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r "M Mississip p i Central ' Railroad . Reduced Rates to Jackson. Account the Mississippi State Fair to be held at Jackson, Miss., October 25th to November 7, 1908, this Company will sell tickets to Jackson and return at one fare, plus 25c, for the round trip. Tickets will be on sale October 23rd to Nov. 7th, inclusive, and will be good to leave Jackson not later than midnight. Nov. 9th. For further information call on Ticket Agent, or address. i R. D. REEVES, Gen'l Pass. Agent , HATTIESBURG, MISS. j ! I BARGAINS A Business Lot 35x90, East Pine Street, opposite Stevens block, worth $3500. We will sell and give terms for_ One 5-Room House lot 50x190 in good neighborhood, cost 51 7 50. We will sell for_$1050 Payable $50 cash and balance $15 per month, no interest. Jlin't that a proposition for you? -.-.$2300 We Are Closing Three Sales This Week. Come around and let us sell your place to another fellow, or sell another fellow's place to you. E. P. DAUGHDRILL (Si COMPANY Home Phone, Office 60,Residence 304. Office, Suite 214 Carter Building. MISSISSIPPI CENTRAL RAILROAD Excursion to Natchez AND RETURN | | | I j | - I j ; j |j i j j j j | Wednesday , October 7th For the above occasion the following Round Trip fares will apply: schedule^ Lv. 6:20 a. m. " 6:41 " 6:48 a. m. " 7:00 a. m. Ar. 1.27 p. m. Special Train will leave Natchez Thursday, October 8th ~ __ "m. Separate coaches will be provided for white and colored. Booker T. Washington will take part in ceremonies at laying of corner-stone at Natchez Baptist College at 3 p. m., and will lecture atBakerGrade Theatre Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock For further particulars address FROM Hattieslmrg_ Clyde (Flag)_. Epley- Sum rail_ Natchez_ i o:l $2.75 .... 2.75 _2 75 .. 2.50 . m Offic Cun,. M r 'j R- D- REEVES, General Passenger Agent, Hattiesburg, Miss. NEW WINDSOft CAFE BELl.MAINE & LUCAS. Proprietors 3Koblle & 'Pine Streets Opposite Hotel Hattiesburg Merchants Lunch Menu for Wednesday, Oct. 7 Cream of Potato Soup Roast Leg of Lamb with Dressing Hamburger Steak Tomato Sauce Cream Mashed Potatoes Garden Peas en Butter Hot Corn Bread Country Buttermilk Currant Pudding Coffee Tea Sweet Milk Served from 11:30 A. M. to 1:30 P. M. 35 Cents NEW BOOKS We are now receiving ail the new and popu lar Pali Novels and a new line of gift and standard books. Among the more popular are Lewis Rond By Mary Johnson The Firing Line...By Robert W. Chambers The Circular Staircase By Rinehart By Nicholson The Little Brown Jug of Kildan Would also call the attention of the ladies to our new line of Tally and Dinner Cards. HA YS & FIELD Subscribe for the News. ■ SITE DEED Work on Farmers Union Warehouse Awaits Only This Last Preliminary i i All that is lacking now in the Farmers' Union Warehouse matter is the transfer of the site to the Ware j house Company, by the Commercial j Club. As soon as this is done, the j work of building the warehouse will ■ be commenced as soon as contracts ! can be awarded and the material placed on the ground. J This last detail in the securing of : the warehouse for Hattiesburg will j be completed in a day or two. Mem ! bers of the Union Warehouse com mittee were in conference this morn I ing with Secretary Larson and mem | bers of the Commercial Club. It is j the desire of all interested to have the ! warehouse build as quickly as possible I in order that much of this year's crop may be handled in it. | Daily News Special. Jackson, Miss., October 6.—A large number of Confederate Veterans | passed through Jackson yesterday and today on route to Greenwood, where | the annual state reunion is to be he ld on Wednesday and Thursday. A number of those living near Greenwood have been somewhat dis appointed in the arrangement whereby the sale of tickets was fixed for the 5th I and 6th, thus forcing them to leave today in many instances in order to get the advantage of the rate of one fare plus 25 cents for the round trip, when they might, otherwise have re mained at home until Wednesday morning, going in on the early trains, j and saved themselves the expense of | remaining another night away from I home. j Much regret is also expressed on all ; sides that ex-Governor Robert Lowry is unable to attend the reunion. As major general and chief commanding officer, his presence was looked upon j as a matter of course, and his con tinued serious illness at his home in j this city is a matter of deep regret, j not only to the old soldiers, but to the | people of the state generally. r FESTIVAL Hearst News Service. Grand Island, Neb., October 6.