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CASTORIA in ifgk* ; For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ISSSEilllgal Signature 6 CW lc°z EQ ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. AYege laWe Prrparat wn forAs simila ling the Food andRegiila ting die Stomachs anilBuwlsif IS ' 13 c Promo les DigretionfhrerfiJ ness and IteM .Contains neither Opium Morphine nor Mineral. Not .Narcotic. of Jfeapt ofOtdlkSSMWmmR fti'njtkin Seed " jUx.Scnna + BodirUe Saits - jimrSetd ♦ hpiitrmmt - . //. U, lu iiakSoda* In ( |o ! » D* C~ 0 Use '3a® "12 C [• Zb Aperient Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach. Diarrtm Worms ,Convulskms.Fevrrish ness and Lo SS OF SLEEP. r For Over Thirty Years FacSiniUe Signarure of NEW YORK. ✓ on] CASTORIA jTT 'U iranteed under iFe FtxxT Exact Copj of Wrapper. TMl CC.T.u. IV.HMV. | | | | GEORGIA'S Hearst News Service. Atlanta, Ga.. Qctober 8 .—With the exhibition buildings filled to overflow ing with the products of the Cracker eductive display that state, forming a would inspire John Temple Graves to hitherto unreached heights of oratori cal fervor, the annual Georgia State Fair opened its gates to the multitudes today. The great show will last until October 24, and every day will have its special feature. Eugene W. Chafin. Prohibition candidate for president, Is It Intellect or Vision? | r^C [/ 7'm ■ pv y * studies, or if they complain that thej have dull pains in their eyes or their heads, don't blame them before you ! inquire as to the "cause." If your children are slow in their It may be ! Rest see us and have us We'll soon tell eye trouble, see your little ones. you if there's anything wrong with their eyes, and point out a remedy. No ebarr for the examination. F. W. QUEEN Optical Specialist. Polk Bldg. I 10 E. Pine St, FOR SALE BY THE OWNERS I Planing Mill, with Dry Kiln, in good town on two railroads. Good cash whole sale and retail trade established. Mill in operation every day and making money. Splendid opportunity for the right Address , "C. S. 8, care Hattiesburg News. man. tf i [ j i has promised to come to the fair and personally congratulate the people of Georgia for adopting state-wide prohi bition. party candidate for vice-president, Is expected to shed his silver-tongued re fulgence upon the fair, and all the oth er prominent men in the countr.vhave been invited, including Mr. Taft, Mr. Bryan and President Diaz of Mexico. Mr. Graves, Independence KINGS' DAUGHTERS OF IOWA ASSEMBLE Hearst News Service. Burlington, la., October 8 .—The thir teenth annual session of the Iowa branch of the International Order of the King's Daughters convened here today and will remain in session through tomorrow and Saturday. THE THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD. More Alert, More Thorough and More I Fearless Than Ever. A President of the United States will be elected this year. Who is he i and who is the man whom he will J Nobody yet knows, but the beat? Thrice-a-Week edition of the New i i York World will tell you every step J and every detail of what promises to ! be a campaign of the most absorbing i interest. It may not tell you what you I hope, but it will tell you what is. The | Thrice-a-Week World long ago estab- | | lished a character for impartiality and [fearlessness in the publication of . news, and this it will maintain. If you j want the news as it really is subscribe t0 the Thrice-a-Week edition of the x ew York World, which comes to you ! t very other day except Sunday, and is j 1 thus practically a daily at the price of j veekly. The Thrice-a-Week World's regular subscription - price is only $ 1.00 per year, and this pays for 156 papers, we offer this unequalled newspaper and The Hattiesburg News together for one year for $5.00. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $7.00. a IDLE MILLS TO RESUME j | j i | | Prominent Hattiesburgan Learns That Many Mills Will Soon Begin Operations GENERAL FEELING OF BUSINESS REVIVAL Said That Every Saw Mill Between Hattiesburg and Mendenhall Will Have Resumed Operations Before End of Next Week. Senator D. M. Watkins returned yes terday from Mendenhall where he went to attend to some legal business. He was asked by a representative of the Daily News if he learned anything with reference to the lumber and mill business on this trip, and the Senator stated that he was advised, on what he believed to be reliable authority, that every sawmill between Hatties burg and Mendenhall would resume business either this week or next. The Senator stated that he found people generally were feeling more cheerful than they had for many months and that there was a feeling abroad that business was picking up and would continue to pick up until there was much better times than have existed during this year. Senator Watkins is a very close ob server and is very careful in his i statements. He noticed that the drum [ mers were all cheerful and all felt ! that a business revival was at hand; | j he also found the business men were j expecting good times, especially with | the active revival of the lumber in -1 dustry, which is certain to come, as Senator Watkins learned, before the i end of next week. These mills are all in the Hatties burg trade territory and the fact that they are all to resume operations soon will mea an increase of business in I this city. TOKIO SEES WU'S FINISH I i J Inquisitive Chink Recalled and Will Be Deposed By Em press Order. | | Tokio, October 8 .