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THE TALK OF THE TOWN: OUR MERCHANTS LUNCH From 11 to 1»3Q p. m., for 25c. AT THE NEW WINDSOR CAFE. OPPOSITE HOTEL HJtTTIESB URG BELLMAIN & LUCAS Proprietors OFFER EXTRAORDINARY. To introduce the Daily News to res idents of South Mississippi outside of Hattiesburg, we will send the paper from now until after the November election by mail to any address for This is done to increase our circula tion outside of Hattiesburg, and at the same time, giving you the paper at exactly half price. Mail us your sub scription. tf People are looking every day for a good boarding house. If you want boarders say so in a little want ad in the Daily News. The cost is but one cent a word. j j is ! j of j A. j | j The Racycle Is Bicycle Perfection If you possess a RACYCLE you will have the satisfaction of know ing that you have the easist run ning and best wheel made, and one that will bring you home safe ly and surely with least exertion. S. PARKER The Bicycle Man is sole agent in Hattiesburg for the Racycle and keeps them on hand :::::::: be j j ' New and Second Hand Bi cycles, Bicycle Supplies and Repairing. For Bicycles and Bicycle work, come to head quarters .'. ,'. .'. ,'. A. j S. PARKER Stevens Blk. E. Pine St. Home Phone 771. | I j [kind J ing [get [ „ got . Carl II iMiss i ... , i ,, ! are out j WANTED a first-class Northern Lumber Concern, to handle the output of several mills on per centage basis, or will entertain proposition to purchase plant. : : : : Jl DDR ESS WHOLESALE << Care of Daily News HATTIESBURG, : MISS. Business Is Picking Up Stack away your "Panic Let ters" and begin with a new Letter File, a Fresh Type writer Ribbon. : : : : A full assortment of these and all Office Supplies at HAYS & FIELD. MILLSAPS IS READY Opening Takes Place On Septem ber 30 and a Most Success ful Session is Promised. j Daily New s Special, j Jackson, Miss., September 17.— Everything around Millsaps College is getting ready for the opening on September 30, and President Murrah feels confident of a most successful opening, as well as a profitable year. Speaking of the prospect today. Dr. Murrah said that, to judge by the ap plications already in hand, there is every reason to believe that the com ! ing session will even excel that of last j'year in point of attendance, when there were about 300 students enrolled, j With the exception of some improve ments on the campus, such as the prep aration of the new athletic field north of the college proper, and the perfect ing of plans for the proposed I. M. C. j A. building, there will be very little on j the campus that was not there last | year but the boys are generally pretty j well satisfied with conditions there. In the faculty there is one additional member this year, the chair of assist ant in English, Latin and Greek, to [ be filled by Prof. Arthur Noble, tale of \ j the University of Chicago, but for j merly of the University of North Car olina, and whose home is in Bushne 1 ' ' Fla. Prof. J. T. Erwin, who takes the chair of mathematics, to succeed Dr. J. A. Moore, deceased, arrived in the city yesterday, accompanied by his wife, j Prof. Erwin, while a native of Vir ginia, has for some time been m nected with the University of Ala bnma. | PETAL LOCAL NEWS. I Daily News Special, j Petal, Miss., September 17.—If this [kind of weather continues, cotton pick J ing will soon be something of the past, as it is such an easy matter to [get it picked this year. [ Cotton is not turning out as once [thought. On last Sunday the Petal Sunday , , . school program was carried out very nicely • i .tea , , . Last Sunday the Sundav school at „„„_„ , , , . Green s Creek made several changes, „ , ,, , ,, . got up a new roll and the names of ... students will be called by the secre . o j . .. tary every Sunday, and they will answer to their names. Miss Maggie Chatham entertained , several young people last Sunday , , , evening, among whom were noticed j., . „ „ Misses Clara and Rosa Bundy, Messrs. .i n , a i n .v . _. ,, Carl Bundy, Leon Grantham and W. M. II ai a , „ Mr. Scott Pickett made a call on . iMiss Miss Bessie Davis last Sundav. ,, TT T tt x x i Mr. H. L. Hagwood made a call on ... tv i «. i.t . « x. . x. x , Miss Donie Smith at Goodluck Sunday evening last i T . , , ' . .. , It is real funny to see the autos lose ,, . .. , _ , , „ r , .. . their motion in Petal. When the roads ! , . , . .. . „ , ,, are fresh worked the autos soon find it „ x T, . i , x .. out and the Petal people don t care ._,. , , x x much, for they are always loaded ... ... . .. when they come over this way, and the 1 . ' ... Petalites dont get any chance of rid-! j j penitentiary official IS HILLED BY A CONVICT Hears! News Service. Michigan City, Ind., September 17.