—A frontier festival, offering the nearest reproduction possible of the life and was com si/orts of the early days, menced here today and will last three days. A large band of Sioux Indians and many cowboys, frontiersmen, are cowgirls, and in attendance. Races and roping and bucking tests and wolf hunts are features of the program. con BRIBERY CHARGED IN OHIO ELECTION Columbus, O., October 6.—Charges of bribery and illegal voting made today by Wayne Wheeler, state chairman of the Anti-Saloon League, as the result of yesterday's local op tion election. An Investigation will be asked. Six counties went dry, while the city of Defiance voted to tain its saloons. were re ■ -: •5 * % Ipilc 1 [ ,-• ■ \ V ■ IK' i i ■ J mk Wm£ M - % Mil ' ■ * -*k -• wfm* " ,> %-v Jf •> ^ : ■ fa. ^ V-j IA • ... • 4* "* •'* 4 > i | » //f-ww' c'xoc'c'Jr. Eddie Hanlon, who at Son Francisco. was defeate d by Owen Moran, in a 20 round bout NOtl. WILL NOT ATTEND | j I I Jackson, Miss., October 6.—Ex-Gov. Jas. K. Vardaman, Hon. C. M. William son; Dr. R. V. Powers, Judge James Longstreet and a number of other more or less prominent Jackson leave today for Chicago to attend the waterways convention, and delegates are going in like large numbers from all over the state, particularly from these towns lying along the Missis sippi River. Gov. Noel decided not to make the trip, mainly because he is not certain that the activities of the night riders in certain sections of the state have entirely subsided, and he wants to be in the state when the trouble begins, if trouble must begin. He admits, however, that there appears to be lit- 1 tie cause for alarm, but prefers to be i on the safe,side in the event anything turns up from that quarter. In discussing the work of the Lakes. | to-the-Gulf Deep Waterways associa men tion and the allied organizations, Gov. Noel expressed pleasure that, for the j first time in their history, both the big political parties have got together on the importance of improving the j channel from Chicago to New Orleans, I and thinks now that the only thing necessary to do is to keep the fires burning. MOVES STORE TO 'E. PINE STREET Mr. J. W. Pool is today moving his place of business from 112 Mobile street to the Ferguson-Alien building, 128 East Pine street. In his new location Mr. Pool will have commodious quarters and will add extensively to his stock of general merchandise. Yoiii- face on three Post Cards for 25 otmts at Post Card Depot. 9 29 tf For Chronic Diarrhoea. "While in the army in ,1863 I taken with Chronic diarrhoet," George M. Felton, of South Gibson, Pa. "I have since tried many remedies but without any permanent relief, until Mr. A. W. Miles, of this place, persuad ed me to try Chamberlain's Colic. Chol was says era and Diarrhoea Remedy, one bottle of which stopped it at once." For sale by Hays & Field and Yellow Pine Pharmacy. 1 i | oct NOTICE. To the Hattiesburg Bar: You are hereby notified that I will on Monday, October 12, 1908, at 2 o'clock p. m., begin the setting of the cases on the civil docket for the Octo ber term circuit court. I earnestly re quest that all members be on hand promptly so that they will know the day on which their called. cases will be T. J. MIXON, Clerk Circuit Court. October 5, 1908. 10 6 6t I ; OCTOBER Is the Month For House Cleaning, AND WE CAN MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU HOW? By sending us all your hand some Lace Curtains. Cost? Yes, it costs just a little but it pays in two ways If your fine blankets fresh and nice, better send them also. We handle both like new. Have your Feather Beds and Pillows thoroughl steam renovated and you wi not be troubled with moths. Phone us for any In formation you ivant. more are not Phoenix Laundry 1 FOfl SALE BY THE OWNERS t Planing Mill, with Dry Kiln, in good town on two railroads. Good cash whole sale and retail trade established. Mill in operation every day and making money. Splendid opportunity for the right Address, "C. S. 