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FOLLOW THE CROWDS TO THE NEW WINDSOR CAFE. And be convinced that we can give you the BEST SERVICE and ATTENTION. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO BASKET LUNCHESapd A La CARTE ORDERS AT ALL HOURS. Come Early and Get a Merchants Lunch Lorn 11:00 A. M. to 1.30 P. M. / REPLIES TO WANT ADS. Replies to want ad in Daily News signed "E. O. W.," await owner at the News office. Please call. SHAVE AT HOTEL HATTIES BURG BARBER SHOP. RIDE THE RACYCLE Piano and Guitar Lessons 917 River Avenue Cumberland phone 176 Start the Month Right Do your September Grocery Buying where goods, prices and ser vice are all satisfactory. In other words—BUY HERE. Southern Grocery Company BOTH PHONES 136 I The Pure Food Grocery. Come to the NEW EMPIRE THEATER TONIGHT Great Double Program of Pictures. "THE GOVERNOR'S SON." Illustrated Song * "May I Call You Sweetheart. N Change of Program Every Night and Only 5 Cents Business Is Picking Up Stack away your "Panic Let ters" and begin with a new Letter File, a Fresh Type writer Ribbon. : : : : A full assortment of these and all Office Supplies at \ HAYS & FIELD. FINE FIGS AND PEANUTS RAISED NEAR THIS CITV The fact that South Mississippi is a; great fruit and vegetable growing country is being demonstrated more and more with each succeeding year. I As an additional evidence of this | Rev. L. E. Hall today exhibited some of the largest and finest figs that have ever been seen in the local market No such figs have ever.been shipped into Hattiesburg. They are of Ipi mense size—double at least, the usual size and the flavor was delicious. These figs came from small plantB set out in February of this year. From this it will be seen that the growth is rapid, and for quality and size, the figs could not be excelled even in Cal ifornia. It has been known for a long time that peanuts grew almost to perfection here and Mr. F. H. Hartzog, who has a truck farm near Harvey, has broken the record on the largest peanuts ever raised in Mississippi. He gave Circpit Cierk Mixon a few of these peanuts which are about double the size of the kind generally raised over the state. Unlike most large peanuts, these are not all hull and have but little larger hull than the ordinary size. These are just two instances that have been brought to the notice of the Daily News today, and there are no doubt many others that show what South Mississippi soil will do that have never been published. SUPERVISORS TO MEET ON MONDAY The board of supervisors of For rest County will convene Monday, but will probably adjourn for Labor Day. The board, at its session next week, will receive the real assessment from the county tax assessor, W. S. Mc Kinnon, and will likely issue an order letting it go over until - next meeting so that if there are any complaints to be heard, they will be made to the Oc tober term. After this, a copy of the realty assessment will be made and sent to the state auditor for his ap proval. Other matters will, of course, be considered, but the next most import ant matter will be road reports and road affairs. If You Want to Storage Your F urniture CALL HOME PHONE 743. P. P. Pitcher PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT HATTIESBURG, - MISSISSIPP Best Work at Reasonable Prices Cumberland Phone 666 MET THIS MORNING 'CONFEDERATE VETS Hattiesburg Camp, U. C. V., met In regular session, Capt. Carter presiding, and some twenty other veterans pres ent Capt. B. P. Tingle, Co. I, 46th Mis sissippi Regiment, and W. E. Fail, Co. A, 24th Mississippi Battalion were elected members of the camp. Resolutions of respect on the death of Comrade B. F. Simmons, of Brook lyn, were adopted, after being spoken to by Capt. J. P. Carter and Capt. Geo. D. Hartfield. On motion of Capt. Hartfield it was resolved to notify the family of the I late Gen. A. P. Stewart that this camp extends its sympathy and will wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty dayB. It was decided to hold a local re union on Saturday, October 3, 1908, the selection of the place to be left to the U. D. C.'s October 3 is the 45th anni versary of the Battle of Corinth, Miss. Delegates were elected to the state reunion at Greenwood, Miss., October 7 and 8, as follows: A. McGregor, J. B. Eure, J. P. Carter and W. P. Cham bers. Alternates—L. L. Benson, D. N. Cur rie, W. E. Fail and W. D. Cooke. veterans were more than pleased to have a delegation from the local chapter of U. D. C.'s in the per son of Mrs. D. B. Holmes, meet with them. Geo. Hartfield and Mr. Long, Sons of Veterans, were also present. I | The ALLOWED TO QUIT Hearst News Service. Washington, September 5.