— Edward Quick, an officer of the state penitentiary, was killed by a burglar at 3 o'clock this morning. Mrs. Quick was awakened by a noise and aroused her husband. The burglar commanded them to remain still, but Quick raised NIGHT RIDERS 1 | i INVADE MS Special From Sandersville Says Planters Have Been Threaten ed With Vengeance. \ Meridian, Miss., September 17.—A special to the Dispatch from Sanders ville, says: Wayne County night riders have ; broken into Jones County and three prominent farmers living six miles east of this place, J. W. Underwood, Herbert Underwood, and J. M. Saul, re- i c eived notices Monday nignt to haul no | [ more cotton to the gin, or else "they \ would get paid as •they returned home." A general notice Was also placed on the public road, warning all farmers to cease having cotton ginned after the 14th. Considerable excitement prevails, and farmers near town are rushing their cotton In while those farther off have ceased hauling to the gins. BRIDGE NOTICE. The State of Mississippi, Forrest County. Board of Supervisors, September Term, 1908. Be it remembered, that at the above stated term of the Board of Super visors of said county, an order was made by the said board, which was in the following words and figures, to wit: .. .... The matter of the building of a ... ® bridge over the Double Branches on the Helena & Eureka public road com . , . ,, . . ing on to be considered, the plans and .. .. ... , specifications therefor were adopted . ... . . _ , „ ^ as submitted by D. L. Gay and or , , . , ' dered to be filed. It is further ordered . . . x , „ k advertlse for the tlme in the manner provided by law in tion of said bridge, said bids to be on ... .. ® ' , file with the clerk by noon of the first . , day of the October meeting 1908 of . . ....... . e ' this board, at which time the same will . ' , ,, be opene< * and the award made by the board to the lowest and best bidder, ... . ... the board reserving the right to re . . ° J ect an y an d all bids, , , .. I, T. E. Batson, Clerk of the Chan _ , . Cery CoUrt ' and ex -° fficl ° CIerk of the Board of Supervisors in and for the . j . . , ,. , , county and state aforesaid do hereby ... ..... . ' , certify that the above and foregoing , , . , , . 6 transcript is a true and correct copy . . . x , ,, „ , °f an order passed by the said Board . „ . „ . .... |of Supervisors, and entered at their 1 „ . . _ „„„„ September Term. A. D. 1908, on the ... . , „ . ' j 9th day of September, 1908, as fully and as completely as the same appears | of record in my office, in Board of Su j pervisors' Minute Book 1, on page 219. Given under my hand and the seal of said Board of Supervisors, at my office in Hattiesburg, Miss., this the 110th day of September, A. D. 1908. T. E. BATSON, Clerk. 9 19 3wks Thurs NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE. I, D. T. Currie, substituted trustee in a certain deed of trust executed by R. R. Akers to Secure the payment to J. S. Harrison of a certain indebted ness therein mentioned which deed of trust is recorded in Book "V" of the Record of Deeds In the second judicial district of Perry County, Mississippi (the same territory now constituting Forrest County, Mississippi), at pages 424 and 425 thereof, default having been made in the payment of said in debtedness at maturity thereof, and having been requested thereunto, wIB, on the 5th day of October, A. D. 1908, within legal hours, offer for sale and sell at the front door of the court house In Forrest County, Mississippi, up on his pillow and the burglar fired, killing hihi instantly. The intruder escaped from the Quick home and several neighbors who were aroused by the shot saw him crossing the street. Several arrests have been made, hut there is ho way of identify ing the murderer. at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash to pay and satisfy said indeb tedness the property conveyed in said deed of trust and here described as fol lows, to-wit: All the buildings located on Lot Number Two, in Block Number Two of the R. M. Mixon survey or ad dition of the city of