8, care Hattiesburg News. man. WANTS Do you want to buy, sell or exchange anything? It doesn't matter what for. By turning to the Daily News want columns any day, you will be sure to find a buyer* seller, or some one^with whom you can make a trade. Advertisements placed under this heading for ONE CENT A WORD. Count the words and send the cash. \ r ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN. Do you need men? Do you want to buy or sell timber? Do you want to buy or sell machinery? Do you need more capital to develop your holdings? If so, a little ad in these columns will probably gef you what you want. We can forward the replies to your address. ONE CENT A WORD is all that we ask. And the News reaches 90 per cent, of the mills of the district \^day. You needn't sign your name to the ad. r every FOR SALE. FOR SALE—One of the best modern homes on Bay street, corner lot, size 75x150, east front. If Interested ad dress A 41, care Dally News. 9 19 tf FOR SALE—A good fox typewriter will sell cheap for cash or exchange fsr first-class bicycle. Apply to T. B. Geiger at Daily News office. FOR SALE—One second-hand motoi cycle at a bargain. Apply 123 First avenue. Cumb. phone 755. 10 6 2t FOR SALE—Good piano cheap. Ad dress A-42, care Daily News. 9 19 tf FOR SALE!—50 acres land and im provements, 41-2 miles from Hat tiesburg; $1,000. A-l, care News. 9 30 tf FOR SALE—50 acres land, 4 1-2 miles improvements A-41, from city; $1,260; price $1,500. cost care News. tf JOB OFFICE—The Daily News will sell cheap on easy terms a complete job printing office; power paper cutter, stapler, round cornering ma chine, brass rule, type and material —everything except presses; prac tically new. tf FOR SALE—GOOD FARM—96 acres four and a half miles from city, good | I road, 35 acres in cultivation and j ; fenced; all practically level; good j water 4-room house and stable. Price i $15 per acre. 666 . | M. J. Epley, Phone 9 4 tf FOR SALE!—Almost new 33-inch pow er paper cutter at a bargain. Also stapling machine, round-cornering machine and a large assortment of type. Address the Hattiesburg 9 b tf News. HELP WANTED. WANTED—Men for saw mill and rail road work, either white or black. Mason Lumber Co., Gandsl, Miss. 9 19 lmo WANTED—Saw mill labor at Sumrall, Miss., also planing mill feeders. Ap^ 10 6 2t ply In person. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Call at 1200 Main street. 10 6 tf j NICE rooms to rent to gentlemen couple. Mrs. O. J. Bowen, 109 Bay street, Cumberland phone 329. 10 6 3t or FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Nice rooms at 109 Bay street. 'Phone 329 Cumberland. FOR RENT—One of the best two-story residences, furnished, on North Main street. Address A-42, care Daily New*. All modern conveniences. tf HOUSES FOR RENT—If you want to rent a house of any kind, call 666 9 4 tf over either 'phone. FOR RENT—A few good 6 room to $10.00 per M. J. Epley, houses from $5.0,/ month. 'Phone 666. FOR RENT—Five acre truck farm one and a half miles from house, new four-room house. Ad dress C. H. Colmer, West Fourth street. court for sale or exchange. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—A good 4-room house and lot. will sell for $700.00 or will exchange for good team of mules and wagon and take balance in cash or terms. Address, A.44, care Daily News. tt MISCELLANEOUS. CUTOVER LANDS—Close to Hatties burg and adapted to fruit and ram table growing. If you want to buy. Address A42, care Hattiesburg News ' v 9 4 tf WANTED—To buy a good horse, cheap; must be a bargain. Address office 210 Carter building. 10 6 3t WANTED—Woman to do housework and cooking for a plain country home; good home and fair wages. Address J. C. Ladner, Purvis Miss 10 6 3t ft situations WANTED. WANTEl Position as lumber buy er salesman, export and Interior grade, on salary or commission, 12 years successful experience hand ling 25 to 100 million yearly; gilt edge references, ness," care News office. er Address ''Busi /* 10 1 office boy W ANTED—Position as clerk by young man 18 years; neat and accurate; will work for small salary at start. Address T., Box 10 5 3t 288, city. POSITION WANTED— As bookkeeper either permenant position or special work, auditing any kind of book* W. R. Cochran, address 501 Court 9-29-6t street, either phone 179.