille Hightower and Miss Leila McWilliams. They went out In two large wagons, the drive over the smooth shady road be ing one of the most pleasant features of the day. A delicious picnic lunch eon was served and very much en joyed and the entire day was filled with Joyous moments for all who par ticipated. Those enjoying the day be sides the chaperones were: Carrie Jackson, , Ruth Pitts, Gertrude Polk, BlfBs Fairley, Corrine Mlllner, Mabel Mixon, Marie Hill, Lamar Rob ertson, Harry Hickman, Van and Ed gar Polk, Willard Mlllner, Curtis Fer rall. Jack Hill, Robert McSwaln. • W. E. Misses i Delightful Hay Ride— Mr. and Mrs J. E. Graham gave a delightful hay ride last evening com plimentary to their guests, Misses Lil lie Belle Guyton and Nora Chisholm. A most pleasant .affair It proved to he from the long ride In the cool even ing breezes, through every hour of the evening which was overflowing with entertainment and genuine hospitality. Mr. and Mrs. Graham are always gen ial and they did alii n their power to make the evening a pleasure to all who Shared their charming hospitality. Those who enjoyed the ride were Misses Lillie Belle Guyton and Nora Chisholm, the honorees, Ruth Holland, Pearl Praytor, Helen and Katherine Uter, Minnie Guyton, Lorena Graham, Sara Chisholm, Robert Guyton, Ethel Coll, with Mr. and Mrs. 'Graham as chaperones. 4 ♦ ♦ Women's Missionary Society. | The Women's Missionary Society of the Fifth Avenue Baptf^t church will | hold the regular business meting at the church, Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. When the business meeting is completed the rest of the time will be devoted to the Mothers' meeting. The ladles have prepared a nice pro gram, and all mothers, who are Inter ested In this work are cordially Invit ed to be present. * ♦ ♦ Mr. R. H. Crawford left this morn ing for Meridian to meet with the trustees of the Masonic Widows' and Orphans' Home to arrange for furnish ing the parlors and library of the Home. nated by the Masonic Annuity of At lanta, Ga„ of which Mr. Crawford Is state organizer for Mississippi. 4 4 4 The Columbia Street Baptist Church will give a donation pdrty at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Montague, on Main street, Monday night, for the ben efit of the poor. All are Invited to come and bring provisions, clothing or money. . These furnishings are do ',444 Miss Mabel HoBmer, after a pleas ant visit to Miss Ruby Lea, returned to her home In Summit today. Miss Hosmer won many friends while here who regret her departure exceedingly. * * * The Ladles Aid Society of the First Baptist Church will meet at the church Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The frontier work will be presented and all members - are requested to be present. 4 4 4 Mrs. R. F. Sweatt and her three daughters, Misses Lucille, Kathleen and Robin, returned last night from Kentucky, where they have been spending the summer. 4 4 4 The Home Mission Society of the Court stret M. E. church will hold the regular monthly meting at the church Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock, members are urged to atend. 4 4 4 Miss Mary McNair and Mary and Houghton McNair, after a pleasant visit to their cousin and aunt, Mrs. Sam Eaton, returned to their homd this morning. All Mrs. George Hauenstein with the children, Mary and George, Jr., .are expected home tomorow from Maco, Where they have been visiting for the past several weeks. , ♦ ♦ ♦ There will he a meeting of the Wo ? hf'N man's Missionary Union, of Immanuel Baptist church Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the church. ♦ ♦ ♦ Master Nelson Jtiiree Is expected home tomorrow from Hazlehurst, where he has been spending most of the summer. V , ♦ • News was receivgl py friends of Mr. R. W. Thompson, who 1 b now In Mont eagle, Tenn., that he Is Improving rap Idly. !