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i TWENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL SESSION OF FARMERS' I | West and South Will Be Present and Agriculturists of the Nation Will Meet Tomorrow at Madi son, Wisconsin. WOMEN TO TAKE PART IN THE CONVENTION % Many Distinguished Men of East, Deliver Addresses Before the Con gress on Timely Topics. Hearst News Service. Madison, Wis., September 23.—The Twenty-eighth Annual Session of the' Farmers' National Congress will open i here September 24th. Welcoming ad dresses will be delivered by Governor Davidson, of Wisconsin, and Mayor Shubert, of Madison. One of the lead ing Agricultural colleges of the try, is located here, and among those connected with the college, the follow ing will deliver addresses during the convention : Hon. W. D. Hoard, Influence of the j Babcock test; Dr. W. R. Russell, bo-! vine tuberculosis, with post mortem j demonstrations; Prof. A. R. Moore, j 1 coun grain breeding; Prof. Whitson, soil I drainage; Dr. A. H. Alexander, lllus-1 trated lectures on horses. Among others who have signified an j intention to be present and adre is the congress aie: Hon. R. G. Glenn, [ governoi of North Carolina; Hon. A - bert B. Cummins, governor of Iowa; ! Hon. J. A. Johnson Minnesota; Hon. James Sheley, of Pennsylvania, ex-governor of Alaska; Hon. Harvie Jordan, of Georgia, president of the Farmers' National Congress and president of the South ern Cotton Growers' Association; Col. Robert E. Lee, Jr., of Virginia; M. R. Myers, of Chicago, ((on Farmers' Co governor of <x NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET A COPY OF THE FAMOUS WHITE HOUSE COOK BOOK l! COMPILED BY HUGO ZIEMAN STEWARD OF THE WHITE HOUSE AND MRS. F. L. GILLETTE YOU \ This Work contains 1,600 Recipes , Em bracing the Follow ing Subjects: over 1 Can get a copy of this world-wide fa mous Cook Book absolutely free by becoming a sub scriber to the Hat tiesburg Daily News for six months. : : : Subscribe Now! r* •; *; USB Pay your subscrip tion for six months in advance and let us send you a copy of this great work. ' Kiili 0 w Mm ~-S AfcrSwsW ■ COMPRISING Cooking, Toilet and Household Recipes Menus, Dinner Giving Table Etiquette 'r*r Carving Shell Fish Sauces Macaroni Omeletes Muffins Tarts Deserts Soups, Poultry Vegetables Catsups Butter Bread Toast Custards Fish Game Salads Pickles Eggs Rolls Pies Fruits — i. .* Meats Cheese Care of tHe Sick Health Suggestions And Thousands of Facts Worth Knowing. Biscuits ■■ j Pastry Creams Ice Cream Puddings Cann ed Fruits Dumplings Preserves Jelli Confectionery Coffe Fees ie« J Tea Etc. "—) i RETAI L PRICE, $1.25 Terms and Conditions Be Sure that Coupon Below Accompanies your Remittance Terms and Conditions City Subscribers 1908 Mail Subscribers 1908 : Hattiesburg 'Daily vs, Hattiesburg, Afiss. Gentlemen: Enclosed find $ - for which send to the £ address Sioen below the Hattiesburg Daily News for six months D and one copy of the White House Cook Book Name _ £ Street No. Town _ £2 Hattiesburg Daily tffews, Hattiesburg, Miss. 2 Gentlemen: Enclosed find S CO Send Send us $3.00 for six months sub scription to the Hattiesburg Daily News, delivered by carrier. Fill out coupon, bring or mail to the Hatties burg Daily News, and Cook Book will be sent to you at once. $3.00 lor the Hattiesburg Daily News for six months, with 50c us u OC CCs U for which renew my y | subscription tor six months and send one copy of White House additional, $3.50 in all, to of delivery. Fill out coupon, mail to The Hattiesburg Daily News, Hat tiesburg, Miss., and Book will be mailed to} ou at once. .*. cover cost CO Cook tB°°k 3 c /1 Name _ Street No. Town _ R.F.D. - County 3 z o R.F.D. County _ _ State _1 State operative Enterprises); Hon. J, J. Hill,! of St. Paul, Minn.; Hon. W. W. Kitch-1 en, of North Carolina, (Relation of Government to Agricultural); George T. Winston, president of the North Carolina A. and M. College, Raliegh, (The Purchasing Power of Agricultural Products); Dr. Isharu Randolph, chief engineer of the Chi cago Canal and consulting engineer ot I the Panama Canal. What the United | States reclamation service is doing for American agricultural will also be ex plained in an illustrated address by Dr. C. S. Slichter, of Madison. It has been the policy for several years to have one or two women speakers on the program to discuss such aspects of farm home life as ap peal especially to the women and are at the same time interesting to the men. In pursurance of his policy Mrs. Bertha Dohl Laws, of Appleton, Minn., a well known and popular speaker, will address the Congress on "Com mon Sense in the Common Schools," and Miss Edith G. Charlton, in charge of the household economics exten sion department of the Iowa State College, will speak on "The Other t Side of the Farmer's Life." In addition there has been planned j a session of the women themselves I where a speaker of great experience j in the technique of domestic science, | both in practice and as a teacher, will! speak on technical household subjects. Dr. i j conveylng man Y useful facts and prin j clples in the management of farm j homes - Mra - Helen Armstrong, of Chicago, will deliver this lecture. I Six good solicitors, ladies or gentle j men, can earn mg money working for the Hattiesburg News. Most attrac [ tlve premium proposition ever offered by a Mississippi newspaper. Call for ! the circulation manager at the Daily News Office. Of course, "amount of erace used" is lot everything tn adve.Msiag. But. lust in the pursuit of wisdom keep rack for a time of the amounts used iy the various stores in chis newspa per- and see if you could not safelv classify the stores accordingly. ; j t j I j - a . \ m ♦ •*% •>- . < : C;- 7 j \>S i if: I I . j i 1 ■ V — Mrs. Fairbanks, wife of the vice -1 president, who is ill at Marysville, ! Ohio. Bellingham, Wash., September 23.