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SCANDAL IS AIRED IN INDIAN SOCIETY Muskogee, Okla., September 17.—A scandal which has created a sensation in the best Indian society of Okla homa, and which is still being dis cussed in whispers by the braves and squaws of the redskin "four hundred,'' was brought to light by a breach of promise suit recently filed here. Ja cob S. Brown, a wealthy Creek In dian of the highest social standing in his tribe, and said to be worth. $150,000, is the defendant in the suit, Forest Fires Drive Bear Streets of St. Paul; Butcher Sells it For $125 m Hearst News Service. St. Paul, Minn., September 17.—A large bear, driven into civilization by the forest fires of northern Minnesota, was killed yesterday in South St. Paul, after a long chase. The bear which weighed 430 pounds, first made its ap pearance in the streets of South Park,'a suburb, Saturday afternoon. The slayer of the bear, Louis Mikel Blind Man Now Sees Thru Aid of Rabbits Eye; Sight Gone For 15 Years Hearst News Service. New York, September 17.—A blind man has been made to see through a rabbit's eye, as the result of an op eration performed by Dr. Henry R. P. P. Pitcher PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT HATTIESBURG, - M1SSISS1PP Best Work at Reasonable Prices Drop mh a Postal If It Is MONEY You want to borrow on jewelry call at our of » fice No. 128 Front St. M. S. Ha is field. | ! ! | Piano and Guitar Lessons 917 River JIvenue Cumberland phone 176 j j j Come Where Pleasure Rfiigns and Spend a Pleasant Hour | ; j Uf>e 5 ° l| W ^ |j Casino Theatre Best Moving' Pictures and Illustrated Song's Hear Miss Dumont Sing Tonight New Songs and New Pictures Every Night 4 the plutocrat Creek is the father of her child, make her his wife. which was brought by Mary D. Taylor, of Fort Smith. The plaintiff is a comely woman of 34, of mixed Spanish, Arabian and Indian blood, and claims to be a de scendant of Pocahontas. She became a mother last month and asserts that She asks $50,000 dam ages from Brown for his failure to carry out his alleged agreement to son, a butcher, of South St. Paul, brought down the bear with one shot. He drove immediately to his shop, where the animal was weighed and dressed. After dresing the bear, the scales failed to move at the 250-pound mark. The animal was sold entirely, not so much as a bone being left, and Mikel son netted $125 for his day's work. Lesser. The operation consisted in grafting the corner from the eye of a rabbit upon the eye of a patient who had been blind for ten years. He now is able to count fingers at a distance of 12 inches, distinguish color and go about unattended. The opera tion, though not unknown to optical surgery, has seldom proved as success ful as in the present case. Dr. Lesser declined to discuss the case or the identity of his patient. It was learned that his name is Hyman Cohen, however, and that he is a piano tuner, aged 20 who has been blind since he was nine years old. The op eration was performed last May and now the graft is in perfect position and the sight appears to be improving day by day. IN KENTUCKY Louisville, Ky„ good rpads convention, many methods for improving the highways of the state will be consid | cred, was opened today at the Ken ! tucky State Fair. Sessions were also I September 17.—A at which held today by the Kentucky Horti-1 ! cultural Society, the Beef Cattle j | Breeders' Association and the editors j j of the state. •4* t ' J. s fcj ■ SI ILL LEAVE OVSTER BAY Hearst News Service. Oyster Bay., N. Y„ September 17.— Oyster Bay will next week lose its most distinguished citizen and become as dead as Esopus, if the present plans of President Roosevelt are car ried out. Tuesday has been set for moving day by the president and his family, when they will return to Washington for their last winter in the White House. This will be a week earlier than the president cus tomarily terminates his vacation, and it is said that he desires to be in closer touch with political affairs than is possible in this village. BRING ASHES TO AMERICA Hearst News Service. Boston, September 17.—Relatives friends of the late John A. Hall, pres ident of the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, have been in formed that an incoming Atlantic liner, due tomorrow, will bring the ashes of the dead insurance magnate. Mr. Hall recently died in London, where he had went with his son and daughter. The body was cremated and the children are now returning with the ashes of their father. TRADE CONDITIONS mm BETTER Hearst News Service. St. Louis,- September 17.—The mer chants and manufacturers of St. I Louis report trade conditions through I that section of the country as very I satisfactory, giving assurance of en larged proportions in the near future. | j The commerce for the third quarter ° f this year - 11 ls estlmated ' wl »> a P' j praise up to that same period of 1907, and the final quarter promises to be j larger than similar periods for many j years previous. TRAVELING MAN'S EXPERIENCE. | "I must tell you my experience on an East bound O. R. & N. R. R. train from Pendleton to LeGrande, Ore., writes Sam A. Garber, a well known traveling man. 