Hattiesburg, ac cording to the map of said survey now on file in the chancery clerk's office in said county and state, also the follow ing described machinery now located upon said lot, to-wit: Two Cross Arm Boring Machines made by Chattanooga Machinery Company, One Cross Arm Boring Machine made by the company located at Epps, Miss., in care of J. F. Wilder, One Boiler and engine made by S. O. Eng. & Boiler Works, One Cross Arm Rounder, One Hoyt Sizer, One Houston-Stanwood & Gamble 7x12 side crank Engine, One 1 54 inch 14 ft. Horizontal Tubular Boiler, same make, One number 129 six | role double cylinder planer and match i er, made by J. A. Fay Egan & Com ipany, One number One pat. Automatic rip saw, same make, One multi Cross Arm Boring Machine; and all other fixtures, gearing and machinery now used in operating said machinery, and all other buildings located upon said D. T. CURRIE. Substituted Trustee. same ; i | lot. 9 9 3wks NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE. I, D. T. Currie, substituted trustee, in a certain deed of trust executed by R. R. Akers and J. S. Akers to se cure the payment to J. S. Harrison of a certain indebtedness therein men tioned which deed of trust is record ed in Book "V" at page 424 of the Rec ord of Deed in the 2nd Judicial District of Perry County, Mississippi (the same territory now constituting Forrest County in said state) default having been made in the payment of said In debtedness at maturity and having been thereunto requested will, on the j 5th day of October, A. D.- 1908, within legal hours offer tor saie and sell at the front door of the court house in Forrest County Mississippi, at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash to pay and satisfy said indebtedness the property conveyed in said deed of trust described as follows to-wit: Lot No. 2 in Block No. 2 of the R. M. Mixon survey and addition to the city of Hat tlesburg, according to the map of said survey now on file in the chancery clerk's office in Forrest County, Missis sippi; also two cross arm boring ma chines made by Chattanooga Machine Co., located on said lot, one cross am boring machine located at Epps, Miss., in care J. F. Wilder, one boiler and en gine, made by S. O. Eng. & Boiler Works, one cross arm rounder, one Hoyt sizer, and all additional build ings and fixtures, machinery or gearing j now used in operating or in connection with said plant as located on said lot D. T. CURRIE, Substituted Trustee. 9 9 3wks NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE. By virtue of the authority conferred upon me by the provisions of a deed of trust made on the 7th. day of De cember, 1907, by T. T. Creamer and Hattie Creamer, to aecure an indebted ness to A. C. Duckworth and which said deed of trust is recorded in Book "X" at page 327 in the office of the Chancery Clerk of Forrest County, Mississippi, default having been made in the payment of the said indebted ness, and having been directed by the said beneficiary, I will on the 5th day of October, at the front door of the court house, in said county, during legal hours, offer for sale, and sell, at ublic auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property mentioned in the said deed of trust, to-wit; Lot 21 in Block 14 of the D. M. Gatlin's West End Addition to the City of Hattiesburg, Miss.; Also, four yoke of Oxen; one Lindsey 8-wheel wagon, and chains. Witness my signature, this the 5th day of September, 1908. 3. E. DAVIS Trustee. 8-3wks. Tues. r umSsk EPS* M ip &%■)#>' w . i h ' Wi V & T.: . f .-' ■ 1 k- - ' % A, . ■: ■ A. ■ • X ■ A r ■ :;.-A M \ ; y j by a Mississippi newspaper. Call for th e circulation manager at the Daily j News Office, BLIND TIGER CASE IS POSTPONED The case against Mrs. Emma Hog gett, charged with unlawful retailing, was called in Justice Wall's court this morning, but owing to the fact that the defendant notified the court that she was suffering from a broken rib, the case was postponed until Saturday week. The warrants against Mrs. Hoggett were sworn out by Deputy Sheriff Dan McGilvray. SOLICITORS WANTED. Six good solicitors, ladles or gentle men, can earn big money working for the Hattiesburg News. Most attrac tive premium proposition ever offered Hotel Klondyke New Management. L. D. SMITH and J. JACOBS, Props, and Mgrs. All Modern Im provements. Rates $2.00 an d $2.50 per day. Three Large Sample Rooms. Hattiesburg, Miss. V Mrs. William E. Annis, widow