"KK (Bin M UB Tl ill Jim Johnson, a negro, lost the pow er of speech yesterday morning while testifying in the police' court—at least he refused to speak when he was ask ed a question, and Justice Johnson committed him to jail for contempt of court. The negro was testifying against Will Bradley, another / negro, charged with carrying concealed weapons. The . Johnson negro I II testifled all right, If You Want To Sell Your Furnitu re SEE M. S. HALSFIELD 128 FRONT ST. HOME PHONE 743 \ First-National Bank of Commerce Of Hattiesburg, Mississippi. DEPOSITARY U. S. GOVERNMENT, STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, FORREST COUNTY, CITY OF HATTIESBURG. Capital stock___ Adnitional Liability of shareholders Depositors as Provided by National Bank Act Total_ $425,000 to 425,000 $850,000 . SAVINGS DEPARTMENT This is A prominent feature of our business. Under the National Bank Act o have the protection of Governmental supervision and shareholders liability of $85Q, 000.00, our depositors "N NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET A COPY OF THE FAMOUS WHITE HOUSE COOK BOOK i COMPILED BY HUGO ZIEMAN STEWARD OF THE WHITE HOUSE AND MRS. F. L. GILLETTE YOU \ This Work contains 1,600 Recipes , Em bracing the Follow ing Subjects: over V Can get . a copy of this world-wide fa mous Cook Book absolutely free by becoming a sub scriber to the Hat tiesburg Daily News for six months. : : : Subscribe Now! i, 7 ;* ■ Pay your subscrip tion for six months in advance and let us send you a copy of this great work. M&i / 7 8 COMPRISING Cooking, Toilet and Household Recipes Menus, Dinner Giving Table 'Etiquette Carving Shell Fish Sauces Macaroni Omeletes Muffins Tarts Deserts ';kg, A Soups, Poultry Vegetables Catsups Pickles Butter Bread Toast Custards Fish Game Meats I?! Salads V 'Moo* Cof Cheese Eggs Rolls Pies Care of the Sick Health Suggestions And Thousands of Facts Worth Knowing. Biscuits Pastry Creams Ice Cream Puddings Ices Canr edFruits Dumplings Preserves Jellies Confectionery Coffe Fruits \ > I r» ■ / Tea Etc. ./ RETAIL PRICE. $1.25 Terms and Conditions Be Sure that Coupon Below Accompanies your Remittance Terms and Conditions City Subscribers 1908 Mail Subscribers 1908 Hattiesburg Daily 3\£em, Hattiesburg, Miss. _ Gentlemen: Enclosed find $ _ for which send to the address given below the Hattiesburg Daily News for six months D | ar} d one copy of the White House Cook Book . t/i ^ Name _ 2 Street No. Town _ R.F.D. - County _ d2 Hattiesburg Daily tffem, Hattiesburg, Miss. i Gentlemen: Enclosed find $ - for which renew my to subscription tor six months and send one copy of While House 3 Cook {Book i Name ___ d Street No. Town _ Send us QQ $3.00 for the Hattiesburg Daily News for six months, with 50c Send us $3.00 for six months sub scription to the Hattiesburg Daily News, delivered by carrier. Fill out coupon, bring or mail to the Hatties burg Daily News, and Cook Book will be sent to you at once. u CQ 06 U additional, $3.50 in all, to of delivery. Fill out coupon, mail The Hattiesburg Daily News, Hat tiesburg, Miss., and Book will be mailed to )ou at once. cover cost to Q U4 J - State _ R.F.D. County State .... ■ while Justice Johnson was asking him questions and appeared to be making out a case against Will Bradley until he was turned over to Clyde Conner, attorney for Bradley, when the wit ness balked at the first question asked him. Attorney Conner asked, "What j have you against Will Bradley; what j caused you to testify against him," i or words to that effect. The negro hesitated, looked around and he peared to be getting ready to speak, but not a word did he utter. "You must answer the question," said Judge Johnson. Still the negro sat speechless. I " If y°« Jo not answer the question, II will send you to jail," said his hon ap a was or. Still no response. After giving him ample time to make up his mind, the Judge told the officers to take the negro to jail for contempt of court, which was done. The case against Will Bradley dismissed, as was also another against him for exhibiting deadly weapons. ImSSmi - Hearst News Service. Washington, September 15.—By der of the interstate mission, a reduction of from 10 to 20 per cent, in the freight rates on fruits and vegatables from Florida to all or eastern cities becomes effective today, j commerce com Don't be afraid to give Chamber Iain's Remedy to your children, contains no opium or other harmful drug. It always cures. For sale by Hays & Field and The Yellow Pine Pharmacy. It TO THE LADIES. The Dally News has just received i a large shipment of the famous White House Cook Books, which it is going to offer absolutely free with* every new six months cash subscription; also to every old subscriber who will pay six months in advance. This Cook Book retails all over the world for $1.25. It is the largest, latest and most plete publication of its kind ever com piled. You can see them by calling at the Daily News office. com OISBKiiTOffiiMS ' JT MEETING DF PUSTMASmS • Subject of the Parrel. Poet W|| i ject Ot the Parcels Post Will | Also Receive Attention of the vccc.ve Attention or me Convention. | POSTMASTER GENERAL FAVORS BOTH PROJECTS i Many Other Important Subjects to En gage the Attention of Postmasters at the Session Convened in Chatta nooga Today. Hearst News Service. Chattanooga, Tenn., September 15.