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FRIDAY, 11, 1908. Success Begets Success! w Hightower's Big Clearance Sale Has Been a Pronounced Success Each customer has spread the Bar gain news and others have followed their example. The result is, hun dreds have profited by the remarkable offerings. In order that all who wish to do so, may participate in the Bar gain Feast, we have concluded to I Continue the Sale Ten Days Longer Ending Saturday, September . 19 th. Prices will be the same for these 10 Days, and this means that prices on everything will be deep - ly cut. What Hightower adver , tises he does. This is a real Bar gain opportunity for you . Come while the opportunity lasts. « T. A. HIGHTOWER Opposite Hotel Hattiesburg. Mobile St. r Presidential Election OFFER \ ®JIn ordei to increase the circu lation of the Daily News to 4,000 during August and Sep tember, we are offering this paper from now until after the Novem ber election to all out of town persons for four months for only $1.00 cash. Don't wait. Mail • us your subscription TODAY. The Hattiesburg News, Hattiesburg's Real Newspaper. IJ HOLD STATE CONVENTION Prominent Leaders Effect to Be lieve That Taft Will Carry the State. DEMOCRATS ARE NOT WORRYING ADOUT IT Hearst Party Vote Will Cut Little Fig. ure t But the Socialists Will Have Considerable Following—Prohjbi tionists Are Active. Hearst News Service. Denver, Colo., September 11.—Colo rado Republican politicians are gather ing today in advance of the state con I vention of the party, which will be jheld tomorrow. The Democrats held j their convention in Pueblo earlier In the week, and the political campaign j will soon be on In full blast. Leaders of both parties are exhibit ing a great deal of confidence. Many bitter criticisms have been directed at the Rev. Henry Buchtel since he be came the Republican governor of Colo rado and personalities will likely fig ure largely In the fight. Republican politicians express the conviction that Taft is certain to carry Colorado, but It is admitted that Bryan has many adherents in this state. In 1896 the Nebraskan received the whelming plurality of 134,882. In 1900 the Democratic plurality was 29,661, and in 1904 Roosevelt carried the state by 34,582. There Is no doubt that the personal popularity of the president was largely responsible for the large vote he received. While both Taft and Bryan may have devoted adherents, neither are able to arouse the enthusi asm of the voters as did Roosevelt. Whether Colorado's electoral vote shall be cast for Bryan or Taft is still uncertain, and until the votes are counted next November, Colorado will remain in the ranks of the doubtful states, to be claimed by both sides. The Hearst party will not cut any figure but the Socialists claim to have greatly increased the number of their adherents in the last few years, and the strength of that party may prove a surprise. There is also considerable prohibition sentiment in the state, which Is likely to crystalize Into votes for Chaffin. over Giddy Waltz Called Harvest Dance Festival is Feature of Great Congress. Hearst News Service. New York, September 11.—School children of the metropolis and sur- j rounding cities are today engaged In j demonstrating an attractive program | of sports and pastimes for the benefit Of the distinguished delegates to the congress, of the Playground Associa tion of America. Tomorrow the congress will culrn nate with a harvest dance festival, in which hundreds of men, women and children, representing nearly a score of races and nationalities, will par ticlpate. The festival will illustrate I the folk and national dances of the | various groups of Uncle Sam's adopt ed children. i I The dancers come from the na tional societies of New York, which have volunteered to supply members who were famed for their dancing In Russia, Poland, Bohemia, Germany, Ireland, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Hun gary, France and Scotland, while na tive American dances will be illus trated by a group of negro children from the West 63rd street playground and by groups from the other play grounds of Manhattan and Brooklyn. Each group will be In native costume. SOLICITORS WANTED. • Six good solicitors, ladles or gentle men, can earn oig money working for the Hattiesburg News. Most attrac tive premium proposition ever offered by a Mississippi newspaper. Call for the circulation manager at the Daily News Office. NEW RAILWAY TO BE BUILT MUCH ACTIVITY BEING MANI FESTED IN THE STATE. Mississippi Central Going to Gulfport. Grading on the Goodyear Prospects for Aberdeen bigbee Valley Road. Line. & Ton'* Dally News Special. Jackson, September 11.