of the victim of the Hains-Annls tragedy. Below is a photo of Mrs. Peter C. Hains, whose testimony will play important part in the trial of her hus band and his brother for the killing of Annis. an WANTS Do you worn to buy, sell or exchange anything? It doesn't matter what for. By turning to the Daily Netvs want columns any day, you will be sure to find a buyer sellet or some one wah whom you can make a trade. Advertisements placed under this heading (or ONE CENT A WORD, Count the woids and send the cash \ FOR SALE. JOB OFFICE—The Dally News will sell cheap on easy terms a complete job printing office; power paper cutter, stapler, round cornering ma chine, brass rule, type and material —everything except presses; prac tically new. tf FOR SALE—GOOD FARM—96 acres four and a half miles from city, good road, 35 acres in cultivation and fenced; all practically level; good water 4-room house and stable. Price 815 per acre. M. J. Epley, Phone 666. 9 4 tf FOR SALE—Almost new 33-inch pow er paper cutter at a bargain. Also stapling machine, roundcornering machine and a large assortment of type. News. Address the Hattiesburg 9 b tf FOR SALE—One of the best homes on North Main street, at a bargain, good terms. M. J. Epley, 'phone 666 . tt MISCELLANEOUS. - SITUATION WANTED—By first-class locomotive engineer, can do own re pair work; furnish references; want work at once. Address, G. W. E., care News. WANTED—By a first-class Northern Lumber Concern, to handle the out put of several mills on percentage basis or will entertain proposition to purchase plant. Address Whote sale, care Dally News, Hattiesburg, Miss. Sept-17-3t. WANTED—Female Singer for Illus trated songt, some knowledge of music. Address Electric, News of flee. 9 18 3t WANTED—By a young man who is first-class with legal work, a position in a law yer's office where legal studies can be piosecuted. Moderate salary. E. O. W., Dally News office. stenographer, familiar 8 27 tf WANTED—Second hand hags and bur lap; any kind, any quantity, any where; we pay freight. Richmond Bag Co., Richmond, Va. 9 14 lOt NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS: FOR REST COUNTY. I have this day filed the Special Land Roll in the Chancery Clerk's office and you will hereby take notice that the same is there and will main until the First Monday in Oc tober, 1908, for inspection, at which date the Board of Supervisors will meet and hear objections and equalize same re* September, 7th, 1908. w. s. McKinnon, 8-3wks.-Tues. Assessor. Old subscribers to the Daily News can gel the famous White W-mse Cook Book by paying six months advance at the office only. in Come to the NEW EMPIRE THEATER TONIGHT Great Special Program of Pictures. "THE FATAL LIKENESS," New Illustrated Song: "Where the Weeping Willow Shades the Mossy Lane." Change of Program Every Night and Only 5 Cents MISCELLANEOUS. OLD Stoves made new by Hebbard and Pevy. Home phone phone 490. 489 , Cumb. 9 16 wed-sat WANTED—To rent, furnished house— Furnished house containing kitchen, dining room, parlor and three bed rooms, - with modern conveniences. M. J. Epley, Phone 666. 9 2 tf CUTOVER LANDS—Close to Hatties burg and adapted to fruit and vege table growing. If you want to hnv^L.^ Address A42, care Hattiesburg News. 9 4 tf AGENTS—We want a live local agent in every town and village in South Mississippi. Liberal commission and attractive proposition. Address A. B., care of Hattiesburg News. W ANTED—-Boarders 410 Walnut street. or roomers at 9 4 tf WANTED—TO borrow $4,000 cant lots, well located. B46, this office. on va Addresa 3L U-OST, STRAYED OR STOLEN—From mv place about 8 miles east of Hat tiesburg, the 7th of this month, one small roan mare about 7 years old, branded "K. I. C." on left shoulder. $10.00 reward for Information lead ing to her recovery. Address C. C. Russell, R. F. D. No. 2, Hattiesburg. Miss. 9 16 2t FOR RENT. j. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—A good 4-room house and lot. will sell for $700.00 or will exchange for good team of mules and wagon and take balance in cash or terms. Address, A.44, care Daily News. tf. FOR SALE, CHEAP—A good farm of 160 acres, five and a half miles from Hattiesburg. Fifty acres cleared and in cultivation. Will sell the entire tract for $10 an acre. This is a bargain for some A41, care Daily News. one. Address 9 4 tf HOUSES FOR RENT—If you want to rent a house of any kind, call 666 9 4 tt over either 'phone.