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SCIENTIF IC FEEDING ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ gVERY Feeder of Oxen wants the Best Results from Feed. These Results can only be obtained by feeding a Balanced Ration. We are manufacturing the only well Balanced Ration for Oxen on the mark t— ❖ •> ❖ •> * ❖ ❖ <• 4 <• •> {* ❖ <• •> <• ❖ NEK - YOK OX FEED <• •> 4 ❖ <• TRADE MARK <• <• <• ❖ ❖ <• ❖ * ❖ ❖ <■ « <• ❖ •> ❖ <• ❖ <• ❖ •> * <• « ❖ <• •> <• ❖ <• ECONOMICAL and SAFE; always the same and constantly growing by sending us your order for this Feed. We con give prompt shipment. Popularity. Protect your interest in «5» «5* •> •{» ❖ <• <• GULFPORT GROCERY CO Manufacturers • Gulfport, U. S. A. • • SOLICITORS WANTED. Six good solicitors, ladles or gentle men, can earn big money working for the Hattiesburg News. Most attrac tive premium proposition ever offered by a Mississippi newspaper. Call for the circulation manager at the Dally News Office. *■' SHAVE AT HOTEL HATTIES BURG BARBER SHOP. Read the News for the news. Ifltls MONEY You want to borrow on jewelry call at our of' flee JVo. 128 Front St. M. S. Haisfield. r The Enterprise Electric Company ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Supplies of All Kinds Kept in Stock REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY acents for WESTINGHOUSE FANS 118 West Pine St. Home Phone 80 J V \ Presidential Election OFFER q\n order to increase the circu lation of the Daily News to 4,000 during August and Sep tember, we are offering this paper from now until after the Novem ber election to all out of town persons for four months for only $1.00 cash. Don't wait. Mail us your subscription TODAY. The Hattiesburg News, Hattiesburg's Real Newspaper. J - MHM I STATE FAIR Hearst News Service. Syracuse, N. Y., September 14.—De spite the competition of state political conventions in Saratoga and Roches ter, thousands of visitors are here to day at the opening of the New York State Fair, the sixty-eighth in the his tory of the organization. Lieutenant Governor Chanler, who is prominently mentioned as the probable Democratic candidate for governor, is president of the association. In addition to the usual agricultural, horticultural and live stock exhibits, surpassing in extent all previous sx hibltions, a great harness racing meet will be held under the auspices of the Grand Circuit. The features will be the $10,000 Empire State event for 2:14 trotters and the $5,000 Syracuse stake for 2:11 pacers. For the Empire State Horse Show, held In connection with the fair, $10, 000 In purses Is offered, divided among 120 different events. One of the most spectacular features will he a mile race for four-in-hands, driven to a coach or drag. The $1,000 Challenge Cup competition for saddle horses has also attracted much attention. Governor Hughes is expected on Thursday and will deliver an ad dress. Some of the horsemen here de clare that they will not allow their horses on the track while the gov ernor is on the grounds. MAGIC LANTERN For the Boy or Girl. Any boy or girl who will secure Eight New Subscribers for the Kansas City Weekly Journal, at 25 cents a year, making a total of Two Dollars, and send the full amount, together with the names to us, we will mail to his or her address a beautiful Magic Lantern with 50 Views. Any boy or girl can use it. Just stretch a white sheet on the wall and you can have all kinds of tun. Full directions for use is sent with the lan tern. Any boy or girl can secure eight new subscribers in a short time and get this Beautiful Magic Lantern. Send for samples for canvassing. Send all money by postofflce money order or draft. Address THE KANSAS CITY JOURNAL, Kansas City, Mo. SESSION OF Hearst News Service. Bridgeport, Conn., September 14.— Hundreds of tame Red Men, both bucks and squaws, swooped down upon this peaceful New England city toaav ana are in complete possession with the full consent and approval of the paleface citizens. The invad ers come from nearly every state and territory of the Union and are here for the purpose of holding the tional convention of the Improved Order of Red Men. na Three score great councils, with nearly 4,500 tribes and a half-million members, are represented. Reports of officials will show that considerably over a million dollars was disbursed by the order during the last year, and that nearly $22, 000,000 has been paid out in benefits since the organization of the order. W. A. S. Bird, of Topeka, is the pres ent Great Inconohee; Joseph Farrar, of Philadelphia, the Great Sagamore; Wilson Brooks, of Chica go, the Great Chief of Records, and William Provin, of Westfield, the Great Keeper of Wampum. A spirited contest is expected for of the national offices. | 9 Senior Mass., some Hearst News Service. Pottsville, Pa., September 14.