Newspaper Page Text
t THE HATTIESBURG S '7T eiGHT 1A i MONDAY, SEPTEMBER, 14, 1908. i THE TALK OF THE TOWN: OUR MERCHANTS LUNCH AT THE NEW WINDSOR CAFE. From 11 to 1:30 p. m. t for 25c. OPPOSITE HOTEL HATTIESBURG BELLMAIN & LUCAS Proprietors WANTED a first-class Northern Lumber Concern, to handle the output of several mills on per centage basis, or Will entertain proposition to purchase plant. : : : : I j ! I i ! i j ! ! JDDRESS WHOLESALE U r> Care of Daily News HATTIESBURG, : MISS. The Difference Is Easily Noticed I | | j | | Groceries that are Fresh, Pure and Clean make* Food that is wholesome and nutri When you cious. have tried the Good kind, you notice the difference and will not care for the In ferior kind again :: :: This store handles only the Good Kind of Groceries — the kind you should use. I Southern Grocery Company BOTH PHONES 136 The Pure Food Grocery. i Read the News for the news. WHY SLEEP ON KNOTS When you can have your old Mattress renovated and made same as new? make over . We and renovate all kinds of Mat tresses. Phone us for prices. Mattresses called for and delivered. Both Phones 623 DIXIE MATTRESS CO. I. Business Is Picking Up Stack away your "Panic Let ters" and begin with a new Letter File, a Fresh Type writer Ribbon. : : : : A full assortment of these and all Office Supplies at HAYS & FIELD. HATTIESBURG IS I Branch School of the Centralizing School of Music of Chicago Estab lished Here Under Direction of Miss Edna A. Sigler. Hattiesburg has been honored with a I branch school of the Centralizing! j School of Music, of Chicago, under I ! the direction of Miss Edna A Sigler I Miss Sigler, who is a member of the I i faculty and who has ben teaching! ! Piano in this city for the past three i years is recognized as one of the I j bright lights in musical circles. ! past efforts bespeak the excellency of her ability and methods and the ! pie of Hattiesburg should consider themselves exceedingly fortunate have secured the services of so talent-1 ed a musical director. I Her | peo , 0 CIRCUIT COURT IN SESSION AT PURVIS j | 144 District Attorney D. G. McLaurin! and Judge W. H. Cook are in Purvis today where the criminal term of the I circuit court for Lamar county begins. | Judge Cook was there last week and | held a civil term and now the criminal j tet^n comes on for a period of three | weeks. It is said that there are | ital cases to be tried and it is under stood that the docket is a heavy one, as the last term was pretermitted account of the cyclone. to a the cap on A robbery occurred at Brooklyn Fri day night, the store of Perkins & Co., being burglarized. It is learned that the robbers prob ably entered the store before it closed and concealed themselves, and afterwards they took a lot of watches and clothing and also one gun. The gun was found Saturday south of Brooklyn along the railroad track, indicating that it was thrown from a train. It is believed thaf they went south from Brooklyn and afterwards caught a northbound train. was SHAVE AT HOTEL HATTIES BURG BARBER SHCP. TOOK SHOT AT OFFICER Rich Henderson, a Negro, Fired At Ed Rawls to Prevent Gaming Raid. I I SHOT WFNT WII !)• ° ,,U • " 1 " ,LU « nFPirPP UJ I1MHIIUT I HI I I III.II 10 III 111 lilt I I | Negroes Who Were Gambling Out in Crymes Quarters Resisted Officers 1 McGilvary and Ed Rawls. Ail Were Captured and Are Being Tried. j Deputy Sheriff Rawls | losing his life last night. A negro took a shot at him with a 144 Colts, but fortunately the negro was a poor marksman and the brave young officer still lives. came near j The trouble occurred out in Crymes quarters, on the sixteenth section. Officers McGilvray and Rawls went out to pull a lot of negroes for gam ing who had been spotted by a white | man. When they arrived on the scene they looked through a window and the game going on. Closed and barred and when admit tance was demanded, it was refused. The man who was with the officers told the negroes that it was Dan Mc Gilvray and they had better open up. This they refused to do with much cursing. It was at the house of Rich Henderson and McGilvray told Rawls to go around to the back window and shoot any negro that attempted to get out, w'hile he would try to break in the door. It was Just as EM Rawls went around to the back of the house that Rich Henderson is alleged to have shot at him. The ball whizzed by Rawls without touching him, but came dangerously near. While this was going on McGilvray and other men were battering in the door, which they finally succeeded in doing. The negroes were asked' to strike a light, but they refused for a time when one of them finally lighted a lamp. Considerable alarm was created in the neighborhood and a number of whites and blacks appeared with guns. The negroes finally submitted to ar rest. A number of police arrived on the scene, a general alarm having been turned in. At 3 o'clock this afternoon Hender son will