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If It Is MONEY You want to borrow on jewelry call at our of'• fice No. 128 Front St. M. S. Ha is field. HATTIESBURG DIRECTORY. B. M. DEAVENPORT, Veterinary Hospital. 318 East Pine Street. Phones—Day, Home, 45, Cumb 911. Night, Residence, Home, 762. C. F. REDDOCH, Attorney-at-Law. Suite 102 Keyes Building. E. F. HUDDLESTON Public Stenographer. Room 304 Carter Building. Cumb. Phone 445. J. C. JOHNSON WATCHMAKER, JEWELER and ENGRAVER :-: Repairing a Specialty Pine St. I oore Bros. Grocery, THE POLE-STOCK L'B'R CO. Yellow Pine Lumber Koss Building Rooms 304-305 ) ] Cumberland | Phone 11 DOCTORS DIRECTORY spectacles Fitted. Eyes Tester Free, iraduate—New York, Chicago, Atlan ta, Boston. DR. W. A. CHARPING, Scientific and Practical Optician. Off'ceat H. S. Lilius Jewelry Store, 105 Front Street. I E. J. MITCHELL, [DENTIST ,'dd Fellows Building, All Work Guaranteed. Front Street. BU53Y & McMULLAN, DENTISTS Office Suite 214-215-219 Ross Building j Cumberland Phone 909. Home 600. HATTIESBURG Monday, October 12thi THE M ASTER MAGIC TRAVELING CITYOF GLORIOUS NEW SPLENDORS; "THE PRIDE OF THE SOUTH" Popularly known as that "Georgia Institution of Entertainment." GREATER PROGRESSIVE SUN BROS. SHOWS r ' ■■ i fUV l / 4 — if <V-, tf - V u. , ^ / % £> r v'A * / i f n V* 9 | v \ - J 1,511 L m A 'J 1 t SUN BROTHERS' name Is a guarantee of excellence. Its record is an assurance of still greater achievements in the future. With succeeding year, their ag regation has been mented and enlarged. NOVELTY — EXCELLENCE — ORIGINALITY AND PROGRtSSIVcNESS are this season the striking characteristics of these great up-to-date novel shows. 200 Illustrious Performers, both human and Animal. champions of their class. 200 Most Beautiful Ponies ever exhibited.. Goliathic display of Wild Conclave of Marvelous Trained Elephants. Huge Freak and Novelty Bazaar. International Congress of All Star Clowns. HCO a The recognized Beasts. M ghty Athletic and Aerial Tournament. A NEW SHOW THRU OUT. NEW EXPLOITS NEW SIGHTS NOVELTIES & ANIMALS ..All Presented Underneath the Finest Canvas Enclosure Ever Manufac tured. Seats Provided for everyybody, and so arranged, that each and every auditor will have an unobstructed view of the en tire performance. will be donated to the chairitable instituti scalpers, gamblers, short-changers $500 of your town and county if any ticket ral adjuncts are tolerated about these CAN ANY OTHEr'sHOWS SAY AS MUCH? CDCC At 11*0 a.m.. on the show grounds, will be offered entirely free the greatest out-door I ALLS shows and feted ever projected. Will be given Rain or Shine. 2GRAND AND COMPLETE PERFORMANCES EACH DAY AT 2 & 8 O'CLOCK P.M. NOTE—The night show is given in all its entirety, and is presented amidst a magnificent glare of Electro-Calcium Generators. LECTRIC l Sarah Koten's Trial Will Settle a Question of Human Interest. MURDERED DOCTOR WITH DELIBERATION Not Believed, However, That a Jury Can Be Found Who Will Send the Young Mother to the Chair With Babe at Breast. I He&T.i News Service. ) New York, October S.—Can twelve ] "good men and true" be found, in all ,his grea ' clty ' who wiH close thei ' | eyes to the mute appeal of a young girl with a babe in her arms and, harking back to the old law of "an eye for an eye" and a life for a life, send the frail and youthful mother to the electric chair? That is the ques iio i that confrj-i s the prosecution m the case of the People against Sarah I If You Want Jl Bargain in Jewelry Or Diamonds, call at our store and see our stock and get the prices M. S. Haisfield, 128 FRONT ST. HUMb PHONE 743 j Koten, which will soon he called for trial. Within a month, it Is expected, the work of securihg a jury will be commenced. That it will probably he a most difficult task is admitted by all the attorneys Interested In the case. There is no shadow of doubt that Sarah Koten, the young Russian nurse shot and killed Dr. Samuel Auspitz, on June 7 last—shot him down as she would a mad dog, which she declares he was. And the crime was deliberate and premeditate t « For hours Sarah Koten sat patiently in a doorway, awaiting the arrival of the man whom she declares had ruined her life, with a revolver in her hand and murder in her heart. When an officer arrived after the tragedy which ended the life of Dr. Auspitz the girl stood defiantly over her victim and declared: "I killed him. I am ready to pay the price." If she was