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GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have __ Always Bought ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. W AVegelable Preparation [or As- n , similaiuig the FbodamJRegula BeaTS 1116 ling Utc Siomadis andBowds of i^jm-uj.'iu.r ns Signature % Promotes DigestionCheeifii ness and Rest.Contains neitfer Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. of J/fope of Old Ik&MLHJmEER Picupkw Smd" JLxJmnu + JfxM/e Salts Anise Seed * HirmSrtJ t* ( In A . EO WO Use b [• A perfect Remedy for Ccmsfipa tion, Sour Storoach.Dlarrtoei Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. < " For Over Thirty Years KU o. Pac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. GASTORIA T fM Guaranteed, under tUel Exact Copy of Wrapper. VHI OIMTAUN iOMP.Nf, HHOOM OTTV. AMUSEMENTS. HONEST TIM MURPHY. Mr. Tim Murphy is an honest type of actor and manager. He does not take refuge behind the excuse that he produces the best plays he can TIM MURFHYslMfkRSONATONs"!! pas or six great players £Y< f-S* .■a i f ■ I; ' ll j - tel 1 IT r I -i n > - S3 get. he goes further and does not produce a new play unless the wise fruition of his wide experience tells him that it is a good one. At other times he reviews one of those comedy treasures of his long repertoire. HATTIESBURG DIRECTORY. C. F. REDDOCH, Attorney-at-Law. .Suite 102 Keyes Building. i E. F. HUDDLESTON Public Stenographer. Room 304 Carter Building. Cumb. 'Phone 445. J. C. JOHNSON WATCHMAKER, JEWELER and ENGRAVER :-: :-: :-: Repairing a Specialty oore Bros. Grocery, • THE POLE-STOCK L'B'R CO. Pine St. I Cumberland > Phone 11 - | j Yellow Pine Lumber Boss Building Rooms 304-305 DOCTORS DIRECTORY Eyes Tester Free, Spectacles Fitted. Graduate—New York, Chicago, Atlan- j ta, Boston. OR. W. A. CHARPING, Scientific and Practical Optician. Officeat H. S. Lilius Jewelry Store, J . ; 1 105 Front Street. E. J. MITCHELL, (DENTIST Odd Fellows Building,' [Front Street. 'All Work Guaranteed. S. S. TURNER. M. D. Office Suite 205 Carter Building Hours: 9 to 11 A. M., 2 to 4 P. M. Phones: Office 41, Residence 584. BUSBY & McMULL\N, DENTISTS Office Suite 214-215-219 Koss Building Cumberland Phone 909. Home 600. i wo years assiduous reading of plays by native and foreign authors, fam ous as well as obscure, he has found another gem whoch has proved worthy fo his large following. The new com edy is "Cupid and the Dollar." It is an American play touching on interna Hence a new play offered by Mr. Mur phy always means a good play. After tional marriages and the fact that lias come into the experience of every one of the American parents' habit of educating their children and neg lecting themselves. Mr. Murphy's in dependence of judgment has been em MEASURES OF IMPORTANCE i The following card issued by the president and secretary of the Hat tiesburg Commercial Club is timely and the sugestions made therein shoud receive the attention of the en tire citizenship of the city and county. By united effort, much good can be accomplished for the city and the time to make the effort is at hand. Tuesday, September 22, the regular monthly meeting of the Commercial Club will take place in the Pythian Hall at 8 o'clock, p. m. The subject for discussion will be, "Agricultural Development,—Good Roads,—Canning Factory." Please mark the day and the hour, and be on hand and give the City, County and State the bene fit of your experience, observation and views on this great question. Hattiesburg territory is the richest in the state for all kinds of agricultu to yield the magnificent crops that they are capable of producing, Good roads extending into the ru ral pursuits, but it needs developing. Onr fine farming lands must be made If It Is FURMITURE I You want to buy and save money, call at our store, 128 Front Street. M. S. Haisfteld. phaslzed by the success of "Cupid and the Dollar" as the author Is quite unknown to fame. This Is In fact his first play. He Is a young American and the sudden fame thrust upon him by Mr. Murphy's admired Interpreta tion of his comedy has brought him orders enough to keep him busy for three years. Mr. Murphy