— Legislation making a wife jointly 11 able with her husband for bills in curred for family necessities Is urged by the Washington State Grovers' As- ! sociation, which convened in annual!went, session here this morning. WIVES PAY IA |E. j CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of poEf municipalities f j ; Session Opens at Omaha, Nebraska, On September 30, and Lasts Three Days. j ! j j j | j ; | ALL AMERICAN CITIES ASKED TO PARTICIPATE j Problem and Other Questions of Mu mcipal Economy Will Occupy the j | Home Rule for Cities, the Liquor 1 j Attention of the Delegates. i Hearst News Servlca Omaha, Neb,, September 23.—The j j twelfth annual convention of the Lea i gue of American Municipalities, will ■ ! be heItl here Se P te mber 3°th, October All the cities of the United States and Canada are entitled to send delegates. The program in cludes discussion of these topics: 1st and 2nd. Home Rule for Cities; Uniform Re ports and Accounting; Problems in our Cities and Municipal Government by # Commission. James C. Dehlman, the Cowboy i Mayor of Omaha, will deliver an ad dress of welcome, to which J. Barry Mahool, Mayor of Baltimore, the presi dent of the League, will respond. Among those who will take part in the discussion, will be: F. A. Cleve-1 Iand - Technical Director Bureau Muni cipal Research, N. Y. City; L. G. Pow ! ers . Chief Statlstican U. S. Govern- j Washington, D. C.; H. F. Hoop-! The Liquor jer, Comptroller, Baltimore, Md.; Jno. | IA Fairlie, Washington, D. C.; Jacob Haussling, Mayor, Newark, N. J.; G. |E. Ellis, Grand Rapids, Mich.. Rob Jert Lawrence, Mayor, Middleton, N. Y.; Anthony C. Douglas, Mayor, Niag ara Falls, N. Y.; Jno. R. Cronin, May |or, Joliet, 111.; W. B. Voorhes, City j (Attorney, Kohoma, Ind.; N, Lafayette Savay, New York City; C. H. Huston, | |Supt, Department Streets and Public j Improvments, _ Henry m. Seales, Cedar Rapids, la.; Mayor, Oklahoma 'City; H. C. Shaffer, Mayor, Rock j Island, 111.; Silas Cook, Mayor, East ! St. Louis, 111.; H. H. Graham, Mayor,. Wichita, Kansas; W. R. Joyner, May jor, Atlanta, Ga.; Jno. Galvin, Vide Mayor, Cincinnati, Ohio; Prof, A. j Marston, Iowa State College Depart j ment of Engineering and Wni. Wort j man, City Clerk, Hudson, N. Y. | The officers of the league j President, .1. Barry Mahool, ; Baltimore; 1st Vice-President, | Cook, Mayor, East St. aie: Mayor, Silas Louis; 2nd Vice-President, Horace Wilson, Mayor Wilmington; 3rd Vice-President, Em erson Coatsworth, Toronto; 4th Vice President, Henry M. Beardsley, Kan sas City; See.-Tieas., John MacVtcar Superintendent Department of Streets Des Moines. OCTOBER [ Is the Month For House Cleaning, AND WE GAN MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU ! HOW? By sending us all your hand some Lace Curtains. Cost? Yes, it costs just a little but it pays in two ways If your fine blankets are not fresh and nice, better send them also. We handle both like new. Have your Feather Beds and Pillows thoroughly steam renovated and you will not be troubled with moths. Phone us for any In formation you want. more I Phoenix Laundry Ifairbankswas reporter Hearst News Service. Pittsburg, Pa., September 23.—This city will celebrate its Sesqui-Centen nial, September 27th to October 3rd. Vice-President Fairbanks, who was at one time a newspaper correspondent in this city, and is still claimed as a m CO-EDVCA TIONA L. *3 No % 100.000 equipment. 400 students First class acrommoda* / tiona at reasonable rates. Courses of study equal other college in the State and lead in given to Domestic Science. Art. Music. Lxpre hers Session opens September 8. 1908 W. 1. THAMES. President. those given by any the usual degrees Special 4 >. and the training of Hattiesburg. Miss. LairnLl HATTIESBURG TRUST & BANKING COMPANY HATTIESBURG, MISSISSIPPI. OUR FACILITIES. The convient location and extensive facilities of this institution commend it to business men and all persons who receive money and disbuise the same in payment of regular expenses, such as of fice, household and business. This bank invites cheecking accounts and also savings or inactive accounts on which we pay interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum. All sums deposited in our Saving Department up to the 5th of the month, receive interest as from the first of the month. A general banking business conducted, as Administrator of Estates, Guardian of Minors, Receiver, Trus tee and Agent. Authorized by law to act CAPITAL $150,000.00 C >FFICEKS: H. A. CAMP, President. Joe Shelby, Vice President, R. L. Bennett, Cashier, John Kamper, Vice President R. B. McLeod, Asst. Cashier. Pittsburgher, will be present during the celebration and deliver an address. Governor Stewart and Ex-Governor Pennypacker, will also make speeches. General Horace Porter of New York will deliver an address at the Dedica tion of the Soldiers' Monument.