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Newspaper Page Text
ip :ROPOLL FRESH FROM BI< (By Glenn Ouertsey.) New lurk. August 29.—A11 S York Is going to "The Devil." Not that we are becoming wicked or iae moral. Oh. nun-no, nun-no. Neither any great Increase In rate. "The Devil," as you have learned. Is a drummer— father, two of them, with two devils. With a pair of theatrical managers producing "The Devil" simultaneously, with both claiming the orthodox ver sion, New York Is certainly having a —well, a hot time, thank you. has there been mortality l Next week the Satanic invasion la to have an addition In the person of an alluring sbe-deviL Miss Gertrude Hoffman, who Is now doing a "8a tome" dance In a yard of mosquito netting, two wash pans and a smile. Is to present the feminine conception of the Evil On* and promises that if will bs a warm number, as. It may be said in behalf of Mr. I X c » %, j vinced that while. acted ered a a pears ways to and the ent well as tain an of . g :' -N»> ( YJi 1 *?. 1-.-•jmMBPWJ* Sfu V?' » MVP i Lr V ! V i it f . \\ if i ! I V I h 1 lu i V !^§sj r / / mntMT YARMAS, THE TB1H0H AVIATOE, AHD FLYING MACHINE WHICH. HE BROUGHT TO * AirntTflA On Some Occasions You Could. Afford to Pay Oiie Dollar a Word For WANT / J an I 1 1 __ ADVERTISING SPACE is about the WANT. l l f ■ * * lowest-priced thing of value you ban buy in this city. This phrase of the matter probably never occured to you. But think it over. Suppose that the rate for want ad vertising in this newspaper were one dollar a word! A prohibitive rate, you say? Perhaps, for some classes of business. But if you were compelled to sell real estate, a dollar.a word for an ad. would still be a profit-returning rate for if it found the best market for your property. It Situation Wanted ad. if it . you would be a cheap rate for a found twice as good a job for you as you have ever had. It would be a profitable way to secure a tenant for vacant l property. In fact, perhaps half of the want ads. would pay th advertisers at a dollar a word- and a great many o* f hem he paid for at that rate if this newspaper c arged $.1 . ■ 1 ; ■ 1 it rate seas ■ jku ad. of this comparlton iMMii BBwnuiuy ro mind Mephlstopheles that he is the moat ei gaging character that has been bee in a New York theatre in man moons. And this goes as it whether applied to the cynically devl left Mr. Arllss at Flake's theater, or j Mr. Stevens, the devil of Mr. Savage production. Choice between the rlvt devils is a matter of taste, but U Flake Beelzebub, although not a Savage, has more Are. Of course, "The Devil" is an Kurd pean Importation, and not a home grown produoL No American plan wrlgth, hemmed In by the capital (j must always triumph in the last aoj could hope to produo* anything so al luring and Ingenious as has Fereni Moinar, the 'Hungarian journalist wh< conceived "The Devil," , » - There isn't anything striklnly orig-1 "The Devil" is al Inal lu the plot devil of a play, and not much me There is a young woman, the wife IHSSHHM^mnuxury and fine raiment on the other. He haa con vinced them, aa he convinced Jolan, that love is but a fond folly and that money Is the only thing in life worth while. With a shaft of sarcasm he has pierced their bubbles of romance. Later, when his advice has been acted upon, when the girl has discov ered for herself the old truism that money cannot buy happiness and that a fat purse Is but poor recompense for a fatness of wit, the devil again ap pears at the opportune moment—al ways at the opportune moment. Johnny-on-the-apot-ness Is a charact eristic of al the devils I have ever known, and the number is not few. Then, with the lady safely married to a fat boob with a big bank account, and all the fat apparently In the fire, the devil reverses himself. A consist ent devil would be unthinkable. He points out the joyq and beauties of romance, the ecstacies'of love, the de liriums of paBSlon—all of those great emotions which the woman might have known, and has missed. He sneers at wealth, at conventions, at respectability, and declares the world well lost for love. The devil's argument Is as old as humanity, but to the liste ner It comes as a new and unique birthright of virtue to whleh she was born becomes a hateful nightmare, the mess of pottage is near at hand, hu man nature is weak and—what would you? But after all, we cannot help a cer tain sneaking sympathy for this devil, an admiration that Is akin to rever ence. He is. the Incarnate spirit of protest which Inhabits the souls of all of us. He Is our double, our other side, our subconscious ego, perhaps kept always under control, but always seeking expression. Tin by The Chronic Diarrhoea Relieved. Mr. Edward E. Henry, with the, United States Express Co., Chicago, writes, "Our General Superintendest, Mr. Quick, handed me a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy some time ago to check an attack of the old chronic diarrhoea. I have used It since that time and cured many on our trains who have been Blck. I am an old soldier who served with Rutherford B. Hayes and William McKinley four years In the 23rd Ohio Regiment, asd have no ail ment except chronic diarrhoea, which this remedy stops at once." For Bale by Hays & Field and Yellow Pine 1 1 Pharmacy. GO TO HIGHTOWER'S WHITE STOCKING AND WHITE SHOE SALE THIS WEEK. HALF PRICE ON ALL 8 24 5t OF THEM. A Cure For Rental —W orries— This plan gives you the prodt, but saves you all the trouble Renting bouses Is a part of my business I have a constant demand tor bouses. I secure you prompt collec tions, prompt settlements and Incidentally relieve you of all the details of taxes, Insurance, repairs, etc. Get my figures on this ser vice. They are small. M. J. EPLEY, PHONE 666 — HONOR ATHLETES HO WON LAURELS ■ Hearst News Service. ■w York August 29.