—Midship man John S. Peoples, of Minnesota, has been permitted to resign from the naval academy. Peoples admitted hav ing falsified the score made at the Fort Perry shoo* In order to be made a member of the navy team and to re ceive the cup. EATONVILLE TO HAVE NEW CHURCH Rev. R. L. Campbell preached at night this week in Eatonville com •munity. There was much interest in the meeting. There were a large number of converts. There will be Prsbyterian church organized there soon and it will begin its new life with a strong following, as that is one of the best communities in the county. a : ' •' T ' m - ■: tf , * i l. ' ■■ r\ I ■"* ■ m , f"' A'i ... . L L V*. ■■ ■ i j 1 if " , 1 E i * }. . Y 6 ; *• ? h * s ||fe * '# - i. me - i " - r f X i / m ■ : * V ; SNAPSHOT OF HELEN GOULD. This picture of Miss Helen Gould was taken recently tvheu she was attend* .ng an oirtlug with several children near her country home, it probably is the best likeness of her that has been made in recent years. MIbb Gould annually contributes many thousands ot dollars to charities of various kinds and many more thousands to furthering the Influence of the Y. M. C. A. in America and the Philippine*. MARTIAL LAW Loss From Yesterday's Fire is Now Estimated at More Than $750,000. Hearst News Service. Rawhide, Nev., September 5.—Mar tial law reigns today following the fire of yesterday, which rendered homeless at least 3,000 persons, and entailed property loss of at least $750,000. The rumor that two commercial travelers lost their lives in the fire has not been confirmed. WATER FAMINE AMUSEMENTS. Attractions Tonight. New Gem—Moving pictures: "The Water Cure," and "A Little Boy's Tricks," two big comics. New Songs and new music. Casino—Special Saturday night pro gram of high class moving pictures and beactlful illustarted song. New Empire—Moving pictures. "The Dream of a Fool," a great comic. Illustrated song: "The Garden of Dreams." Special Labor Day Program. The New Empire Theater will have a specil Labor Day matinee Monday from 3 to 6 p. m., and a program of unusual interest will be put on. Ap propriate illustrated songs will also be rendered. a]1 be especially attractive. The Casino Theater will have a spe cial Labor Day program Monday night when the? pictures and the songs will The New Gem announces a par ticularly attractive program for Labor Day. Special pictures for the occasion have been selected and new songs and new music arranged. The New Gem's Labor Day matinees will begin at 3 m. and continue all day. REV. W. E. SEWELL TO PREACH SUNDAY a. On Sunday evening at 7:45 o'clock Rev. W. E. Sewell, missionary to Cuba, will occupy the pulpit of Broad Street Methodist Church. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend this special service. HARRY THAW CASE AGAIN Rumored That He Will Be Carried to Pittsburg Monday to Face His Creditors. $435,000 IN CLAIMS; ASSETS OF $128,000 Mrs. Evelyn Nesbit Thaw Said to Be on the Verge of Collapse and Is De pendent on Friends for Support. Will Not Attend Meeting. Hearst News Service. Pittsburg, September 5.—It is ru mored that Harry Kendall Thaw will be brought here, in custody of offi cers, to attend the meeting of his creditors on Monday. Evelyn Nesbit Thaw, who is reported to be on the verge of mental and physical collapse and dependent on friends for support, is not likely to attend the meeting, but will probably be represented by attorneys. At this session, a trustee for Thaw is to he selected by the creditors. In the event of their faiure to agree a suitable person, Referee appoint the trustee. on Blair will The schedule of claims against Thaw aggregates $455,206, and his assets are given as $128,012. The claim of Thaw's mother amounts to $209,674.21, said to have been loaned on promissory notes, there were twenty-four, given between June 28, 1906, and Au Thaw, in his schedule of which gust 8, 1907. of liabilities, gives his indebtedness to his mother as $191,500, the face of the notes, but in Mrs. Thaw's claim he is charged with interest. FRANK PEARSON GETS THREE YEARS Daily News Special. Jackson, Miss., September 5.—Judge J. R. Byrd notifies the prison author ities of the conviction in Winston j County of Frank Pearson, with a three years' sentence for burglary. Pearson is in the Louisville jail, ready to be conveyed to one of the state farms. Subscribe for the Daily News six months in advance and get the famous White House Cook Book absolutely free. Why Bake Bread When the Weather Is Sizzling and cooking is an annoyance well as a hardship? as How Much More Sensible It would be to let us supply you daily with our delicious bread, well cooked in a clean bakery of the best flour and delivered while fresh and often while still warm. CITY BAKERY Both Phones 163 1/6 Mobile Street TO LAY BRICK TOMORROW. The cement foundation for the new jall building was finished at noon to day and tomorrow the brlckmasons will begin on the brick work. T WANTS » Do you want to buy, sell or exchange anything? it doesn't matter what for. By turning to the Daily News want columns any day, you will be sure to