be tried in Justice Wall's court on a charge of shooting with in tent and the other four negroes will be tried for resisting officers and for gam-! ing. saw The door was a The officers had considerable trouble in finding Henderson's pistol, as he dropped it through a hole in I the floor immediately after he fired! it. The names of the crap-shooting groes are Rich Henderson, Albert, and Sam Williams and Henry Spann. no ! CANNING FACTORY MAY COME. The canning factory proposition is beginning to appear like there might he something in it. It is learned that the Commercial Club has ben corresponding with a large concern in the east that wants to locate a branch factory in Hatties burg and it is expected that formal steps will be taken soon Jo lo cate this new enterprise here. Noth ing definite has ben ascertained, but the city should endeavor to such a plant. some secure, SOLICITORS WANTED. Six good solicitors, ladies or gentle men, can earn big money working for the Hattiesburg News. Most attrac tive premium proposition ever offered by a Mississippi newspaper. Call for the circulation manager at the Dally News Office. FOR A SPRAINED ANKLE. A sprained ankle may be cured in aoout one-third the time usually re quired, by applying Chamberlain's Lin iment freely, and, giving it absolute rest. For sale by Hays & Field and The Yellow Pine Pharmacy. ARE AFTER THE TIGERS Several Cases Were Before the Police Court This Morning. Two Postponed. j WHITE WOMAN GUILTY; SHE WAS FINED $175 George Hamner Is Again Before the Police Court With the Same Old Charge Against Him—Vincent Perry Charged With Selling Liquor, George Hamner, known as ''Little George," has again been arrested, charged with the unlawful sale of liquor. He was before the police court this morning on a charge of this kind, j but owing to the absence of his law yer, Mr. A. E. Anderson, who is at-1 tending court at Purvis today, the j case was continued until tomorrow. George is already under Dond oti a I similar charge. Pauline Miller, a white woman, who lives in the red light district, was be fore the police court this morning two charges of unlawful retailing. She pleaded not guilty in both cases, but made no defense except to the last charge and she said she gave the beer away in that instance. The man who testified against her referred to his memorandum book, and in the first case, said he bought six bottles of beer from her, paying $6. The next time he got two bottles. Justice Johnson fined her $100 in one case, and $75 in the other. She then inquired if there were any others and the judge said: "No, I will let you know when there are others." Vincent Perry, a mulatto negro was called to the bar. charged with unlawful retailing. He asked the court to continue his until tomorrow, which with the understanding that no further delays would be permitted. From this it will be seen that the city is making it warm for blind tiger operators and Hattiesburg is getting mighty dry. on He, too, was case was granted AMUSEMENTS. Attractions Tonight, New Empire—Moving Pictures: 'The Romance of a War Nurse," a beauti ful melo drama, graphically shown in a long series of moving pictures aqd interesting from start to finish. A new illustrated song, very pretty and' very catching for tonight. New Gem—Moving Pictures: "The | Cottage by the Sea," a drama .of un-1 - usual isterest, also a great comic,! - "The Troubles of a Bill Posher." Beau tiful new illustrated song and music by the orchestra. Casnio Theatre—Special benefit for U, D. C., tonight, elude special features by local talent. The moving picture fort onight will be a great comic take off of the New York and Paris Automobile races. The song by Miss Dumont for tonight will be "A Hammock Built for Two." I new Program will in STEREOPTICON VIEWS. The Rev. H. M. Ellis will be at Main Street Methodist church night, beginning at 7:45, with his stereopticon views of Japan. Public cordially invited. Tuesday QUARTERLY CONFERENCE. The 3rd quarterly conference of the Main Street Methodist Church will be held in the church this evening at 7:46. Don't be afraid to give Chamber lain's Remedy to your children. It contains no opium or other harmful drug. It always cures. For sale by Hays & Field and The Yellow Pine Pharmacy. one man atold lines raises m w ™ mm Mr. W. B. Donovan lias this year | given a practical demonstration of what the dirt around Hattiesburg will do. Mr. Donovan is one of the foremen of the Tatum Lumber Company and lives out on the sixteenth section land about a mile and a half west of Hat tiesburg. From sixteen acres of "new ground," j Mr. Donovan has raised quite a quan tity of things. He has eleven acres in corn which will yield 225 bushels, or about 22 1-2 bushels to the acre. This is far above the average Mississippi yield per acre, and it is a good "turn out," especially for the first year. He has four acres in potatoes, from which he