—Del egates from all the locals of the United Mine Workers in this district, repre senting 140,000 miners, will meet in annual session here tomorrow. Plans will be made lo meet any crisis that may arise at the expiration of the agreement with the operators on April 1 next. TRAVELING MAN'S EXPERIENCE. "I must tell you my experience on an East bound O. R. & N. R. R. train from Pendleton to LeGrande, Ore., writes Sam A. Garber, a well known traveling man. "I was in the smoking department with some other traveling men when one of them went out into a coach and came back and said, 'There is a woman sick unto death in the car.' | I at once got up and went out,found her very ill with cramp colic; her hands and arms were drawn up so you could not straighten them, and, with a deathlike look on her face. Two or three ladies were working with her and giving her whisky. I went to my suit mse and got my bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy (I never travel without It), ran to the water tank, put a double dose of the medicine in the poured some water into it and stirred it with a pencil; then I had quite a time to get the ladles to let me give it to her, hot I socceeded. I could at once see the effect and I worked with her, rubbing her hands, and in twenty minutes T gave her another dose. By this time we were almost to LeGrande where I was to leave the train. I gave the bottle to the husband to be used in case another dose should be needed, but by the time the train ran into Le Grande she was all right, and I ceived the thanks of every passenger in the car." For sale by Hays M Field and The Yellow Pine Pharmal Of to or of glass, re ... ........ NEGRO ODD FELLOWS MEET IN CONVENTION Hearst News Service. Atlantic City, N. J., September 14.— A black cloud is hovering over At lantic City today, occasioned by the invasion of colored folk from all the land for the convention of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows, an international negro fraternal The convention will extend through the week and the visitors will be entertained in an elaborate manner. over or der, THE CHARTER Of Incorporation of Farmers' Union Warehouse Company. 1. The corporate title of said com pany is Farmers' Union Warehouse Company. * 2. The names of the incorporators are: Jacob Ryan, postoftice McCallum, Miss. E. T. James, postoffice Petal, Miss. w. R. Windham, postoftice Hatties burg, Miss. A. The domicile is at Hattiesburg, Miss. 4. Amount of capital stock Ten Thousand Dollars. 5. The par value of shares is Five Dollars. 6. The period of existence Is Fifty years. 7. The purpose for which it is ated is: The purchasing, operating and maintaining of gins, compresses, mills, wharves and public warehouses for the storage of any and all kinds of produce, commodities and supplies and for the purchase and sale of the same, and for the handling of produce, com modities and supplies on commission, and the carrying on of a general ware house business. 8. Business to begin when One Thousand Dollars is subscribed, and Five Hundred Dollars paid in. The rights and powers that may | be exercised by this corporation are those conferred by the provisions of chapter 24, Mississippi Code, 1906. JACOB RYAN, E. T. JAMES. W. R. WINDHAM, Incorporators. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. State of Mississippi, County of Forrest. This day personally appeared be fore me, the undersigned authority, Jacob Ryan, E. T. Janies, W. R. Wind ham, incorporators of the corporation known as the Farmers' Union Ware house Company, who acknowledged that they signed and executed the above and foregoing articles of incor poration as their act and deed, on this the 12th day of September, 1908. JNO. L. DAVIS, Member of Board Supervisors. 9 14 3wks Mon ere •• AMENDMENT TO THE CHARTER Of Incorporation of Union Manufactur ing and Supply Company. Be it Known, That pursuant to a res olution of all the stockholders of the Union Manufacturing and Supply Com pany, a corporation, the charter of said corporation, which was approved by the Governor on the 18th day cf Feb ruary, 1907, and is of record accord ing to law, is hereby amended so as to express other and additional cor porate purposes and to give to said corporation the additional powers fol lowing, to-wit: The said corporation may acquire, own, operate and sell and convey saw mills, planing mills and shingle mills or factories, and manufacture, buy and sell lumber and timbers of any kind or shingles of any kind; may buy and sell for itself or others lumber, logs or shingles and engage In the business of buying and selling timber or timbered lands; ayd may engage in the business of buying and selling real estate gen MUf|; may buy and sell and deal gen in plumbing materials or flx tures, electrical appliances, supplies or materials, gasoline, greases and other like products, and do a general mercantile business, and own and operate turpentine stills. W. F. POST, O. R. S. POOL, R. P. ANDERSON, J. M. FOLEY, Present Stockholders. benzine, oils, State of Mississippi. Forrest County. Personally appeared before me, the 9 fk ? W. A BENNETT^ • A. PARSONS. W, B. DICKERSON. ENTERPRISE BOILER & MACHINE WORKS. CORNER FRONT and KAMPER STS. TELEPHONES; ===== Hattiesburg, Boilers, Engines, Mill Supplies Repairs of all kinds, Locomotive and Saw Mill Work a Specialty. Gas and Gasoline Engines Installed and Repaired. Brass and Grey Iron Castings and Gen eral Foundry and Machine Work. . . ALL WORK DONE PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. WRITE US FOR PRICES CUMB. 626; HOME 324. Mississippi.; Enterprise Boiler Works, HATTIESBURG, MISS. v: J The Martin Printing Co. CO C/D r-r w .-tv 1 .-•■/I 9 ,*'.W Exclusive Job Printers Hattiesburg. Miss. 121 Front Street JUST RECEIVED Solid car Malthoid Roofing From $1.50 to $2.50 per sq. Shingles, Cypress and $1.50 to $3.50 Pine Corrugated Roofing and Mill Supplies. •i Union Manufacturing & Supply Co. STEVENS BLOCK : PHONES 727 —ii l undersigned Notary Public, in and for said county and state named O. R. S. Pool, W. F. Post, R. P. Anderson and J. M. Foley, who as the present shareholders of Union Manu facturing and Supply Company, a cor poration, acknowledged that they signed and executed the above and foregoing amendment to the charter of said corporation on this the 12th day of September, A. D. 1908. the above M. J. EPLEY, Notary Public. 9 14 3twkly Mon