fortunately reserved an option on his next two plays. His own role Is one of mark ed quaintness, humor, gentleness and originality, though the long cast is packed with types of Americans known to us alt Mr. Murphy's company is headed by Miss Dorothy Sherrod whose graceful art and charming per sonality have endeared her to so many theatregoers. The dressing displayed by the ladies of the company Is one of the features of the production of "Cupid and the Dollar." Miss Sher rod's gowns are from the needles of Parsian Modistes who had them on display at the Anglo-French Exposi tion in London last summer, and one of them is a medal gown as well as a model gown having won a prize. The styles displayed may be said to be not so much those of today as those of day after tomorrow. Tim Murphy will be at the Hatties burg Auditorium, Saturday night, Sep tember 19. ■ MULE DERBY Hearst News Service. Memphis, Tenn., September 17.— Over two-score of long-eared animals that made Missouri famous will be seen in action on the track of the Tri State Fair next month, when the Ar kansas Mule Derby will be decided. A huge tin cup will be presented to the winner of the Derby. No mule named Maud will be allowed to start and any driver twisting his mule's tall will be disqualified, under the rules and regulations provided for the Mule Derby. Don't be afraid to give Chamber lain's Remedy to your children. It contains no opium or other harmful drug. It always cures. For sale by Hays & Field and The Yellow Pine Pharmacy. ral districts must he provided for the better Intercourse between farm er and merchant. A canning factory should be pro vided to take care of the surplus of vegetables and fruits produced and save the people of this section over a hundred thousand dollars annually sent abroad forcanned products. Come to the meeting and help push Hattiesburg. Now is the time to be up and doing for our city. W. W. CRAWFORD, President. C. F. LARSON, Secretary. Hattiesburg, September 16, 1908.' NOTICE. "The First National Bank of Hat tlesburg, located at Hattiesburg, Stat of Mississippi Is closing Its affairs. A note holders and other creditors of tbi ascociatioc, are therefore hereby nc tilled to present the notes and othet claims for payment. "G. L. HAWKINS, President "Dated August , 1908." "The business of the above bank will be taken over by and consolidated with the First-National Bank of Com merce of Hattiesburg, Miss., August 5, 1908. Hattiesburg, aug 6 2mo SOLICITORS WANTED. Six good solicitors, ladles or gentle men, can earn big money working for the Hattiesburg News. Most attrac tive premium proposition ever offered by a Mississippi newspaper. Call for the circulation manager at the Dally News Office. ■ 111 □ D POISON Scaly Sion, Pimples. cer ) We Will Send Sample Showing How B. B. B, Cures Above Trobles, alto Eczema and Rheumatism. FREE For twenty-five years Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) has been curing year ly thousands of sufferers from Primary, Secondary or Tertiary Blood Poison and all forms of Blood Disease. We solicit the most obstinate cases, for B. B. B. cures where all else fails. If you have exhausted the old meth ods of treatment and still have aches and pains in the bones, back or joints, Rheumatism, Mucus Patches in mouth, Sore Throat, Pimples, Coper-Color ed Spots, Ulcers on any part of the body. Eating Sores, are run down or nervous, Hair or Eyebrows Tailing out, take B. B. B. It kills the poison, makes the blood pure and rich, healing every sore and completely changing the en tire body into a clean, healthy condi tion. Itching, watery blisters or open itching humors. Risings or pimples or Eczema all leave after killing the poi son and purifying the blood with B. B. B. In this way a flood of pure, rich blood is sent direct to the skin surface, the itching stops forever and every hu mor or sore is healed and cured. BOTANIC BLOOD BALM (B. B. B.), Is pleasant and safe to take; composed of pure Botanic Ingredients. It purifies and enriches the blood. DRUGGISTS, 81 PER BOTTLE with directions for home cure. FREE BLOOD CURE COUPON This coupon cut from Tlje Daily New, Hattiesburg, Miss, is good for one large sample of Botanic Blood Balm mailed free in plain package. Simply fill in your name and address on the dotted lines below and mall to BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga., State name of trouble if you know. RAILROAD TIME TABLES New Orleans & Northeastern Hattiesburg "Central Time." SOUTH BOUND No. Arrives Departs 4:00 a. m. 1 ...... 