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HATTIESBURG NEWS THRU* ■ SCIENTIFIC FEEDING ❖ ♦> <♦ ❖ * ♦ ❖ *:• <• « <• ❖ * ❖ « <• « E VI i R ) of ° x en wants the Best Results from Feed. These Results can only be obtained by feeding a Balanced Ration. We are manufacturing the only well Balanced Ration for Oxen on the markt — ❖ ❖ <• ❖ •> ❖ * ❖ ❖ ❖ <• <* ❖ ❖ ❖ NEK - YOK OX FEED ❖ ❖ * * ❖ ❖ ❖ TRADE ❖ <* MARK ❖ * « « <• ❖ **»<•<•* ❖ ❖ ❖ ♦ <• •> <• ♦ <• <• .% .% ECONOMICAL and SAFE; always the same and constantly growing in Popularity, by sending us your order for this Feed. We con give prompt shipment. : : Protect your interest ❖ ❖ ❖ ♦ <• GULFPORT GROCERY CO Manufacturers Gulfport, U. S. A. . • .. Don't be afraid to give Chamber lain's Remedy to you r children. It contains no opium or other harmful drug. It always cures. For sale by Hays & Field and The' Yellow Pine Pharmacy. For Speed, Safety and Comfort, ride a RACYCLE SSia S. PARKER'S Stevens Bldg. E.Pine St. r The Enterprise Electric Company ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Supplies of All Kinds Kept in Stock REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY AGENTS FOR WESTINGHOUSE FANS 118 West Pine St. Home Phone 80 J TRI-STATE FAIR MEMPHIS > - TENNESSEE Sept. 28th—Oct. 7th ARKANSAS MISSISSIPPI TENNESSEE B r^u e *k^ a ' r * n South. $2,500 in Prizes for Products or the Farm. Running, Trotting, Racing. Horse, Dog and Poultry Shows. Special prizes for Women BALDWIN AND HIS AIRSHIP. SEND FOR CATALOGUE TRI-STATE FAIR ASSOCIATION FREDERICK ORGILL, Pres. R. M. WILLIAMS Sec'y WHY SLEEP ON KNOTS When you can have your old Mattress renovated and made same as new? make over and renovate all kinds of Mat tresses. Phone us for prices, called for and delivered. Both Phones 623 We Mattresses ' DIXIE MATTRESS CO. 3 First-National Bank of Commerce Of Hattiesburg, Mississippi. \ / DEPOSITARY U. S. GOVERNMENT, STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, FORREST COUNTY, CITY OF HATTIESBURG. Capital stock_ Adnitional Liability of shareholders to Depositors as Provided by National Bank Act Total_ $425,000 425,000 $850,000 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT prominent feature of our business. Under the National Bank Act „ have the protection of Governmental supervision and shareholders liability of $850,000.00, our depositors ITALIANS CELEBRATE Hearst News Service. Rome, September 19.—Celebrations of the "Unity of Italy" menced today in this city and through out the nation and will continue through tomorrow, the anniversary of the entry of Italian troops into Rome on September 20, 1870. were com I j \ | | | | The Roosevelt's Are Soon to Take i Up Their Abode Again in the White House. REVENUES ARE SCANT AND ESTIMATES HARD But Teddy Will Get Down to Work on His Arrival, Provided He Can Keep | His Hand Out of the Political Cam * paign Long Enough. Hearst News Service Washington, September 19.—"The boss is coming back—get busy" This is the word that has been passed about among the employes of the iHH mmm V' ' mi < eN * i§ Sr 0 , i||t M * tea & >■ £ 3t/ . 7 - . I t Mg 6 < -G=> fH This is a snapshot of President Roosevelt and Oyster Bay. part of his family as they were driving from their home i n White House, and as a result the clean- j ers and dusters and gardeners and men of all work have been laboring j overtime during the last week. The executive mansion has now assumed a ] spick and span appearance and will be ready for its occupants when the pres idem and his family arrive from Oy steer Bay three days hence. A lot of pleasant official vacations in September have been cut very short. The president is returning. All the others of his executive force must gov ern themselves accordingly. It seems to have been overlooked that the presi ?„ ent ™ lgl,t r f t,,rn » ,r f ent dur ' ing the sessions of the tuberculosis congress. When he departed, however, it was generally understood that the White House doors would not swing open for him and his family till Oct. 1. That was the date of his return last j summer. So the big and little official vacations were builded around that j j formed | date. Postmaster General Meyer .the advance cabinet guard Washing- j tonward this year. As he returned! of War Wright hastened avva >' attend some army manoeuvers J at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. and there- j fore the old cabinet rule of one man in Washington to keep down the sum Secretary nior lid hold good for a time. Secretary of the Navy Metcalf and Ally.