find a buyer* * e |i e r, or some one with whom you can make a trade. Advertisements placed under this heading (or ONE CENT A WORD. Count the words and send the cash. \ How News IVants Do It. New Augusta, Miss., Sept. 1, 1908. Business Department, Daily News, Hattiesburg, Miss. Gentlemen—Take my ad out. It is for a skilled machinist, and I crowded with applications. i am I have made a selection from the applicants, and don't want to hear from any more machinists. J. H. DAVIS. FOR SALE. FOR SALE—GOOD FARM—96 acres four and a half miles from city, good road, 35 acres in cultivation and fenced; all practically level; good water 4-room house and stable. Price $15 per acre. M. J. Epley, Phone 9 4 tf 666 . FOR SALE—Almost new 33-lnch pow er paper cutter at a bargain. Also stapling machine, round-cornering machine and a large assortment of Address the Hattiesburg \ 9 b tf _._receive type. News. FOR SALE—One of the best homos on North Main street, at a bargain, good terms. M. J. Epley, 'phone 666 . tf FOR SALE—Saw mill, complete, boil ers, engines, 5 block heavy edger, twin engine feed, steam nigger, all belting, shafting, pul leys, etc., in good condition. Will be sold as a whole or separate. Also logging equipment as follows: 30 yoke first class work oxen, fine dition, yokes, bows and chains,; ten 8 wheel log wagons, 5 miles 25 pound steel, 11 logging cars and two locomotives. Chicago Lumber and Coal Co., Richburg, Miss. carriage, con 8 29 tf HELP WANTED. PRINTER WANTED—First class ad man can get regular work at union scale by addressing the Hattiesburg News. Must be sober and reliable. 9 4 tf j - WANTED—Salesman wanted. young man of good habitp who has had about five years experience in mill supply and hardware house to travel East Mississippi, South Ala bama, West Florida and Georgia in the mill and consuming trade. Not necessary to have had traveling ex perience. Good salary and expenses to the right man. Address "Mac," care of the Hattiesburg News, Hat tiesburg, Miss. Give references, and A age and state whether married single. or 9 ) MISCELLANEOUS. FOUNTAIN PEN FREE—As a special campaigning offer to anyone who will secure 20 new ten weeks' trial subscriptions to the Weekly Com mercial Appeal (remitting $2.08 for same) will be sent a Diamond Point Fountain Pen, grade, 14 kt. solid gold quick, as this special offer will be withdrawn in a short time. Address, Weekly Commercial Appeal, Mem 9 4 3t guaranteed finest pen. Act phis, Tenn. W ANTED—Boarders 410 Walnut street. or roomers at 9 4 tf tf There's Always Room For one or more of our SPECIAL 50 pound one piece felt Mat tresses. From no other can come that sweet and refreshing sleep. For sale by all leading Furniture Stores, retail mattresses but we do make Phones 623. , I We do not over old cotton beds. Both DIXIE MATTRESS CO. SIDE INFORMATION ON A SPLEN DID BARGAIN IN REAL ESTATE. IF YOU HAVE THE "MON" IT WILL THOMAS M. FERGUSON HAS IN. PAY YOU TO SEE HIM QUICK. MISCELLANEOUS. SITUATION WANTED—By first-class locomotive engineer, can do own pair work; furnish references; want work at once. Address, G. W. E., WANTED—To rent, furnished house— Furnished house containing kitchen, dining room, parlor and three bed rooms, with modern conveniences. M. J. Epley, Phone 666. 9 2 tf re care News. ——----. LOST—Gold bracelet engraved Kate Ashford. reward. Return to Daily News and 9 4 2t CUTOVER LANDS—Close to Hatties burg and adapted to fruit and table growing. If you want to buy. Address News. vege A42, care Hattiesburg 9 4 tf WANTED—Contract stacking and shipping lumber by the thousand by na expert lumberman, 20 years' ex perience as inspector and shipper. A1 references. Address W. H. B., 8 28 6t care Daily News Office. FOR SALE—One double # wagon and good mule, cheap. Address Wagon, . care News office. 9 2 6t IF you have money to invest The best proposition in town, dress Cash, care News. see me. Ad 9 2 6t WANTEL—To borrow $1,000 to $2,000, security,_ good interest, dress Borrow, care News. Ad 9 2 6t AGENTS—We want a live local agent in every town and village in South Mississippi. Liberal commission and attractive proposition. B., care of Hattiesburg News. Address A. WANTED—By a young man who is \ stenographer, familiar with legal work, a position in a law yer's office where legal studies be piosecuted. Moderate salary. E. O. W., Daily News office. first-class can 8 27 tf FOR RENT. FOR RENT—A houses from $5.0J month. 'Phone 666. few good 5 room to $10.00 per M. J. Epley FOR RENT—Two or three nished or unfurnished, avenue. rooms, fur 913 River 9 4 5t FOR SALE, CHEAP—A good farm of 160 acres, five and a half miles from Hattiesburg. Fifty acres cleared and in cultivation. Will sell the entire tract for $10 an acre. This is a bargain for some one. Address A41, care Daily News. 4 tf HOUSES FOR RENT—If you want to rent a house of any kind, call 666 over either 'phone. 9 4 tf