— j Discussion of postal savings banks and parcels post will occupy the at tention of the National Association of j Postmasters of First Class Offices dur ing the convention opened in this city j today. Postmaster General George I Von L. Meyer and several of his sub-1 ordinates from Washington, with post masters from nearly all of the larger cities of the country, will take part in the consideration of these vital topics. Postmaster General Meyer has gone on record as favoring both projects and will renew his recommendations for their adoption in his next annual report to the president and The postal savings bank proposition, in its modified form, will limit de posits to sniall amounts, thus making the system practically and feeder for national and banks. • | slate , Opinion among the visiting postmasters as to the parcels post | system is divided, but a majority fa- j \oi the plan. Friends of the measure j declare that nothing now prevents the establishment of a parcels post but the Influence of the express companies. Among other matters to be consid ered by the postmasters during the next three days are improvements in efficiency of postal employes; dis congress. an auxilliar.v i maUer| ^ 8tampln8; I | special delivery service; improvement J T" ey ° r , der system; holiday and Sunday service and the relations of the ruraI carrier t0 postmasters of first-class offices. In the matter of back-stamping the day and hour of arrival of letters, the postmasters are generally agreed that the plan should be continued. The i New I York, but the postmaster of that city | |reports that numerous complaints have j | been made by patrons. Lawyers and J _ big commercial concerns have urged that the practice of back-stamping be! resumed, as the back-stamp is some- J times highly important in the trial at ! cases by law. practice was discontinued in BETTER FACILITIES FOR HOME PHONES j j j I in Mr. Spotts, the general manager of | the Home Telephone Company, of Me ridian, was in the city yesterday and stated that arrangements will be made —i a very short while to accommodate 300 or more additional subscribers to the. Home Telephone exchange in this city. He also states that arrangements are being made for a long distance service between Mobile and Meridian; that an exchange will be soon put in at Jackson and that arrangements will be made to connect Hattiesburg with Meridian, Mobile, Jackson and other points where there is an independent ! system. In his opinion the Home and I , independent companies will pay a j great deal of attention to the construe- ! | tion of long distance lines, and when j this is done the j 'phone system will be greatly increas ed. value of the Home j People are looking every day for good boarding house, boarders say so In a little want ad in the Daily News. The cost is but cent a word. If vou want one 0ld subscribers to the Dally News can get the famous White H-ise Cook Book b * six months , D advance at the office | only. L ffiUtr&MTV/i K- . mj,.-. bit* _ _ CO-EDUCA TIONAL. New $100,000 equipment, tions at reasonable rates. Courses of study equal to those giv other college 400 students First class accommoda-^ by any Special atten the State and lead the usual degrees to Domestic Science. Art. Music. Expression, and the of teachers Session opens September 8. I 908 w. I. THAMES. President Hattiesburg. Miss. HATTIESBURG TRUST & BANKING COMPANY. HATTIESBURG. MISSISSIPPI. 1 OUR FACILITIES. The convient location and extensive facilities of this institution persons who receive money payment of regular expenses, such as of fice, household and business. This bank invites cheecking accounts and also savings or inactive accounts on the rate of 4 per cent, per annum. All 6Ums deposited in our Saving Department up to the 5th of month, receive interest as from the first of the month. Authorized by law to act as Administrator of Estates, Guardian of Minors, Receiver, Trus tee and Agent. commend it to business men and all and disburse the same in hich we pay Interest at tine A general banking business conducted. CAPITAL $150,000.00 Officers: H. A. CAMP, President. Joe Shelby, Vice President, R. L. Bennett, Cashier, John Kamper. Vice President R. B. McLeod, Asst. Cashier. NOTICE. "The First National Bank of Hat tlesburg, located at Hattiesburg, Star of Mississippi is closing Its a.'airs. A note holders and other creditors of th aecorlation, are therefore hereby n< tided to present the notes and otb-jt claims for pavment. "G. L. HAWKINS, Pres,dent. "Dated August , 1909." "The business of the above bank will b: taken over by and consolidated with the First-National Bank of Com merce of Hattiesburg, Hattiesburg, Miss., August 5, 1908. aug (i 2m»