—Ine of the Best demonstrations that New Hhas known In years will be ac Hl today to the American ath Hwho participated in the London H>lc games. A representative com H- of 500 New Yorkers, headed by Gwyne Vanderbilt, will wel Hthe Olympic gladiators. Hre will be a parade, speeches and Huatlon of medals at the City Hall theater party at the New York Her at night. The parade will ■ down Broadway to the City Hall. He line will be military, athletic ^Blvlc bodies. Hthe ceremonies at the City Hall H will be presented to each athlete H suitable testimonial, such as a Hmedal, and three special prizes Bb awarded. John J. Hayes, win ■bf the Marathon race, will receive Beclal silver cup; Carpenter, who I dlsquallled In the 400-meters run, £ get a consolation cup, and Hob ■, who finished second In that event. R also receive a consolation cup. bne thousand children from public id parochial schools of the greater U^wlth 500 singers from the United JflhM^cletles. will sing the new My Country 'Tls -< 'J merit of ten sSP ■taafemonles. of de He at as CAST For Infants and Childra. Tin Kind Yon Hm Always BoagM Bears the Signature of OFFER EXTRAORDINARY. To introduce the "*aily News to res idents of South Mississippi outside of Hattiesburg, we will send the paper from now until after the November election by mall to any address for 81. This is done to Increase our circula tion outside of Hattiesburg, and at the same time, giving you the paper at exactly half price. Mall us your sub scription. tr SOLICITORS WANTED. Six good solicitors, ladles or gentle men, can earn big money working for the Ha'.tlesburg News. Most attrac tive premium proposition ever offered by a Mississippi newspaper. Call for the circulation manager at the Dally News Office. MAGIC LANTERN For the Boy or Girl. Any boy or girl who will secure Eight New Subscribers for the Kansas City Weekly Journal, at 25 cents a year, making a total of Two ^Dollars, and send the full amount, together with the names to uk, we will mall to his or her address a beautiful Magic Lantern with 50' Views. Any boy or girl can use It. Just stretch a white sheet on the wall and you can have all kinds of tun. Full directions for use Is sent with the lan tern. Any boy or girl can secure eight new subscribers in a short time and get this Beautiful Magic Lantern. Send for samples for canvassing. Send all money by postoffice money order or draft. Address THE KANSAS CITY JOURNAL, Kansas City, Mo. People are looking every day for a good boarding house. If you want boarders say so In a little want ad In the Dally News. The cost is but one cent a word. He met berl That's his business. She loved him. That's her business. They married. That's their business. We do their plumbing. That's our business. Cumb. Phone 251. 8 19 6t 85.00 to $12.00 per day can be easily earned by energetic ladles and men handling. the famous White House Cook Book. Call for the Circulation Manager, at the Dally News office. Books on exhibition. Of course, "amount of » r ace need" is not everything In advertising. But. lust in the pursuit of wUdcm keep rack tor a time of the amr/i.nts used iy the various stores In this newspa per— and see If you could not safely classify the stores accordingly. Old subscribers to the Dally News can get the famons White House Cook Book by paying six months in WHAT DO YOU THINK 4>F A STORE FULL OF WHITE STOCK IN08 AND WHITE SHOES? HIGH TOWER'S STORE ON MOBILE STREET IS THAT KIND THIS WEEK AND THEY ARE BEING (SOLD AT EXACTLY HALF PRICE. EVERYTHING REDUCED FOR 10 DAYS AT THE POST CARD DEPOT. ATTEND THE GREAT WHITE STOCKING AND WHITE SHOE SALE AT HIGHTOWER'S THIS WEEK. ITS THE BIGGEST THING S 24 Bt IN TOWN. LOOK! At the items below and let us fill your orders Mason'a Fruit Jars and Extra Rubbers and Tope. Special Price on Lawn Mowers, Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, Water Filters, Rubber Hoae for Sprinkling. Special low price on Screen Doors, Windows and Screen Wire for the Next Ten Days. An elegant line of China and Porcelain Dinner Seta at a Bargain. Give us a call or phone number 40 Respectfully, Hattiesburg Hardware Co. r. The Enterprise Electric Com ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Supplies of AU Kinds Kept in Stock REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY AGENTS for WEST1NGH0USE FANS 118 West Pine St. Home Phone 80 V The Martin Printing Co. co GO UJ 3 a a In 3 UJ UbJ H— m fr— CO § Exclusive Job Printers Hattiesburg, Miss. 121 Front Street HATTIESBURG TRUST & BANKING COI#ANY. HATTIESBURG, l/fSISSIPPI. OUR FACILITIES. The convlent location and extensive facltltles of this institution commend It to business men and all persons who receive money and disburse the same in payment of regular expenses, such as of fice, household and business. This bank Invites cheecklng accounts and also savings or inactive accounts on which we pay Interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum. All sums deposited In our 8aving Department up to the 5th of the month, receive interest as from the flret of the month. A general banking buainesa conducted. Authorized by law to sot at Adminietrator of Estates, Guardian of Minora, Raceiver, Tras teo and Agent. 6t CAPITAL $ 150 , 000 .' . is But. keep used — -— Officers: H. A. CAMP, President. John Kamper, Vice R. B. McLeod, Asst < Joe Shelby, Vice President, R. L. Bennett, Cashier, News in m Bank of Hat [rat National tlesburg, located at Hattiesburg, 8tat of Mississippi Is closing Its affairs. A note holders and other creditors of tin •association, are therefore hereby nt tilled to present the notes and otbst claims for payment "G. U HAWKINS, President "Dated August, 1908." "The "The business of the above bank will be taken over by and consolidated with the First-National Bank of Com merce of HattlesAurg, Hattiesburg Miss., August 5, 1908. aug 6 2me