-Gen. Hpnaparte arc among the early comers. The former has been away a long while, and there is a lot of navy business awaiting his atten tion. begin their October session Mr. Bona parte and his assistants will have a quantity cf legal business to attend to. As soon as the federal courts I Some of this must have attention in I advance. Then there is to be | trust buster in charge of that activity at the department of justice before j long—Attorney-General Wade H. Ellis of Ohio. a now In the meantime Mr. Bona parte must look after much of that work himself. Mr. Ellis, as assistant to the attorney-general must also have a little time to look over the pending cases and familiarize himself with them. The first official tasks In hand this autumn after the linen covers have been removed from official desks and the accumulated work disposed of must be the preparation of annual ports and the making up of annual timates. The latter promises to be embarrassing task. The revenues scant. ginning July 1 next, these will plainly be many, many millions less than the current expenditures of the federal government. By the time this fiscal year has passed and another is at hand there Is every promise that the present surplus will be pretty well depleted. The question will cert re e» an are For the next fiscal year, be revenues per plexing one for the next administra tlon. President Roosevelt, although he will be out of Washington and prob-1 ably in the heart of the wilds of Afrl-1 , ca by that time, can not possibly ig-1 nore it now. But whether the heads ! of the various executive departments will take note of this condition whether they will make their esti mates as usual and pass the responsi bility on to Congress is not yet known. It will be practically impossible for Congress to put any new scheme of tariff taxes into operation in time to meet the situation for the first half of the next fiscal year, which means from j July 1, 1909, to Jan. 1, 1910. gress, of course, might levy some | special internal revenue taxes hut that! would be exceedingly unpopular ex- 1 cept in a very extreme situation. or Con-1 [a feverish effort at The logic of the silnation points to curtailment all along the line during the late autumn and coming winter, not as affecting the expenditures of the last months of the Roosevelt administration, which j have already been fixed by law, but j ;for the year of the administration that j succeeds it. ____ , W rn V mem AV IYiILLIDI tit I UIihLA I IS GREATLY ADMIRED A beautiful showing of stylish fall and winter millinery was made yester day and today by Mrs. J. H. Ellerbe at The Famous. Mrs. Ellerbe has dem onstrated time and again her taste and good judgment in the selection of mU llnery and this year she has an even more attractive line on exhibition than heretofore. The showing embraces the latest models of pattern hats from the leading importing houses of the eastern cities and a number of stylish and exceedingly handsome work by The Famous trimmers. The display is a dazzling one and in it is shown all that discriminating women could wish in modish millinery. Many ladies have visited The Famous during the past two days to see and admire the pretty display. If You Want To Sell Your Furniture SEE M. S. HAISFIELD 128 FRONT ST. HOME PHONE 743 SOLICITORS WANTED. Six good solicitors, ladies or gentle men, can earn big money working for the Hattiesburg News. ( | ve premium proposition Most attrac ever offered by a Mississippi newspaper. Call for the circulation manager at the Daily News Office. When a man gives his wife a present that costs $10 it's a safe bet that it be worth $25 when she tells will about it. ,fn . A. PARSONS. W, B. DICKERSON. W. A. BENNETT ENTERPRISE BOILER & MACHINE WORKS. CORNER FRONT and KAMPER STS. HOME 324. TELEPHONES; ^ Hattiesburg, CUMB. 626; Mississippi.== Boilers, Engines, Mill Supplies Repairs of all kinds, Locomotive and Saw Mill Work a Sp ecialty. Gas and Gasoline Engines Installed and Repaired. Brass and Grey Iron Castings and Gen eral Foundry and Machine Work. . . ALL WORK DONE PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. WRITE US FOR PRICES Enterprise Boiler Works, HATTIESBURG, MISS. J The Martin Printing Co. CO C/D .v 5 ■' i CO f' Exclusive Job Printers Hattiesburg, Miss. 121 Front Street JUST RECEIVED One Car Load of HEATERS and Cooking Stoves AsR for Prices Union Manufacturing & Supply Co. STEVENS BLOCK : PHONES 727 WANTED Y< to remember that your Piano needs tuning. Have the work done now. guarantee my work : : : r : i HUGO ESNEUL Piano Tuner Office with Cotten & Woodruff. BOTH PHONES 378