■* V 4 Mrs. Rodesla Hall, of Laurel, after a pleasant visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Woodley, on Walnut street returned home last evening. ♦ ♦ ♦ • Mrs. Carraway and lltte Jack Jarvis, after spending quite a while at Man moth Springs, pased through here to day enroute for their home In Merid lan. ♦ ♦ « Mrs. George Hammond, of McComb City, accompanied by her son, Arthur, are nbw the guests of her sister, Mrs. W. F. Post on Buschman street. ♦ ♦ ♦ Misses Lou Quick and Corine Wind ham, of Hickory Grove, left this morn ing for Mozell to attend a camp meet ing to be gone several days. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. Dr. S. F. Riley and baby, of Meridian, are visiting her sister, Mrq. E. B. Carpenton on Edwards street. ♦ > ♦ MIsb Lorlne McTnnis returned yes terday from Monteagle, Tenn., where she has been spending several weeks. ♦ ♦ •> K. C. Hall, of Laurel, was a visitor here yesterday to his parents, Rev. and MrB. L. E. Hall. ♦ ❖ ♦ Mis. Earl McKee is on the sick list this week. Now Is the winter of our dis content made plumbing cheaper than Cumb. phone 251 ever. 8 19 6t = —T AU Prescriptions Double^Checked | We leave no loop hole for error in filling prescriptions and al ways use the identical drugs called for in them. Askyourdoctor about our reliability. Ask your neighbor about u$ and our methods. Love Drug Co. Ross Building Better Pictures at Lower Prices Should appeal to all who wish pictures made. At this studio Photography is recog nized as a Fine Art. Only artistic work is done here, but the pi ice is less than you would ordinarily pay for merely ordinary pictures. : \ Mrs. McMillan's STUDIO casKno theatre OVER 211 WEST PINE ST. OFFER EXTRAORDINARY. To Introduce the Dally News to res idents of South Mississippi outside of Hattiesburg, we will send the from now until after the November election by mall to any address for $1. This Is done to Increase our circula tion outside of Hattiesburg, and at tM same time, giving you the paper M exactly half price. Mail us your sol scription. tf paper EARN BIG MONEY. $5.00 to $12.00 per day can be easily earned by energetic ladles and men handling the famous White House Cook Book. Call for the Circulation Manager, at the Dally News office. Books on exhibition. Old subscribers to the Daily News can get the famous White House Cook Book by paying six months in advance at the office only. /I Special Ten-Day AT ^ The Post Card Depo FOR TEN DAYS Special Price Reduction will be made on everything in the house, Pictures, Brie-'.-Brae, Leather Goods, Novelties of all kinds, Stationery. Post Cards, in fact everything in the house w 11 be sold at greatly reduced prices, FOR CASH. V HIGHTOWER'S Great White Stocking and White Shoe Sale CONTINUED ONE WEEK LONGER UNTIL SEPTEMBER 5 I WILL SELL AT HALF PRICE, hundreds of White Stockings for Ladies, Misses and Children and our entire line of White Shoes for Men, Ladies and Children These goods are all Good Quality and will be sold for EXACTLY ONE HALF the REGULAR PRICE. i Also our Entire Stock of General Merchandise will be sold at Greatly Reduced Prices. Deep Cuts All Through the House Until September 5th. 1 For Bargains This Week Go To T. A. HIGHTOWER'S >j MOBILE STREET HATTIESBURG , MISS. _ •• '■ } THREE SERMONS SUNDAY . FROM A CONVERTED JEW Ichtensteln, superintendent hmons through the south, _St. Louis, Is In three ad dresses at will speak on "How I Hebrew and Mission^! the Jews." On Sunday at _ will preach at the Court Stre^RI^Bj dlst Church. Subject: "The Coming of Christ and the Restoratii of the Jews to Jerusalem." o'clock he will talk at the First Meth odist Churcl^ Subject, "Christ the Stumbling Stone to the Jews." At g Rev. Mr. Lichtenstein has been en gaged in this mission work for twenty . years and he is In charge of the only gospel mission that preaches Christ to the Jews, especially throughout the Southern States. His addresses, de livered from the standpoint of his loeg experience In this work, will be full of Unterest to all Christian people. od solicitors, ladies or gentle hwrn big money working for JRiacg News. Most attrao pynMhppositlon ever offered MA^Hbc wspapor. Call for at the Dally fl by a^H the circ News Offl