insane, it was a cool and deliberate sort of | madness. The facts of the killing of Dr. Au spitz and the circumstances surround ing his death are clear, and yet it will probably be impossible to secure '■ jury that wi-. i u»f. the j iiz -i:i of death upon the slayer. In a cell of the grim prison at Blackwell's Island the stork came recently to Sarah Kot- i en and left a baby boy, and the tiny I hands of the infant have built up a barrier of public sentiment that towers insurmountably between the mother and the electric chair. And despite the fact that her child is fatherless, the illegitimate offspring of her en forced association with Dr. Auspitz, the young Russian girl loves it with all the passionate tendencies of her nature ami is now as anixious to live as a few months ago she was anxious to die. Never before has the gift of life seemed so precious, so intensely beautiful: never has she reached so passionately for it. And all because her child has been born. The baby which she thought would prove the crowning disgrace of hpr experience has. with one touch of its feeble hand, performed the miracle that has turned the wretched girl into a happy woman, proud and eager to live. J Instead of finding herself with her [ baby an outcast on the face of the : earth she has found friends whose i are wrung with sympathy for I her, friends who nssjre i»»?r ol • h**r- I j protection and aid through life. Mrs. ! Rose Pastor stokes heads the list of those who are eager to aid the young .. . , .... . .. „ ,, I mother and her child, and the Council « t i t w xx. u ! of Jewish Women, who have a home : on Staten Island, promise to provide protection and care for Sarah for the rest of her life if she is acquitted. ■ The birth of Sarah Koten's hah.v fur nishes a strong note of interest in her coming trial, wai :.i w'll probably be gin early in November. The child will j undoubtedly play a most important I part in the trial of its mother for the | killing of Dr. Auspitz. It will he the | basis of the defense as justifying the frenzied girl for taking vengenance up I on the physician whom she accuses | of having ruined her life. Immediately after she had killed Dr. 1 Auspitz the girl made the remarkable statement: "It was not I who killed him. He killed himself." "There was no one in all the world | to help me, to defend me—I had to de | fend myself. | listen to me; the man who wronged me would not help me; it seemed that God himself had forsaken me. There was nothing for me to do hut vindi cate myself." Sarah Koten killed Dr. Auspitz in the hallway of No. 131 West One Hun j dred and Thirty-fifth street after wait [ ing for more than twelve hours in the | hallway across the street watching | for him. She had decoyed him by a false message to the house opposite. The courts would not Why Colds Are Dangerous. Because you have contracted ordi nary colds and recovered from them ||; without treatment of any kind, do not for a moment imagine that colds are not dangerous. Everyone knows that pneumonia and chronic catarrh have their origin in ac ommon cold. Con-' | sumption is not caused by a cold but the cold prepares the system for the reception and development of the germs that would not otherwise have found lodgment. It Is the same with all infectious diseases. Diphtheria, scarlet fever, measles and whooping cough are much more likely to be con tracted when the child has a cold. You will see from this that more real dan ger lurks in a cold than in any othef of the common ailments. The easiest and quickest way to cure a cold is to take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The many remarkable cures effected by this preparation have made it a sta ple article of trade over a large part of the world. For Bale by Hays & Field and Yellow Pine Pharmacy. oct They handle the nicest, fattest extra selects oysters of them all. Received daily. Call at Hattiesburg Fish and Oyster Co., W. J. Woodside, Manager, 150 Mobile. 10 6 tf PETAL ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST A | i I : i Petal, Miss., October 8.