—It is cur rently reported here that the Missis sippi Central road is preparing to sume construction work on its propos ed extension from Hattiesburg south ward to the ports at Gulfport and Pas cagoula, and that contracts for grad ing will probably be awarded within the next sixty days. The company had all arrangements made for this work about a year ago when the financial depression set in. • The New Orleans & Great North ern road is making fairly good head way with grading south of here, but work has not yet started on the Jack son end of the line, and resident of ficials state that they are unable to say when activities will be started but It Is believed that the will have trains runing into Jackson by the 1st of January. Edward Hines Lumber com pany is making prepartions to com mence work on its line betwen Co lumbia and Gulfport, which is intend ed primarily for logging purposes, but will be of standard guage construc tion. re company The The Little J. division of the Y. & M. V. road is practically rebuilding its line between Jackson and Harri son, laying new ties and rails over the entire distance. Nothing has been heard recently concerning the plans of the Aber deen & Tombigee Valley road, but reports from Aberdeen say that some definite announcement concerning plans may be expected within a few days. AMENDMENT TO CHARTER OF HATTIESBURG GROCERY CO. | Proposed amendment to the charter of Incorporation of "Hattiesburg Gro cery Company." Section 5 of the charter of said cor "The capital be Thirty Thousand into three hundred shares of one hun dred dollars each, but said cor poration may begin business as such, when ($10,000.00) Ten Thousand Dol lars shall have been subscribed for, and paid Into capital stock. The said capital stock may be paid for either in money or property at its actual value." It Is proposed to substitute instead of the above quoted section the follow ing: poration, is as follows: stock shall Dollars ($30,000.00) divided The capital stoex of this corporation shall be One Hundred Thousand Dol lars ($100,000.00), divided thousand shares of one hundred dollars into one each, but said corporation may begin business as such, when fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) shall have been subscribed for, and paid into capital stock. The said capital stock may be paid for either in money or property at its actual value. ment is to change the authorized cap ital from thirty thousand dollars to one hundred thousand dollars, The effect of the proposed amend Done pursuant to resolution of the board of directors of said company unanimously adopted at a meeting duly convened August 28th, 1908. Witness the corporate name and seal of said company, this the 28th day of August, 1908. HATTIESBURG GROCERY CO., • JNO. T. CONNER, President. J. S. CONNER, Secretary. The State of Mississippi, Forrest County. Personally appeared before me, T. M. Ferguson, the undersigned Notary Public In and for the City of Hatties burg, in said county and state, the within named Jno T. Conner, presi dent, and J. S. Conner, secretary, who each acknowledged that they signed, sealed and delivered the foregoing in: strument on the day and year therein mentioned as president and secretary of said Hattiesburg Grocery Co., and for the uses and purposes therein stat ed, being thereunto duly authorized by the board of directors of said Co pany, Hilton McKee, M. L. Thompson, Jr., Robert Field Jr., Jno T. Conner and J. S. Conner being the directors on said board, all stockholders being rep resented. JHven under my hand and seal at my office in the city of Hattiesburg, Mis sissippi, this the 28th day of August, 1908. THOS. M. FERGUSON, Notary Public. 8 28 3t Fri SHAVE AT BURG BARBER SHCP. HOTEL HATTIES 'Waffl CO-ED VC A TIONA L. 400 students. First clajs accomrnod*^ reasonable rates Courses of study equal to those given by any Special atten New $100,000 equipment. umm. other college the State and lead the usual degr given to Domestic Science, Art. Music, Expression, and the training of teachers Session opens September 8. 1908 w. |. THAMES. President Wa Uhl Hattiesburg, Mis*. UaU 4b Vr. . A. PARSONS. W, B. DICKERSON. ^ W. A. BENNETT ENTERPRISE BOILER & MACHINE WORKS. CORNER FRONT and KAMPER STS. TELEPHONES; ===== Hattiesburg, Boilers, Engines, Mill Supplies Repairs of all kinds, Locomotive and Saw Mill Work a Specialty. Gas and Gasoline Engines Installed and Repaired. Brass and Grey Iron Castings and Gen eral Foundry and Machine Work. . . ALL WORK DONE PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. WRITE US FOR PRICES HOME 324. CUMB. 626; Mississippi. Enterprise Boiler Works, HATTIESBURG, MISS. V J r The Enterprise Electric Company ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Supplies of All Kinds Kept in Stock REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY ACENTS F0R WESTINGHOUSE FANS 118 West Pine St. Home Phone 80 The Martin Printing Co. CO CO —i ST U-l v uu J* fr ee Exclusive Job Printers Hattiesburg, Miss. 121 Front Street JUST RECEIVED Solid car Malthoid Roofing From $1.50 to $2.50 per sq. Shingles, Cypress and Pine $1.50 to $3.50 Corrugated Roofing and Mill Supplies. Union Manufacturing & Supply Co. STEVENS BLOCK : PHONES 727 iM I A SOLICITORS WANTED. Six good solicitors, ladles or gentle men, can earn big money working for the Hattiesburg News. Most attrac tive premium proposition ever offered by a Mississippi newspaper. Call for the circulation manager at the Daily News Office. Subscribe for the Daily News six months in advance and get the famous White House Cook Book absolutely free.