6:25 a. m.6:25 a. m. 11:15 a. m. 5:25 p. m. 7. 9:05 p. m. 9. 5 11:50 a. m. , 6:30 p. m. 3 NORTH BOUND. No Arrives Departs 6.10:25 a m.11.16 a. m. 1.10:40 a. m.10:45 a. m. 3. 9:25 p. m.9:30 p. m. 3.11:10 p. m.11:15 p. m. No. 6 has fifty minutes dead time at Hattiesburg. No. 4 passes No. 6 at Hattiesburg, i.'o. 6 and No. o meet at Hattiesburg. No. 6 has thirty five mlutes dead time at Hattiesburg GULF & SHIP ISLAND RAILROAD COMPANY. Passenger Service. No. 6 4:30 am No. 3. Lv. Jackson Lv. Hattiesburg ..8:18 am Kt. Gulfport ....11:00 am 10:00 pm No. 4 Lv. Gulfport .... 7:30 am Lv. Hattiesburg 10:37 am Ar. Jackson .... 2:10 pm 11:15 pm 3:25 pm 7:06 pm No. 6. 4:16 pm 7:33 pm Columbia Division (Via 8llver Creek and Columbia.) No. 101 No. 102 6:50 a. m. Lv. Jackson Ar. 7:35 p.m. 2:65 p.m. Ar. Gulfport Lv. 11:30 a.m. No. 109. No. 110. 3:30 p.m. Lv. Jackson Ar. 10:06 6:30 p.m \r. Columbia Lv. 6:00 Connections at Jackson, Hattiesburg and Gulfport with all lines. ALL TRAINS RUN DAILY. a.m a.u, Mississippi Central Leaves Hattiesburg, 8:16 a. m. Arrives Brookbaven 11:46 a. a. Leaves Brookhaven 2:00 p. m. Arrives Natchez 5:30 p. m. No 4— Leaves Natchez 8:50 a. m. Arrives Brookhaven 12:40 p. m. Leaves Brookhaven 3:00 p. m. Arrives Hattiesburg 6:30 p. m. No. 3— Leaves Hattiesburg 3:30 p. m. Arrives Brookhaven 7:00 p. m. No. 2— Leaves Brookhaven 8:05 a. m. Arrives Hattiesburg 11:35 a. m. Mobile, Jackson & Kansas City NORTHBOUND. No. 14 arrives 11:53 a. m. No. 16 arrives 7:28 p. m. 80UTHBOUND. No. 13 leaves 6:16 a. m. No. 15 leaves 2:48 p. m. THE American Printing Company HIGH GRADE JOB PRINTING The kind, that the people appreciate #T[ We have purchased the entire stock of Stationery of the Daily News, and respectfully solicit a portion, at least, of the business formerly given them. We Make a Specialty of Delivering Work When Promised Hartfield Building Hattiesburg, Miss. Of course, "amount of .'■ace used" is not everything In adve.-vlslug. But, iust In the pursuit of wisdom, keep rack for a time of the amounts used jy the various stores In this newspa per- and see if you could not safely classify the stores accordtnalv. Old subscribers to the Daily News can get the famous White House Cook Book by paying six months in advance at the office only. IN FRATERNAL CIRCLES Boule Tribe No. 48, Red Men— Council fire kindled every Wednes day night at 8 o'clock at Odd Fellows ball. Albert Henley prophet; L. M Williams sachem; A. F. James senior sagamore; L. Caplan, more; F. C. Hall, chief of records; Burke Jones, keeper of wampum. junior saga ODD FELLOW8. Hattiesburg Lodge No. 127, I. O. O. F.—Wm. Busby, noble grand; Louis Caplan, vice grand; R. P. Anderson, re-1 cording secretary; H. Katz, financial secretary; H. H. Orr, treasurer. Meets Monday nights in I. O. O. F. hall at 8 o'clock. Petal Camp, No. 823, W. O. W.—J. B. Clack, C. C.; W. E. Ward, clerk; J. A. Pace banker. Meets first and third Saturday nights In each month at Its hall in Petal. Grove, Circle No. 36.—W. O. W. Mrs. T. B. Boucher, guardian; Mrs. J. W. Brookshire, clerk: I WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Leaf River Camp, No. 28.—W. O. W. W. J. Fowler, —B. F. Miller, C. C„ clerk; J. A. Shannon, banker. Fieetr Tuesday nights In Dally News building at 8 o'clock. Carpenters and Joiners of America Local Union No. 213. A. A. Eathrldge president; Wm. G. Jones recording secretary. Meets Thursday nights at 7:30 o'clock In the commissioners rcx)_i at -he county court house. Brotherhood of Railway Clerka._ Local No. 83. 8. Hammock, preel dent; A. T. Ambrosy, secretary. Meets second and fourth Monday nlghta lu Odd Fellows' hall at 7:30 o'clock. C. H. Petal Grove Circle, No. 107—Meets first and third Wednesday nights at the W. O. W. hall. lone L. Baker, Guardian; J. P. Hearst, Clerk. LADIES' AID SOCIETIES. Catholic Ladies' Aid Society.