—Rev. A. L. O'Bryant, of Hattiesburg, is assisting the pastor, Rev. Shirley, in a series of revival meetings at this place this week. Preaching services are being held at night, and are being largely attended and considerable interest is being manifested The services will continue throughout the week. Hon. Warren Upton and family, of Hattiesburg, have moved to this place and will make this their home for the winter. Mrs. Upton has begun a music class in connection with the school. Mr. Upton will still continue his law practice in Hattiesburg. The Leaf River High School is in creasing daily in attendance, school has been in session for three weeks only, and about 130 pupils have been enrolled. This speaks well for our school and our community. if to The AGED CITIZEN PASSES AWAY Mr. J. R. Jeffcoat, one of the oldest and best-known cltlrns of the county, died at his home near Morriston, short ly after 12 o'clock Tuesday night. He was 83 years old and his death was due to old age. He had lived in this and Jones county for over 20 years. Mr. Jeffcoat was the father-in-law of Hon. F. M. Morris, a former presi dent of the board of supervisors of old Perry county. There are probably few men in the county whose age exceeds that of the deceased. The telephone^, fo .her of the Daily News is now No. 25 over both sys tems RAILROAD TIME TABLES I . ^ . o m L New Orleans ot Northeastern Hattiesburg "Central Time." I SOUTH BOUND ! No. A. rivet : ^ ^ _ Departs .4:00 a. m. 6:25 a. m. 11:50 a. m. 5:30 p. m. 6:25 a. m. 11:15 a. m. 5:25 p. m. 7. 9:05 p. m. NORTH BOUNI. Departs No Arrives 6.10:25 a m.11.15 a. m. 4.10:40 a. m.10:45 a. m. 9:30 p. m. 11:15 p. m. No. 6 has fifty minutes dead time at Hattiesburg. No. 4 passes No. 6 at Hattiesburg. No. 6 and No. o meet I 9 3 p. m. 11:10 p. m. 2 at Hattiesburg. No. 5 has thirty five j j miutes dead time at Hattiesburg I GULF A SHIP ISLAND RAILROAD j ; COMPANY. a Passenger Service. No. 6 4:30 am No. 3. 3:25 pm 7:05 pm Lv. Jackson Lv. Hattiesburg ..8:18 am Ar. Gulfport ....11:00 am 10:00 pm No. 4 No. 6. 4:15 pm 7:33 pm Lv. Gulfport .... 7:30 am Lv. Hattiesburg 10:37 am Ar. Jackson .... 2:10 pm 11:15 pm Columbia Division (Via Silver Creek and Columbia.) No. 102 No. 101 6:50 a. m. Lv. Jackson Ar. 7:35 p.m. 2:55 p.m. Ar. Gulfport Lv. 11:30 a.m No. 109. 2:30 p.m. Lv. Jackson Ar. 10:05 a m 6:30 p.m Ar. Columbia Lv. 6:00 a.u. Connections at Jackson, Hattiesburg and Gulfport with all lines. ALL TRAINS RUN DAILY. No. 110. MISSISSIPPI CENTRAL RAILROAD.; Passenger Service. Effective September 20, 1908. No. 3. I No. 1. yv. Hattiesburg 8:15 a.m. 3:30 p.m. j Lv. Silver Creek 10:36 a.m. 6:60 p. m. Ar Brookhaven .11:45 a.m. 7:00 p.m. j .v Brookhaven . 2:30 p.m. LvLv Roxie .... 4:37 p.m. Ar Natchez .... 6:60 p.m. No. 2. No. 4. 8:50 a/. L 10:03 a m. 12:15 p.m. l.v Brookhaven . 8:05 a.m. 3:00 p.m. hi Silver Creek 9:20 a.m. 4:13 p.m. Ar Hattiesburg .11:35 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Trains run daily. Lv Natchez .... Lv Roxie . \r Brookhaven . R. D. REEVES, General Passenger Agent. Hattiesburg, Miss Mobile, Jackson & Kansas City NORTHBOUND. No. 14 arrives 11:53 a. m. No. 16 arrives 7:28 p. m. SOUTHBOUND. No. 13 leaves 6:15 a. m. No. 15 leaves 2:48 p. m. ™ of confidence A ""'",r', d !! p r T °" ,he Most Reputable Concerns in Rochester. We will either cure you of constipa tion or pay for all the medicine used during the trial. You pay us nothing if we fail. That's a mighty broad statement, and we mean every word of it. We will back it up with our own personal reputation, too. Could anything before fair and secure for you. The most scientific, common sense treatment is Rexall Orderlies. Their active principle is a very recent scien tific discovery that is odorless, color less and tasteless; very pronounced, gentle and pleasant in its action, and particularly agreeable in every way. This ingredient does not cause any diarrhoea, nauseau, flatulence or grip ing. Rexall Orderlies are as pleasant to take as candy and are particularly good for children and delicate per sons. If you suffer from chronic or habit ual constipation, or the associate or dependent chronic ailments, we urge you to try Rexall Orderlies at our risk. Remember, you can only get them at our store. The Own Drug Store, 113 Front street, Hattiesburg, Miss. WILL START NEXT MONDAY Conner Lumber Company Makes Definite Announcement to That Effect. October 8.