'Twas in the smoking department with some other traveling men when one of them went out into a coach and came back and said, 'There is a woman sick unto death in the car.' 11 at once got up and went out,found ; her very ill with cramp colic; her j hands and arms were drawn up so you could not Straighten them, and, with a deathlike look on her face. Two or three ladies were working with her and giving her whisky. 1 went to my suit case and got my bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy (I hfeVer travel without It), ran to the water tank, put a double dose of the medicine in the glass, poured Sbme water into it and stirred it with a pencil; then I had quite a time to get the ladies to let me give it to her, hot I socceeded. I could at once see the effect and I worked with her, rubbing her hands, and in twenty minutes I gave her another dose. By this time we were almost to LeGrande where I was to leave the train. I gave the bottle to the husband to be used in case another dose should be needed, j but by the time the train ran into Le I | Grande she was all right, and I re : ceived the thanks of every passenger | in the car." For sale by Hays & Field and The Yellow Pine Pharmacy. : zim & M 1! \ vx * -. . » i ■ . m if; i a ■ ■ IS . I ■Si i ■■ wmm •< » ■ J Hi it Hal Chase, the star first baseman of the New York Americans, who re signed from the team. TROOPS TO LEAVE CUBA IN JANUARY Hearst News Service. Havana, September 17.—It is now apparently decided that the United States troops will evacuate Cuba on January 28 of next year, President Roosevelt having agreed with Cuban leaders .on that date. As the day will mark the birth anniversary of Jose Marti, the Cuban patriot as well as the return of self-government, a great celebration will probably be held. MAGIC LANTERN For the Boy or Girl. Any boy or girl who will secure Eight New Subscribers for the Kansas City Weekly Journal, at 25 cents a I year, making a total of Two Dollars, and send the full amount, together with the names to us, we will mall to his or her address a beautiful Magic Lantern with 50 Views. Any boy or girl can use it. Just Wretch a white sheet on the wall and you can have all kinds of tun. Full directions for use is sent with the Ian ter " * ny £ 0y . ° r g ' rl el * ht new subscribers in a short time and get '•his Beautiful Magic Lantern, Send for samples for canvassing. Send all money by postoffice money order or draft. Address THE KANSAS CITY JOURNAL, Kansas City, Mo. New Shoe Store Next to Poetoffice Exclusive Agency for The Society King -Shoe titt SHOE OF HIGH QUALITY _^_ UNION MADE. Expert Repairing Well and Quickly Done at Reasonable Price* at the 8tore and also at 215 Front Street Repair. Shops. CHAS. JORDAN 8ociety King 8hoe 8tore. If You Want A Bargain in Jewelry Or Diamonds, call at our store and see our stock and get the prices M. S. Haisfield, 128 FRONT ST. HONE PHONE 743 ANTIETAM ANNIVERSARY. Hearst News Service. Lake Compounce, Conn., September 17.—The forty-sixth anniversary of j the battle of Antletam was observed j here today by a reunion of the sur vivors of the Sixteenth Connecticut regiment. 1 Subscribe for the Dally News six , months in advance and get the famous | White House Cook Book absolutely free* DIARRHOEA There is no need of anyone suffer ing long with this disease, for to effect a quick cure it is only neces sary to take a few doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy In fact, in most cases one dose is sufficient. It never fails and can be relied upon in the most severe and dangerous cases. It is equally val uable for children and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year. • In the world's history no medicine has ever mei with greater success. PRICE 25c. LARGE SIZE 50e. I Am Going To Jldvertise The Regent $3.50 Shoe For Men Vice, Patent Leather and Gun Metal, for TEN DAYS ONLY $ 3.00 NATHAN'S Shoe Factory. East Pine Street A Cure For Rental Worries ^ This plan gives you the prodt, but saves you all the trouble. Renting houses is a part of my business I have a constant demand for houses. 1 secure you prompt collec tions, prompt settlements and Incidentally relieve you of all the details of taxes, lnsuraifbe, repairs, etc. Get my figures on this ser vice. They are small. M. J. EPLEY, PHONE 666 Hattiesburg Special Summer Rates for 60 Days Stenography, Bookkeeping and all collateral branches taught. Our system and methods have been tried by thousands and have prov en to be satisfactory'. Endorsed by professional and business men everywhere. No charges for curing position. Students may en ter any time. Address J. J. FERGUSON,'Principal Hattiesburg, Mississippi se RAMSEY & CO. UNDERTAKERS — &ley FOR REAL ESTATE * Fire, Tornado, Health, Acci dent, Liability and Plate Glass INSURANCE / BONDS Headquarters for the Best Bargains in the City ; M. J. EPLEY Phone 666 it lit