—Mrs. John M. Cassll, president; Mrs J. L. Kearney, secretary; MUs Josephine Doiphus, treasure. Meets every first Friday in each month at the conveut for business session; every second Thursday In each month at the home of Borne member for social session. Hour of meeting is always 3 o'clock in the afternoon. ,, M. U. Hattiesburg Encampment, No. 40, I. O, O. F.—J. U. Allen, chief patriarch; A. F. James, high priest; Wm. Busby, senior warden; George Maur er, junior warden; J. A. Shannon, scribe; W. J Force, treasurer. Meets Wednesday nights in I. O. O. F. hall at 8 o'clock. U In 8 Hattiesburg Typographical Union, >. 647.—Wiley Bullard, president; A. J. Seeley, secretary-treasurer. Meets at Martin Printing company first Sun day In each month. No Harmon Grove, Circle No. 73, A-. O. W.—Mrs. R. W. Thames, guardir : Mrs. G. W. Coker, clerk; Dr. S. L Knight, banker. Meets second fourth Wednesday nights in each month in Odd Fellows' hall at 7:30 o'clock. « er and KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Knights of Pythias, Crescent En campment No. 47.—A. Foote, C. C.; J. B. Burkett, V. G.; George Hartfield, K. R. S. Meets Monday nights over Citizens' bank at 8 o'clock. ORDER OF EAGLES. Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie No. 1557.—Mr. A. F. Meets Thursday nights in hall In the Pitts building on Railroad street, at 8 o'clock. James, president P. JUNIOR ORDER UNITED AMERI CAN MECHANICS. Junior Order United American Me chanic#—James E. Hewlett, council lor; William Busby, secretary. Meets second and fourth Thursday nights in Odd Fellows' hall at 8 o'clock. A. I. MASONIC. Hattiesburg Royal Arch Chapter No. 114—R. F. Barton, H. P„ O. ft 8. I. freight office; J. D. Bennett, Secre tary. Meets Thursday nights in tbs Masonic Temple at 8 o'clock. Hattlesm A. M.—G. street; J. D. Bennett, Secretary. Meets Monday nights In Masonis Temple at 8 p. m. Liberty Council No. 7.—W. M. Con >ftg Lodge No. 397, A. F. ft WT Batson, W. M„ 608 Main ner, T. I. M., 617 Main street; J. D. Bennett, Secretary. Meets Friday nights in the Masonic Temple at 8 o'clock. Order of the Eastern 8tar.—Mrs. 8. C. Eaton, W. M.; Mrr. M. Dunn, Secre tary. Meets Friday nights in the Ma sonic Temple at 8 o'clock. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen— Local Union No. — j. w. Stevens, master; H. E. McGregor, financier: H. O. Bulce, secretary. Meets sec ond and fourth Sunday nights In each month. UNITED DAUGHTERS OF THE CON FEDERACY. United Daughter* of the Confeder acy, Hattiesburg Chapter, No. 422._ ,, s ; D - B - Holmes, president; Mias, M. Anna Allen, secretary; Mrs. E MWt Gregor, treasurer. Meets first — day afternoon of each month at the ' ™ wf* . H ^f t Tf Sburg at 3 ' 30 - The 3iis torical Club, Miss Florence Deason, Historian, meets second Saturday In each month at homes of members of U. D. C. Visiting Daughters are re quested to attend these meetings. ORDER OF ELKS. U B *:* vol t nt Prot *ctlve Order of Elks. No. 599.—p. L. Gaston, E. R.; J, Pool, Jr., secretary and treasurer! In Kennedy building over postoffice at 8 <A:lock. Hattiesburg Camp, No. 449.—W. O. w.—A. J. Morrison, C. C • J W « rook J! h >"'' clerk; J. A. Welsh, btf«V er Meets Thursday nights in - Fellows hall at 8 o'clock. OVd United Commercial Traveler*—Regn. !ar meetings will be held on the first Saturday nights of each month Hattiesburg Commandery No. 21 Knights Templar—A. A. Montague, EL C., office in Hattiesburg Trust Banking company's building; J yr Montague, Recorder. Meets Tuesday nights In the Masonic Temple o'clock. v Hattiesburg Camp No. 21 u. C. V Meets at court house at 10:30 the first Saturday of each and at • a. a. month. J P. Carter commander, W. P. Chamber adjutant Rebekah Lodge No. 17 I, O. O F.— Miss Ida Cowart, noble grand; Mrs. A. T. Preston, vice grand ;W. t. f' Force, secretary; Mrs. W. H. Ramsey. I treasurer. Meets Thursday nights Tfr-t* I. O. O. F. hall at 8 o'clock. - EARN BIG MONEY. $5.00 to $12.00 per day can be easily earned by energetic ladles and handling the famous White Cook Book. Call for the Circulation Manager, at the Dally Nows office. Books on exhibition. men House