—Despite denials in official circles, it is stated here on . mr-. —- : - ■ Hearst News Service, . : _ . — ! j j - ■ v. yv: V ->? § m ■Vi..': V * * -mt# m. >55 W) * ■£: m i 5 :; I>1 *• 5 ' >: gfp* 3tr| ; 5>> Ss : *1 '5 ,55:. I 1 Senor Enrique C. Creel and Mexicaif Ambassador lo the United States, in a recent speech In Costa Rica, announced that Andrew Carnegie tended to give $100,000 for the building of a Central American Court of Justice where the troubles of the Central American Republics may be ad justed by arbitration. In what appears to be good authority that Wu Ting Fang .Chinese minister to the United- States, has been perem torily recalled by order of the Empress Dowager and will he succeeded by Chung Men Yew. The latter recently arrived in Japan, on his way to the United States. He is making the trip in company with Tang Shae Yi, a spe cial envoy of the Emporer of China, who has been sent by his royal master on a diplomatic trip around the world. While the Chinese government has repeatedly denied any intention of re calling Mr. Wu, it appears certain that such action is contemplated and that Chung Men Yew is to be his successor. It is rumored in diplomatic circles here that Mr. Wu has been indiscreet in his relations with the powers that be in Washington, and that upon his return to China he will be stripped of much of the honor and prestige heretofore accorded him in the affairs of state of the empire. Other reports have it that his recall is due to the fact that he is needed to counsel the Empress Dow ager and her ministers in important matters now pending and that he will become a greater power than ever in directing the future of China. Chung Men Yew, who is slated to succeed Mr. Wu at Washington, was formerly Chinese consul-general at Manila and is one of the leading mem bers of the Chinese Opium Commis sion. He has spent much of his life in the United States, where he is well known. He was educated at Harvard Univer sity and was a member of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. Eater he became interpreter at the Chinese legation in Washington. He served with a number of Chinese min isters including Wu Ting Fang, and was then sent to Madrid as charge d'affaires. He afterward returned to China and was given important work in connection with the railway and telegraph development. He is a wid j ower, with one son. who was educated I in the United States, j Tang Shaoo Yi is bringing many | presents for American officials, includ ing ten ancient porcelains, relics of the Manchu conquest, taken from the j palace of the present ruling family at i Mukden, and other valuable porcelains | and jabes. The Empress Dowager is | sending special presents to President Roosevelt as well as several valuable jabes to Mrs. Nicholas Longworth, the President's daughter, in remembrance of Mrs. Longworth's visit to Pekin in 1905. The mission of Tang Shao Yi is re j plete with political possibilities, and its outcome is being regarded with great interest by some of the Euro pean powers interested in Manchuria. Efforts hav* been made to discredit it, but the send off given the envoy indi cates that no matter what is thought of his purpose, personally he is re garded as a most able diplomat. Tang Shao Yi has been given plen ary powers with the rank of ambassa dor. and this, together with the other honors conferred, indicates the import -1 ance atached by the Empress Dowager and Grand Councillor Yuan Shai Kal ! to his mission A sum equal to that | set aside for the entertainment of the | American fleet in Chinese waters has | been given Tang Shao Yi fo meet the expenses of this mission. ! | j | I V*-* ate still making three Post j Cards for 2.'. cents of yourself or j friends. POST CARD DEPOT. For Chronic Diarrhoea. "While in the army in 1863 I was taaen with Chronic dtarrhoet," says George M. Felton, of South Gibson, Pa. "I have since tried many remedies but without any permanent relief, until Mr. A. W. Miles, of this place, persuad ed me to try Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy, one bottle of which stopped it at once." For sale by Hays & Field and Yellow Pine Pharmacy. oct Good Photos Every Day There are no off-days here. We make good pictures every day except Sunday, and when you have paid for what you get here you have the satisfaction of knowing that you have not only gotten the best work, but that you have it for the least money. Henley's Studio 120 Railroad St. / Jim Going To Jldvertise The Regent # 3.50 Shoe For Men Vice, Patent Leather and Gun Metal, for TEN DJI VS ONLY $ 3.00 NATHAN'S ! Shoe Factory. East Pine Street A Cure For Rental Worries — This plan giveB you the profit, but saves you all the troubVi. Renting houses Is a part of my busings I have a constant demand for bouses. 1 secure you prompt collec tions, prompt settlements and incidentally relieve you of all the details of taxes, insurance, repairs, etc. Get my figures on this ser vice. They are small. M. J. EPLEY, PHONE 666 Hattiesburg Special Summer Rates for 60 Days Stenography, Bookkeeping and all collateral branches taught. Our system and methods have been tried by thousands and have prov en to be satisfactory. Endorsed by professional and business men everywhere. No charges for curing position. Students may en ter any time. Address J. J. FERGUSON,',Principal Hattiesburg, Mississippi se MONEY PLANTED NOW m % Hattiesburg Real Estate Will bear good fruit quickly and abund antly. Prices are favorable for buying and I have a fine list of desirable prop erty, improved and unimproved. : : : ; Business and Residence Property For Rent. • • • • Fire, Tornado, Health, Liability, Accident And Plate Glass INSURANCE • • • • • • • • >* M. J. EPLEY REAL ESTATE INSURANCE BONDS Phone 666 Ross Building i • *