—The Seminary, Miss., Conner Lumber Company makes the definite announcement that it will re sume business Monday, October 12, and that it will run on full time. The capacity of the mill is 60,000 feet a day and it employs about 200 hands. The cut is principally domestic and none of it has been sold. NEW COUNCIL TO FIX SALARIES I by the month at a salary of $60. Un Mr. S. P. Woods, the new sanitary officer for the city, began his duties yesterday, and his friends believe that he will prove a competent and accept able official. The council employed Mr. Woods j der the order adopted he will have to he re-eleeted every month. In fix ing his salary, the present members j 0 f the council only fixed it for their term of office, as they have no power ; to fix salaries beyond their tenure. The new city council, when it takes charge, will fix salaries for two years, or as the members see fit. LUMBER-MINERAL IS RUNNING NOW The Luifiber-MIneral Company Eas | started up its mill at Hubbard, cut ting from 15,000 to 20,000 feet per day. It has a pretty good supply ot hands, but will probably need a few- more. Hubbard is on the Laurel branch of the Gulf and Ship Island Railroad. I < j j L David B. Hill, the former boss of the Democratic state machine, who has returned from Europe. LUMBER SALES j ' ARE MUCH BETTER! The Southern Lumber and Ice Com pany, which is buying and dressing lumber for the local trade, says: "Our sales are improving very much." The capacity of the planer is 50,000 feet a day and is is now running on full time, adding its share to the in dustrial activity of the city. For fresh fish and oysters, crabs, shrimps, etc., call at 150 Mobile street. Hattiesburg Fish and Oyster Co., W. J. Woodside, Manager. 10 5 tf BRYAN CAMPAIGN FUND. The Dally News acknowledges the following contributions to the Mryan and Kern campaign fund. Every good Democrat should contribute at -least $1.00 to the Democratic cause: E. A. Sanford . A. V. Hays. G. H. Harden . C. F. Reddoch. J. E. Davis. C. Z. Stevens. R. E. Rawls . Dr. J. D. Donald . J. E. Arledge. James W. Howell .... Edgar G. Harris . T. N. Clark . A. B. Hobbs . R. P. McLeod . R. L. Bennett . W. H. Gilliam. W. P. L. Love . Joe Shelby. R. A. Beall. W. P. Jones . O'Ferrall Bros. Cash . C. A. Russ . F. H. Powe. M. J. Epley . $ 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .... 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .... 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 NOTICE. To the Hattiesburg Bar: You are hereby notified that I will on Monday, October 12, 1908, at 2 o'clock p. m., begin the setting of the cases on the civil docket for the Octo ber term circuit court. I earnestly re quest that all members be on hand promptly so that they will know the day on which their cases will he T. J. MIXON, Clerk Circuit Court. 10 6 6t called. October 5, 1908. F We u Buy Sell Repai r > J Store \ T and Pack R N u R E We have the only thoroughly equipped Re pair Shop in the city, and make a specialty of Flower, Fern and Jardinere Stands. If we haven't got what you want, we'll make it lor you. THE HOME SUPPLY COMPANY HOME PHONE SSI 209 W. Pine St. I New Shoe Store Next to Poatoffice Exclusive Agency for The Society King - Shoe THE SHOE OF HIGH QUALITY UNION MADE. Expert Repairing Well and Quickly Done at Reasonable Pricee at the Store and also at 215 Front Street Repair Shops. * CHAS. JORDAN 8ociety King 8hoe Store. STOP THAT Rent Waste—Read This and Consider. 5 room house on Hardy St., near in, $250 cash bal. $20 per month.. .$1300 5 room house one block Hardy st. School, $200 cash, $20 per month 1200 8 room house Hardy St. close in NEW, $500 cash, bal. $40 month.. 2400 6 room house, large barn, near Main St. School, 2 lots, terms, .... 8 room house and barn, Bable near Broad, $500 cash, $30 month . .2500 6 room house on East end 2nd St. bargain, small cash payment, bal monthly . Houses from $50 to $500 down, bal monthly, in any part of the City. WE CAN 8UIT ANYBODY ON CL08E PRICES AND EA8Y TERMS. 1500 $1500 E. P. DAUGHDRILL & CO. HOME PHONE Office 60. Residence 304 OFFICE Suite 214 Carter Building , A • )m rwtfWr The telephone number of the Dally News Is now No. 35 over both sysi terns. Wanted Everybody to know that there will be another AT S.F. McNAIR'S. 315 WEST PINE STREET Saturday Home Phone 365 OCTG3ER Is the Month For House Cleaning, AND WE CAN MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU HOW? By sending us all your hand -some Lace Curtains. Cost? Yes, it costs just a little more but it pays in two ways If your fine blankets are not fresh and nice, better send them also. We handle both like new. Have your Feather Beds and Pillows thoroughly steam renovated and you will not be troubled with moths. Phone us for any In formation you want. Phoenix Laundry Three Post Card Fotos \ of Yourself For I 25 Cents At the POSTCARD DEPOT NEAR POST OFFICE