will gather 800 or 1,000 bush els. This is a splendid showing. Another thing that Mr. Donovan has emphasized by an experiment is that the very finest quality of rice can be grown here. From one-half acre, he will make forty bushels of rice, pro j THE CITY PRESSING CLUB =M. A. SALLIS^ = . j I Polk B'ld'g 110 E. Pine St. Clothes Pressed and Cleaned to look like new. Ladies' Skirts a specialty Tailoring in connection. Full line samples HOME PHONE 545 ..Satisfaction Guaranteed... If You Want to Storage Your F urniture CALL HOME PHONE 743. Come to the NEW EMPIRE THEATER TONIGHT A Great Special Program of Pictures. ''THE ROMANCE OF A WAR NURSE," a beautiful and thrlllingly interesting drama. New Illustrated Song: Change of Program Every Night and Cents Only O | - - | I 1 I Hotel Klondyke New Management. L. D. SMITH and J. JACOBS, Props, and Mgrs. All Modern Im provements. Rates $2.00 and $2.50 per day. Three Large Sample Rooms. Hattiesburg, Miss. | vided the weather remains favorable. Mr. Donovan estimates that the re turns from his farm will yield about $650. This is a good showing for a sixteen acre tract. Mr.. Donovan, as stated, is foreman of the Tatum Lumber Company plain ing mill and has made this crop with one horse without interfering with his regular work. This is what one man can do, at [ odd times, on a few acres near Hat tiesburg. Miss Josie Dolfus and guests, Misses Kern, of Mobile, are guests for the day at the Rawls Springs hotel. WANTED Logging Contractor With Teams to Log from Stump to Mill. 35,000 feet per day. Only Competent Logg ers need apply. \ PROGRESS LUMBER CO., HATHORN, MISS. . or ARMBRECHT LUMBER CO., HATTIESBURG, MISS. WANTS Doyou want to buy, sell or exchange anything? It doesn't matter what for. By\ turning to the Daily News want columns any day, you will be sure to find a bi seller, or some one with whom you can make a trade. AdvertisemenU nUrjvl „ \^ lh " heading (or ONE CENT A WORD. Count the words and send The c^h. FOR SALE. JOB OFFICE—The Dally News will sell cheap on easy terms a complete job printing office; power paper cut ter, stapler, round cornering ma chine, brass rule, type and material —everything except presses; prac tically new. tf FOR SALE—GOOD FARM—96 acres four and a half miles from city, good road, 35 acres in cultivation and fenced; all practically level; good water 4-room house and stable. Price $15 per acre. 666 . M. J. Epley, Phone 9 4 tf FOR SALE—Almost new 33-inch pow er paper cu.ter at a bargain. Also | stapling machine, round-cornering i machine and a large assortment of type. Address the Hattiesburg 9 b tf News. FOR SALE—One of the best homes on North Main street, at a bargain, good terms. M. J. Epley, 'phone 666 . tf MISCELLANEOUS. SITUATION WANTED—By first-class locomotive engineer, can do own re pair work; furnish references; want work at once. Address, G. W. E., care News. WANTED—Boarders or roomers at 410 Walnut street. 9 4 tf WANTED—Second hand bags and bur lap; any kind, any quantity, any where; we pay freight. Richmond ' Bag Co., Richmond, Va. 9 14 lOt WANTED—By a young man who is first-class stenographer, familiar with legal work, a position in a law yer's office' where legal studies can be prosecuted. Moderate salary. E. O. W., Daily News office. 8 27 tf T; V WANTED You to remember that your Piano needs tuning. Have the work done now. I guarantee my work j : : t t : HUGO ESNEUL Piano Tuner Office with Cotten & Woodruff. BOTH PHONES 378 [ P. P. Pitcher PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT HATTIESBURG. . MISSISSIPP Best Work at Reasonable Prices Drop mh a Postal MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED—To rent, furnished house— Furnished house containing kitchen, dining room, parlor and three bed rooms, with modern conveniences. M. J. Epley, Phone 666. 9 2 tf CUTOVER LANDS—Close to Hatties burg and adapted to fruit and vege table growing. If you want to buy, Address A42, News. care Hattiesburg 9 4 tf AGENTS—We want a live local agent in every town and village in Soutll Mississippi. Liberal commission and attractive proposition. Address A. B-, care of Hattiesburg News. | i WANTED—Two boarders at 712 East Second street, Blue. Home phone S12, 9 14 3t FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Large front room, close in. Both phones 701. 9 12 3t FOR RENT—My months, 601 West Pine street. Ad dress W. S. Temple. residence, 12 9 10 3t FOR RENT—Furnished rooms with out board, close in. Apply to Mr. J. W. Hopkins, 859 Main street. 9 12 3t FOR RENT—Two or three nished or unfurnished, avenue. rooms, fur 913 Rivar 9 4 5t FOR SALE, CHEAP—A good farm of 160 acres, five and a half miles from Hattiesburg. Fifty acres cleared and in cultivation. Will sell the entire tract for $10 an acre. This Is a bargain for some one. Address A41, care Daily News. 9 4 tf HOUSES FOR RENT—If you want to rent a house of any kind, call 666 9 4 tf over either 'phone.